Seriously...What is The Deal with Abortion?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The abortion issue affects a microscopic percentage of the American public. So far less than one percent that it is virtually un-measurable. And if abortions were totally outlawed (which in Latin one might refer to as the status quo ante - the way things used to be), MOST of the affected women would merely and painlessly change their reproductive behavior to adapt. Aside from rape, there is no reason for any woman to become pregnant in this country, if she actually does not want to get pregnant. And certainly, organizations like Planned Parenthood would make contraception, sterilization, and meaningful advice available to all. The result of an absolute ban on abortions would be a couple thousand "unwanted babies" each year in our nation of more than 330 million - babies for whom adoptive homes could be easily found.

And yet any threat to the Court-given and totally illegitimate "right to abortion" is treated as though it is a threat to ALL WOMEN, and indeed to ALL AMERICANS!

This is bullshit, on steroids.

What is the Real Reason for the hysteria about this matter? Is it just a fundraising tool for Democrats? Do Democrats really suppose that the female population is too stupid and careless to react appropriately to restrictions (or a ban) on abortions?
The Democrats get huge campaign funds from Big Abortion. Outlawing the atrocity in Texas actually means nothing, as broads would be able to fly to California to get their babies slaughtered.

But the libs are concerned about the possible decrease in business.
Women aren’t a microscopic percentage.

Abortion is only done by a small portion of women.

But I get it, you will argue semantics till the death if it means you can feel a cheap sense of self satisfaction at thinking you "really told them". It's cheap and kind of pitiful you knew exactly what he meant yet still tried to force it to be something it wasn't.

The abortion issue affects a microscopic percentage of the American public. So far less than one percent that it is virtually un-measurable. And if abortions were totally outlawed (which in Latin one might refer to as the status quo ante - the way things used to be), MOST of the affected women would merely and painlessly change their reproductive behavior to adapt. Aside from rape, there is no reason for any woman to become pregnant in this country, if she actually does not want to get pregnant. And certainly, organizations like Planned Parenthood would make contraception, sterilization, and meaningful advice available to all. The result of an absolute ban on abortions would be a couple thousand "unwanted babies" each year in our nation of more than 330 million - babies for whom adoptive homes could be easily found.

And yet any threat to the Court-given and totally illegitimate "right to abortion" is treated as though it is a threat to ALL WOMEN, and indeed to ALL AMERICANS!

This is bullshit, on steroids.

What is the Real Reason for the hysteria about this matter? Is it just a fundraising tool for Democrats? Do Democrats really suppose that the female population is too stupid and careless to react appropriately to restrictions (or a ban) on abortions?
Well one plus one equals about 60 million according to my non pubic skewl edumacation math
The Democrats get huge campaign funds from Big Abortion. Outlawing the atrocity in Texas actually means nothing, as broads would be able to fly to California to get their babies slaughtered.

But the libs are concerned about the possible decrease in business.
What else are they going to supplement their nutrition with?
Abortion is only done by a small portion of women.

But I get it, you will argue semantics till the death if it means you can feel a cheap sense of self satisfaction at thinking you "really told them". It's cheap and kind of pitiful you knew exactly what he meant yet still tried to force it to be something it wasn't.
Only a small portion of people defend themselves with guns.

The fact that they don’t get an abortion doesn’t mean that it’s not relevant to them.

The abortion issue affects a microscopic percentage of the American public. So far less than one percent that it is virtually un-measurable. And if abortions were totally outlawed (which in Latin one might refer to as the status quo ante - the way things used to be), MOST of the affected women would merely and painlessly change their reproductive behavior to adapt. Aside from rape, there is no reason for any woman to become pregnant in this country, if she actually does not want to get pregnant. And certainly, organizations like Planned Parenthood would make contraception, sterilization, and meaningful advice available to all. The result of an absolute ban on abortions would be a couple thousand "unwanted babies" each year in our nation of more than 330 million - babies for whom adoptive homes could be easily found.

And yet any threat to the Court-given and totally illegitimate "right to abortion" is treated as though it is a threat to ALL WOMEN, and indeed to ALL AMERICANS!

This is bullshit, on steroids.

What is the Real Reason for the hysteria about this matter? Is it just a fundraising tool for Democrats? Do Democrats really suppose that the female population is too stupid and careless to react appropriately to restrictions (or a ban) on abortions?
Birth Control has been available for 50 years. Yet, we still have abortions, even among married women. BC is not 100 percent effective and abortion is a last resort.
Don’t know of any women who are happy to go for an abortion. But it is there if they need it.

Planned Parenthood has been at the forefront of advocating Birth Control for 100 years. They do more to prevent abortions than all the public shaming, guilt trips and harassment coming from Conservatives.

The abortion issue affects a microscopic percentage of the American public. So far less than one percent that it is virtually un-measurable. And if abortions were totally outlawed (which in Latin one might refer to as the status quo ante - the way things used to be), MOST of the affected women would merely and painlessly change their reproductive behavior to adapt. Aside from rape, there is no reason for any woman to become pregnant in this country, if she actually does not want to get pregnant. And certainly, organizations like Planned Parenthood would make contraception, sterilization, and meaningful advice available to all. The result of an absolute ban on abortions would be a couple thousand "unwanted babies" each year in our nation of more than 330 million - babies for whom adoptive homes could be easily found.

And yet any threat to the Court-given and totally illegitimate "right to abortion" is treated as though it is a threat to ALL WOMEN, and indeed to ALL AMERICANS!

This is bullshit, on steroids.

What is the Real Reason for the hysteria about this matter? Is it just a fundraising tool for Democrats? Do Democrats really suppose that the female population is too stupid and careless to react appropriately to restrictions (or a ban) on abortions?
The Republicans claim they are not for abortion yet there are Republicans who access abortion.
If police search one million people’s home without a warrant is that a big deal or not? It is a microscopic percentage of the people in this nation. What would be the big deal?

If the Government eavesdropped on a million people again without a warrant. Would it be a big deal? What’s the harm? Only a few would be affected.

When police beat confessions out of people it was defended using the same sort of language. The guilty needed to be encouraged to confess. We had to allow it to make sure we got the guilty. And it wasn’t happening to everyone. It was just a few. What was the problem?

When someone’s rights are violated. Even once. It is intolerable. The language of no big deal paves the path to totalitarian brutalities.

Either the rights matter. Or they don’t. If you say it doesn’t matter. It is just a few. Then you can not claim to be in favor of or a supporter of the Constitution.
Women aren’t a microscopic percentage.
If a human is a female, yes, they represent a bit over 50% of the population.

When they abort a human, however, they are aborting both female and male, so are aborting those who represent 100% of humanity.
Birth Control has been available for 50 years. Yet, we still have abortions, even among married women. BC is not 100 percent effective and abortion is a last resort.
Don’t know of any women who are happy to go for an abortion. But it is there if they need it.

Planned Parenthood has been at the forefront of advocating Birth Control for 100 years. They do more to prevent abortions than all the public shaming, guilt trips and harassment coming from Conservatives.

Actually, Charles Goodyear invented Birth Control in the mid 19th Century, a long ass time ago.

But some broads just like to get pregnant so they can get an abortion.
Using logic, it really doesn't matter.

If a psycho bitch is going to murder a baby, she's going to find a way to do it. Doesn't matter if she has the baby and throws it in a dumpster, in a ditch, cuts it up and buries it, uses it as a human ashtray until it dies, starves it to death, or waits till it can walk and talk and puts a bullet thru it's head................bitch is gonna kill, period (no pun intended).

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