She-Wolves: Wall Street Diagrams


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does Wall Street angst remind you of The Satanic Verses?

This underworld-yarn was inspired by Swimming with Sharks.

Signing off (Happy 8/11, USMB!),



Americans cared about commerce and the city and traffic and networking. Those who kept pace with NASDAQ, email, Wall Street, and Planet Hollywood were considered 'civilized.' Those who did not were considered 'dinosaurs.' Therefore, there were various 'werewolves' who preyed on Americans' fears of losing 'pace' with civilization. The city was a den of critics.


An unlikely trio assembled in Manhattan. Two were masked serial-killers named Cade and Ron. Cade wore a wool-mask, while Ron wore a rabbit-mask. Cade and Ron prowled around Manhattan killing policemen and sending anonymous messages to the NY Post such as, "No more cops telling us we're too 'slow' to keep up with Wall Street!" Cade and Ron were known as the Masked Messiahs by the FBI. The third member of the trio was a Tahitian philosopher named Carns who wore a fancy head-dress and face-paint and joined Cade and Ron on their policemen-hunting 'quests' but never killed anyone. Carns was devoted to merely poetry and wrote limericks while Cade and Ron did their anti-social 'deeds.'


As the trio continued their 'work,' Satan (the Devil, adversary of God and mankind) took note of this anti-civilization 'angst' and decided to raise from hell a beastly demonic woman named Sheol who had horns on her head and a large tail. Sheol represented all the anti-social sentiments growing in the modern world arguably since 9/11. Sheol was a siren of evil, and Satan wanted her to spawn a race of 'she-wolves' in Manhattan to 'challenge' the trio of Cade, Carns, and Ron. The battle was about to begin...


As Sheol spawned multiple 'she-wolves' with her venomous magic/potion, these relentless NY women became night-creatures, transforming into werewolves in the moonlight and waiting for Cade, Carns, and Ron to run into them for great combat to ensue. It was a delight for Satan who realized that Wall Street consciousness was creating a new form of tribulation --- metaphysical inferno. Would Cade, Carns, and Ron be able to stand up to these Sheol-spawned 'she-wolves' of Wall Street? Only time would tell.


A werewolf is simply a human who has blood-and-chemistry malleability sufficient to metamorphosize them into blood-moon sensitive wolfen-creatures. The 'she-wolves of Wall Street' spawned by Sheol, the siren of Satan, were fierce in stature and strength and could easily rip up any man who stood in their path. Cade, Carns, and Ron knew they'd have to match wits and agility to tackle these messengers of hell, so they decided to use homemade tear-gas guns to create enough distraction to shoot tranquilizer-darts into the she-wolves' bodies to incapacitate them --- and then decapitate them(!).


As Cade took up a samurai-sword to perform some of the decapitations, Ron and Carns decided to support him as their official 'executioner.' Satan was furious, as he realized Cade had become a penultimate ninja wolf-killer. Cade had decapitated at least 20 she-wolves spawned by Sheol. The trio was carrying the day and Manhattan was once again becoming a dominion for 'normal psychos' like Cade, Carns, and Ron. Satan still grinned, realizing that the trio's 'psycho-quest' was still/nevertheless...anti-social. Satan looked up at the sky and said, "There's no way to absolve Wall Street completely!"


As the trio's quest finally ended, and Sheol re-descended back into the underworld, Cade, Carns, and Ron retired. Cade took off his wool-mask and decided to become, ironically enough, a nerdy Wall Street stockbroker named John Tompkins. Tompkins made millions working for a stockbroker-firm in Manhattan over the next 3 years. He became a typical 'American yuppie,' but he never forgot his adventurous days/nights with Carns and Ron serving as 'wolf-killing' 'Earth-defending' 'American psychos.'


GOD: Cade, Carns, and Ron have carried the day...and saved Earth!
SATAN: Yes, Sheol is defeated and has returned to hell.
GOD: It's ironic that this trio of 'American psychos' served as warrior-defenders.
SATAN: Well, werewolves are more frightening than 'normal psychos.'
GOD: I suppose it's like that movie The Dirty Dozen.
SATAN: Right, convicts being recruited by the U.S. army to fight Nazis!
GOD: War is hell...
SATAN: Amen to that!
GOD: What would've happened to Manhattan had Sheol won?
SATAN: Do you really want to know?
GOD: Yes...
SATAN: New York (and Wall Street) would have become Blood-Dominions.
GOD: I see; a place where lust and avarice are the 'prime virtues,' right?
SATAN: Precisely. Cade, Carns, and Ron were 'unlikely heroes.'
GOD: Well, Cade is a law-abiding stockbroker now, so I suppose that's 'rehab.'
SATAN: No harm, no foul.
GOD: Wall Street is serving as an 'insane asylum.'
SATAN: Let's go watch The Wolf of Wall Street on Netflix.
GOD: Oh yeah; I'm a huge Leo fan...



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