Seattle Socialist Calls for US Labor Party


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Kshama Sawant, the socialist currently running for reelection in Seattle, has created many enemies in high places of the Democratic Party.

"The corporate powers, from Seattle’s mayor to the Chamber of Commerce and the area’s Democratic Party, are determined she be defeated, and these local corporate elites have the national elites behind them. This will be one of the most important elections in the country this year."

While Sawant poses many threats to the current Democrat/Republican/Corporate complex, one that scares corporate politicians most goes to the heart of capitalism's relation to democracy:

"'In Socialist Alternative,' Sawant said, 'any elected representative who runs has to pledge to only take the average worker’s wage. The City Council pays me nearly $120,000. I take home $40,000 after taxes. The rest goes into a solidarity fund. This idea should also be taken up in some form by the new party.'”

Can you imagine the Hope and Change if every member of the US House and Senate earned $50,000 a year for their "public service" and received no corporate campaign support?

Chris Hedges The Most Dangerous Woman in America -Truthdig
When you have Seattle Democrats thinking you're too far to the left something is seriously wrong.
Only for those to the right of Obama.
"Sawant proposed that the left prepare the ground for a new party that will be 'broad-based, organized around democratic principles and have as its fundamental goal the mission of working with the labor movement, nonunionized workers and young activists of color.'

“'It has to be 100 percent grass roots,' she said. It must be willing to 'use the platform of the presidential campaign and other electoral campaigns to push the message of mass movements.” And, she stressed, it must never accept corporate money. This last condition, she said, 'has to be non-negotiable.'"

When those who are too far to the right fear broad-based economic democracy, their corporate masters will toss a few more table scraps their way.

Chris Hedges The Most Dangerous Woman in America -Truthdig
Should have a helluva lot more than 2 viable parties.
Greece has just provided a good example of how quickly two viable political parties can be undone by a radical uprising.

Syriza is a Greek adjective meaning "from the roots." As recently as 2004, its political namesake took only 3.3% of the total vote.

In 2014 Syriza took first place with 26.5% of the total vote.

Something similar could happen here in less than one election cycle.

Syriza - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Kshama Sawant, the socialist currently running for reelection in Seattle, has created many enemies in high places of the Democratic Party.

"The corporate powers, from Seattle’s mayor to the Chamber of Commerce and the area’s Democratic Party, are determined she be defeated, and these local corporate elites have the national elites behind them. This will be one of the most important elections in the country this year."

While Sawant poses many threats to the current Democrat/Republican/Corporate complex, one that scares corporate politicians most goes to the heart of capitalism's relation to democracy:

"'In Socialist Alternative,' Sawant said, 'any elected representative who runs has to pledge to only take the average worker’s wage. The City Council pays me nearly $120,000. I take home $40,000 after taxes. The rest goes into a solidarity fund. This idea should also be taken up in some form by the new party.'”

Can you imagine the Hope and Change if every member of the US House and Senate earned $50,000 a year for their "public service" and received no corporate campaign support?

Chris Hedges The Most Dangerous Woman in America -Truthdig
Need more like her.
Need more like her.

"Sawant, born in India, is a leader of the Socialist Alternative Party.

"She holds a doctorate in economics from North Carolina State University and before her election to the City Council was a professor at a community college.

"She knows that there will be no genuine reforms, let alone systemic change, without the building of radical mass movements and a viable third party.

"She is as familiar at Seattle street demonstrations, where she has been arrested, as she is in City Council hearings.

"If there is any hope left for the absurdist political theater that characterizes election campaigns it is in renegades such as Sawant."
Chris Hedges The Most Dangerous Woman in America -Truthdig
Need more like her.

"Sawant, born in India, is a leader of the Socialist Alternative Party.

"She holds a doctorate in economics from North Carolina State University and before her election to the City Council was a professor at a community college.

"She knows that there will be no genuine reforms, let alone systemic change, without the building of radical mass movements and a viable third party.

"She is as familiar at Seattle street demonstrations, where she has been arrested, as she is in City Council hearings.

"If there is any hope left for the absurdist political theater that characterizes election campaigns it is in renegades such as Sawant."
Chris Hedges The Most Dangerous Woman in America -Truthdig
I am pleased that socialism is becoming a popular ideal in the United States.


Nevertheless, until the Democratic Party regains dominance of the United States any party on the left takes votes away from the Democratic Party, and causes the election of Republicans.

If Ralph Nader had not been running in 2000, Al Gore would probably have won.

If I had been voting during the 1930's I would have voted for Norman Thomas, but I would have voted for Norman Thomas knowing that Franklin Roosevelt would win by a landslide. Voting for Norman Thomas would have demonstrated that there was support for policies to the left of what Roosevelt was doing.

The last time it really made sense to vote for someone to the left of a Democrat presidential candidate was 1964. Barry Goldwater was sure to get a well deserved beating. A candidate to the left of Lyndon Johnson could have told the truth about the War in Vietnam. The truth was that most of the South Vietnamese supported the Communists, and the Communists were winning.
I am pleased that socialism is becoming a popular ideal in the United States.


Nevertheless, until the Democratic Party regains dominance of the United States any party on the left takes votes away from the Democratic Party, and causes the election of Republicans.

If Ralph Nader had not been running in 2000, Al Gore would probably have won.

If I had been voting during the 1930's I would have voted for Norman Thomas, but I would have voted for Norman Thomas knowing that Franklin Roosevelt would win by a landslide. Voting for Norman Thomas would have demonstrated that there was support for policies to the left of what Roosevelt was doing.

The last time it really made sense to vote for someone to the left of a Democrat presidential candidate was 1964. Barry Goldwater was sure to get a well deserved beating. A candidate to the left of Lyndon Johnson could have told the truth about the War in Vietnam. The truth was that most of the South Vietnamese supported the Communists, and the Communists were winning.
You needed google to form a thought on socialism? LOL.

Retards should not be allowed to vote!
Nevertheless, until the Democratic Party regains dominance of the United States any party on the left takes votes away from the Democratic Party, and causes the election of Republicans.

If Ralph Nader had not been running in 2000, Al Gore would probably have won.
Ralph would probably say his voters would not have been naive enough to choose between Bush or Gore. He would also point out how Democrats began chasing the same corporate money as Republicans in the late 1970s, leaving their working class constituency adrift on a rising tide of globalization. A good test that is rapidly approaching is fast track for TPP; Democrats are just as likely as Republicans to support "free trade." The "lesser evil" argument is losing steam.

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