The Biggest Racial Lie


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obongo is a divider/community organizer and good for nothing but hate for America...
The Biggest Racial Lie
How the Left defames America.
May 25, 2016
David Horowitz

Reprinted from Washington Times.

Let’s begin with two statements on race - one that is offensive and false, the other self-evidently true. Taken together they illuminate the toxic state of the national dialogue on race.

The false statement is that America is a racist country or, in its unhinged version: America is a “white supremacist” nation. This accusation is one that so-called progressives regularly make against a country that outlaws racial discrimination, has twice elected a black president, had two black secretaries of state, three black national security advisors and two successive black attorneys general along with thousands of black elected officials, mayors, police chiefs and congressmen. In addition, blacks play dominant roles in shaping America’s popular and sports cultures, and thus in shaping the outlooks and expectations of American youth.

The claim that America is a white supremacist nation is not only deranged and racist against whites, but is an act of hostility towards blacks, who enjoy opportunities and rights as Americans that are greater than those of any other country under the sun, including every African nation and Caribbean country governed by blacks for hundreds and even thousands of years.

The self-evidently true statement about race in America is that America is not a racist country, but in fact the most tolerant and inclusive nation embracing large ethnic minorities on earth. Yet this true statement cannot be uttered in public without inviting charges of “racism” against the speaker. Consequently all public figures and most people generally, clear their throats before speaking about race by genuflecting to the claim that racism against blacks is still a prevalent and systemic problem even though there is no credible evidence to sustain either claim.


In fact Virginia planters did not enslave blacks originally and could not buy more black slaves once America ended the slave trade in 1807. Coates singles out Virginia planters because some of America’s most prominent Founders, in particular the author of the Declaration of Independence, were Virginians and owned slaves. But Coates and every other black in America and throughout the western hemisphere is free because of Virginia planters like Thomas Jefferson. We need to begin our racial discussions with these facts, and treat the claim that America is a “white supremacist” nation, for what it is: anti-American and anti-white racism.

The Biggest Racial Lie
It's a pity that the race baiters from the White House on down are absolutely and willfully blind to the truth about America. Condi Rice put it beautifully that there is no better place on the planet to be a minority than the USA.

Your thread is timely because I was just reading this wonderful fairy tale come true for a young Haitian who found such success in a place called America. Moved me to tears.


This is the moving moment West Point student Alix Idrache broke down in tears as he achieved his dream of graduating from the U.S. Military Academy

From the article:

"An emotional Alix Idrache, from Haiti, was pictured with tears streaming down his face during the ceremony on Saturday.
The cadet graduated in the top 25 of his class at the prestigious academy to become a second lieutenant along with almost 1,000 fellow classmates."

Here's where I started to lose it because this young man understands the American Dream and what it means far more than any liberal or progressive in this country.

"'Three things came to mind and led to those tears,' he explained.
'The first is where I started. I am from Haiti and never did I imagine that such honor would be one day bestowed on me.

'The second is where I am. Men and women who preserved the very essence of the human condition stood in that position and took the same oath. Men who preserved the Union in a dark period of this country's history.

'The third is my future. Shortly after I leave, I will report to Ft. Rucker to start flight school. Knowing that one day I will be a pilot is humbling beyond words.

'I could not help but be flooded with emotions knowing that I will be leading these men and women who are willing to give their all to preserve what we value as the American way of life. To me, that is the greatest honor.'

Idrache is due to enroll in flight school to begin the next stage of his career - training to be a pilot, CNN reports.

The new graduate said on Tuesday he had been 'humbled and shocked' by the reaction to his tearful photo.

And he used the moment to thank the Academy for 'giving me a shot at the American Dream.'

'May God bless America, the greatest country on earth,' he added. "

Touching moment West Point graduate from Haiti broke down in tears mid-ceremony as he thanks Military Academy for 'giving me a shot at the American Dream'
  • Alix Idrache, from Haiti, graduated to become a second lieutenant Saturday
  • He was pictured with tears streaming down his face during the ceremony
  • Photo was shared online by West Point where it gained almost 5,000 likes
  • Graduate explained he believed 'such honor' would be bestowed on him
  • He also thanked the Academy for 'giving me a shot at the American Dream'

Read more: Touching moment West Point graduate broke down in tears
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It's a pity that the race baiters from the White House on down are absolutely and willfully blind to the truth about America. Condi Rice put it beautifully that there is no better place on the planet to be a minority than the USA.

Your thread is timely because I was just reading this wonderful fairy tale come true for a young Haitian who found such success in a place called America. Moved me to tears.


This is the moving moment West Point student Alix Idrache broke down in tears as he achieved his dream of graduating from the U.S. Military Academy

From the article:

"An emotional Alix Idrache, from Haiti, was pictured with tears streaming down his face during the ceremony on Saturday.
The cadet graduated in the top 25 of his class at the prestigious academy to become a second lieutenant along with almost 1,000 fellow classmates."

Here's where I started to lose it because this young man understands the American Dream and what it means far more than any liberal or progressive in this country.

"'Three things came to mind and led to those tears,' he explained.
'The first is where I started. I am from Haiti and never did I imagine that such honor would be one day bestowed on me.

'The second is where I am. Men and women who preserved the very essence of the human condition stood in that position and took the same oath. Men who preserved the Union in a dark period of this country's history.

'The third is my future. Shortly after I leave, I will report to Ft. Rucker to start flight school. Knowing that one day I will be a pilot is humbling beyond words.

'I could not help but be flooded with emotions knowing that I will be leading these men and women who are willing to give their all to preserve what we value as the American way of life. To me, that is the greatest honor.'

Idrache is due to enroll in flight school to begin the next stage of his career - training to be a pilot, CNN reports.

The new graduate said on Tuesday he had been 'humbled and shocked' by the reaction to his tearful photo.

And he used the moment to thank the Academy for 'giving me a shot at the American Dream.'

'May God bless America, the greatest country on earth,' he added. "

Touching moment West Point graduate from Haiti broke down in tears mid-ceremony as he thanks Military Academy for 'giving me a shot at the American Dream'
  • Alix Idrache, from Haiti, graduated to become a second lieutenant Saturday
  • He was pictured with tears streaming down his face during the ceremony
  • Photo was shared online by West Point where it gained almost 5,000 likes
  • Graduate explained he believed 'such honor' would be bestowed on him
  • He also thanked the Academy for 'giving me a shot at the American Dream'

Read more: Touching moment West Point graduate broke down in tears
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Best thread comment of the month.

Great find and all congrats.

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