Sex Ed Based on Lies Is Child Abuse


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Despite the fact that the work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey has been debunked and discredited—largely thanks to the efforts of Dr. Judith Reisman—the world hums along seemingly oblivious to the influence his fraudulent research continues to exert."

"Among many other things, his “research” included filming sexual encounters with his wife and among his staff. We now know that many of his findings were based on interviews with convicted pedophiles and sex offenders. He conducted his so-called research by “befriending male prostitutes, transvestites, sadists, and masochists,” Grossman writes. He concluded, among other things, that most Americans, including average folks, took part in traditionally forbidden sexual activities, and that heterosexuality is a result of “social pressures.” At the time, the late 1950s and early 1960s, his books were bestsellers, lapped up by a gullible public and the media, which ignored criticism from highly respected sources."

His *findings* resulted in the birth of the Kinsey Institute (think sex law reformation 1960-1990s, that reduced penalties for sex crimes and introduced a variety of "levels") and the Kinsey Institute spawned the SIECUS...who were the primary sex educators in schools...

If that sounds alarmist, read what former SIECUS president, Wardell Pomeroy, told a magazine interviewer in 1981:
In father-daughter incest, the daughter’s age makes all the difference in the world. The older she is, the likelier it is that the experience will be a positive one. The best sort of incest of all, surprisingly enough, is that between a son and a mother who is really educating him sexually, and who then encourages him to go out with girls."

"Along with Planned Parenthood and Advocates for Youth, SIECUS is today the flagship organization promoting comprehensive sex education to schools across the country. “From its inception,” Grossman told me, “it was about changing society. The goal was to get rid of the constrictions and inhibitions of traditional sexual morality—in other words, the Judeo-Christian tradition of sexuality. That is the root of modern sex education, and that is what it still is today. It’s not about health, it’s about promoting a specific worldview.”
Founded on the Kinsey model...with money from Playboy.

"Since 1964, the Sex Education and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS) has provided sex education materials to public schools. SIECUS, a private entity, received initial seed money from the Playboy Foundation. It was founded via the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University as its outreach. SIECUS is dependent upon Indiana University’s Kinsey Reports, including the “scientific” tables documenting the Kinsey protocol of ongoing molestation of infants and children by pedophiles, including at least one former Gestapo officer. These criminal acts provided the “proof,” Kinsey said, of sexual desire and erotic capacity in infants and children."

Just as SIECUS was founded to promote Kinseyan sex education to school children in 1964, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) was created in 1967 to train and accredit educators, health personnel and other “helping” professionals in the area of human sexuality based on the Kinsey “findings.” Patricia Schiller was AASECT’s first executive director. Mrs. Schiller writes,
AASECT at its national and regional sex workshops and institutes, includes sensitivity sessions….Attitudes toward nudity, adolescent pregnancy, masturbation, abortion, homosexuality, contraception, divorce, group sex and extramarital sex relations are of major significance in the effectiveness of the sex education and counseling process. These are the realities of human sexuality."

The ALEC Report on Kinsey
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And the connection between Planned Parenthood and SIECUS:

"Mary Steichen Calderone (July 1, 1904 - October 24, 1998) was a physician and a public health advocate for sexual education. She served as president and co-founder of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) from 1954 to 1982. She was also the medical director for Planned Parenthood."

"With the conviction that “handing out contraceptives was not enough,” Calderone quit her position at Planned Parenthood in 1964 and established the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States, Inc. (SIECUS). "

Mary Calderone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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