Should America lead in science?

Should America lead in science?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.
to the question , answer is SURE . Always did in the past why not the future .
List of countries by research and development spending - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The US is one of the leaders in R and D research, but there are other nations that our exceeding our spending by percentage of GDP. And those that spend the same magnitude of their GDP on R and D are those nations that are competing directly with us. I would note that both South Korea and Japan spend significantly more of their GDP on R and D, and it shows in number of patents developed in those nations.
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.

No. So long as a significant portion of Americans are anti-science theists, a country that isn't conflicted should take the lead.
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.

No. So long as a significant portion of Americans are anti-science theists, a country that isn't conflicted should take the lead.

It is only you libs who see this "Conflict".

IF being religious was a problem for science or progress, some other nation would have already naturally left us in the dust.
We need to totally reform our educational system: give parents vouchers, encourage charter and magnet schools, declare the UFT a terrorist organization
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.

Republicans and RWs say no.
Dems and progressive liberals say yes.
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.

Republicans and RWs say no.
Dems and progressive liberals say yes.

Crazy talk.
List of countries by research and development spending - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The US is one of the leaders in R and D research, but there are other nations that our exceeding our spending by percentage of GDP. And those that spend the same magnitude of their GDP on R and D are those nations that are competing directly with us. I would note that both South Korea and Japan spend significantly more of their GDP on R and D, and it shows in number of patents developed in those nations.

R&d and research = jobs, better educated populace and a stronger America. Blowing all that money on Iraq or hand outs to the poor hasn't done shit. We should be spending more in this area.
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.
White people have a unreasonable preoccupation with world power.
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.
White people have a unreasonable preoccupation with world power.

And that is why we have high living standards and trend to live easier lives. Your people accept low standards and living in crap.

Maybe you should learn something. Don't bitch at us for holding you down if you're not going to try.
As an American, I would like for us to lead the world, just because of the pride that goes with it. But truthfully, I just want somebody to be forward thinking enough to want to really support the STEM fields and not just the corporate world because of how it might pay off. If the Chinese want to put men on the moon, I'm okay with that if the alternative is nobody going to the moon ever again.
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.
White people have a unreasonable preoccupation with world power.

And that is why we have high living standards and trend to live easier lives. Your people accept low standards and living in crap.

Maybe you should learn something. Don't bitch at us for holding you down if you're not going to try.
You have low standards and you are insecure. Thats why the world is so poisoned now. Let me let you in on a secret. You cant over power Mother Nature. I know your time in the ice age has made you bitter towards her but you need to let it go.
We are falling behind after years of leading.
The Right is intent on selling Bible rather than science.
As an American, I would like for us to lead the world, just because of the pride that goes with it. But truthfully, I just want somebody to be forward thinking enough to want to really support the STEM fields and not just the corporate world because of how it might pay off. If the Chinese want to put men on the moon, I'm okay with that if the alternative is nobody going to the moon ever again.

Knew this was gonna come up.. Wants to do science -- but NOT if we "capitalize" on it.. There IS no leadership attributed to great science by itself. The trophies come from EXECUTING projects and products that USE the science.

Matthew has this lovely idea that the Government possesses the finest minds on the planet and with their wisdom, they can dole out unlimited bucks because THEY KNOW -- who the winners are and what innovations are vital to economic and technological leadership.. They dont. Trust me, I combed Wash DC for science money for a decade. It's the clunkiest most inefficient way of advancing technology that you can imagine. Only thing they SHOULD be funding is stuff that doesn't yet exist. YET MOST of what the Govt calls "R&D" funding is for EXISTING products and processes.

You have NO IDEA of who the winners will be until the scientific ideas are turned into real life advantages that can be bought and sold. Even the space program itself wasn't saleable or commercially valuable. But after a delay the technology was incorporated into PRIVATE products and processes that ARE making differences to everyday life.

Leave that money in the BIG pool. Open up regulations that prevent new innovative companies from knocking out old arthritic ones. AND RAISE educational expectations. Not money, not gimmics designed by Education "experts". Because the future is looking more like Idiocracy every day I wake up..

The "jobs" of the 21st century are ALL innovation jobs.. And our kids better well KNOW their STEM junk cold.. ALL of them.. Every single one. It's a matter of survival.
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I have to disagree with you here, Flacaltenn. There is no company in the world that would finance a venture like the first Voyager Probes. Or the first moon landings. Far too expensive, and the return is generations down the road. This kind of exploratory science has been part of our government policy since the Corps of Discovery. There are scientific explorations that need to be done that we know are not going to pay off financially for decades, yet will pay off big time for those that have the lead at that time. We had best be the one with the lead, if we intend to maintain our lead as a nation. And I totally agree with you concerning the fact that all need to have a solid STEM foundation. That is what I find so appalling with our politicians and journalists, is that most have a high school or less foundation in that area.
Do you believe America should lead in science??? A simple yes or no! I think leading in science is an important portion of remaining a world power.

WE MUST INVEST IN IT! Investing in it is grants for research to teaching the next generation science in our schools.
White people have a unreasonable preoccupation with world power.

And that is why we have high living standards and trend to live easier lives. Your people accept low standards and living in crap.

Maybe you should learn something. Don't bitch at us for holding you down if you're not going to try.

Well done.

Pedestrian Signal

America is the most prominent multi-cultural capitalist nation in the world. American merchants transcribe user-friendly products into consumerism-heartbeat designs faster than merchants from other countries.

Why were Napster and the Walkman so popular among Americans?

America has the most money and hence the biggest social obligation to bolster programs in science research.

Besides, it was in America where the fictional comic book super-villain Brainiac (DC Comics) was invented.


Brainiac (Wikipedia)


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