SHOCKING: Did Anyone see Joy Reid defend an LGBTQ book about rape and incest against Mom's For Liberty?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020

This is absolutely shocking.

Moms for Liberty has a problem with children being exposed to a book about rape and incest, and Joy Reid defends the book saying "Why should YOU get to decide what children should be able to read".

She then aggressively and constantly dissuades the issue while the Moms for Liberty rep continues to ask how rape, dildos, and incest are acceptable in a public school. Joy Reid says its about "context" (Harvard anyone?) and says "I'll answer your question" but then never does and continually interrupts and makes fallicy after fallicy.

You can disagree with people on policy, or even moral issues.. but Joy Reid is truly an evil individual here. She will not denounce a graphic, pornographic book about rape and incest, and instead attacks the people who speak against it and want it out of elementary/high school libraries.

This is absolutely shocking.

Moms for Liberty has a problem with children being exposed to a book about rape and incest, and Joy Reid defends the book saying "Why should YOU get to decide what children should be able to read".

She then aggressively and constantly dissuades the issue while the Moms for Liberty rep continues to ask how rape, dildos, and incest are acceptable in a public school. Joy Reid says its about "context" (Harvard anyone?) and says "I'll answer your question" but then never does and continually interrupts and makes fallicy after fallicy.

You can disagree with people on policy, or even moral issues.. but Joy Reid is truly an evil individual here. She will not denounce a graphic, pornographic book about rape and incest, and instead attacks the people who speak against it and want it out of elementary/high school libraries.

So you're saying the Bible should be banned?

This is absolutely shocking.

Moms for Liberty has a problem with children being exposed to a book about rape and incest, and Joy Reid defends the book saying "Why should YOU get to decide what children should be able to read".

She then aggressively and constantly dissuades the issue while the Moms for Liberty rep continues to ask how rape, dildos, and incest are acceptable in a public school. Joy Reid says its about "context" (Harvard anyone?) and says "I'll answer your question" but then never does and continually interrupts and makes fallicy after fallicy.

You can disagree with people on policy, or even moral issues.. but Joy Reid is truly an evil individual here. She will not denounce a graphic, pornographic book about rape and incest, and instead attacks the people who speak against it and want it out of elementary/high school libraries.

Not suprisingly, you don't name the book.

Hey, there's this book that not only contains rape and incest, but also cannibalism, human sacrifice, genocide, and a lot of other nasty stuff.

It’s exactly what Reid did throughout the segment I saw.

Golfing must deep down desire for kids to read smut and be sexualized by the state. It’s disgusting and perverted
That's what progressives always do. They have no legitimate point, so they are forced to dodge, and deflect, and try and put the parent, or anti pedophile on defense.

Fuck 'em. Go full offence.
cool, you are following me around again humping my leg trying to get my attention.

Is your supermodel French wife not giving you enough attention?

Ahh, look at the fake libertarian trying to deflect again. Why do you think Reid was defending that book?

Do you think she's a pedophile too? What's her motivation for defending it?
It’s exactly what Reid did throughout the segment I saw.

Golfing must deep down desire for kids to read smut and be sexualized by the state. It’s disgusting and perverted
There are 85,000 missing illegal minors that have crossed the border and gone missing, and anyone with half a brain know why they defend this stuff. The same people who think Epstein actually committed suicide.
Why do you think Reid was defending that book?

Do you think she's a pedophile too? What's her motivation for defending it?

She is a lefty talking head, she has to be against everything the righties are support, this is how they get their ratings.

Seems most people understand this.

But I am sure she appreciates you all talking about her, that is just what she wants
She is a lefty talking head, she has to be against everything the righties are support, this is how they get their ratings.

Seems most people understand this.

But I am sure she appreciates you all talking about her, that is just what she wants

So, you refuse to address the actual issue.

Why is that? Why are you defending Reid?

What's in it for you?
So, you refuse to address the actual issue.

Why is that? Why are you defending Reid?

What's in it for you?

I am not defending anything, I am stating the facts. This is how all of these shows get their ratings, on both sides.

You all act like it is something new.

The best thing one can do is not give them the attention they are craving.
I am not defending anything, I am stating the facts. This is how all of these shows get their ratings, on both sides.

You all act like it is something new.

The best thing one can do is not give them the attention they are craving.

Oh? What facts are you presenting. Like Reid you have merely deflected from the actual issue.

This is absolutely shocking.

Moms for Liberty has a problem with children being exposed to a book about rape and incest, and Joy Reid defends the book saying "Why should YOU get to decide what children should be able to read".

She then aggressively and constantly dissuades the issue while the Moms for Liberty rep continues to ask how rape, dildos, and incest are acceptable in a public school. Joy Reid says its about "context" (Harvard anyone?) and says "I'll answer your question" but then never does and continually interrupts and makes fallicy after fallicy.

You can disagree with people on policy, or even moral issues.. but Joy Reid is truly an evil individual here. She will not denounce a graphic, pornographic book about rape and incest, and instead attacks the people who speak against it and want it out of elementary/high school libraries.

Isaiah 5:20

New King James Version

20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

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