She's got a book already


VIP Member
Aug 31, 2006
The beautiful Yadkin Valley
[ame=] Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down: Kaylene Johnson: Books[/ame]


Just the kind of person we need in the White House, I wonder if she thinks endtime is around the corner? She is the feminine George Bush, maybe even scarier.

Wants to destroy our natural resources for oil that is plentiful
Wants creationism taught in schools
Supported bridge to nowhere
Outlaw abortion even in rape cases
Ignores the science of global warming
Fought to ban Books
Supports shooting wolves from airplanes
Wants Polar bear and Beluga whales off endangered list
Wants to drill for oil in National Wildlife refuge
Thinks God is in support of Iraq war
Thinks gays can be re-programmed to be like her.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
And hair.

And teeth too! wow excellent criterion for VP.

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to sanction book banning, deny science, and teach creationism as science.

Pretty soon we will need to ask for Third world nation status.
I realize that you're a shallow tool but maybe just once back up one piece of crap that you spew.

You steal my words tool. You should know I always back up anything I say.

Dear 44: Drilling only benefits Big Oil - Daniel J. Weiss -

Even the conservative US News and World Report agrees, ruining our home is a bad idea.

Arctic Drilling Wouldn't Cool High Oil Prices - US News and World Report

Hey does she have a nice ass, that may make her presidential material in your silly world.
You do realize that oil is a natural resource. One we should be using specifically because it is plentiful.
You steal my words tool. You should know I always back up anything I say.

Dear 44: Drilling only benefits Big Oil - Daniel J. Weiss -

Even the conservative US News and World Report agrees, ruining our home is a bad idea.

Arctic Drilling Wouldn't Cool High Oil Prices - US News and World Report

Hey does she have a nice ass, that may make her presidential material in your silly world.

It does in John McCain's world.

[ame=]YouTube - McCain's Brain: Checking Out His VP[/ame]


(Btw, if you need the video that shows his direct vision to where he is staring then I got that one too. :D)
Whats that name written acrossed the book jacket lapelle... seriously.. who thought she wrote the book.. Glock.. is that you lying again..

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