sex on the first date

Would you continue dating/marry someone you had sex with on the first night?

  • yes

  • no

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I'm done talking to you.
The only people that will talk to you are horny men hoping to get in your pants.
..... and I think you want it that way.

Here is a partial listing of some of MY threads that I've started since being here, and anyone is welcome to go look at the rest of them. Now, we can compare these to some of the threads you've started, and who seems more to be looking for guys to want to get in her pants? ;)

  1. Snacks . . . How often do you eat them?
    And what's your favorite? I try to limit my snack intake to one good snack per week. Like a box of cookies or some homemade treat. This week it...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Oct 4, 2015, 34 replies, in forum: Food & Wine

  2. Thread
    Your Best Halloween Costume was . . .
    A bag of jelly beans. :D
    Thread by: ChrisL, Oct 4, 2015, 29 replies, in forum: USMB Lounge

  3. Thread
    Tom Brady Suspension Lifted
    :thewave: Well, Tommy Boy's suspension is no more! What do you all think? :) Judge nullifies Tom Brady's DeflateGate suspension Tom Brady's...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Sep 3, 2015, 194 replies, in forum: Sports

  4. Thread
    Copycat Recipes?
    I have a great one for Rice-A-Roni. 1. Get some rice (any kind really - this is for 1-2 cups of rice - I eyeball everything usually) and some...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Aug 31, 2015, 79 replies, in forum: Food & Wine

  5. Thread
    Kanye West for POTUS??!!
    Oh, Kanye West announced he's going to run for pres in 2020. :lmao: Oh my gosh, NOOOOOOO!!! I couldn't even bring myself to post this in the...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Aug 31, 2015, 66 replies, in forum: Current Events

  6. Thread
    Corny songs ~ Afraid to admit you like? :D
    Here are a couple of my more corny songs that I like. :eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Oh, there are many, many more too. Lol! ;) [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
    Thread by: ChrisL, Aug 25, 2015, 126 replies, in forum: Music

  7. Thread
    Awesome Americans!!! :)
    Congratulations to 3 brave Americans who have been hailed as heroes by the president of France!!! I love these guys! Thanks guys for saving...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Aug 23, 2015, 29 replies, in forum: Current Events

  8. Thread
    Painting elephants.
    I love elephants. One of my favorite animals and SO intelligent. As you can see, not only can these elephants bust a move on the dance floor but...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Aug 12, 2015, 13 replies, in forum: Pets

  9. Thread
    Is Skye retarded?
    so... what I want to know now... who in this forum is a friend of that piece of shit ChrisL? Who is her friend ? so I will never never be...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Aug 6, 2015, 375 replies, in forum: The Flame Zone

  10. Thread
    Invite others to private conversation option
    I have a couple of private conversations that I would like to invite others too. I notice that my more recent conversations have the option to...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Aug 6, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: Announcements and Feedback

  11. Thread
    Best Movie Soundtracks
    I like Dirty Dancing and Platoon. Totally different genres of music, I know but I like both. Some videos to follow. :) Post yours!
    Thread by: ChrisL, Aug 3, 2015, 153 replies, in forum: Music

  12. Thread
    Boys missing at sea :(
    Is there no thread on this. I looked, but I found nothing. Anyways, there are two 14-year-old boys who are missing at sea right now....
    Thread by: ChrisL, Jul 29, 2015, 185 replies, in forum: Current Events

  13. Thread
    Australian surfer versus Jaws . . .
    Did anyone see this? Crikey, is all I can say. This guy is one lucky bloke! :ack-1: Surfer Mick Fanning escapes shark attack - [/URL]
    Thread by: [URL='']ChrisL[/URL], Jul 21, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: [URL='']Current Events[/URL]

    Banned Members
    It would be nice if there was a way to determine whether a poster is banned only temporarily or permanently. The reason being is that sometimes I...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Jun 30, 2015, 101 replies, in forum: Announcements and Feedback

  14. Thread
    TV Commercials that We Love
    Well, we have a thread on TV commercials that you hate, so why not have one about those that we love? Post them up! Here's one of mine...[/URL]
    Thread by: [URL='']ChrisL[/URL], Jun 13, 2015, 54 replies, in forum: [URL='']TV Forum[/URL]

    Days of the Week Songs!! :D
    I want to do a thread with songs about days of the week. I'll start off with these two. :) [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
    Thread by: ChrisL, Dec 14, 2014, 56 replies, in forum: Music

  15. Thread
    Crazy Vegan Mother
    I think this is taking your beliefs in "veganism" or any other such thing just too far! Also, how can this woman be a vegan? She is fat???!!!!...
    Thread by: ChrisL, Nov 15, 2014, 214 replies, in forum: Current Events

  16. Thread
    Ear worms
    I was watching Good Fellas the other night, and now I have this song stuck in my head.
I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

What makes Christian morals better than Buddhist morals? Or Taoist, or Jewish, for that matter?

Tell you what. Show me one societal ill, that is the result of human action, that is not contrary to what the Bible teaches about morality. You can't.

What if a person never marries? Should that person live a sexless life?

I just turned 50. I've never been married, and I've never had sex. I guess this is the part where you call me a liar. That's OK. It's the truth. People are not ruled by their hormones. Like I said. If children are raised right, they will not engage in immoral behavior.
you must be a guy, for social equality purposes; women don't seem to be able to handle that much socialism, for free.
The only prevention that is one hundred percent is abstinence. BTW. The failure rate of condoms is 12%. Did you know that? And the simple fact is that most don't use any kind of protection. So where does that leave us? We have become a morally degenerate society. We encourage kids to have sex, then murder their babies before they are born. No. The best policy is abstinence. You can't refute that.

I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

I'm not a Christian and I don't think of sex as "immoral" but as a natural human way to show affection and intimacy.
So how old should one be then? Can I have sex with a 12 year old? I mean, it's perfectly natural. Right?

We already have laws to cover those kinds of problems. Adults having sex with children has consequences for the children. That is not the same as two consenting adults agreeing to have sex with one another. We are talking about consenting adults here.
i believe the simple answer is that if they are not competent enough for a contract they are not competent enough as adults.
I can and I do refute that. That is an unrealistic expectation for MOST people.

What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

I'm not a Christian and I don't think of sex as "immoral" but as a natural human way to show affection and intimacy.
So how old should one be then? Can I have sex with a 12 year old? I mean, it's perfectly natural. Right?

Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.
Back in the good olde days, that was the reason to get women married off; they simply could not be as good socialists for free as men.
What is unrealistic about it? If children are raised with the right moral guidelines, they will wait until they are married. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I guess to people like you, that's unnatural. And is it any more unrealistic than expecting two teenagers to use protection? You see. Their is a little something most people don't even know exists. It's called morality. It works. You should try it sometime.

I'm not a Christian and I don't think of sex as "immoral" but as a natural human way to show affection and intimacy.
So how old should one be then? Can I have sex with a 12 year old? I mean, it's perfectly natural. Right?

Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.
in modern times, safe sex solves that problem.
So how old should one be then? Can I have sex with a 12 year old? I mean, it's perfectly natural. Right?

Hyperbolic argument. You are currently legally able to have sex only with those over the age of 18.

And no, sex isn't "perfectly natural" for someone who is 12, because they don't have the experience or the physical ability to understand what is going on or to reproduce (unless they hit puberty early).

Some girls are menstruating by age 9 or 10. Ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Like you said, a child doesn't have the emotional/mental capacities to handle an adult intimate relationship.

None of what you said changes the fact that abstinence is the best course. If one is not mature enough to support a family, then they should not engage in behavior that would create one.

In the case of children having sex, I would agree. Adults are well aware of the risks and it is their choice to take such risks. People have always had sex out of wedlock, hate to inform you. :D Teen pregnancies have actually been on the decline since the 1970s.

Only because abortions are so readily available. You don't even need your parents permission if you're a minor.
Prevention costs less; why is the right so against lowering our tax burden.
So, by your reasoning murder is OK because people are going to give in to temptation and do it anyway?

What??? Holy smokes. Well, I can see that you are one of the "crazy" ones, so bye-bye now. Lol.

Not crazy. Just using an extreme example. But it's the same reasoning. Is it not? To say it's OK because they're going to have sex anyway is just plain stupid. Wouldn't it be better to instill moral values in our youngsters instead?

I would only consider it an "immoral" act if you were married to someone else and cheating on that person. THAT is immoral and shitty. Two single adult people having sex is fine. There is nothing wrong with it.

Apparently you are not supposed to even talk to others of the same sex and it's immoral to you.
OH unless it's YOU talking to a married guy on here, then it's ok.

I'm not talking about talking to people. I'm talking about a married person who has a preoccupation with sex and dating, yet thinks she has the right to "preach" about Christianity. The point is you are no better than any other sinner. YOU are no more "moral" than anyone else.
If only, there were nice girls of morals to be found who don't mind simply bearing true witness to us when it is our turn.
I'm done talking to you.
The only people that will talk to you are horny men hoping to get in your pants.
..... and I think you want it that way.

Am I a married woman starting threads about sex and my vagina? :lol: Then you turn around and claim to be a "Christian"? Do you not see your own hypocrisy? It's amazing, really amazing. The blind lead the blind.
I don't start them either, but i love cute pics. my inbox welcomes you.
Christ woman! How many threads have you started here? :lol: There are pages and pages and pages of them!
is she "funner" than you?

Yes. Now go bother her. She might invite and enjoy your attention. I don't like it.
sure; you only say that when you have nothing but fallacy with me, and not all of the other ones.

Go bother somebody else. I'm not interested in your nonsense.
Christ woman! How many threads have you started here? :lol: There are pages and pages and pages of them!
is she "funner" than you?

Yes. Now go bother her. She might invite and enjoy your attention. I don't like it.
sure; you only say that when you have nothing but fallacy with me, and not all of the other ones.

Go bother somebody else. I'm not interested in your nonsense.
fine; then stop "harassing" me in the political threads.
Christ woman! How many threads have you started here? :lol: There are pages and pages and pages of them!
is she "funner" than you?

Yes. Now go bother her. She might invite and enjoy your attention. I don't like it.
sure; you only say that when you have nothing but fallacy with me, and not all of the other ones.

Go bother somebody else. I'm not interested in your nonsense.
fine; then stop "harassing" me in the political threads.

No. THAT is what this site is for. If you want to look for a "date" then I suggest a dating site.
is she "funner" than you?

Yes. Now go bother her. She might invite and enjoy your attention. I don't like it.
sure; you only say that when you have nothing but fallacy with me, and not all of the other ones.

Go bother somebody else. I'm not interested in your nonsense.
fine; then stop "harassing" me in the political threads.

No. THAT is what this site is for. If you want to look for a "date" then I suggest a dating site.
dear, i am just arguing with you; not asking you for a date. :p
is she "funner" than you?

Yes. Now go bother her. She might invite and enjoy your attention. I don't like it.
sure; you only say that when you have nothing but fallacy with me, and not all of the other ones.

Go bother somebody else. I'm not interested in your nonsense.
fine; then stop "harassing" me in the political threads.

No. THAT is what this site is for. If you want to look for a "date" then I suggest a dating site.
There IS a solution....

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