Shoot an unarmed groom, 50 times??

anyone play video games? car comming at you ? you empty the clip? reload and empty it again.....till the car stops.....never really stop to check the color of the occupants......
It never ceases to amaze me that no one ever considers that if he wasnt hanging out at a strip club, a place of high criminal activity, and was instead getting ready for his wedding or getting a nice steak with the guys rather than oggling naked women, he wouldnt have had problems with the police.

You see, avoiding trouble with the cops is pretty darn easy. Dont go places criminal elements hang out and dont commit crimes.

What a foreign concept.

Are you calling guys like me who like to look at naked chicks shaking their tits and asses criminal?????? Not that I go that often, but I would rather see some hottie doing a pole dance than some dude pushed up next to some other big dudes ass "hiking" a oblong shapped ball.... Eeek!

Sure, he could have stayed home and enjoyed a Merlot with his homies while eating som wings,, and talking about 401ks,,, Keohs,,, insurance for the kids education,,, but in this case,, I would agree, that seeing some nice young lady entertaining the "troops" before he goes off to battle (marriage) wasn't such a bad plan,, just his method of leaving the venue is at issue.

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