Shocked: Maine , woman says she would rather go to jail than take down her pro Trump signs

If people in her area don't like what she does with her property, United is ready whenever they are.

God bless you and her always!!!

Do you condone violating the law?
It depends on the stupidity of the law. Who is hurt or killed by that woman having a sign in her yard?

God bless you and her always!!!


So you condone violating the law. Very hypocritically Christian of you.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.

So you first violate the law?

Isn't following the law a conservative value?
that 12 inches plus, makes the signs 50% larger than the ordinance permits...

2 x 2 = 4 permitted
2 x 3 = 6 50% larger

And what is it exactly do you want the govt to do? IGNORE the law and spit on it?

Silly little nitpicking laws like that are usually used only as pretexts to do investigations for more serious suspected crimes.
Lol, just admit it, the Democrats at City Hall got mad about this Trump supporters still having her sign out and are using the law to harass the lady into taking the sign down.

That is plainly all this is.

Leave the woman be, lol.

So I can place a 40' X 80' "Trump won.....Grab Her by the Pussy" sign across the street?

Isn't following the law a conservative value?
It's against the law in her town to have a sign in your yard larger than 2 x 2 ft, her signs are larger than 2 x 3 ft.... I bet some sign shop would proportionately copy and make the signs in a smaller version that meets the sign/banner code in her area, and maybe even do it for free or thru donations I'm certain she could get. Maybe she'll get Trump's attention and his campaign could pay to get her signs reduced to the proper size, to be legal?
. Anyone offended by what this woman is doing in her yard, and this being in regards to signs that she has put up, is not offended by a sign at all, but is offended by what the sign says plain and simple. Someone in her town has influence with local officials, and has talked these officials into doing some dirty work for them. I bet you that there are junked up yards from hell in the town, and no one says a dang thing about them, but ohhh the horror's of a pro-Trump sign... Good grief how dang stupid is this nation getting now ?????????

Isn't following the law a conservative value?
. Yes, but don't you just love or loath the hypocrisy of you that are on the left in these situations or upon these issues ? You will say now don't you conservatives go getting all collective on the left now, because it is only the left that has the trademark on that sort of thing. LOL

My only left lean is the American worker is woefully underpaid. Otherwise, I'm capitalist racketeer.
It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.
I'm not a he, I am 100% a she and love being a she, of which I was born. :D

The article mentioned a neighbor complaint...could have been more than one, I don't know that.... so 'those who complain' is in 'general'.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.
I'm not a he, I am 100% a she and love being a she, of which I was born. :D

The article mentioned a neighbor complaint...could have been more than one, I don't know that.... so 'those who complain' is in 'general'.
Those that are complaining need to get a life...
If she would rather go to jail than follow the law, then I would certainly grant her wish. Lock the old bat up.

Yep. If she wants the laws changed, run for city counsel and try to change the law.

Otherwise, she can rot behind bars.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.
I'm not a he, I am 100% a she and love being a she, of which I was born. :D

The article mentioned a neighbor complaint...could have been more than one, I don't know that.... so 'those who complain' is in 'general'.
Those that are complaining need to get a life...

Those defending the goofy old bat are just as bad as her. Expecting that Trump exemption from rules that everybody else has to follow.
If people in her area don't like what she does with her property, United is ready whenever they are.

God bless you and her always!!!

Do you condone violating the law?
It depends on the stupidity of the law. Who is hurt or killed by that woman having a sign in her yard?

God bless you and her always!!!

So you condone violating the law. Very hypocritically Christian of you.
The legal law is one thing, but the Lord's law is another and violating his law is where I think that things get ugly because in my opinion, his law is the final word.

God bless you always!!!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.
I'm not a he, I am 100% a she and love being a she, of which I was born. :D

The article mentioned a neighbor complaint...could have been more than one, I don't know that.... so 'those who complain' is in 'general'.
Those that are complaining need to get a life...

Those defending the goofy old bat are just as bad as her. Expecting that Trump exemption from rules that everybody else has to follow.
Why would anyone be offended by a couple signs? and if they are offended They don't have to look at them. I think it's a control freak thing
If she would rather go to jail than follow the law, then I would certainly grant her wish. Lock the old bat up.

Yep. If she wants the laws changed, run for city counsel and try to change the law.

Otherwise, she can rot behind bars.
If people in her area don't like what she does with her property, United is ready whenever they are.

God bless you and her always!!!

Do you condone violating the law?
It depends on the stupidity of the law. Who is hurt or killed by that woman having a sign in her yard?

God bless you and her always!!!

So you condone violating the law. Very hypocritically Christian of you.
The legal law is one thing, but the Lord's law is another and violating his law is where I think that things get ugly because in my opinion, his law is the final word.

God bless you always!!!


Where in the bible does it say "Thou shalt not require Trump supporters to follow the same rules as everybody else."
I have no problem with the city gvt changing it, if that is what the citizens want to do....
it certainly is none of your business or my business since it is not my town ordinance, and is seems silly that an issue is even made of this....but leave it to Infowars, to pass the hate.
I disagree, C4A.

Rolling back the scope and power of the Goobermint to stick its goobernatorial nose into everyones bidness seems like everyones bidness.

Damn right it's everyone's business. And clearly the people of Rockland decided that 2' x 2' was an appropriate maximum sign dimension. Granted, it may have been an arbitrary could have been 2' x 3', or 3' x 3', or even (God forbid) 3.5' x 4'.

But if there were no laws as to sign dimensions, someone could put up a 20' x 30' lighted billboard on their property.

There have to be laws.
Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.
I'm not a he, I am 100% a she and love being a she, of which I was born. :D

The article mentioned a neighbor complaint...could have been more than one, I don't know that.... so 'those who complain' is in 'general'.
Those that are complaining need to get a life...

Those defending the goofy old bat are just as bad as her. Expecting that Trump exemption from rules that everybody else has to follow.
Why would anyone be offended by a couple signs? and if they are offended They don't have to look at them. I think it's a control freak thing

Why don't you call that city? I'm sure they have lots of city rules, and reasons for them.
If people in her area don't like what she does with her property, United is ready whenever they are.

God bless you and her always!!!

Do you condone violating the law?
It depends on the stupidity of the law. Who is hurt or killed by that woman having a sign in her yard?

God bless you and her always!!!

So you condone violating the law. Very hypocritically Christian of you.
The legal law is one thing, but the Lord's law is another and violating his law is where I think that things get ugly because in my opinion, his law is the final word.

God bless you always!!!


Where in the bible does it say "Thou shalt not require Trump supporters to follow the same rules as everybody else."
It doesn't, but I don't believe that the Lord would take issue with the woman leaving her sign in her yard either. She supports our leader, she doesn't worship him like some people seem to be trying to imply.

God bless you and her always!!!

. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.

He's using a common figure of speech. Quit being such a picky, whining, child.

Shut the fuck up you partisan asshole! He is making it sound like the whole town is pissed at this sign and it could be one person. Quit defending you butt buddy, he is trying to make it sound that it is dividing a town and she is some kind of villain. You nor he has any idea what the fuck is going on in this town. Quit being a dip shit.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.

So you first violate the law?

Isn't following the law a conservative value?

Isn’t peaceful protesting a liberal value?
Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.
I'm not a he, I am 100% a she and love being a she, of which I was born. :D

The article mentioned a neighbor complaint...could have been more than one, I don't know that.... so 'those who complain' is in 'general'.
Those that are complaining need to get a life...

Those defending the goofy old bat are just as bad as her. Expecting that Trump exemption from rules that everybody else has to follow.
Why would anyone be offended by a couple signs? and if they are offended They don't have to look at them. I think it's a control freak thing

Why don't you call that city? I'm sure they have lots of city rules, and reasons for them.
Political correctness has ruined this country, people need to get a life. Spy on your neighbor apparently
“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.
I'm not a he, I am 100% a she and love being a she, of which I was born. :D

The article mentioned a neighbor complaint...could have been more than one, I don't know that.... so 'those who complain' is in 'general'.
Those that are complaining need to get a life...

Those defending the goofy old bat are just as bad as her. Expecting that Trump exemption from rules that everybody else has to follow.

I don’t care what her signs say, if it was a pro Clinton sign, I’d be the first to say she should challenge the sign. It seems I’m more liberal than you are in this case. I’m also for the NFL players right to protest and hate that Trump stuck his nose in something that is none of his business.

For a guy that says he doesn’t care about this issue, you and Care4All are sure bitching and crying about it.
Do you condone violating the law?
It depends on the stupidity of the law. Who is hurt or killed by that woman having a sign in her yard?

God bless you and her always!!!

So you condone violating the law. Very hypocritically Christian of you.
The legal law is one thing, but the Lord's law is another and violating his law is where I think that things get ugly because in my opinion, his law is the final word.

God bless you always!!!


Where in the bible does it say "Thou shalt not require Trump supporters to follow the same rules as everybody else."
It doesn't, but I don't believe that the Lord would take issue with the woman leaving her sign in her yard either. She supports our leader, she doesn't worship him like some people seem to be trying to imply.

God bless you and her always!!!


Romans 13:1-7 states, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

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