Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
Well, considering I've never run across a Constitutional Socialist country, I believe the not-Socialists. Yet, does it mean a civil war will be the only way to win? No, it does not.

I guess only time will tell.
Do you know what happened to the far right socialist from Germany in the 1940's? It wasn't a civil war, but much bigger. I think we should stop it before it gets that big.
They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
And what did the Proud Boys do, that would make them a terrorist group? Please put some link up that proves your point.
Democrat definition of "hate."

1. not supporting the Demcrats
2. not hating WHITES
3. not believing in Global Warming
4. not supporting reparations for queers
Perfect example of a hater dupe. Democrats hate hate and misinformation, everything you know about Democrats and politics and tax rates and policies is total garbage. the end result of your hate character assassination GOP propaganda machine. No respected Media or any law enforcement agrees with your crap.
Democrat definition of "hate."

1. not supporting the Demcrats
2. not hating WHITES
3. not believing in Global Warming
4. not supporting reparations for queers
Perfect example of a hater dupe. Democrats hate hate and misinformation, everything you know about Democrats and politics and tax rates and policies is total garbage. the end result of your hate character assassination GOP propaganda machine. No respected Media or any law enforcement agrees with your crap.

They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
The Proud Boys have done none of that, Chumlee.
They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
And what did the Proud Boys do, that would make them a terrorist group? Please put some link up that proves your point.
Nothing to see here, eh?
Democrat definition of "hate."

1. not supporting the Demcrats
2. not hating WHITES
3. not believing in Global Warming
4. not supporting reparations for queers
Perfect example of a hater dupe. Democrats hate hate and misinformation, everything you know about Democrats and politics and tax rates and policies is total garbage. the end result of your hate character assassination GOP propaganda machine. No respected Media or any law enforcement agrees with your crap.

Nobody is lying except your propaganda machine, super duper.
Liberals want to demonize everyone they disagree with as a "hater" , phobic or NAZIS. Then they the come up with this crap: Is it OK to (demonize and hurt people we disagree with and call them) NAZIS? Why is it the liberals remind me of the Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, the original fascist that beat and intimidated the rest of us?

Or maybe it’s cause they are wearing nazi symbols and waving nazi flags . Is it ok to call them Nazis ??
Nazis you say?

Democrat definition of "hate."

1. not supporting the Demcrats
2. not hating WHITES
3. not believing in Global Warming
4. not supporting reparations for queers
Perfect example of a hater dupe. Democrats hate hate and misinformation, everything you know about Democrats and politics and tax rates and policies is total garbage. the end result of your hate character assassination GOP propaganda machine. No respected Media or any law enforcement agrees with your crap.

Nobody is lying except your propaganda machine, super duper.
I don't have a propaganda machine, super commie.
They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
The Proud Boys have done none of that, Chumlee.
While your garbage propaganda machine goes on and on about antifa, the only actual spike in violence is against black Jews gays and Muslims. By right-wing assholes like the proud boys on their non marching days.
You did? i must have missed it. here it is again. Show me where these activities are not covered by the Statute... I highlighted the relevant descriptors.
So, are you stupid or did you not actually read it?

(5)the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that
(A)involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B)appear to be intended—
to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions
I already said that I have no problem with A and C. B is trickier.

Obviously they have intimidated right wingers, so I guess that might work. But that might just be because right wingers are pansies.

How about this? Since we do live in America, you make your case against them.

You slant the rant to something it isn't. They piss us off because they act like a bunch of animals. Just as the rallies paid for by the DNC before Trump was elected to try and intimidate those going to see Trump Speak. Congratulating themselves to suppress the Free Speech of Others.

These people that get their rocks off on this belong in a petting zoo with a sign that says don't feed the animals. They only do this crap in severe liberal states as in other states it wouldn't turn out well for them.

How about they put the Far Left creatures on a leash and prevent them from breeding. Save the world future stupidity of what they have become.
Based on all the hyperventilating, it sure seems like you people are intimidated.

You MUST be an antifart twat. No one here is intimidated. Not one of us. If an antifart twat, such as yourself, attacks any one of us it will be his last attack on anyone for a very long time, if ever. Your constant attempt to make anyone who wants antifart held to account for their terrorist actions as "pansies" shows us who you really are. We are not intimidated. What we want is for everyone to be treated the way the Constitution says they should be.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Oh, ARE an antifart twat. That explains everything.
The Constitution guarantees our right to protest.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Indeed it does. Where does it say they have the right to physically assault people and destroy property? Oh, it doesn't. You're dismissed, along with your asinine analogy.
Democrat definition of "hate."

1. not supporting the Demcrats
2. not hating WHITES
3. not believing in Global Warming
4. not supporting reparations for queers
Perfect example of a hater dupe. Democrats hate hate and misinformation, everything you know about Democrats and politics and tax rates and policies is total garbage. the end result of your hate character assassination GOP propaganda machine. No respected Media or any law enforcement agrees with your crap.

Nobody is lying except your propaganda machine, super duper.
I don't have a propaganda machine, super commie.
That's all you and the orange clown have, super duper.
I already said that I have no problem with A and C. B is trickier.

Obviously they have intimidated right wingers, so I guess that might work. But that might just be because right wingers are pansies.

How about this? Since we do live in America, you make your case against them.

You slant the rant to something it isn't. They piss us off because they act like a bunch of animals. Just as the rallies paid for by the DNC before Trump was elected to try and intimidate those going to see Trump Speak. Congratulating themselves to suppress the Free Speech of Others.

These people that get their rocks off on this belong in a petting zoo with a sign that says don't feed the animals. They only do this crap in severe liberal states as in other states it wouldn't turn out well for them.

How about they put the Far Left creatures on a leash and prevent them from breeding. Save the world future stupidity of what they have become.
Based on all the hyperventilating, it sure seems like you people are intimidated.

You MUST be an antifart twat. No one here is intimidated. Not one of us. If an antifart twat, such as yourself, attacks any one of us it will be his last attack on anyone for a very long time, if ever. Your constant attempt to make anyone who wants antifart held to account for their terrorist actions as "pansies" shows us who you really are. We are not intimidated. What we want is for everyone to be treated the way the Constitution says they should be.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Oh, ARE an antifart twat. That explains everything.
The Constitution guarantees our right to protest.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Indeed it does. Where does it say they have the right to physically assault people and destroy property? Oh, it doesn't. You're dismissed, along with your asinine analogy.
It's not an analogy, dip shit.

Even Fox News gets it right.

Some of the demonstrators turned violent, throwing milkshakes said to be mixed with quick-drying cement, raw eggs and pepper spray. The gatherings were deemed "civil disturbance and unlawful assembly" by the Portland Police Bureau and the perpetrators were believed to include members of both sides.
Antifa-Proud Boys confrontation in Portland turns violent; conservative writer injured

You slant the rant to something it isn't. They piss us off because they act like a bunch of animals. Just as the rallies paid for by the DNC before Trump was elected to try and intimidate those going to see Trump Speak. Congratulating themselves to suppress the Free Speech of Others.

These people that get their rocks off on this belong in a petting zoo with a sign that says don't feed the animals. They only do this crap in severe liberal states as in other states it wouldn't turn out well for them.

How about they put the Far Left creatures on a leash and prevent them from breeding. Save the world future stupidity of what they have become.
Based on all the hyperventilating, it sure seems like you people are intimidated.

You MUST be an antifart twat. No one here is intimidated. Not one of us. If an antifart twat, such as yourself, attacks any one of us it will be his last attack on anyone for a very long time, if ever. Your constant attempt to make anyone who wants antifart held to account for their terrorist actions as "pansies" shows us who you really are. We are not intimidated. What we want is for everyone to be treated the way the Constitution says they should be.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Oh, ARE an antifart twat. That explains everything.
The Constitution guarantees our right to protest.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Indeed it does. Where does it say they have the right to physically assault people and destroy property? Oh, it doesn't. You're dismissed, along with your asinine analogy.
It's not an analogy, dip shit.

Even Fox News gets it right.

Some of the demonstrators turned violent, throwing milkshakes said to be mixed with quick-drying cement, raw eggs and pepper spray. The gatherings were deemed "civil disturbance and unlawful assembly" by the Portland Police Bureau and the perpetrators were believed to include members of both sides.
Antifa-Proud Boys confrontation in Portland turns violent; conservative writer injured

Sure it is, antifart twat, and I don't care what Portland had to say about anything. Their mayor is an antifart twat, just like you.
They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
The Proud Boys have done none of that, Chumlee.
While your garbage propaganda machine goes on and on about antifa, the only actual spike in violence is against black Jews gays and Muslims. By right-wing assholes like the proud boys on their non marching days.

Do you have a source for the only spike of violence being against minorities, or that these hate crimes are disproportionately by Whites, or Conservatives?
Well, considering I've never run across a Constitutional Socialist country, I believe the not-Socialists. Yet, does it mean a civil war will be the only way to win? No, it does not.

I guess only time will tell.
Do you know what happened to the far right socialist from Germany in the 1940's? It wasn't a civil war, but much bigger. I think we should stop it before it gets that big.

Haha, good joke.

Nazis only make up a fraction of mass-murder for the past centuries.... In fact in the 20th century they also only make up a fraction of mass-murder.

The Right-Authoritarians / Right-Socialists in WW2 were only really particularly bad by German Nazis.

More than half of Europe was Right-Wing Authoritarians / Socialists in WW2..... Including almost everybody in Eastern, and Southern Europe.

Most of those regimes didn't kill as much as Hitler's German Nazis.... Or even the Capitalist Americans, or Capitalist Brits, or Soviets.

It might come as a surprise, but the Allies killed nearly as much as the Axis in WW2.

Before WW2, and since WW2 the Allies killed far, far more, than Germans, Italians, or Japanese had, among others of the Axis.
They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
And what did the Proud Boys do, that would make them a terrorist group? Please put some link up that proves your point.
Nothing to see here, eh?

Odium brought up a great point earlier.

Lizzie Grubman did very similar, and yelled White trash while doing it, and only got a fraction of publicity, scorn, or sentencing.

There is a blatant hypocrisy on how certain groups are treated in this nation.

Basically the White Right-Wingers / White Conservatives are treated far worse than everybody else in this country.

Especially if they are one of the more picked on White groups, like Poles, French, or Italians.

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