Senior Israeli diplomat: 'This land is ours'

Archaeological Evidence of a Jewish Jerusalem



Ancient Jewish mosaic in Israel Museum

Archaeological evidence shows that from antiquity to the present Jerusalem has been capital of the Jewish people.
The Jewish presence in Jerusalem dates as far back as 1000 BCE to the reign of King David as verified by archaeological excavations performed within the City of David, the Temple Mount area, Solomon’s Stables, within the Old City and elsewhere. According to the American archaeologist Eric Cline, writing in Jerusalem Besieged, “In 1993 and 1994, archaeologists excavating at Tel Dan in northern Israel discovered an inscription that commemorates a military campaign in Israel by Hazael of Aram about the year 841 BCE and that mentions the House of David.” Tel Aviv University ancient historian Nadav Na’aman has stated based on this excavation that, in his opinion, the facts “strongly support the biblical claims a) that David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital and b) that he founded the royal dynasty of Jerusalem.”

Since the Tel Dan excavation in 2010 Dr. Eilat Mazar, a Hebrew University of Jerusalem archaeologist discovered a wall dating from the time of King Solomon and stated that this finding was “the first time that a structure from that time has been found that may correlate with written descriptions of Solomon’s building in Jerusalem.” In addition, archaeologists excavating at Khirbet Qeiyafa in Judea and Samaria unearthed a fortified city that provided physical proof for the fact that the Jewish people practiced different religious beliefs from their Canaanite and Philistine neighbors. According to Prof. Yosef Garfinkel, ‘This is the first time that archaeologists uncovered a fortified city in Judah from the time of King David. Even in Jerusalem we do not have a clear fortified city from his period. Thus, various suggestions that completely deny the biblical tradition regarding King David and argue that he was a mythological figure, or just a leader of a small tribe, are now shown to be wrong.

Eric Cline in his book Jerusalem Besieged mentions that in Sennacherib’s Tomb there is an inscription that offers Extra-Biblical archaeological proof for the Assyrians under the reign of King Hezekiah besieging but not capturing Jerusalem in the 7th century BCE. It reads, “In my third campaign, I marched against Hatti (Syria-Palestine). As for Hezekiah, the Judean, who had not submitted to my yoke, I besieged forty-six of his fortified walled and surrounding small towns, which were without number. I took out 200,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, cattle and sheep without number, and counted them as spoil. Himself (Hezekiah), I locked him up within Jerusalem, his royal city, like a bird in a cage.”

The story of the Jewish people in Israel and Jerusalem as told by archeological evidence continues forward through time. In 586 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Kingdom of Judah and sent a good part of its population into exile. According to Eric Cline, “Archaeological evidence from many sites in modern Israel paints a grim picture of destruction throughout the land. Rubble-strewn houses with fire-blackened toppled walls were all that remained of once prosperous villages.” If one visits the Israel Museum, one can witness ancient Babylonian arrow-heads on display, along with other archaeological proof for the destruction of the Kingdom of Judah. However, not too long after the Babylonian destruction, the Jewish people would return to their ancestral homeland.


Ancient Jewish Temple

Inside the Israel Museum, one can find much archaeological evidence for the ancient Jewish presence within the city of Jerusalem: Hasmonean-era coins, ancient correspondences mentioning the Jewish people, and even Roman-era mikvah baths. Within Jerusalem’s Old City, one can also find proof of the Roman destruction. According to Eric Cline, “Nahman Avigad and his team of archaeologists found the severed arm of a young woman in her twenties who had died nearly two thousand years ago. That was all, just an arm—with the hand and fingers still attached. It lay in a room filled with ash and soot. In a nearby room, a spear was propped up against the wall. Other rooms contained utensils of daily living, all covered by a thick layer of ash and debris from the fire that destroyed the ancient dwelling. The house had belonged to a well-to-do family, probably by the name of Bar Kathros. Coins were scattered on the floor. Some bore the inscription ‘year four of the redemption of Zion,’ indicating that they were minted in the year 69 CE, in the fourth year of the Jewish rebellion against the Romans.”

It is no surprise that recently construction at Jerusalem’s Central Bus Station had to be halted after workers uncovered another ancient site connected to Jewish history.
You are obviously hanging on to straws. Yes, there is a history of Jews in the diaspora, and then there is a history of Jews in the land of Israel itself.

The Jews kept coming back, over, and over and over. The historical evidence is irrefutable:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Byzantine period (324–638)

Jews probably constituted the majority of the population of Palestine until the 4th-century, when Constantine converted to Christianity.

Jews lived in at least forty-three Jewish communities in Palestine: twelve towns on the coast, in the Negev, and east of the Jordan, and thirty-one villages in Galilee and in the Jordan valley. The persecuted Jews of Palestine revolted twice against their Christian rulers. In the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire collapsed leading to Christian migration into Palestine and development of a Christian majority. Jews numbered 10–15% of the population. Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but there were bans on Jews building new places of worship, holding public office or owning slaves. There were also two Samaritan revolts in this period.[65]

In 438, The Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site and the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews": "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come"!

In about 450, the Jerusalem Talmud was completed.

According to Procopius, in 533 Byzantine general Belisarius took the treasures of the Jewish temple from Vandals who had taken them from Rome.

In 611, Sassanid Persia invaded the Byzantine Empire. In 613, a Jewish revolt against the Byzantine Empire joined forces with these Persian invaders to capture Jerusalem in 614. The Jews gained autonomy in Jerusalem, until in 617 when the Persians betrayed agreements and withdrew their forces from the region. With return of the Byzantines in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights and received Jewish help in ousting the Persians with the aid of Jewish leader Benjamin of Tiberias.
Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.
In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation.

In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.

A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.

Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.

Ottoman rule (1517–1917)

The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo's comprehensive guide to Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel Najara andSolomon Alkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.
Old YishuvJewish life in the Land of Israel

Key events

Key figures

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state. He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported ayeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569.

In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo’s yeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshiva of the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[127]

In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[128] The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[129] In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[128]

In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.

In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[130] It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[130]
Installation of the Chacham Bashi at the Ben Zakai Synagogue, 1893. According to legend, the synagogue stands on the site of the study hall of 1st-century sage, RabbanYochanan ben Zakai. The current building was constructed in 1610.

The Near East earthquake of 1759 destroys much of Safed killing 2000 people with 190 Jews among the dead, and also destroys Tiberias.

The disciples of the Vilna Gaon settled in the land of Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel ben Samuel of Shklov. In all there were three groups of the Gaon's students which emigrated to the land of Israel. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed, setting up what was known as the Kollel Perushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, whose Jewish community until this time was mostly Sephardi. Many of the descendants of the disciples became leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself also set forth with his pupils to the Land, but for an unknown reason he turned back and returned to Vilna where he died soon after.

During the Peasants' Revolt under Muhammad Ali of Egypt's occupation, Jews were targeted in the 1834 looting of Safed and the 1834 Hebron massacre. By 1844,some sources report that Jews had become the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city.

Quoting Wiki which is edited by the Hasbara folks every day is only propagating Zionist propaganda. The facts are in the official documents.

Edited by Hasbara folks everyday ? Where do you come up with this crap? ANYONE can edit Wiki you deluded moron.

I am a Wiki editor you moron, have been for 20 years. Hasbara edits wiki daily.

"There is increasing evidence that Wikipedia is being troll edited by individuals on the payroll of the Israeli government and its lobbying and influence-peddling organizations in the United States and other countries. Israel, no longer assured of near-unanimous support among members of the press in the United States and other nations, has resorted to using anonymous Wikipedia editors to insert libelous statements on the Wikipedia pages of critics of Israeli policy."

August 11-12 2014 -- Wikipedia troll editing - Wayne Madsen Report

His own wiki entry still says he is a conspiracy theorist, and he is a frequent guest on many of the ANTI_SEMITIC shows like Iranian tv.

Hardly a believable person with his links to extremist islam and communism

Rewriting history

Rewriting the history of the Land of Israel in order to deny Israel's right to exist is central to Palestinian Authority (PA) policy. Long before it started the PA terror campaign (the "Intifada," 2000-2005), the PA was fighting a history war – erasing Jewish history and replacing it with a fabricated Palestinian history. This rewriting has two central goals:
1- Erase the Jewish nation's 3,000 year history in the Land of Israel;
2- Invent ancient Palestinian, Muslim and Arab histories in the land.

The goal of this historical revision as a political strategy was first expressed publicly at a conference of Palestinian historians in 1998, when rewriting history was linked to the political goal of denying Israel's right to exist:
"Dr. Yussuf Alzamili [Chairman History Department, Khan Yunis Educational College] called on all universities and colleges to write the history of Palestine and to guard it, and not to enable the [foreign] implants and enemies to distort it or to legitimize the existence of Jews on this land... [History lecturer Abu Amar] clarified that there is no connection between the ancient generation of Jews and the new generation." [Al-Ayyam, Dec. 4, 1998].Erasing Jewish history in the land of Israel is followed by the PA’s invention of ancient and modern histories that support its political ideology and claim to the land of Israel. The Holocaust and other aspects of Jewish history are alternately denied, downplayed or distorted. Another distortion is to hide from Palestinians that Jesus was a Jew who lived in the Land of Judea/Israel. PA leaders repeatedly define Jesus as a Palestinian who preached Islam, thus denying not only Jewish history, but also the history and legitimacy of Christianity.

Palestinian history fabricated

Having erased Jewish history, the PA fills the historical void by fabricating the ancient histories of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. PA academics claim that Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims all populated the Land of Israel in Biblical times and even earlier. These fictions are all historically impossible, as the name “Palestine" as a replacement for the Land of Judea/Israel was coined by Rome only in 136 C.E., Islam was established only in 610 C.E., and Arabs first arrived in Israel with the Muslim invasion 637 C.E

Citing numerous examples, this section will document that these and other historical revisions are an integral part of Palestinian policy and are used to create political ideology.

Inventing thousands of years of history when none existed is accomplished through numerous distortions and lies, including changing the Biblical Canaanites into Arabs, changing Biblical Israelis, Judeans and Hebrews into Arabs and Muslims, changing the religion preached by Moses from Judaism into Islam, and changing Jesus into a Palestinian who preached Islam and not Christianity.

This so-called documentary depicting Biblical Canaanites as Arabs, broadcast many times on PA TV, is one example of this PA historical revision.

"The Arab Canaanites established ports on the coast of Canaan, known today as Palestine. Palestine was attacked by invaders, but its Arab Canaanite features withstood attempts to change them. Jaffa was one of the cities whose Canaanite origins the invaders failed to erase." [PA TV, repeatedly, 2005-2007.]
The documentary further invents history by indicating visually that the victims of the Roman invasion were Arabs, not the Jewish kingdom of Judea.
thousands of years of history when none existed is accomplished through numerous distortions and lies, including changing the Biblical Canaanites into Arabs, changing Biblical Israelis, Judeans and Hebrews into Arabs and Muslims, changing the religion preached by Moses from Judaism into Islam, and changing Jesus into a Palestinian who preached Islam and not Christianity.

This so-called documentary depicting Biblical Canaanites as Arabs, broadcast many times on PA TV, is one example of this PA historical revision.
"The Arab Canaanites established ports on the coast of Canaan, known today as Palestine. Palestine was attacked by invaders, but its Arab Canaanite features withstood attempts to change them. Jaffa was one of the cities whose Canaanite origins the invaders failed to erase." [PA TV, repeatedly, 2005-2007.]The documentary further invents history by indicating visually that the victims of the Roman invasion were Arabs, not the Jewish kingdom of Judea.
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Propaganda versus propaganda. Hilarious, but not a serious contribution to the thread.

Because it bursts your balloon and shows the extent of Islamic cyber terrorism and re writing of history. Just as they destroy the work of other cultures so they can say see no evidence they existed.
The occupation is the cause of the hostilities, so it must end first.

Incorrect, Princess. Nearly 70 years of vicious Arab rejectionism is the cause of the land dispute and neither you nor those hapless Arab "refugees" gets to make any preconditions. Of course, people like you would gladly have those people face another 7 decades of life in UNRWA camps.

i wonder if these 2 pictures are photoshopped...

imagine - if the FDNY pulled up ----

---- EVERYONE certainly wouldn't be standing or sitting underneath all those buildings that look like (at any second) they were going to collapse on top of them....(it's....bizarre if they are REAL pictures - the woman standing there with her child - makes no sense - that building, getting ready to crumble)...........

If you do some research you find the woman standing outside the building is in Syria.

The men sat down is also in Syria

And the food handouts are also in Syria

First of all,
I was only talking about TWO of those pictures. The Picture of the muslim woman getting a box-o-food - THAT I believe is a real picture - and the 'tent' picture...real.

the other two pictures -- FAKE, AFAIC.............

look closely at the conditions of those buildings ! just blow on them, and CRUMBLE city.

i can't imagine they're real.....they are made up - for a dramatic effect.......

And all taken in Syria not gaza as dildo tried to say

Oh I BELIEVE: The crumbled buildings are real. know, due to all the EVILness Syria has become.

I don't believe it --- ( not for 1 second, especially the one w/all the men, even with the "shadows' - like the cart) -----> i'd like to know for sure (real/fake) with some forensic evidence, like from Dr. Credibility who swears that: Those people IN the picture weren't "clicked and dragged" on top of the crumbled buildings picture..............

i also find it weird THAT not one guy is standing...or pacing or.....something. I don't believe all of them are: just sitting around in blaise` way in front of, and around all that EVIL MESS.....

obviously, the women - they are standing by the same spot as the MEN picture, only further down. There's the FLAG on the right, and the burned brown (tree or whatever it was-telephone poll) - in the DISTANCE in the man picture.

+ ...what kinda MEN/MAN would let these women and children stand in front of or even NEAR such dangerous conditions.............


to me, they're both:................
Propaganda versus propaganda. Hilarious, but not a serious contribution to the thread.

As usual, you are too stupid to refute anything, so you come up with your usual 'propaganda' accusation. Which of course is ironic since you are the biggest propsgandist here.
No, I recognize the propaganda from both sides. You are the propagandist, acknowledging only one side's propaganda. As far as accusing me of stupidity, you know better. The lady protests too much, methinks. LOL
No, I recognize the propaganda from both sides. You are the propagandist, acknowledging only one side's propaganda. As far as accusing me of stupidity, you know better. The lady protests too much, methinks. LOL

Deny it all you want Monti, but all one has to do is read your posts to see what a dumb propagandist you are. Go get a High School diploma before you come and debate here.
As for now, you will remain a lying propagandist who is allergic to the truth.
Stating fact is not propaganda you moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you the ass. Name calling won't make the propaganda you promulgate truth.
No, I recognize the propaganda from both sides. You are the propagandist, acknowledging only one side's propaganda. As far as accusing me of stupidity, you know better. The lady protests too much, methinks. LOL

So when will you recognise your own posts as propaganda then
No, I recognize the propaganda from both sides. You are the propagandist, acknowledging only one side's propaganda. As far as accusing me of stupidity, you know better. The lady protests too much, methinks. LOL

So when will you recognise your own posts as propaganda then

Again, just because facts dispel Zionist myths, stating said facts is not promulgating propaganda. Promulgating the Zionist myths, such as the one that claims there were no Christians and Muslims in Palestine when the European Jews began colonizing the place.
No, I recognize the propaganda from both sides. You are the propagandist, acknowledging only one side's propaganda. As far as accusing me of stupidity, you know better. The lady protests too much, methinks. LOL

So when will you recognise your own posts as propaganda then

Again, just because facts dispel Zionist myths, stating said facts is not promulgating propaganda. Promulgating the Zionist myths, such as the one that claims there were no Christians and Muslims in Palestine when the European Jews began colonizing the place.
Those aren't facts they're your bullshit lies and false propaganda.

A 364 of 3 September 1947

163. The Arabs of Palestine consider themselves as having a "natural" right to that country, although they have not been in possession of it as a sovereign nation.

166. The desire of the Arab people of Palestine to safeguard their national existence is a very natural desire. However, Palestinian nationalism, as distinct from Arab nationalism, is itself a relatively new phenomenon, which appeared only after the division of the "Arab rectangle" by the settlement of the First World War.


"...Present condition of the City: (1907 edition)

Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000.The Turkish census of 1905, which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000;
Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly Half the present population...""
Ruddy, what's your point? That because the Christians and Muslims were living in an Ottoman possession, they had no right to independence, but Europeans had a right to colonize the place? I don't get your point. I really would like to understand you logically reconcile the facts. heck, you might convince me that European colonists had more right to establish a state there than the inhabitants.
Ruddy, what's your point? That because the Christians and Muslims were living in an Ottoman possession, they had no right to independence, but Europeans had a right to colonize the place? I don't get your point. I really would like to understand you logically reconcile the facts. heck, you might convince me that European colonists had more right to establish a state there than the inhabitants.

You got caught lying again, asshole. There were eight times more Jews than there were Muslims by the end of 1800's in Jerusalem, the "capital" of Palestine. The Jews were coming back to join their brethren in their ancestral homeland, while the Arabs were invaders. That's the point. Knucklehead.
So what if large numbers of Europeans settled in Jerusalem in the 1800s. The Christian and Muslim Palestinians were not Turks, so they weren't invaders. You do realize that the Ottoman rulers were Turks, not Arabs. There were no Jews to speak of in Jerusalem before the Europeans began their colonization.

"The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews." - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
Ball blah blah. How many times do I have to slap you in the face with the truth.

Despite the many invasions and programs, the Jews always maintained a presence and always kept coming back to their religious, spiritual, and cultural holy land for 2000 years. The land truly belongs to the Jews.

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Byzantine period (324–638)Jews probably constituted the majority of the population of Palestine until the 4th-century, when Constantine converted to Christianity.Jews lived in at least forty-three Jewish communities in Palestine: twelve towns on the coast, in the Negev, and east of the Jordan, and thirty-one villages in Galilee and in the Jordan valley. The persecuted Jews of Palestine revolted twice against their Christian rulers. In the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire collapsed leading to Christian migration into Palestine and development of a Christian majority. Jews numbered 10–15% of the population. Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but there were bans on Jews building new places of worship, holding public office or owning slaves. There were also two Samaritan revolts in this period.[65]In 438, The Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews' praying at the Temple site and the heads of the Community in Galilee issued a call "to the great and mighty people of the Jews": "Know that the end of the exile of our people has come"!In about 450, the Jerusalem Talmud was completed.According to Procopius, in 533 Byzantine general Belisarius took the treasures of the Jewish temple from Vandals who had taken them from Rome.In 611, Sassanid Persia invaded the Byzantine Empire. In 613, a Jewish revolt against the Byzantine Empire joined forces with these Persian invaders to capture Jerusalem in 614. The Jews gained autonomy in Jerusalem, until in 617 when the Persians betrayed agreements and withdrew their forces from the region. With return of the Byzantines in 628, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights and received Jewish help in ousting the Persians with the aid of Jewish leader Benjamin of Tiberias. Middle Ages (636–1517)After the conquest, Jewish communities began to grow and flourish. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Christian rule, that Jews were allowed to enter and worship freely in their holy city.In the mid-8th-century, taking advantage of the warring Islamic factions in Palestine, a false messiah named Abu Isa Obadiah of Isfahan inspired and organised a group of 10,000 armed Jews who hoped to restore the Holy Land to the Jewish nation. In 1039, part of the synagogue in Ramla was still in ruins, probably resulting from the earthquake of 1033. Jews also returned to Rafah and documents from 1015 and 1080 attest to a significant community there.A large Jewish community existed in Ramle and smaller communities inhabited Hebron and the coastal cities of Acre, Caesarea, Jaffa, Ashkelon and Gaza.[citation needed]Al-Muqaddasi (985) wrote that "for the most part the assayers of corn, dyers, bankers, and tanners are Jews." Under the Islamic rule, the rights of Jews and Christians were curtailed and residence was permitted upon payment of the special tax.Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Masoretes (Jewish scribes) in the Galilee and Jerusalem were active in compiling a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides of the Hebrew language. They authorised the division of the Jewish Tanakh, known as the Masoretic Text, which is regarded as authoritative till today.Ottoman rule (1517–1917)The 16th-century nevertheless saw a resurgence of Jewish life in Palestine. Palestinian rabbis were instrumental producing a universally accepted manual of Jewish law and some of the most beautiful liturgical poems. Much of this activity occurred at Safed which had become a spiritual centre, a haven for mystics. Joseph Karo'scomprehensive guide to Jewish law, the ShulchanAruch, was considered so authoritative that the variant customs of German-Polish Jewry were merely added as supplement glosses. Some of the most celebrated hymns were written at in Safed by poets such as Israel NajaraandSolomonAlkabetz. The town was also a centre of Jewish mysticism, notable kabbalists included Moses Cordovero and the German-born Naphtali Hertz ben Jacob Elhanan. A new method of understanding the kabbalah was developed by Palestinian mystic Isaac Luria, and espoused by his student Chaim Vital. In Safed, the Jews developed a number of branches of trade, especially in grain, spices, textiles and dyeing. In 1577, a Hebrewprinting press was established in Safed. The 8,000 or 10,000 Jews in Safed in 1555 grew to 20,000 or 30,000 by the end of the century.Old Yishuv
Jewish life in the Land of IsraelKey events

• Aliya of Nachmanides (1267)
Hebron and Safed massacres (1517)
Revival of Tiberias (1563)
Sack of Tiberias (1660)
Hebron massacre (1834)
Safed attack (1838)
Jerusalem expansion
PetachTikva founded (1878)
Key figures

IshtoriHaparchi (d. 1313)
Joseph Saragossi (d. 1507)
Obadiah MiBartenura (d. 1515)
Levi ibn Habib (d. 1545)
Jacob Berab (d. 1546)
Joseph Nasi (d. 1579)
Moses Galante (d. 1689)
Moses ibn Habib (d. 1696)
Yehuda he-Hasid (d. 1700)
Haim Abulafia (d. 1744)
Menachem Mendel (d. 1788)
Haim Farhi (d. 1820)
Jacob Saphir (d. 1886)
Haim Aharon Valero (d. 1923)

Ramban (1267)
Abraham Avinu (1540)
Johanan ben Zakai (1600s)

In around 1563, Joseph Nasi secured permission from Sultan Selim II to acquire Tiberias and seven surrounding villages to create a Jewish city-state. He hoped that large numbers of Jewish refugees and Marranos would settle there, free from fear and oppression; indeed, the persecuted Jews of Cori, Italy, numbering about 200 souls, decided to emigrate to Tiberias.Nasi had the walls of the town rebuilt by 1564 and attempted to turn it into a self-sufficient textile manufacturing center by planting mulberry trees for the cultivation of silk. Nevertheless, a number of factors during the following years contributed to the plan's ultimate failure. Nasi's aunt, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasi supported ayeshiva in the town for many years until her death in 1569. In 1567, a Yemenite scholar and Rabbi, Zechariah Dhahiri, visited Safed and wrote of his experiences in a book entitled Sefer Ha-Musar. His vivid descriptions of the town Safed and of Rabbi Joseph Karo’syeshiva are of primary importance to historians, seeing that they are a first-hand account of these places, and the only extant account which describes the yeshiva of the great Sephardic Rabbi, Joseph Karo.[127]In 1576, the Jewish community of Safed faced an expulsion order: 1,000 prosperous families were to be deported to Cyprus, "for the good of the said island", with another 500 the following year.[128]The order was later rescinded due to the realisation of the financial gains of Jewish rental income.[129]In 1586, the Jews of Istanbul agreed to build a fortified khan to provide a refuge for Safed's Jews against "night bandits and armed thieves."[128]In 1569, the Radbaz moved to Jerusalem, but soon moved to Safed to escape the high taxes imposed on Jews by the authorities.In 1610, the Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue in Jerusalem was completed.[130]It became the main synagogue of the Sephardic Jews, the place where their chief rabbi was invested. The adjacent study hall which had been added by 1625 later became the Synagogue of Elijah the Prophet.[130]
Installation of the ChachamBashi at the Ben Zakai Synagogue, 1893. According to legend, the synagogue stands on the site of the study hall of 1st-century sage, RabbanYochanan ben Zakai. The current building was constructed in 1610.The Near East earthquake of 1759 destroys much of Safed killing 2000 people with 190 Jews among the dead, and also destroys Tiberias.The disciples of the Vilna Gaon settled in the land of Israel almost a decade after the arrival of two of his pupils, R. Hayim of Vilna and R. Israel ben Samuel of Shklov. In all there were three groups of the Gaon's students which emigrated to the land of Israel. They formed the basis of the Ashkenazi communities of Jerusalem and Safed, setting up what was known as the KollelPerushim. Their arrival encouraged an Ashkenazi revival in Jerusalem, whose Jewish community until this time was mostly Sephardi. Many of the descendants of the disciples became leading figures in modern Israeli society. The Gaon himself also set forth with his pupils to the Land, but for an unknown reason he turned back and returned to Vilna where he died soon after.During the Peasants' Revolt under Muhammad Ali of Egypt's occupation, Jews were targeted in the 1834 looting of Safed and the 1834 Hebron massacre. By 1844,some sources report that Jews had become the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city.
"So what if the Jews were a majority blah blah blah". Poor Fred the propagandist ass licker for terrorists. He's basically admitting that the video he kept posting of "no Jews in Palestine in 1896" WAS A LIE.

Fred the wanker. Ha ha ha.

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