Seriously, does anyone know what the democrats have other than identity politics?

What they thought is all there in black-and-white. If you can read, you can't miss it.

People think much more than they write, and not necessarily all they write is what they think for all of time, or even at the moment (sometimes people set aside their true beliefs in pursuit of what they believe is a more realistic or practical alternative).

In any case, I don't think it really matters, because the founders are not the Americans of today. So American thinking is intrinsically different.

Nope. Much of what the Left passes for American thinking is not American at all.

As to the past/present question, the Constitution is the law of the land, figuratively inscribed in stone. It cannot be changed by the mere whims of those mired in delusion, but only by its mandated processes.

Who are you to define what is or is not American?

I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

The founding documents are open to interpretation which allows for a variety of opinion.

Nonsense. English words have definitions. The definitions used in the 18th Century may differ from those used currently.

An originalist approach is the only way to produce an authentic reading.
Do the Republicans have anything but wealth vexation and economic despair through recessions when they rule?

Surreal. The economy boomed under Taft, Eisenhower, Reagan, and for six of Bush's eight years. So far under Trump, the U-6 UE rate is at a 17-year low; the U-3 UE rate is at an 18-year; manufacturing jobs have expanded at an historically high rate (three of the last four biggest jumps have occurred since Trump took office); etc., etc., etc.
And each ended with a recession.

Ah, every single economic boom in history eventually ended with an economic downturn. Kind of a stupid comment on your part, Moonie...just saying...
Do the Republicans have anything but wealth vexation and economic despair through recessions when they rule?

Surreal. The economy boomed under Taft, Eisenhower, Reagan, and for six of Bush's eight years. So far under Trump, the U-6 UE rate is at a 17-year low; the U-3 UE rate is at an 18-year; manufacturing jobs have expanded at an historically high rate (three of the last four biggest jumps have occurred since Trump took office); etc., etc., etc.
And each ended with a recession.

Ah, every single economic boom in history eventually ended with an economic downturn. Kind of a stupid comment on your part, Moonie...just saying...
Not stupid, just predictable to people who live on cloud 9..
Do the Republicans have anything but wealth vexation and economic despair through recessions when they rule?

Surreal. The economy boomed under Taft, Eisenhower, Reagan, and for six of Bush's eight years. So far under Trump, the U-6 UE rate is at a 17-year low; the U-3 UE rate is at an 18-year; manufacturing jobs have expanded at an historically high rate (three of the last four biggest jumps have occurred since Trump took office); etc., etc., etc.
And each ended with a recession.

Ah, every single economic boom in history eventually ended with an economic downturn. Kind of a stupid comment on your part, Moonie...just saying...
Not stupid, just predictable to people who live on cloud 9.. me an economic boom that ended with another economic boom! Now THAT is stupid!
What they thought is all there in black-and-white. If you can read, you can't miss it.

People think much more than they write, and not necessarily all they write is what they think for all of time, or even at the moment (sometimes people set aside their true beliefs in pursuit of what they believe is a more realistic or practical alternative).

In any case, I don't think it really matters, because the founders are not the Americans of today. So American thinking is intrinsically different.

Nope. Much of what the Left passes for American thinking is not American at all.

As to the past/present question, the Constitution is the law of the land, figuratively inscribed in stone. It cannot be changed by the mere whims of those mired in delusion, but only by its mandated processes.

Who are you to define what is or is not American?

I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

It doesn't matter. The rich and powerful rule. They rule me, you, and everyone in between. And they couldn't give two fucks about the constitution. The fact that you think "founding documents" actually matter at the end of the day is a riot.

But go on, Mr. Delusional. Call me stupid. You're probably 60+ years old and you have no idea how life actually works.
Aaaand he went to the old...."go to."

Identity poltics

The old robin hood fairy tale. Republicans "party of the rich" cliche.

How they get away with that, no one knows. Oh yeah, the tax cuts.

People think much more than they write, and not necessarily all they write is what they think for all of time, or even at the moment (sometimes people set aside their true beliefs in pursuit of what they believe is a more realistic or practical alternative).

In any case, I don't think it really matters, because the founders are not the Americans of today. So American thinking is intrinsically different.

Nope. Much of what the Left passes for American thinking is not American at all.

As to the past/present question, the Constitution is the law of the land, figuratively inscribed in stone. It cannot be changed by the mere whims of those mired in delusion, but only by its mandated processes.

Who are you to define what is or is not American?

I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

It doesn't matter. The rich and powerful rule. They rule me, you, and everyone in between. And they couldn't give two fucks about the constitution. The fact that you think "founding documents" actually matter at the end of the day is a riot.

But go on, Mr. Delusional. Call me stupid. You're probably 60+ years old and you have no idea how life actually works.

I am 65, and you're stupid. I've been "retired" (a third career, self-generated) and living the Life O'Riley for more than 17 years now. I think I know how life actually works.

If the Democrats and their minions continue upon their errant path, you may find out just how much those founding documents matter. :113:

Old people always think they know everything. Luckily, you're on your way out. Enjoy these next 10 - 20 years, buddy.

Can you believe I'm expected to live another 70? Good stuff!

And I'm actually one of the more conservative among my generation. Of course, if if were up to me, I'd line up everyone around your age and execute them with those beautiful guns you love so much. Well, I'd think about it. I'd actually just make your lives as miserable as possible and enjoy the sweet, sweet prolonged suffering.

It's a good thing I'm not in charge. Enjoy your slow decay into pain, poor health and eventual death.
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People think much more than they write, and not necessarily all they write is what they think for all of time, or even at the moment (sometimes people set aside their true beliefs in pursuit of what they believe is a more realistic or practical alternative).

In any case, I don't think it really matters, because the founders are not the Americans of today. So American thinking is intrinsically different.

Nope. Much of what the Left passes for American thinking is not American at all.

As to the past/present question, the Constitution is the law of the land, figuratively inscribed in stone. It cannot be changed by the mere whims of those mired in delusion, but only by its mandated processes.

Who are you to define what is or is not American?

I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

It doesn't matter. The rich and powerful rule. They rule me, you, and everyone in between. And they couldn't give two fucks about the constitution. The fact that you think "founding documents" actually matter at the end of the day is a riot.

But go on, Mr. Delusional. Call me stupid. You're probably 60+ years old and you have no idea how life actually works.
Aaaand he went to the old...."go to."

Identity poltics

The old robin hood fairy tale. Republicans "party of the rich" cliche.

How they get away with that, no one knows. Oh yeah, the tax cuts.


Republicans play the same identity politics bullshit games that the democrats do. They just pick a lighter skin color to champion and a darker skin color to demonize.
OP... Listen to Fox Rush Etc propaganda machine and forget policy all together LOL. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the greedy idiot GOP rich, it is way overdue to tax the rich and invest in America and Americans, and catch back up 2 the rest of the modern world... Good vacations Healthcare daycare minimum wage infrastructure Etc d u h Dupes...
Nope. Much of what the Left passes for American thinking is not American at all.

As to the past/present question, the Constitution is the law of the land, figuratively inscribed in stone. It cannot be changed by the mere whims of those mired in delusion, but only by its mandated processes.

Who are you to define what is or is not American?

I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

It doesn't matter. The rich and powerful rule. They rule me, you, and everyone in between. And they couldn't give two fucks about the constitution. The fact that you think "founding documents" actually matter at the end of the day is a riot.

But go on, Mr. Delusional. Call me stupid. You're probably 60+ years old and you have no idea how life actually works.

I am 65, and you're stupid. I've been "retired" (a third career, self-generated) and living the Life O'Riley for more than 17 years now. I think I know how life actually works.

If the Democrats and their minions continue upon their errant path, you may find out just how much those founding documents matter. :113:

Old people always think they know everything. Luckily, you're on your way out. Enjoy these next 10 - 20 years, buddy.

Mom's 92. Still going strong. I expect to cross 100, barring asteroids.

Can you believe I'm expected to live another 70? Good stuff!

Enjoy your time in Airstrip One, which is what it strongly appears you and your contemporaries will bring upon yourselves.
The Dems have two other things:

- A complete sense of shamelessness
- The MSM as their Pravada-esque partner in propaganda
Do the Republicans have anything but wealth vexation and economic despair through recessions when they rule?
Economic growth, culture of personal responsibility, strong national defense, pro-business, pro-tax cuts for everyone, pro-States Rights, pro-liberty, slash government waste, stop political correct madness, clean-up our public schools, cut welfare and get the cheats off the dole, border security, ....on and on...
One need only check the numerous election wins the past 8 months to find out what works for Democrats. Apparently they are the ones that have it figured out.
The Dems have two other things:

- A complete sense of shamelessness
- The MSM as their Pravada-esque partner in propaganda
Shamelessness about what? Fake scandals and BS character assassination propaganda? All investigated and pure crap, dupe.
Funny how in the entire world, only the GOP believes that crap.
One need only check the numerous election wins the past 8 months to find out what works for Democrats. Apparently they are the ones that have it figured out.
Democrats have nothing and are not going to win back the House. They have won back several seats that Republicans were not supposed to have anyway. Gerrymandering. GOP controls the States. They draw up the congressional maps. Elementary my dear Watson.
The Dems have two other things:

- A complete sense of shamelessness
- The MSM as their Pravada-esque partner in propaganda
Shamelessness about what? Fake scandals and BS character assassination propaganda? All investigated and pure crap, dupe.
Funny how in the entire world, only the GOP believes that crap.

One wee example: hiLIARy campaigning as a champion for women.
One need only check the numerous election wins the past 8 months to find out what works for Democrats. Apparently they are the ones that have it figured out.
Democrats have nothing and are not going to win back the House. They have won back several seats that Republicans were not supposed to have anyway. Gerrymandering. GOP controls the States. They draw up the congressional maps. Elementary my dear Watson.
When trumps foreign policy moves turn out to be futile idiocy and the economy stagnates, we'll see the Blue Wave. This is his High Point.
The white, male, supposedly "Christian" men, a group that emphatically does NOT include all persons of this description, invented identity politics in this country, so they should keep their damned mouths shut on the subject. They have been aggressive between the sexes, the races, the religions, and in any other way that they could they possibly divide us. This group thinks that they, in their identity, are entitled to everything, and hilariously, to obedience from the rest of us.

Shut the fuck up, please. There is no "rest of us". Shove it up your ass.

This is all that you can say? Of course there is the "rest of us." Just who do you think that YOU are? Just because you are a male person who is of European descent and practices some bizarre form of the supposedly "Christian" religion doesn't turn you into some type of god. Shut the fuck up, please, you perverted little bitch. Your kind is why the U.S. has so many problems. No. The rest of us are NOT going to kiss your dirty, worthless asses. Just because you bitches worship your skin and your dicks doesn't mean that the rest of us do, you filth.

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