Senior Israeli diplomat: 'This land is ours'

The usual fairy tales from Hasbara edited wiki, Now the facts:

"In 63 BC, Judaea became a protectorate of Rome. Coming under the administration of a governor, Judaea was allowed a king; the governor's business was to regulate trade and maximize tax revenue. While the Jews despised the Greeks, theRomans were a nightmare. Governorships were bought at high prices; the governors would attempt to squeeze as much revenue as possible from their regions and pocket as much as they could. Even with a Jewish king, the Judaeans revolted in 70 AD, a desperate revolt that ended tragically. In 73 AD, the last of the revolutionaries were holed up in a mountain fort called Masada; the Romans had besieged the fort for two years, and the 1,000 men, women, and children inside were beginning to starve. In desperation, the Jewish revolutionaries killed themselves rather than surrender to the Romans. The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, annexed Judaea as a Roman province, and systematically drove the Jews from Palestine. After 73 AD, Hebrew history would only be the history of the Diaspora as the Jews and their world view spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe."

The Diaspora Jewish Virtual Library

DIASPORA, dumbass retard. Ha ha ha.

We are talking about Jewish history in the land of Israel, not in the DIASPORA. Fucking idiot.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrew printing press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.

You really should stop posting from Jew propaganda sites and read some historical fact.

"The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, annexed Judaea as a Roman province, and systematically drove the Jews from Palestine. After 73 AD, Hebrew history would only be the history of the Diaspora as the Jews and their world view spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe."

The Diaspora Jewish Virtual Library

You are obviously hanging on to straws. Yes, there is a history of Jews in the diaspora, and then there is a history of Jews in the land of Israel itself.

The Jews kept coming back, over, and over and over. The historical evidence is irrefutable:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Byzantine period (324–638)

Jews probably constituted the majority of the population of Palestine until the 4th-century, when Constantine converted to Christianity.

Jews lived in at least forty-three Jewish communities in Palestine: twelve towns on the coast, in the Negev, and east of the Jordan, and thirty-one villages in Galilee and in the Jordan valley. The persecuted Jews of Palestine revolted twice against their Christian rulers. In the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire collapsed leading to Christian migration into Palestine and development of a Christian majority. Jews numbered 10–15% of the population. Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but there were bans on Jews building new places of worship, holding public office or owning slaves. There were also two Samaritan revolts in this period.[65]

In 438, The Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site and the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews": "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come"!

In about 450, the Jerusalem Talmud was completed.

According to Procopius, in 533 Byzantine general Belisarius took the treasures of the Jewish temple from Vandals who had taken them from Rome.

In 611, Sassanid Persia invaded the Byzantine Empire. In 613, a Jewish revolt against the Byzantine Empire joined forces with these Persian invaders to capture Jerusalem in 614. The Jews gained autonomy in Jerusalem, until in 617 when the Persians betrayed agreements and withdrew their forces from the region. With return of the Byzantines in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights and received Jewish help in ousting the Persians with the aid of Jewish leader Benjamin of Tiberias.
Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.
In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation.

In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.

A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.
Old YishuvJewish life in the Land of Israel

Key events

Key figures

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state. He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported ayeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569.

In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo’s yeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshiva of the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[127]

In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[128] The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[129] In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[128]

In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.

In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[130] It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[130]
Installation of the Chacham Bashi at the Ben Zakai Synagogue, 1893. According to legend, the synagogue stands on the site of the study hall of 1st-century sage, RabbanYochanan ben Zakai. The current building was constructed in 1610.

The Near East earthquake of 1759 destroys much of Safed killing 2000 people with 190 Jews among the dead, and also destroys Tiberias.

The disciples of the Vilna Gaon settled in the land of Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel ben Samuel of Shklov. In all there were three groups of the Gaon's students which emigrated to the land of Israel. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed, setting up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, whose Jewish community until this time was mostly Sephardi. Many of the descendants of the disciples became leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself also set forth with his pupils to the Land, but for an unknown reason he turned back and returned to Vilna where he died soon after.

During the Peasants' Revolt under Muhammad Ali of Egypt's occupation, Jews were targeted in the 1834 looting of Safed and the 1834 Hebron massacre. By 1844,some sources report that Jews had become the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city.

Quoting Wiki which is edited by the Hasbara folks every day is only propagating Zionist propaganda. The facts are in the official documents.

Edited by Hasbara folks everyday ? Where do you come up with this crap? ANYONE can edit Wiki you deluded moron.
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Bullshit, there were hostilities before 1967. Show me one time in history where conquered land was returned while their were hostilities.

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:
Camel crap. Abbas would not survive any sincere attempt to make peace with Israel ... his more virulent comrades would snip off his head.

The conflict (it's hardly a war) has from its start been a regional one with the local Arabs as cannon fodder. Their Muslim "brethren" and global Nazi-types have kept those hapless "refugees" in squalid camps in order to foment the anger and desperation necessary to maintain the conflict. As that reality has become apparent to the locals and the international community, much of the support for their violence has quietly dissipated. During 2014's Operation Protective Edge the Arab World (even Hezbollah) was strangely quiet or even aligned with Israel in an entirely new dynamic:
Poor Sniffer, still seeing Nazis everywhere she goes...Its not rational yet you think that discussion in this conflict is based on love or hate for Israel rather than the simple Land taking by Western Imperialism after WWll...
Now you on the other hand irrationally think that people are opposed to Israel on the basis of Religion and therefore land theft is justified like the Israeli government in this OP....
That's what the Arabs see, 500 million of them being joined by 1.5 billion Muslims because people like you have turned this conflict into a Religious war.
Evidently there are no pictures so you avoided the NY Times article. It says that what you believe to be 2 billion Muslims prepared to go all "Holy War" on Israel sat quietly on their hands (or supported Israel) while their Gaza "brethren" had their asses handed to 'em during Operation Protective Edge.
I realize it hurts you but try to think about exactly what that means.
It means that the Arab Dictators, Sheiks and Kings fear their-own people than Israel who uses their partnership with AIPAC political money to project American Power to cower her opponents...

This arrangement will fall in due time as the Arab popular revolutions mature into Arab Democracies along with the growing realization on American Campuses for this Faustian deal...

Israel is on the wrong side of the human Dialectic for Liberty from foreign influence and freedom...

Do you understand the concept of "wishful thinking?" You are once again whistling past the graveyard. Your "Arab Spring" has morphed in a cold, dark, Arab Winter with only the originator - Tunisia - enjoying any perceptible socio-political gains. The old saw about democracy and Arab-Islamism being incompatible has once again proven true.
Proven true? Stop your wishful thinking and braying like a Jack-Ass in a circus and offer us your proof with a link from a non-Zionist source!

That I must link you to the abject failure of your pathetic "Arab Spring" says much about your lack of knowledge. If you are going to try to predict the future of the Mideast it is best to have something more than your hate with which to work.

Viewpoint Why Arab Spring has not delivered real democracy - BBC News

3 Years After Arab Spring Democracy s Future In Middle East Still Uncertain

Argument Has the Arab Spring failed -- New Internationalist
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Poor Sniffer, still seeing Nazis everywhere she goes...Its not rational yet you think that discussion in this conflict is based on love or hate for Israel rather than the simple Land taking by Western Imperialism after WWll...
Now you on the other hand irrationally think that people are opposed to Israel on the basis of Religion and therefore land theft is justified like the Israeli government in this OP....
That's what the Arabs see, 500 million of them being joined by 1.5 billion Muslims because people like you have turned this conflict into a Religious war.
Evidently there are no pictures so you avoided the NY Times article. It says that what you believe to be 2 billion Muslims prepared to go all "Holy War" on Israel sat quietly on their hands (or supported Israel) while their Gaza "brethren" had their asses handed to 'em during Operation Protective Edge.
I realize it hurts you but try to think about exactly what that means.
It means that the Arab Dictators, Sheiks and Kings fear their-own people than Israel who uses their partnership with AIPAC political money to project American Power to cower her opponents...

This arrangement will fall in due time as the Arab popular revolutions mature into Arab Democracies along with the growing realization on American Campuses for this Faustian deal...

Israel is on the wrong side of the human Dialectic for Liberty from foreign influence and freedom...

Do you understand the concept of "wishful thinking?" You are once again whistling past the graveyard. Your "Arab Spring" has morphed in a cold, dark, Arab Winter with only the originator - Tunisia - enjoying any perceptible socio-political gains. The old saw about democracy and Arab-Islamism being incompatible has once again proven true.
Proven true? Stop your wishful thinking and braying like a Jack-Ass in a circus and offer us your proof with a link from a non-Zionist source!

That I must link you to the abject failure of your pathetic "Arab Spring" says much about your lack of knowledge. If you are going to try to predict the future of the Mideast it is best to have something more than your hate with which to work.

Viewpoint Why Arab Spring has not delivered real democracy - BBC News

3 Years After Arab Spring Democracy s Future In Middle East Still Uncertain

Argument Has the Arab Spring failed -- New Internationalist
My abject failure? Keep masturbating, that's all you get for your appeal to hate weirdo.
Evidently there are no pictures so you avoided the NY Times article. It says that what you believe to be 2 billion Muslims prepared to go all "Holy War" on Israel sat quietly on their hands (or supported Israel) while their Gaza "brethren" had their asses handed to 'em during Operation Protective Edge.
I realize it hurts you but try to think about exactly what that means.
It means that the Arab Dictators, Sheiks and Kings fear their-own people than Israel who uses their partnership with AIPAC political money to project American Power to cower her opponents...

This arrangement will fall in due time as the Arab popular revolutions mature into Arab Democracies along with the growing realization on American Campuses for this Faustian deal...

Israel is on the wrong side of the human Dialectic for Liberty from foreign influence and freedom...

Do you understand the concept of "wishful thinking?" You are once again whistling past the graveyard. Your "Arab Spring" has morphed in a cold, dark, Arab Winter with only the originator - Tunisia - enjoying any perceptible socio-political gains. The old saw about democracy and Arab-Islamism being incompatible has once again proven true.
Proven true? Stop your wishful thinking and braying like a Jack-Ass in a circus and offer us your proof with a link from a non-Zionist source!

That I must link you to the abject failure of your pathetic "Arab Spring" says much about your lack of knowledge. If you are going to try to predict the future of the Mideast it is best to have something more than your hate with which to work.

Viewpoint Why Arab Spring has not delivered real democracy - BBC News

3 Years After Arab Spring Democracy s Future In Middle East Still Uncertain

Argument Has the Arab Spring failed -- New Internationalist
My abject failure? Keep masturbating, that's all you get for your appeal to hate weirdo.

perv... (how 'bout a self-portrait of that one)...

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:
Fuck me Hoss,couldn't you post some ugly Americans for change.....Now to your post,I think you are somewhat confused.....I have explained this to you before.......The original Jews from Babylon were infact part Arab......your wanderings after the Assyians sic expelled Jews and other minorities from this area started the Exodus.....along the way Israelites absorbed several peoples into the 12 Tribes,which included Canaanites,Edomites and Moabites and later Philistines......Just how do you define Jews today ?it would be interesting to do a DNA test on who Jews exactly are.......I think you maybe surprised, they are no different to Australians and Americans being as we both are a pack of Mongrels(in the nicest sense of the word) you are well

I know many Palestinians and Jews for that matter,and None are represented by your pics,on the whole both peoples are quite nice looking..steve...pps so your assertion that Palestinians are direct decendants sic of Israelites is completely the opposite of what you muttered
Last edited:
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorist drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....

Drove them? Slaughtered? The UN offer of 3 hots and a cot drew Arab "refugees" from across the region and the hundreds of thousands of Arabs who stayed in Israel are - along with their progeny - CITIZENS of Israel.
Your ignorance is about all you ever seem to have to offer here.
So you have no problem with stealing land that others were living on and taking it for your own, even though it was never yours to begin with? So now say if Iran bombed Tel Aviv and moved Iranians in that would be just fine as well.

How about if an Indian comes to your home or apt and said my relatives lived here 2600 years ago, and I want it now, would you say OK, let me pack my stuff?

So you have no problem with stealing land

Which land was stolen?
Who was it stolen from?

Whoever was living there, they are called Palestinians.

The name Palestinian referred to the Jews only, dipstick.

No, Palestine referred to the people who lived in Palestine 90% of whom were Christian or Muslims. And most of the Jews in 1921 had arrived in the 30 years prior. As reported in the first report of the Mandatory in 1921. The full report is available on the UN Archive site linked below. Why do you continue to state falsehoods when you actually know what the facts are?

during the period 1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.

"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921


History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Byzantine period (324–638)

Jews probably constituted the majority of the population of Palestine until the 4th-century, when Constantine converted to Christianity.

Jews lived in at least forty-three Jewish communities in Palestine: twelve towns on the coast, in the Negev, and east of the Jordan, and thirty-one villages in Galilee and in the Jordan valley. The persecuted Jews of Palestine revolted twice against their Christian rulers. In the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire collapsed leading to Christian migration into Palestine and development of a Christian majority. Jews numbered 10–15% of the population. Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but there were bans on Jews building new places of worship, holding public office or owning slaves. There were also two Samaritan revolts in this period.[65]

In 438, The Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site and the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews": "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come"!

In about 450, the Jerusalem Talmud was completed.

According to Procopius, in 533 Byzantine general Belisarius took the treasures of the Jewish temple from Vandals who had taken them from Rome.

In 611, Sassanid Persia invaded the Byzantine Empire. In 613, a Jewish revolt against the Byzantine Empire joined forces with these Persian invaders to capture Jerusalem in 614. The Jews gained autonomy in Jerusalem, until in 617 when the Persians betrayed agreements and withdrew their forces from the region. With return of the Byzantines in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights and received Jewish help in ousting the Persians with the aid of Jewish leader Benjamin of Tiberias.
Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.
In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation.

In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.

A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.
Old YishuvJewish life in the Land of Israel

Key events

Key figures

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state. He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported ayeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569.

In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo’s yeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshiva of the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[127]

In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[128] The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[129] In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[128]

In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.

In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[130] It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[130]
Installation of the Chacham Bashi at the Ben Zakai Synagogue, 1893. According to legend, the synagogue stands on the site of the study hall of 1st-century sage, RabbanYochanan ben Zakai. The current building was constructed in 1610.

The Near East earthquake of 1759 destroys much of Safed killing 2000 people with 190 Jews among the dead, and also destroys Tiberias.

The disciples of the Vilna Gaon settled in the land of Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel ben Samuel of Shklov. In all there were three groups of the Gaon's students which emigrated to the land of Israel. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed, setting up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, whose Jewish community until this time was mostly Sephardi. Many of the descendants of the disciples became leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself also set forth with his pupils to the Land, but for an unknown reason he turned back and returned to Vilna where he died soon after.

During the Peasants' Revolt under Muhammad Ali of Egypt's occupation, Jews were targeted in the 1834 looting of Safed and the 1834 Hebron massacre. By 1844,some sources report that Jews had become the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city.

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Byzantine period (324–638)

Jews probably constituted the majority of the population of Palestine until the 4th-century, when Constantine converted to Christianity.

Jews lived in at least forty-three Jewish communities in Palestine: twelve towns on the coast, in the Negev, and east of the Jordan, and thirty-one villages in Galilee and in the Jordan valley. The persecuted Jews of Palestine revolted twice against their Christian rulers. In the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire collapsed leading to Christian migration into Palestine and development of a Christian majority. Jews numbered 10–15% of the population. Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but there were bans on Jews building new places of worship, holding public office or owning slaves. There were also two Samaritan revolts in this period.[65]

In 438, The Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site and the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews": "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come"!

In about 450, the Jerusalem Talmud was completed.

According to Procopius, in 533 Byzantine general Belisarius took the treasures of the Jewish temple from Vandals who had taken them from Rome.

In 611, Sassanid Persia invaded the Byzantine Empire. In 613, a Jewish revolt against the Byzantine Empire joined forces with these Persian invaders to capture Jerusalem in 614. The Jews gained autonomy in Jerusalem, until in 617 when the Persians betrayed agreements and withdrew their forces from the region. With return of the Byzantines in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights and received Jewish help in ousting the Persians with the aid of Jewish leader Benjamin of Tiberias.
Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.
In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation.

In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.

A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.
Old YishuvJewish life in the Land of Israel

Key events

Key figures

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state. He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported ayeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569.

In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo’s yeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshiva of the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[127]

In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[128] The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[129] In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[128]

In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.

In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[130] It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[130]
Installation of the Chacham Bashi at the Ben Zakai Synagogue, 1893. According to legend, the synagogue stands on the site of the study hall of 1st-century sage, RabbanYochanan ben Zakai. The current building was constructed in 1610.

The Near East earthquake of 1759 destroys much of Safed killing 2000 people with 190 Jews among the dead, and also destroys Tiberias.

The disciples of the Vilna Gaon settled in the land of Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel ben Samuel of Shklov. In all there were three groups of the Gaon's students which emigrated to the land of Israel. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed, setting up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, whose Jewish community until this time was mostly Sephardi. Many of the descendants of the disciples became leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself also set forth with his pupils to the Land, but for an unknown reason he turned back and returned to Vilna where he died soon after.

During the Peasants' Revolt under Muhammad Ali of Egypt's occupation, Jews were targeted in the 1834 looting of Safed and the 1834 Hebron massacre. By 1844,some sources report that Jews had become the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city.
The usual fairy tales from Hasbara edited wiki, Now the facts:

"In 63 BC, Judaea became a protectorate of Rome. Coming under the administration of a governor, Judaea was allowed a king; the governor's business was to regulate trade and maximize tax revenue. While the Jews despised the Greeks, theRomans were a nightmare. Governorships were bought at high prices; the governors would attempt to squeeze as much revenue as possible from their regions and pocket as much as they could. Even with a Jewish king, the Judaeans revolted in 70 AD, a desperate revolt that ended tragically. In 73 AD, the last of the revolutionaries were holed up in a mountain fort called Masada; the Romans had besieged the fort for two years, and the 1,000 men, women, and children inside were beginning to starve. In desperation, the Jewish revolutionaries killed themselves rather than surrender to the Romans. The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, annexed Judaea as a Roman province, and systematically drove the Jews from Palestine. After 73 AD, Hebrew history would only be the history of the Diaspora as the Jews and their world view spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe."

The Diaspora Jewish Virtual Library

DIASPORA, dumbass retard. Ha ha ha.

We are talking about Jewish history in the land of Israel, not in the DIASPORA. Fucking idiot.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrew printing press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.

You really should stop posting from Jew propaganda sites and read some historical fact.

"The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, annexed Judaea as a Roman province, and systematically drove the Jews from Palestine. After 73 AD, Hebrew history would only be the history of the Diaspora as the Jews and their world view spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe."

The Diaspora Jewish Virtual Library

You are obviously hanging on to straws. Yes, there is a history of Jews in the diaspora, and then there is a history of Jews in the land of Israel itself.

The Jews kept coming back, over, and over and over. The historical evidence is irrefutable:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Byzantine period (324–638)

Jews probably constituted the majority of the population of Palestine until the 4th-century, when Constantine converted to Christianity.

Jews lived in at least forty-three Jewish communities in Palestine: twelve towns on the coast, in the Negev, and east of the Jordan, and thirty-one villages in Galilee and in the Jordan valley. The persecuted Jews of Palestine revolted twice against their Christian rulers. In the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire collapsed leading to Christian migration into Palestine and development of a Christian majority. Jews numbered 10–15% of the population. Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but there were bans on Jews building new places of worship, holding public office or owning slaves. There were also two Samaritan revolts in this period.[65]

In 438, The Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site and the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews": "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come"!

In about 450, the Jerusalem Talmud was completed.

According to Procopius, in 533 Byzantine general Belisarius took the treasures of the Jewish temple from Vandals who had taken them from Rome.

In 611, Sassanid Persia invaded the Byzantine Empire. In 613, a Jewish revolt against the Byzantine Empire joined forces with these Persian invaders to capture Jerusalem in 614. The Jews gained autonomy in Jerusalem, until in 617 when the Persians betrayed agreements and withdrew their forces from the region. With return of the Byzantines in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights and received Jewish help in ousting the Persians with the aid of Jewish leader Benjamin of Tiberias.
Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.
In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation.

In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.

A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.
Old YishuvJewish life in the Land of Israel

Key events

Key figures

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state. He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported ayeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569.

In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo’s yeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshiva of the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[127]

In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[128] The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[129] In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[128]

In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.

In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[130] It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[130]
Installation of the Chacham Bashi at the Ben Zakai Synagogue, 1893. According to legend, the synagogue stands on the site of the study hall of 1st-century sage, RabbanYochanan ben Zakai. The current building was constructed in 1610.

The Near East earthquake of 1759 destroys much of Safed killing 2000 people with 190 Jews among the dead, and also destroys Tiberias.

The disciples of the Vilna Gaon settled in the land of Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel ben Samuel of Shklov. In all there were three groups of the Gaon's students which emigrated to the land of Israel. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed, setting up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, whose Jewish community until this time was mostly Sephardi. Many of the descendants of the disciples became leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself also set forth with his pupils to the Land, but for an unknown reason he turned back and returned to Vilna where he died soon after.

During the Peasants' Revolt under Muhammad Ali of Egypt's occupation, Jews were targeted in the 1834 looting of Safed and the 1834 Hebron massacre. By 1844,some sources report that Jews had become the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city.

Quoting Wiki which is edited by the Hasbara folks every day is only propagating Zionist propaganda. The facts are in the official documents.

Now that's some funny shit, since Nazi boy Fred quotes wiki all the time.

Wiki is simply listing historical facts that can be corroborated by historians and archeologists, asswipe.

You're just an antisemitic pig who keeps running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to erase Jewish history from land that has been holy to them and that they've kept coming back to for 2000 years.

It's not going to work give it up, you keep making a fool of yourself.
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

i wonder if these 2 pictures are photoshopped...

imagine - if the FDNY pulled up ----

---- EVERYONE certainly wouldn't be standing or sitting underneath all those buildings that look like (at any second) they were going to collapse on top of them....(it's....bizarre if they are REAL pictures - the woman standing there with her child - makes no sense - that building, getting ready to crumble)...........
The usual fairy tales from Hasbara edited wiki, Now the facts:

"In 63 BC, Judaea became a protectorate of Rome. Coming under the administration of a governor, Judaea was allowed a king; the governor's business was to regulate trade and maximize tax revenue. While the Jews despised the Greeks, theRomans were a nightmare. Governorships were bought at high prices; the governors would attempt to squeeze as much revenue as possible from their regions and pocket as much as they could. Even with a Jewish king, the Judaeans revolted in 70 AD, a desperate revolt that ended tragically. In 73 AD, the last of the revolutionaries were holed up in a mountain fort called Masada; the Romans had besieged the fort for two years, and the 1,000 men, women, and children inside were beginning to starve. In desperation, the Jewish revolutionaries killed themselves rather than surrender to the Romans. The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, annexed Judaea as a Roman province, and systematically drove the Jews from Palestine. After 73 AD, Hebrew history would only be the history of the Diaspora as the Jews and their world view spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe."

The Diaspora Jewish Virtual Library

DIASPORA, dumbass retard. Ha ha ha.

We are talking about Jewish history in the land of Israel, not in the DIASPORA. Fucking idiot.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrew printing press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.

You really should stop posting from Jew propaganda sites and read some historical fact.

"The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, annexed Judaea as a Roman province, and systematically drove the Jews from Palestine. After 73 AD, Hebrew history would only be the history of the Diaspora as the Jews and their world view spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe."

The Diaspora Jewish Virtual Library

You are obviously hanging on to straws. Yes, there is a history of Jews in the diaspora, and then there is a history of Jews in the land of Israel itself.

The Jews kept coming back, over, and over and over. The historical evidence is irrefutable:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Byzantine period (324–638)

Jews probably constituted the majority of the population of Palestine until the 4th-century, when Constantine converted to Christianity.

Jews lived in at least forty-three Jewish communities in Palestine: twelve towns on the coast, in the Negev, and east of the Jordan, and thirty-one villages in Galilee and in the Jordan valley. The persecuted Jews of Palestine revolted twice against their Christian rulers. In the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire collapsed leading to Christian migration into Palestine and development of a Christian majority. Jews numbered 10–15% of the population. Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but there were bans on Jews building new places of worship, holding public office or owning slaves. There were also two Samaritan revolts in this period.[65]

In 438, The Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site and the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews": "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come"!

In about 450, the Jerusalem Talmud was completed.

According to Procopius, in 533 Byzantine general Belisarius took the treasures of the Jewish temple from Vandals who had taken them from Rome.

In 611, Sassanid Persia invaded the Byzantine Empire. In 613, a Jewish revolt against the Byzantine Empire joined forces with these Persian invaders to capture Jerusalem in 614. The Jews gained autonomy in Jerusalem, until in 617 when the Persians betrayed agreements and withdrew their forces from the region. With return of the Byzantines in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights and received Jewish help in ousting the Persians with the aid of Jewish leader Benjamin of Tiberias.
Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.
In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation.

In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.

A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.
Old YishuvJewish life in the Land of Israel

Key events

Key figures

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state. He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported ayeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569.

In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo’s yeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshiva of the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[127]

In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[128] The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[129] In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[128]

In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.

In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[130] It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[130]
Installation of the Chacham Bashi at the Ben Zakai Synagogue, 1893. According to legend, the synagogue stands on the site of the study hall of 1st-century sage, RabbanYochanan ben Zakai. The current building was constructed in 1610.

The Near East earthquake of 1759 destroys much of Safed killing 2000 people with 190 Jews among the dead, and also destroys Tiberias.

The disciples of the Vilna Gaon settled in the land of Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel ben Samuel of Shklov. In all there were three groups of the Gaon's students which emigrated to the land of Israel. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed, setting up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, whose Jewish community until this time was mostly Sephardi. Many of the descendants of the disciples became leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself also set forth with his pupils to the Land, but for an unknown reason he turned back and returned to Vilna where he died soon after.

During the Peasants' Revolt under Muhammad Ali of Egypt's occupation, Jews were targeted in the 1834 looting of Safed and the 1834 Hebron massacre. By 1844,some sources report that Jews had become the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city.

Quoting Wiki which is edited by the Hasbara folks every day is only propagating Zionist propaganda. The facts are in the official documents.

Edited by Hasbara folks everyday ? Where do you come up with this crap? ANYONE can edit Wiki you deluded moron.

When the facts don't line up with the terrorist worshippers ideology, it's "edited by Hasbara". These antisemites are a laugh a minute, I gotta tell ya.
The usual fairy tales from Hasbara edited wiki, Now the facts:

"In 63 BC, Judaea became a protectorate of Rome. Coming under the administration of a governor, Judaea was allowed a king; the governor's business was to regulate trade and maximize tax revenue. While the Jews despised the Greeks, theRomans were a nightmare. Governorships were bought at high prices; the governors would attempt to squeeze as much revenue as possible from their regions and pocket as much as they could. Even with a Jewish king, the Judaeans revolted in 70 AD, a desperate revolt that ended tragically. In 73 AD, the last of the revolutionaries were holed up in a mountain fort called Masada; the Romans had besieged the fort for two years, and the 1,000 men, women, and children inside were beginning to starve. In desperation, the Jewish revolutionaries killed themselves rather than surrender to the Romans. The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, annexed Judaea as a Roman province, and systematically drove the Jews from Palestine. After 73 AD, Hebrew history would only be the history of the Diaspora as the Jews and their world view spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe."

The Diaspora Jewish Virtual Library

DIASPORA, dumbass retard. Ha ha ha.

We are talking about Jewish history in the land of Israel, not in the DIASPORA. Fucking idiot.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrew printing press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.

You really should stop posting from Jew propaganda sites and read some historical fact.

"The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, annexed Judaea as a Roman province, and systematically drove the Jews from Palestine. After 73 AD, Hebrew history would only be the history of the Diaspora as the Jews and their world view spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe."

The Diaspora Jewish Virtual Library

You are obviously hanging on to straws. Yes, there is a history of Jews in the diaspora, and then there is a history of Jews in the land of Israel itself.

The Jews kept coming back, over, and over and over. The historical evidence is irrefutable:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Byzantine period (324–638)

Jews probably constituted the majority of the population of Palestine until the 4th-century, when Constantine converted to Christianity.

Jews lived in at least forty-three Jewish communities in Palestine: twelve towns on the coast, in the Negev, and east of the Jordan, and thirty-one villages in Galilee and in the Jordan valley. The persecuted Jews of Palestine revolted twice against their Christian rulers. In the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire collapsed leading to Christian migration into Palestine and development of a Christian majority. Jews numbered 10–15% of the population. Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but there were bans on Jews building new places of worship, holding public office or owning slaves. There were also two Samaritan revolts in this period.[65]

In 438, The Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site and the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews": "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come"!

In about 450, the Jerusalem Talmud was completed.

According to Procopius, in 533 Byzantine general Belisarius took the treasures of the Jewish temple from Vandals who had taken them from Rome.

In 611, Sassanid Persia invaded the Byzantine Empire. In 613, a Jewish revolt against the Byzantine Empire joined forces with these Persian invaders to capture Jerusalem in 614. The Jews gained autonomy in Jerusalem, until in 617 when the Persians betrayed agreements and withdrew their forces from the region. With return of the Byzantines in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights and received Jewish help in ousting the Persians with the aid of Jewish leader Benjamin of Tiberias.
Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.
In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation.

In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.

A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.
Old YishuvJewish life in the Land of Israel

Key events

Key figures

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state. He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported ayeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569.

In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo’s yeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshiva of the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[127]

In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[128] The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[129] In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[128]

In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.

In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[130] It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[130]
Installation of the Chacham Bashi at the Ben Zakai Synagogue, 1893. According to legend, the synagogue stands on the site of the study hall of 1st-century sage, RabbanYochanan ben Zakai. The current building was constructed in 1610.

The Near East earthquake of 1759 destroys much of Safed killing 2000 people with 190 Jews among the dead, and also destroys Tiberias.

The disciples of the Vilna Gaon settled in the land of Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel ben Samuel of Shklov. In all there were three groups of the Gaon's students which emigrated to the land of Israel. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed, setting up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, whose Jewish community until this time was mostly Sephardi. Many of the descendants of the disciples became leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself also set forth with his pupils to the Land, but for an unknown reason he turned back and returned to Vilna where he died soon after.

During the Peasants' Revolt under Muhammad Ali of Egypt's occupation, Jews were targeted in the 1834 looting of Safed and the 1834 Hebron massacre. By 1844,some sources report that Jews had become the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city.

Quoting Wiki which is edited by the Hasbara folks every day is only propagating Zionist propaganda. The facts are in the official documents.

So....are you saying that these are all lies and made up? PROVE IT, ASSHOLE:

Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.
In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation.

In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.

A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelonand Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:
Fuck me Hoss,couldn't you post some ugly Americans for change.....Now to your post,I think you are somewhat confused.....I have explained this to you before.......The original Jews from Babylon were infact part Arab......your wanderings after the Assyians sic expelled Jews and other minorities from this area started the Exodus.....along the way Israelites absorbed several peoples into the 12 Tribes,which included Canaanites,Edomites and Moabites......Just how do you define Jews today ?it would be interesting to do a DNA test on who Jews exactly are.......I think you maybe surprised, they are no different to Australia and America being as we both are a pack of Mongrels(in the nicest sense of the word) you are well

I know many Palestinians and Jews for that matter,and None are represented by your pics,on the whole both peoples are quite nice looking..steve
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
"Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE"

Thanks Steve, Ditto! hat is the Sniffer, vulgar, hateful, and corrupt!

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:
Fuck me Hoss,couldn't you post some ugly Americans for change.....Now to your post,I think you are somewhat confused.....I have explained this to you before.......The original Jews from Babylon were infact part Arab......your wanderings after the Assyians sic expelled Jews and other minorities from this area started the Exodus.....along the way Israelites absorbed several peoples into the 12 Tribes,which included Canaanites,Edomites and Moabites......Just how do you define Jews today ?it would be interesting to do a DNA test on who Jews exactly are.......I think you maybe surprised, they are no different to Australia and America being as we both are a pack of Mongrels(in the nicest sense of the word) you are well

I know many Palestinians and Jews for that matter,and None are represented by your pics,on the whole both peoples are quite nice looking..steve
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........
Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorists drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....Sayit "YOU ARE A CLASSIC IN AS MUCH THAT YOU BLAME THE VICTIMS" Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE........which you seem to me you are a Curr..steve
"Actually you are not a Nice person because your HATE is a manifestation of your corrupt mind and MENTAL STATE"

Thanks Steve, Ditto! hat is the Sniffer, vulgar, hateful, and corrupt!

Oh ya, SAYIT is soooooo hateful :rolleyes:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites"


:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites"


:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are direct descendants of the ancient Israelites"


:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are direct descendants of the ancient Israelites"


:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites" :cuckoo:

:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites"


:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites"


:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are direct descendants of the ancient Israelites"


:cuckoo: "The Palestinians are direct descendants of the ancient Israelites"


Billo_Really --- Selfie

guno --- Mug Shot

Let me explain hos occupation works Pbel. They do not end until hostilities end first. Unfortunately, many Palestinian do not want peace, they want victory.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

Yes that Zionist Terrorist drove them into,as an alterative to being slaughtered....

Drove them? Slaughtered? The UN offer of 3 hots and a cot drew Arab "refugees" from across the region and the hundreds of thousands of Arabs who stayed in Israel are - along with their progeny - CITIZENS of Israel.
Your ignorance is about all you ever seem to have to offer here.

A is for APPLE
B is for BALL
C is for CAT

I think you get my drift............I am the Liq

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