Should all illegal immigrants be deported without exception?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
In this Inside mit Stefan Gödde - Inside mit Stefan Gödde: So tickt Amerika (Trailer)

He interviewed a illegal mexican immigrant. This illegal mexican immigrant looked peaceful and harmless and he was since 10 years in USA and worked hard, he was gardener and pool cleaner. His daughter married a american and is now legal in USA. He never commited a crime, he doesnt do drugs, he is not violent etc. I think in such cases he should get amnesty (legal status) somehow. What do you think?

This was a good reportage. The reporter went to 4-5 different states including charlotesville where clashes between left and right took the life of a young woman. He interviewed both opponnents and supporters of Trump. He interviewed also Richard Spencer. Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia
Should all illegal immigrants be deported without exception?

Until we get a wall a secure border and new rules in place like stopping chain migration......Yes even the DACA people so if you are one you had better be calling Dick Durbin and the other libs that are standing in your way because of politics...
In this Inside mit Stefan Gödde - Inside mit Stefan Gödde: So tickt Amerika (Trailer)

He interviewed a illegal mexican immigrant. This illegal mexican immigrant looked peaceful and harmless and he was since 10 years in USA and worked hard, he was gardener and pool cleaner. His daughter married a american and is now legal in USA. He never commited a crime, he doesnt do drugs, he is not violent etc. I think in such cases he should get amnesty (legal status) somehow. What do you think?

This was a good reportage. The reporter went to 4-5 different states including charlotesville where clashes between left and right took the life of a young woman. He interviewed both opponnents and supporters of Trump. He interviewed also Richard Spencer. Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia
Yes. They should ALL be deported. No foreigner has a right to invade another country. ANY country. America is not "everyone's" home.

It's very unfair to those trying to become LEGAL citizens.

Trump is the best we've ever had, but even he falls short.
I think he broke our laws regarding lawful immigration. Are we to let everybody who comes here illegally stay anyway? This guy sounds like a keeper, but I question how many other illegals are keepers, and at what cost do we allow them all to stay? Would it change your thinking if your son or daughter gets killed or raped by an illegal immigrant tomorrow? How will we know the good ones from the bad ones in advance? Do we let 'em all in and wait for an American citizen to die?

Part of the problem has to be trying reduce as much as possible the flow of more illegals coming in, how can that not be priority #1? Why isn't more of an effort being made to stop 'em at the border, at least as many as possible.
Instead of deporting them, let's allow them to stay, but let's castrate them. That way, they can't contribute to crime and criminal demographics.
He never commited a crime,

Ummmm....he’s an illegal immigrant.

its technically a criminal offense, because its against the laws of the country. but they do it because they seek to escape a horrible life and seek a better life, they dont do it because they are bad people. and i think if you they stayed for 10 or more years in the usa, and never hurt someone and work hard etc. dont sell drugs or are violent etc. and such, they might get legal papers, in my opinion. but true not everyone can come to usa, and shouldnt, but those people are over 10 years in usa.

- i hope i dont make enemies with my point of view, we can disagree and still be friends.
Instead of deporting them, let's allow them to stay, but let's castrate them. That way, they can't contribute to crime and criminal demographics.

if they are criminal especially if they sell drugs, organised crime and violent etc. they should be shot, one bullet doesnt cost much. im for harsher law enforcement and punishment anyways. especially for violent crime, rape and murder etc. i support the death penalty.
He never commited a crime,

Ummmm....he’s an illegal immigrant.

its technically a criminal offense, because its against the laws of the country. but they do it because they seek to escape a horrible life and seek a better life, they dont do it because they are bad people. and i think if you they stayed for 10 or more years in the usa, and never hurt someone and work hard etc. dont sell drugs or are violent etc. and such, they might get legal papers, in my opinion. but true not everyone can come to usa, and shouldnt, but those people are over 10 years in usa.

- i hope i dont make enemies with my point of view, we can disagree and still be friends.

Do you want to be friends because you have only one bullet left in your revolver?
Instead of deporting them, let's allow them to stay, but let's castrate them. That way, they can't contribute to crime and criminal demographics.

if they are criminal especially if they sell drugs, organised crime and violent etc. they should be shot, one bullet doesnt cost much. im for harsher law enforcement and punishment anyways. especially for violent crime, rape and murder etc. i support the death penalty.

This I totally agree with. It is 100 % stupid to keep people in prison for years only to re offend the day they are released.
Should people who commit a crime face a penalty?
Should certain crimes be excused?
He never commited a crime,

Ummmm....he’s an illegal immigrant.

its technically a criminal offense, because its against the laws of the country. but they do it because they seek to escape a horrible life and seek a better life, they dont do it because they are bad people. and i think if you they stayed for 10 or more years in the usa, and never hurt someone and work hard etc. dont sell drugs or are violent etc. and such, they might get legal papers, in my opinion. but true not everyone can come to usa, and shouldnt, but those people are over 10 years in usa.

- i hope i dont make enemies with my point of view, we can disagree and still be friends.

Do you want to be friends because you have only one bullet left in your revolver?

lol, no, i like you guys, i like americans, i dont want to make enemies.
He never commited a crime,

Ummmm....he’s an illegal immigrant.

its technically a criminal offense, because its against the laws of the country. but they do it because they seek to escape a horrible life and seek a better life, they dont do it because they are bad people. and i think if you they stayed for 10 or more years in the usa, and never hurt someone and work hard etc. dont sell drugs or are violent etc. and such, they might get legal papers, in my opinion. but true not everyone can come to usa, and shouldnt, but those people are over 10 years in usa.

- i hope i dont make enemies with my point of view, we can disagree and still be friends.
That’s all very interesting, but you said he wasn’t a criminal. Well he entered the country illegally, remained in the country for decades illegally, presumably didn’t pay taxes for decades - illegally etc etc etc. Seems like there are probably a quite few crimes stacking up. And how do you know the other stuff about him - cos he told you?
Should people who commit a crime face a penalty?
Should certain crimes be excused?

certain crimes can be excused in my opinion like stealing a loaf of bread if your children are hungry. but not always even depends on context, crime, situation etc. and how long it was ago and what happened inbetween and how he behaved. i think he commited a crime over ten years ago by entering the usa illegal, but what if he did that to escape being killed in his country for example? if he fled for his life, or if he would have died because of hunger or thirst, he didnt do it because he is a bad person. right? depends, there are illegal immigrants who come as criminals, mafia etc. who sell drugs and kill people i didnt said all of them should be given amnesty.
He never commited a crime,

Ummmm....he’s an illegal immigrant.

its technically a criminal offense, because its against the laws of the country. but they do it because they seek to escape a horrible life and seek a better life, they dont do it because they are bad people. and i think if you they stayed for 10 or more years in the usa, and never hurt someone and work hard etc. dont sell drugs or are violent etc. and such, they might get legal papers, in my opinion. but true not everyone can come to usa, and shouldnt, but those people are over 10 years in usa.

- i hope i dont make enemies with my point of view, we can disagree and still be friends.
That’s all very interesting, but you said he wasn’t a criminal. Well he entered the country illegally, remained in the country for decades illegally, presumably didn’t pay taxes for decades - illegally etc etc etc. Seems like there are probably a quite few crimes stacking up. And how do you know the other stuff about him - cos he told you?

i "know" only what i watched on the television, he said he came per feet and was 3 days in the desert or like that, if he didnt fled for his life, he wouldnt take up such a dangerous and hard way to come to usa i think. he didnt just do it for the lolz to commit a crime, he did commit a crime, but he didnt do it because he is a bad person, and i know only what i watched.

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