Should African-Americans be encouraged to colonize


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator said that blacks and whites were just too different to ever live together on a basis of equality...or sumptin like dat. Let me look it up.................."There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality" ...Abe Lincoln.

See more at: Abraham Lincoln Never Believed in Racial Equality

As a result of his racial realism Lincoln wanted to colonize africa with freed black slaves. Lincoln a very intelligent man may have been right on the mark in regards how to solve our racial problems .....begin a program of repatriating African-Ameicans to Africa...of course it should be on a voluntary basis.

Such a program would also benefit Africa I think......bring some American know how to Africa and it would be a great economic stimulus for them....such colonies would require a lot of financial support until the immigrants could become self-supporting and with such a huge continent with such abundant natural resources...a pragmatic and capable community of American Blacks could become the spearhead for great advancement in Africa whilst relieving racial tensions here at home.
Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator said that blacks and whites were just too different to ever live together on a basis of equality...or sumptin like dat. Let me look it up.................."There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality" ...Abe Lincoln.

See more at: Abraham Lincoln Never Believed in Racial Equality

As a result of his racial realism Lincoln wanted to colonize africa with freed black slaves. Lincoln a very intelligent man may have been right on the mark in regards how to solve our racial problems .....begin a program of repatriating African-Ameicans to Africa...of course it should be on a voluntary basis.

Such a program would also benefit Africa I think......bring some American know how to Africa and it would be a great economic stimulus for them....such colonies would require a lot of financial support until the immigrants could become self-supporting and with such a huge continent with such abundant natural resources...a pragmatic and capable community of American Blacks could become the spearhead for great advancement in Africa whilst relieving racial tensions here at home.
LOL who would go to Africa?
To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.
Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator said that blacks and whites were just too different to ever live together on a basis of equality...or sumptin like dat. Let me look it up.................."There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality" ...Abe Lincoln.

See more at: Abraham Lincoln Never Believed in Racial Equality

As a result of his racial realism Lincoln wanted to colonize africa with freed black slaves. Lincoln a very intelligent man may have been right on the mark in regards how to solve our racial problems .....begin a program of repatriating African-Ameicans to Africa...of course it should be on a voluntary basis.

Such a program would also benefit Africa I think......bring some American know how to Africa and it would be a great economic stimulus for them....such colonies would require a lot of financial support until the immigrants could become self-supporting and with such a huge continent with such abundant natural resources...a pragmatic and capable community of American Blacks could become the spearhead for great advancement in Africa whilst relieving racial tensions here at home.
LOL who would go to Africa?

hehheh....good question....they would have to be the elite and highly motivated ones to be would require a lot of financial help at least for awhile--once blacks here in America could see how much happier they could be over there...I think you would see the desire to return increase significantly.

Now a lot of whites are very angry with our government and our can magnify that ten fold or more with African-Americans...Integration has not worked and can never it goes against human nature. The only African-Americans who are happy here are those who have managed to succeed in a financial sense....a very small percentage of the total populaion...but even there the vast differences in black and white culture, values, goals etc. are so different that I think most of them if they could be persuaded to believe they could establish a viable and sucessful community in Africa would be willing to try it....they should not lose their American Citizenship...they would have dual citizenship in case they wanted to return.
Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator said that blacks and whites were just too different to ever live together on a basis of equality...or sumptin like dat. Let me look it up.................."There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality" ...Abe Lincoln.

See more at: Abraham Lincoln Never Believed in Racial Equality

As a result of his racial realism Lincoln wanted to colonize africa with freed black slaves. Lincoln a very intelligent man may have been right on the mark in regards how to solve our racial problems .....begin a program of repatriating African-Ameicans to Africa...of course it should be on a voluntary basis.

Such a program would also benefit Africa I think......bring some American know how to Africa and it would be a great economic stimulus for them....such colonies would require a lot of financial support until the immigrants could become self-supporting and with such a huge continent with such abundant natural resources...a pragmatic and capable community of American Blacks could become the spearhead for great advancement in Africa whilst relieving racial tensions here at home.
I think they already tried this. Liberia ring a bell?
To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.
maybe , ok with me Ace . The leaders would probably be good men as I don't see a 'j Jackson' or 'al Sharpton' going so i'm thinking more on the lines of a Sowell or a Ben Carson types . Yeah , ok with me although I have no problem with good blacks or whites or anything else here in the USA . The only thing might be the ongoing financial support . Maybe some financial support to start but ongoing , how long is ongoing financial support going to be Ace ??
To follow this logic, Chinese Americans should go back to China, Ukrainians to Ukraine, Irish to Ireland, etc etc etc.

Not that easy to just hit a "Reset" button.

At least Meathead wouldn't have to come back though, so ..... there's that.

You are quite off the other group are as dissatisfied with America as are the African-Americans. There is no racial tension with any other group comparable to that which exists between black and white Americans or between blacks and any other grooup in America be they Asian or Hispanic.

Integration has failed........the media hides the reality of the problems...turn on T.V. and all you see are black lawyers, black doctors and black scientists.....many whites believe that crap...there should be guided educational tours under heavy guard through our black inner city ghettoes...that might wake up some people.

If you're turning on the TV and expecting to see any kind of accurate depiction of the real world, that could be the whole flaw in your premise, so you're in absolutely no position to assign a non-vidiot as "off the mark". :eusa_hand:
Black colonization of upper white class neighborhoods would, yes, be a very good thing.
maybe , ok with me Ace . The leaders would probably be good men as I don't see a 'j Jackson' or 'al Sharpton' going so i'm thinking more on the lines of a Sowell or a Ben Carson types . Yeah , ok with me although I have no problem with good blacks or whites or anything else here in the USA . The only thing might be the ongoing financial support . Maybe some financial support to start but ongoing , how long is ongoing financial support going to be Ace ??
--------------------------- course OldLady is correct and Liberia is a hell hole Ace !!
Kinda dumb to base today's beliefs on what was common 150 years ago.
First, I'd like to point out that the vast majority of "African-Americans" have been born in America, and as such, are Americans. If they moved to America from Africa, sure, African-Americans.
Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator said that blacks and whites were just too different to ever live together on a basis of equality...or sumptin like dat. Let me look it up.................."There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality" ...Abe Lincoln.
Of course he always believed that, the Civil War was never about Slaves, it was about State Rights, which Abraham Lincoln disliked. He wanted to further expand the government's power so that it was more powerful than the states. Attempting to free the slaves was simply a war measure. He wanted them to join the northern army so that the southern economy would be crippled, giving him an easy win. What very few people actually know is that the Emancipation Proclamation not only was issued twice(Once in September of 1862, once in January of 1863), only applied to the south, and also that it didn't free a single slave.

See more at: Abraham Lincoln Never Believed in Racial Equality

As a result of his racial realism Lincoln wanted to colonize africa with freed black slaves. Lincoln a very intelligent man may have been right on the mark in regards how to solve our racial problems .....begin a program of repatriating African-Ameicans to Africa...of course it should be on a voluntary basis.

Such a program would also benefit Africa I think......bring some American know how to Africa and it would be a great economic stimulus for them....such colonies would require a lot of financial support until the immigrants could become self-supporting and with such a huge continent with such abundant natural resources...a pragmatic and capable community of American Blacks could become the spearhead for great advancement in Africa whilst relieving racial tensions here at home.
This is unnecessary. The only thing keeping racism alive today is Liberalism turning minorities against each other so that we can never unite against their agenda. The media is used by Liberals to create the perception that minorities are inherently different from everyone else and are discriminated, and are fighting a battle for equality, when in reality they are fighting for supremacy and immunity. The first step is understanding this, the next step is realizing we're all just people.
Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator said that blacks and whites were just too different to ever live together on a basis of equality...or sumptin like dat. Let me look it up.................."There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality" ...Abe Lincoln.

See more at: Abraham Lincoln Never Believed in Racial Equality

As a result of his racial realism Lincoln wanted to colonize africa with freed black slaves. Lincoln a very intelligent man may have been right on the mark in regards how to solve our racial problems .....begin a program of repatriating African-Ameicans to Africa...of course it should be on a voluntary basis.

Such a program would also benefit Africa I think......bring some American know how to Africa and it would be a great economic stimulus for them....such colonies would require a lot of financial support until the immigrants could become self-supporting and with such a huge continent with such abundant natural resources...a pragmatic and capable community of American Blacks could become the spearhead for great advancement in Africa whilst relieving racial tensions here at home.
I think they already tried this. Liberia ring a bell?

Yes a very limited effort and one not well thought out or supported....the key being...such a modern effort to follow Lincoln's desire to colonize Africa would require a lot of financial would be a big burden and many will not support it....the only way to accomplish it would be to start out with a group of the best African-Americans that could be found who would be dedicated to making it a success and they would have to be supported every step of the way...once a sucessful colony was established then more African-Americans would be motivated to try it.

It could not be accomplished over-night....would require a long period of time...but eventually it could be quite sucessful if done in the right manner.
First, I'd like to point out that the vast majority of "African-Americans" have been born in America, and as such, are Americans. If they moved to America from Africa, sure, African-Americans.
Abraham Lincoln the Great Emancipator said that blacks and whites were just too different to ever live together on a basis of equality...or sumptin like dat. Let me look it up.................."There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality" ...Abe Lincoln.
Of course he always believed that, the Civil War was never about Slaves, it was about State Rights, which Abraham Lincoln disliked. He wanted to further expand the government's power so that it was more powerful than the states. Attempting to free the slaves was simply a war measure. He wanted them to join the northern army so that the southern economy would be crippled, giving him an easy win. What very few people actually know is that the Emancipation Proclamation not only was issued twice(Once in September of 1862, once in January of 1863), only applied to the south, and also that it didn't free a single slave.

See more at: Abraham Lincoln Never Believed in Racial Equality

As a result of his racial realism Lincoln wanted to colonize africa with freed black slaves. Lincoln a very intelligent man may have been right on the mark in regards how to solve our racial problems .....begin a program of repatriating African-Ameicans to Africa...of course it should be on a voluntary basis.

Such a program would also benefit Africa I think......bring some American know how to Africa and it would be a great economic stimulus for them....such colonies would require a lot of financial support until the immigrants could become self-supporting and with such a huge continent with such abundant natural resources...a pragmatic and capable community of American Blacks could become the spearhead for great advancement in Africa whilst relieving racial tensions here at home.
This is unnecessary. The only thing keeping racism alive today is Liberalism turning minorities against each other so that we can never unite against their agenda. The media is used by Liberals to create the perception that minorities are inherently different from everyone else and are discriminated, and are fighting a battle for equality, when in reality they are fighting for supremacy and immunity. The first step is understanding this, the next step is realizing we're all just people.

You are getting quite off topic....this thread is about African-Americans being encouraged to colonize Africa....if get off into the history of Lincoln, Slavery, racism etc. this thread will be derailed --whilst some discussion of other topics might be o.k. we need to keep in mind the topic.....and the problems and benefits of such a huge undertaking should be the main conversation. thank you.


The USA would be much better off if white nationalists colonized the Rio Grande area in Texas.
Kinda dumb to base today's beliefs on what was common 150 years ago.

The topic is not about todays beliefs vs. the beliefs of other generations...the topic is the colonization of Africa by it feasible, wouuld it help African-Americans, would it help America, how could it be it even possible?
I am sure our Native American population is wishing the very same about us as well. lol


The USA would be much better off if white nationalists colonized the Rio Grande area in Texas.

You are attempting to disrupt the thread...I think that is against the rules. Try and stick to the topic of this thread. thank you.

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