Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

I can't afford the cheapest mother scratching ACA policy.

IF I had access to a policy that had no maternity, no drug abuse, no mental health provisions... I could afford it.

There used to be a "buffet" of policies out there, but now we are all on the exact same policy.

Socialism- ya can't beat it. With a fucking stick. :fu:
I only need a policy that covers the rare broken leg or accident, and maybe a visit to the doctor every six months, as I really don't need to go too often. But even if I find one like that, it is sure to be at least $160-200 a month.
Well- surprise! That shit has long gone out the window. Where the fuck have you been?

We are now ALL under ONE policy- we are now all equal.

BUT- being equal, we must pay for those who cannot afford the premiums by paying higher premiums ourselves.

This is the MOST fucked up bullshit.
Not necessarily, as some still exist. But obviously the minimum where I am is at least $150 or more.
$150 or more what?

Are you one of those bitches for whom I am paying $1,000/month to insure?
Maryland publishes rates under Obamacare exchange - Baltimore Sun
Finally, it's important to consider that if a consumer thinks the rate he or she is paying is too high, the exchange makes it easy to shop around. Maryland and other states are busy creating web portals that allow consumers to compare prices and services for health insurance the way they now shop for airline tickets on sites like Expedia. And there is a significant variation in the projected costs from one company to another. According to the Maryland Insurance Administration rates for a basic, "bronze" level plan for a 25-year-old non-smoker range from $124 a month (BlueChoice) to $237 (All Savers). The premium for a higher-quality "silver" plan for a 50-year-old non-smoker would range from $267 a month (Coventry) to $470 (All Savers).
Depends on what coverage I get. Only really need emergency cover and a few visits a year. But it would be cheaper for me to go to New Zealand for a few months, then come back, than get cover here for anything I couldn't wait for.

Though whether I use the insurance I get or not is irrelevant, as those on higher premiums would get charged anyway. If you don't sign up, the government starts fining - so ultimately it comes down to inane phone calls and letters vs giving them the money so they leave me alone.
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I can't afford the cheapest mother scratching ACA policy.

IF I had access to a policy that had no maternity, no drug abuse, no mental health provisions... I could afford it.

There used to be a "buffet" of policies out there, but now we are all on the exact same policy.

Socialism- ya can't beat it. With a fucking stick. :fu:
I only need a policy that covers the rare broken leg or accident, and maybe a visit to the doctor every six months, as I really don't need to go too often. But even if I find one like that, it is sure to be at least $160-200 a month.
Well- surprise! That shit has long gone out the window. Where the fuck have you been?

We are now ALL under ONE policy- we are now all equal.

BUT- being equal, we must pay for those who cannot afford the premiums by paying higher premiums ourselves.

This is the MOST fucked up bullshit.
Not necessarily, as some still exist. But obviously the minimum where I am is at least $150 or more.
$150 or more what?

Are you one of those bitches for whom I am paying $1,000/month to insure?
Maryland publishes rates under Obamacare exchange - Baltimore Sun
Finally, it's important to consider that if a consumer thinks the rate he or she is paying is too high, the exchange makes it easy to shop around. Maryland and other states are busy creating web portals that allow consumers to compare prices and services for health insurance the way they now shop for airline tickets on sites like Expedia. And there is a significant variation in the projected costs from one company to another. According to the Maryland Insurance Administration rates for a basic, "bronze" level plan for a 25-year-old non-smoker range from $124 a month (BlueChoice) to $237 (All Savers). The premium for a higher-quality "silver" plan for a 50-year-old non-smoker would range from $267 a month (Coventry) to $470 (All Savers).
Thank you for proving my point, bitch. :slap:
Negros and poor White Trash get the goodie insureds while the rest of us on the cusp of financial oblivion get HAMMERED THE FUCK on premiums, deductibles, and out of mother fucking pockets.
Shocker Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care - Sarah Jean Seman

Seventy-five percent (75%) say individuals should have the right to choose between different types of health insurance including some that cost more and cover just about all medical procedures and some that cost less while covering only major medical procedures. Just 10% disagree, while slightly more (15%) are undecided.

Even more (83%) believe individuals should have the right to choose between different types of health insurance including some with high deductibles and lower premiums and others with lower deductibles and higher premiums. Only six percent (6%) oppose this kind of choice, while 10% are not sure.

Support for these choices is little changed in nearly two years of regular tracking.

Most voters (76%) also believe that employers and individuals should be allowed to buy health insurance plans across state lines, something that is not allowed under the new health care law. That’s the highest level of support measured since April.


Can't wait to hear Frankie flapping his oversized lips about those "Junk Plans" that nobody said anything about before they screwed Obama over.



Choose our own healthcare? What do you think this is? The Land of the Free?

LOL! Get serious... this is the land of the idiot and the home of the lame.

We need people to make all our decisions for us... because they're sat through endless classes on women's studies... environmental priorities and so many levels of history revision. They know better!
mr h, do you only have 1 child at home? no other child in college under 25?

If you had 2 children, instead of 1, with the figures you gave earlier, you would qualify for $640 a month in subsidy....but nothing with 1 child....
The Unaffordable Care Act will not exist in its current form in 25 months or less and its dismemberment should be partially done within 12 months.
Let's face it Obamacare is a political disaster of epic proportions regardless of merits as in a Democratic adviser, Gruber, admitted only the D lock on the stupid vote could get the president reelected in 2012. With that kind of message to present/defend in 2016 there are definite problems for the Ds.
Actually, if you are on the Exchange, your choices are much, much, much greater than what most employer's offer as choices....BUT NOTE, none are affordable, without a subsidy, (and the insurance thru ones work is not affordable without the employer contribution either) but there are lot's of choices available from high deductibles/ lower monthly premiums to lower deductibles with higher monthly premiums, with or without dental coverage, with or without infertility coverage, with or without coverage for your kids, deductibles for pharma included in plan's deductible, or no deductible for drugs at all if generic etc etc etc....
What does that have to do with Obamacare being a political disaster..And as full disclosure since my wife is a retiree from Mayo Clinic Jacksonville I don't have a financial dog in this fight.
I was just trying to tie in your rant, with the thread's op....and the link for the op.... if you were just ranting for the sake of ranting and not trying to make a comment on the thread's actual topic, mistake...
Fuck you shell-game Liberal mother fuckers.
mr h, please listen to me....if you just made 75k instead of 80k, you could get $488 in help each month on a silver plan....

I am not suggesting you try to make less, but if say you can contribute 5k more a year to a 401k plan for retirement, that money would not be counted against you....reducing your income to $75k

it is very unfair that those making 80k in California are treated the same as those making 80k in lets say...Louisiana, when costs of living are so dramatically different...
Fuck you shell-game Liberal mother fuckers.
mr h, please listen to me....if you just made 75k instead of 80k, you could get $488 in help each month on a silver plan....

I am not suggesting you try to make less, but if say you can contribute 5k more a year to a 401k plan for retirement, that money would not be counted against you....reducing your income to $75k

it is very unfair that those making 80k in California are treated the same as those making 80k in lets say...Louisiana, when costs of living are so dramatically different...
If he does manage that and is not a CPA himself the penalties/accounting costs are likely to put him in the hospital.
The Unaffordable Care Act will not exist in its current form in 25 months or less and its dismemberment should be partially done within 12 months.
Let's face it Obamacare is a political disaster of epic proportions regardless of merits as in a Democratic adviser, Gruber, admitted only the D lock on the stupid vote could get the president reelected in 2012. With that kind of message to present/defend in 2016 there are definite problems for the Ds.
Actually, if you are on the Exchange, your choices are much, much, much greater than what most employer's offer as choices....BUT NOTE, none are affordable, without a subsidy, (and the insurance thru ones work is not affordable without the employer contribution either) but there are lot's of choices available from high deductibles/ lower monthly premiums to lower deductibles with higher monthly premiums, with or without dental coverage, with or without infertility coverage, with or without coverage for your kids, deductibles for pharma included in plan's deductible, or no deductible for drugs at all if generic etc etc etc....
What does that have to do with Obamacare being a political disaster..And as full disclosure since my wife is a retiree from Mayo Clinic Jacksonville I don't have a financial dog in this fight.
I was just trying to tie in your rant, with the thread's op....and the link for the op.... if you were just ranting for the sake of ranting and not trying to make a comment on the thread's actual topic, mistake...
it won't ever go back to the way it was before the ACA, so you know not what you wish for...imo....the insurance rates will go even higher and you'll have less coverage....and more employers will drop any kind of decent insurance policies, just to save money even more so than now and more employers will drop insurance as a benefit....

it can't go away, not without a well thought out replacement plan and no one in the republican majority has one....besides the fact that just as with the last election, congress critters and senators that are Republican will NOT bring up Obamacare or do anything about it...and will be MUM on the topic, in order to win....just like they did this past election...that's my best guess on what will happen or needs to happen in the future...
Fuck you shell-game Liberal mother fuckers.
mr h, please listen to me....if you just made 75k instead of 80k, you could get $488 in help each month on a silver plan....

I am not suggesting you try to make less, but if say you can contribute 5k more a year to a 401k plan for retirement, that money would not be counted against you....reducing your income to $75k

it is very unfair that those making 80k in California are treated the same as those making 80k in lets say...Louisiana, when costs of living are so dramatically different...
If he does manage that and is not a CPA himself the penalties/accounting costs are likely to put him in the hospital.
He could be contributing the maximum already to his 401k's and IRAs, but if he is not, I don't believe it would be illegal for him to contribute the maximum allowed....if he can afford to do such, it is not counted in ones yearly total taxable earnings.
The penalty schedule for Ocare is insanely vindictive. To take your example if 75K is the break point and he is paid monthly or twice monthly he is cool but if he is paid weekly or even every other week that can trigger an automated audit which can turn up rebate checks of any size or any other casual income in his banking records. No matter the size of the overage it requires the repayment of the entire subsidy and can involve penalty and interest if it is caught. That by law must be computed each and every month.. A peeny overage in this case would in theory carry a 48800%. I wouldn't expect more than one case that bad to hit the news but $100 that's going to be a big political problem so Obama most likely does not have a veto-proof majority in either house for the rest of his term and he has zero control over what the state tax authority does in state exchange states. Its a big problem.
ObamaCare, like any major overhaul, has its share of flaws. Many liberals will tell you this. Hell most liberals will. What ObamaCare ultimately is is a step in the right direction. It gives affordable healthcare to the poor. Mind you these are poor people who have NO CHOICE but to work low wage jobs. Decent wage jobs are greatly outnumbered by low wage jobs.

Oh and let's not forget that the concept of ObamaCare was invented by Mitt Romney and The Heritage Foundation.

Look, it's not that I don't think those people have legitimate gripes, but come on Americans are stupid. Frankly when it comes to very technical issues, we should trust independent experts, not people. The average person, including myself, is not qualified to write policy. No one can write such broad policy and not make flaws. It's inevitable.

What republicans have failed to do with ObamaCare is fucking compromise. There is not one ounce of compromise in their bones. They are children. If you are unhappy with ObamaCare, you make a compromise over changing it. You don't throw a tantrum and demand it completely repealed especially if your side fucking invented its concept.
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I only need a policy that covers the rare broken leg or accident, and maybe a visit to the doctor every six months, as I really don't need to go too often. But even if I find one like that, it is sure to be at least $160-200 a month.
Well- surprise! That shit has long gone out the window. Where the fuck have you been?

We are now ALL under ONE policy- we are now all equal.

BUT- being equal, we must pay for those who cannot afford the premiums by paying higher premiums ourselves.

This is the MOST fucked up bullshit.
Not necessarily, as some still exist. But obviously the minimum where I am is at least $150 or more.
$150 or more what?

Are you one of those bitches for whom I am paying $1,000/month to insure?
Maryland publishes rates under Obamacare exchange - Baltimore Sun
Finally, it's important to consider that if a consumer thinks the rate he or she is paying is too high, the exchange makes it easy to shop around. Maryland and other states are busy creating web portals that allow consumers to compare prices and services for health insurance the way they now shop for airline tickets on sites like Expedia. And there is a significant variation in the projected costs from one company to another. According to the Maryland Insurance Administration rates for a basic, "bronze" level plan for a 25-year-old non-smoker range from $124 a month (BlueChoice) to $237 (All Savers). The premium for a higher-quality "silver" plan for a 50-year-old non-smoker would range from $267 a month (Coventry) to $470 (All Savers).
Thank you for proving my point, bitch. :slap:
You do swear a lot don't you.

If you hate healthcare premiums, calling everyone a bitch won't solve it.

Before ACA you would still be subsizing premiums, and that would still take place pre-ACA, just at a lower level.

I was trying to be nice and not argue in this thread, but it is obvious your need to be an ass took over.
ObamaCare, like any major overhaul, has its share of flaws. Many liberals will tell you this. Hell most liberals will. What ObamaCare ultimately is is a step in the right direction. It gives affordable healthcare to the poor. Mind you these are poor people who have NO CHOICE but to work low wage jobs. Decent wage jobs are greatly outnumbered by low wage jobs.

Oh and let's not forget that the concept of ObamaCare was invented by Mitt Romney and The Heritage Foundation.

Look, it's not that I don't think those people have legitimate gripes, but come on Americans are stupid. Frankly when it comes to very technical issues, we should trust independent experts, not people. The average person, including myself, is not qualified to write policy. No one can write such broad policy and not make flaws. It's inevitable.

What republicans have failed to do with ObamaCare is fucking compromise. There is not one ounce of compromise in their bones. They are children. If you are unhappy with ObamaCare, you make a compromise over changing it. You don't throw a tantrum and demand it completely repealed especially if your side fucking invented its concept.

Well put... The GOP has no alternative, except to try put oil in the water...

Personally I would have thought a Medicaid for all and just regulate the private insurance market using risk equalisation would be best (i.e. not allow insurers to discriminate people because of age, sex,...). This means they have to offer the same insurance rate to everyone and term limit on pre-existing conditions , in Ireland that is 6-18 months (unknown) and 5 years (known).

I pay $100 a month (no employer help) in Ireland for very good insurance, pick anything you want, generally my doctor does that. We don't allow prescription drugs to be advertised, so doctors are under very little pressure to prescribe drugs.
I can't afford the cheapest mother scratching ACA policy.

IF I had access to a policy that had no maternity, no drug abuse, no mental health provisions... I could afford it.

There used to be a "buffet" of policies out there, but now we are all on the exact same policy.

Socialism- ya can't beat it. With a fucking stick. :fu:

You are riding a mega bullshit wave the past two days! Narly, dude!
For a family of three earning a gross of $80,000/year, here are the numbers.

$1,000/month premium, $13,000 deductible, $12,000 out of pocket.

They don't ask you what are your mortgage payments. They don't ask what are your home/auto insurance payments. They don't ask what are your real estate taxes. They don't ask what are your utility bills, grocery bills, car payments, education expenses.


And they don't give a FLYING FUCK about anyone else.

Fuck this shit.

Numbers not accurate.
Americans wanted a public option. Didn't get it.

I've never had much of a choice in my employer provided healthcare...three choices at most. Has anyone? Of course, my first "employer" was Uncle Sam and you had zero choice in your provider.:lol:
I can't afford the cheapest mother scratching ACA policy.

IF I had access to a policy that had no maternity, no drug abuse, no mental health provisions... I could afford it.

There used to be a "buffet" of policies out there, but now we are all on the exact same policy.

The same thing is happening to me.I use pay $180 per month for my Horizon policy. Then November of last year I was I received a letter from them stating I was losing my policy due to the new Obamacare minimal requirements. Then in December of 2013, I was offered a policy from Horizon that I can have a similar policy for $220. per month for 2014.

Now I got kicked to Obamacare which is telling me I must purchase their minimal policy which covers maternity, juvenile dental, drug rehabilitation among other things I don't need starting at $500 per month.

I can't afford it so it looks like I have to try for medicade, which my Doctor doesn't accept. So it now looks like I'm going not going to keep my doctor.

you had a policy with what? you are comparing them. you appear to be lying through omission

Spare us the path that leads to the "junk plan" arguments.

You NEVER heard one FUCKING word about "junk plans" until Obama needed to justify people losing their care.


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