“share the wealth”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Will Warren Buffet and Bill Gates Persuade India's Rich to Share Their Wealth? - India Real Time - WSJ

Gates and Buffet say the wealthy of India should share their wealth. GOP wants to take what little wealth we have away from us with budget cuts to the poor, elderly and disabled. And genocide of the middle class with taking away their rights and jobs. Attacking their children by cutting funding to education. Taking the future away from our children. Both democrats and republicans are doing this. Democrats by the Dream Act and Republican by cutting funding and transferring it to private schools via vouchers. Genocide of the middle class is what is happening now.

2011 Congress and governors are the biggest jobs destroyers since the1986 amnesty and Bush administration who motto was “rob the poor and give to the rich.”

“Share the wealth?” The nerve of those socialist communist. Wealthy do not create jobs, they sit on their wealth unless they can make it work for them to make them richer. That is why they are wealthy. Small business and working Americans create jobs. When the middle class is working they support small business by purchasing. When working class Americans lose there jobs, small businesses lose their life line. Small business cannot survive without the buying power of the working class. Jobs create more jobs.

People like Gates and Buffet do not mind paying their fair share of taxes, so why are the republicans so hell bent on giving them tax cuts? What is in it for them?

Democrat Governor Brown in Calif has gone crazy with his knife welding against the elder and poor.

Congress, where are the damn jobs?

Will Warren Buffet and Bill Gates Persuade India's Rich to Share Their Wealth? - India Real Time - WSJ

Gates and Buffet say the wealthy of India should share their wealth. GOP wants to take what little wealth we have away from us with budget cuts to the poor, elderly and disabled. And genocide of the middle class with taking away their rights and jobs. Attacking their children by cutting funding to education. Taking the future away from our children. Both democrats and republicans are doing this. Democrats by the Dream Act and Republican by cutting funding and transferring it to private schools via vouchers. Genocide of the middle class is what is happening now.

2011 Congress and governors are the biggest jobs destroyers since the1986 amnesty and Bush administration who motto was “rob the poor and give to the rich.”

“Share the wealth?” The nerve of those socialist communist. Wealthy do not create jobs, they sit on their wealth unless they can make it work for them to make them richer. That is why they are wealthy. Small business and working Americans create jobs. When the middle class is working they support small business by purchasing. When working class Americans lose there jobs, small businesses lose their life line. Small business cannot survive without the buying power of the working class. Jobs create more jobs.

People like Gates and Buffet do not mind paying their fair share of taxes, so why are the republicans so hell bent on giving them tax cuts? What is in it for them?

Democrat Governor Brown in Calif has gone crazy with his knife welding against the elder and poor.

Congress, where are the damn jobs?

LOL.....you used the "confused" smily face.

You are confused.

I am a recruiter in NYC....I have as many job openings as I did back in 2005.

Finding people willing to go out of their way and interview for them is now our biggest challenge.

Right now? The biggest exucse?

"there are no jobs now so I am waiting until after the summer to start looking"

My response to them?

"But I just called you with a job, so why wait"

Their response?

"One job does not make it a good time to look for a job"

Yes...paraphrased...but it is pretty much the gist of what we get when we call people.

True stuff......scary stuff....but true.
Since when is spending money we don't have wealth?

Kudos to Gates and Buffet in their efforts to provide charity for others. They are the perfect example of why we don't need government doing it.
yeah, you'd better watch it with the fast and loose abuse of the confused smiles yous choose.
Speaking of Rush Limbaugh, it is rumored that he has his stooges kidnap little Jewish children and he hangs them by their feet and slits their throats so the blood will drain into a receptacle in the shape of satan's head; after drinking the blood, he grinds the bodies up in a meatgrinder shaped like Hitler's aerie in the mountains, the "Eagle's Nest. He then freezes the sausage and puts it in storage for canapes at his Nazi soirees he throws at least twice a month in his underground bunker that is filled with the bones of his victims.

Will Warren Buffet and Bill Gates Persuade India's Rich to Share Their Wealth? - India Real Time - WSJ

Gates and Buffet say the wealthy of India should share their wealth. GOP wants to take what little wealth we have away from us with budget cuts to the poor, elderly and disabled. And genocide of the middle class with taking away their rights and jobs. Attacking their children by cutting funding to education. Taking the future away from our children. Both democrats and republicans are doing this. Democrats by the Dream Act and Republican by cutting funding and transferring it to private schools via vouchers. Genocide of the middle class is what is happening now.

2011 Congress and governors are the biggest jobs destroyers since the1986 amnesty and Bush administration who motto was “rob the poor and give to the rich.”

“Share the wealth?” The nerve of those socialist communist. Wealthy do not create jobs, they sit on their wealth unless they can make it work for them to make them richer. That is why they are wealthy. Small business and working Americans create jobs. When the middle class is working they support small business by purchasing. When working class Americans lose there jobs, small businesses lose their life line. Small business cannot survive without the buying power of the working class. Jobs create more jobs.

People like Gates and Buffet do not mind paying their fair share of taxes, so why are the republicans so hell bent on giving them tax cuts? What is in it for them?

Democrat Governor Brown in Calif has gone crazy with his knife welding against the elder and poor.

Congress, where are the damn jobs?

If Gates and Buffet don't mind paying taxes, why is the vast bulk of their wealth sheltered in tax exempt trusts?

Will Warren Buffet and Bill Gates Persuade India's Rich to Share Their Wealth? - India Real Time - WSJ

Gates and Buffet say the wealthy of India should share their wealth. GOP wants to take what little wealth we have away from us with budget cuts to the poor, elderly and disabled. And genocide of the middle class with taking away their rights and jobs. Attacking their children by cutting funding to education. Taking the future away from our children. Both democrats and republicans are doing this. Democrats by the Dream Act and Republican by cutting funding and transferring it to private schools via vouchers. Genocide of the middle class is what is happening now.

2011 Congress and governors are the biggest jobs destroyers since the1986 amnesty and Bush administration who motto was “rob the poor and give to the rich.”

“Share the wealth?” The nerve of those socialist communist. Wealthy do not create jobs, they sit on their wealth unless they can make it work for them to make them richer. That is why they are wealthy. Small business and working Americans create jobs. When the middle class is working they support small business by purchasing. When working class Americans lose there jobs, small businesses lose their life line. Small business cannot survive without the buying power of the working class. Jobs create more jobs.

People like Gates and Buffet do not mind paying their fair share of taxes, so why are the republicans so hell bent on giving them tax cuts? What is in it for them?


If they want to enable lazy layabouts by giving them money, good for them, but why should the rest of us who are successful be punished by having our property siezed by the government for their benefit? They can also give all the welfare parasites new cars if they want to, but that shouldn't mean we taxpayers have to pay for their "rides."

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