Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

I haven't seen any evidence of personal attacks by conservatives that even come close to touching the crap we get from libs.

If you have something, please share.
March is Women’s History Month, in which we acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of women in history and in society today.

But for a select group of women – conservative women – their accomplishments and contributions are rarely celebrated but often demeaned and mocked in sexist – and crassly sexual – ways.

The Culture & Media Institute looked back at what the media had to say over the past year about some of today’s most prominent conservative women, including Michelle Malkin, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah Palin and Liz Cheney, and compiled a list of the 10 worst attacks on these women who dare to speak out in favor of conservative values.

Much of the criticism was the worst sort of misogyny with a dose of violence and disgusting adolescent sex references thrown in for good measure.

List and video here:

Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

This one starts out with: "Leftist idiot Nancy Pelosi . . . " and goes downhill from there.

I got your "disgusting attacks" right HERE . . . .
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Jane Fonda, Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno, Barbara Streisand, Susan Sarandon, Madeline Albright, Nancy Pelosi etc....

Some pretty darn VISCIOUS attacks by the right on women of accomplishment on the left....

soooooooooooooo, on this one Chanel....I'd say...BWAHHHH! :lol: IT'S NOT FAIR, doesn't cut it!
Then let's see them for comparison.

Thanks in advance.

CUT ME A BREAK.....stop pretending the innocence....simodo....your sides crap stinks to high heaven also..... sheesh, honestly!!!!!!!!!! ONLY if you lived in a bubble could you have missed it! :eek:
What the fuck????

I made a simple request that you back up your claim. You seem quite intent, so much so that you get nasty, that there are attacks of similar weight in sexism, violence, and hate.

Support your claim. I would thank you in advance again, but I don't thank nastiness.

FYI, more nastiness will not make me retract a logical (that you support your claim) request.
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Not a day goes by that I see a unwarranted attack on Pelosi or Michelle Obama for reasons that go beyond politics. I don't think I need to mention the countless times a certain picture of Nancy has been posted.

Never mind the list of those on the "left" who's pictures are shown when compared to "right" wingers.

Hell, some on the right here still go after Janet Reno for her looks and she hasn't been near a political office for how long?

I think those on the right who want to throw stones at the left should make sure all the children in their home are under control first if you catch my analogy.

Edit: Never mind the countless attacks on Chelsea Clinton for her looks or even attacks on the Obama daughters by a disgusting couple of people on here.
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And yet, we're on page 7 of this thread and not one example (other than the calling Amy & Chelsea dogs) has been provided.
Here is one such pic I was speaking of earlier.

"Let's take the faces of the Republicans at their best, and the Democrats at their worst."
I haven't seen any evidence of personal attacks by conservatives that even come close to touching the crap we get from libs.

If you have something, please share.
I didn't realize that USMB posters have the same audience that media talking heads have.

I'm famous!

Yes, indeed you are!
There have been countless, countless attacks from Rush/shawn/glen, about Hillary, Chelsea, Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Janet Reno, Jane Fonda etc etc etc...
Some of the most vicious sexist attacks on the Hildabeast came from within her own party during the primaries.

BTW...How many of them have been physically attacked, like Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter and Anita Bryant have been?
And don't forget the yahoo who got in Condoleezza's face with red-painted hands.

Thanks, Georgie, for proving my point. Your link goes nowhere. Besides which, the attacks against Pelosi are based on her actions and her behavior.
Also don't forget the only violence that has taken place at the tea party gatherings has been violence from the left, perpetrated on tea partiers.

As usual, whenever leftards do something they're embarassed about, they accuse us of doing it. The funny thing tea party gathering has lived up to the dire predictions of violence (except for the violence of lefties), despite the insistence from the left that the partiers be prevented from congregating.
Maybe I missed it but I don't recall any nasty things being said about Condoleezza Rice.

There weren't, at least by news broadcasters and "journalists." But there were some pretty bad ones on message boards.
That is ridiculous. There are far more worthy candidates on here.

Like you for one

Tricky to be partisan when you have no party. See, that's the problem with dorks like you... you see anyone who disapproves of the current Administration as automatically supporting the other. You're wrong but don't let that fact stop you from whining.

The Right Wing Party is how the Grand Old Party should be renamed. That oughta cover ya'll nicely.
how many times have any of you seen this or similar pics posted on a message board?


and the god awful pilosi pic and hillary pic where they distorted the crap out of their faces?

trust me, women are belittled daily, on both sides of the aisle!

And yet the precious conservative women had to have a think tank investigate this malodorous character assassination against them!
Would you care to document at least one charge that Rush Limbaugh described, e.g. Michelle Obama as a bag of meat. Or that he referred to the size of her breasts.
You have made these statements before and been challenged on them. You have made numerous statesments and when called on to support them you disappear.

It is a lie. It is a lie intended to obfuscate the original post about the shabby treatment that left wing personalities give to right wing women. It would never be tolerated by anyone in the "feminst movement" if it had been said about anyone else.

How about when Rush called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog"?

Did he refer to the size of her breasts? Did he talk about her getting knocked up by a sports figure? Did he say he wanted to push her down the stairs?
I'd say you're way behind the curve here.

So according to your logic, all the equally debasing quotes by cons must be identical in nature to those you continue to cite. The "knocked up" thing referring to Palin's daughter was made by David Letterman (hardly a journalist). Jay Leno rips Pelosi up one side and down the other. Shall we now compare late night comics?

More vicious than the attacks on Michelle Obama? I seriously doubt it, sweetie. There are more disgusting doctored photographs, cartoons, and violent comments against her than I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Like her or not, the disrespect and pure filth directed at the first lady is beyond political debasement. It's fucking sick. Poor, poor Michelle, Elisabeth, et al., who are television commentators! If they can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Please post links to attacks on Michelle Obama by right wing (or left wing) commentators and media figures. Please show where anyone mention the size of her breasts. Or wanting to throw her down the stairs. Or called her a meat bag.
We'll be waiting.

I was going to just copy one part of this, but go ahead and read the whole thing and refresh your memory.

Anti-Michelle Obama humor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maybe I missed it but I don't recall any nasty things being said about Condoleezza Rice.

I recall a lot.

Julian Bond sniped at her (and Colin Powell) as "shields" to protect the Bush Administration from race-related criticism. Harry Belafonte characterized her as a house slave. Michael Eric Dyson called her "accidentally black." Movie director Spike Lee implied she smoked crack! Ted Rall in a cartoon said she needs to be sent to an "inner-city racial re-education camp."

They were unrelenting in accusing her of getting her position by sleeping with President Bush. Gary Trudeau portrayed President Bush referring to her as "brown sugar" in Trudeau's "Doonesbury" comic strip. And there was the oft-repeated snarking that she referred to President Bush as her "husband" at a Washington dinner party. When she wore a black skirt and boots to an Army big deal, she was described as shooting for a dominatrix look.

And that was just a sampling from the 'mainstream'. In the blogs she was frequently described as whore and bitch and much much worse accompanied by unattracive and cruel cartoon characterizations or photo shopped photos like this one:

In fairness, Hillary Clinton fared better in the 'mainstream' but was treated just as badly in the blogs.

The point being that women are far more savaged in intensely personal and cruel ways than the guys are.
How about when Rush called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog"?

Did he refer to the size of her breasts? Did he talk about her getting knocked up by a sports figure? Did he say he wanted to push her down the stairs?
I'd say you're way behind the curve here.

So according to your logic, all the equally debasing quotes by cons must be identical in nature to those you continue to cite. The "knocked up" thing referring to Palin's daughter was made by David Letterman (hardly a journalist). Jay Leno rips Pelosi up one side and down the other. Shall we now compare late night comics?

They need to be similar in nature to show any equivalence. They need to be demeaning towards women in general and focus on non-essential items of their political nature, like their breasts or reproductive functions.
The theme here is not that conservative women get attacked. Some attack is fair game. It is that the nature of the attacks would never be tolerated if the women in question had been liberals. Or non-political. The attacks would have been branded as misogynist and anti-woman. And they would be right.

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