Searching for America's starving children

This is a false statement: "The whole argument of malnutrition is nothing more than an elitist attempt to tell Americans what to eat."

It's one thing to think that parents don't know how to raise there kids but it is quite another to use whatever power they have to make other people conform to your standard. What if experts just issued there statements but left it at that? Does that actually ever happen?
What about it? Give us the evidence that you have.
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
I'm not talking about poor people, I'm talking about starving children. The OP is rhetorical of course. The claim isn't based on any complex studies, but rather that 50 million Americans are on food stamps so 20% of children MUST be starving. It only underscores the fact that 50 million Americans are on food stamps. They aren't starving.

And speaking of rhetoric, you got quite a bit going yourself. Though the 1980's Appalachian crisis was the last time we had a genuine case of Americans starving, swift and effective action was taken and the problem was resolved. Permanently. Appalachian communities receive USDA food shipments as well as Indian reservations. I know. I make those deliveries.

So where are these starving children? If they're so numerous (1 out of 5!) then I should be tripping over them.

Is this not yet another Leftist myth?
OK. Fair enough. So, please tell me what the real number is. What data and stats do you have that disputes the published numbers? Would you mind telling us what the real number is according to your research? I'd be very interested in see what other numbers are out there that would shed new light on this subject. Thanks.
I thought Americans had a weight problem but now we are underfed? I'm so f'n confused.

One out of five live beneath the poverty line is what is the fact.

Hungry children? Go to Rivercrest in Angelina County or Ragtown in Shelby County, both in Texas, for starters, muffinhead.

What we DO have is a sloth problem in this nation. Rather than cook your child a real meal you stop at McDonalds and get them a sad meal. Or buy little pre-packaged microwavable servings of mac and cheese. You don't fix lazy with a free breakfast at school either - that essentially does nothing.

It does feed a child who may not otherwise get a breakfast- or even a healthy meal that day.

Look at the program that the OP attacked- feeding America- it works with food banks working with volunteers and faith based organizations to distribute food- not Happy Meals- to people who are food insecure.

I really don't understand why someone is against helping poor people get access to food- especially better food.

It does feed a child who may not otherwise get a breakfast- or even a healthy meal that day.

Look at the program that the OP attacked- feeding America- it works with food banks working with volunteers and faith based organizations to distribute food- not Happy Meals- to people who are food insecure.

I really don't understand why someone is against helping poor people get access to food- especially better food.
"Food insecure"

"Faces hunger"

"At risk of hunger"

"Climate change"

When Leftists know that Americans aren't buying their bullshit, they modify the labels. People know that there is no global warming and that Americans aren't starving, so creative editing repackages the same lie and the same agenda.

And when Conservatives like you like to stir crap up-you just flat out lie when starting a thread.
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?

According to the Obama camp, obesity is a SYMPTOM of starvation.

I don't know why the starving kids in Ethiopia aren't obese, though. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they aren't buried in bloated food stamp allotments as a reward for sitting on their asses.
I thought Americans had a weight problem but now we are underfed? I'm so f'n confused.

One out of five live beneath the poverty line is what is the fact.

Hungry children? Go to Rivercrest in Angelina County or Ragtown in Shelby County, both in Texas, for starters, muffinhead.
You're being an asshole is what you are. Try visiting OR CONTRIBUTING to a food bank.
I have. I have fed the homeless and watched them dropping off their booze at the bushes in the front then leave angry because we dint serve them food they liked.

There is not a food problem in this nation - we are gluttonous not starving. That is why they have to change terms from hungry to 'food insecure' because the entire concept is so asinine that it is laughable.

What we DO have is a sloth problem in this nation. Rather than cook your child a real meal you stop at McDonalds and get them a sad meal. Or buy little pre-packaged microwavable servings of mac and cheese. You don't fix lazy with a free breakfast at school either - that essentially does nothing.

Only in America will the government demand that there is a hunger problem while telling you that the obesity epidemic is one of the greatest dangers we face. It is asinine.
The thing that pisses me off about this agenda is it's a hideous slander on the country I love. America doesn't let 20% of its children go hungry, or any of them. Private and government organizations work together to bring food and necessary items to those who need it in abundance. That's the American way. The Left yet again displays their hatred of America with this lie.

So.....because you are pissed off- you lie in the OP- and then you attack one of the very organizations that is 'working together' to bring food to those who need it.

How very 'Conservative' of you.
But don't worry...Obama's plan is to starve the shit out of those fat kids, for real. That's how they justify taking more money than ever to feed kids at school less and less.
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!

It appears that the one lying here is - you.

You are lying by saying that Feeding America is saying that children are starving- but of course they don't.

U.S. Hunger Relief Charity Feeding America

1 in 6 people struggle to get enough to eat. Learn about our neighbors in need and how they get by.

What I wonder- is why you are so outraged that an organization tries to get food to America's poor?
Why did you just prove I was right and still call me a liar? That's quite a feat!

Title of your thread: 'Searching for America's starving children' and 'Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving'

Both your lies- as I pointed out Feeding America makes no such claims about 'starving children'.

Just your lie.


I don't know- apparently just some Conservative thing you do.
Are One In Five American Children Hungry - Forbes


11/20/2011 @ 10:24AM |26,063 views
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?

Childhood hunger is a nice, safe issue. No politician can be against hungry children, and we are told that the U.S. faces a child hunger problem of massive proportions. Advocacy groups repeat over and over that 16.2 million children (one in five) “struggle with hunger in the United States.” Television appeals show dispirited children going to bed hungry.

Childhood hunger and nutrition are one of the constants of political discourse. While the Super Committee stalemates, Congress debates whether pizzas should be counted as a vegetable in school lunch programs. The Occupy Wall Street crowd deplores childhood hunger as “violence against children.” Liberals complain that Rush Limbaugh jokes about childhood poverty. Sinister pizza, cola, and salt lobbyists block valiant efforts to make school lunches healthier.

Statistics that become part of our folklore should raise suspicion. When we dig into them, they are usually wrong. I cite as examples Bill Clinton’s “100,000 new cops on the street” or the “miserly pay of teachers.”

The one-in-five childhood hunger figure should raise red flags for three reasons.

First, studies of poor households show that almost half own their own homes, three quarters own a car, and almost all have a color television. The American poor seem to have money for things other than food for their children, if the one-in-five statistic is to be believed.

Second, advocacy groups (with Michelle Obama as a leading spokesperson) now appear to have decided that the problem is childhood obesity, not hunger. The children, especially of the poor, are not going to bed hungry. They are eating too much of the wrong foods.

Third, if the one-in-five statistic is correct, the public food stamps and school free lunch programs must be colossal failures. Despite their wide reach into poor communities, they apparently leave more than thirty percent of school children “struggling with hunger.”

Where does the one-in-five figure come from and what does it really measure?

It turns out that the official arbiter of family nutrition is the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Its annual surveyclassifies families as “food secure”, “food insecure”, and “very low food secure.” It publishes no direct measure of “hunger,” only of what it calls “food security.” The details of the survey are found in the statistical appendix to the annual survey – a document that few read.

The USDA classifies households as “food insecure” if they report worrying about not having enough money to buy food, if they substitute cheaper foods, skip meals, or eat less for financial reasons. If they do these things frequently, they are classified as “very low food secure.”

Slightly over 21 percent of households are “food insecure.” This is the one-in-five statistic we hear from the media and advocacy groups.

The one-in-five figure is for all households, many of which consist only of adults. If we limit the sample to households with children, ten percent of them are classified as food insecure. If any group wishes to use the broadest possible measure of children’s “struggle for food,” the ten percent figure would be it.

Notably, weekly spending on food by the median “food insecure” household is 95 percent of the cost of the USDA Thrifty Food Plan – the minimum cost of an affordable and healthy diet. It seems that another five cents on the dollar separates 16.2 million hungry children from a healthy diet.

Not publicized by the childhood hunger lobby are the USDA’s most direct measures of childhood hunger. They reveal that between one and two percent of families “cut the size of children’s meals” or report that “children were hungry” or “skipped meals.” And only one tenth of one percent of families reported that “children did not eat for a whole day.” These findings do not suggest, to say the least, an epidemic of childhood hunger. The USDA’s most direct measures yield a childhood hunger rate between one and two in a hundred, not one in five.

You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
I'm not talking about poor people, I'm talking about starving children. The OP is rhetorical of course. The claim isn't based on any complex studies, but rather that 50 million Americans are on food stamps so 20% of children MUST be starving. It only underscores the fact that 50 million Americans are on food stamps. They aren't starving.

And speaking of rhetoric, you got quite a bit going yourself. Though the 1980's Appalachian crisis was the last time we had a genuine case of Americans starving, swift and effective action was taken and the problem was resolved. Permanently. Appalachian communities receive USDA food shipments as well as Indian reservations. I know. I make those deliveries.

So where are these starving children? If they're so numerous (1 out of 5!) then I should be tripping over them.

Is this not yet another Leftist myth?
OK. Fair enough. So, please tell me what the real number is. What data and stats do you have that disputes the published numbers? Would you mind telling us what the real number is according to your research? I'd be very interested in see what other numbers are out there that would shed new light on this subject. Thanks.
I just posted your answer. It's right at the very end.
I thought Americans had a weight problem but now we are underfed? I'm so f'n confused.

One out of five live beneath the poverty line is what is the fact.

Hungry children? Go to Rivercrest in Angelina County or Ragtown in Shelby County, both in Texas, for starters, muffinhead.
You're being an asshole is what you are. Try visiting OR CONTRIBUTING to a food bank.
I have. I have fed the homeless and watched them dropping off their booze at the bushes in the front then leave angry because we dint serve them food they liked.

There is not a food problem in this nation - we are gluttonous not starving. That is why they have to change terms from hungry to 'food insecure' because the entire concept is so asinine that it is laughable.

What we DO have is a sloth problem in this nation. Rather than cook your child a real meal you stop at McDonalds and get them a sad meal. Or buy little pre-packaged microwavable servings of mac and cheese. You don't fix lazy with a free breakfast at school either - that essentially does nothing.

Only in America will the government demand that there is a hunger problem while telling you that the obesity epidemic is one of the greatest dangers we face. It is asinine.
The thing that pisses me off about this agenda is it's a hideous slander on the country I love. America doesn't let 20% of its children go hungry, or any of them. Private and government organizations work together to bring food and necessary items to those who need it in abundance. That's the American way. The Left yet again displays their hatred of America with this lie.

So.....because you are pissed off- you lie in the OP- and then you attack one of the very organizations that is 'working together' to bring food to those who need it.

How very 'Conservative' of you.
I support my local food bank.

Do you?
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
I'm not talking about poor people, I'm talking about starving children. The OP is rhetorical of course. The claim isn't based on any complex studies, but rather that 50 million Americans are on food stamps so 20% of children MUST be starving. It only underscores the fact that 50 million Americans are on food stamps. They aren't starving.

And speaking of rhetoric, you got quite a bit going yourself. Though the 1980's Appalachian crisis was the last time we had a genuine case of Americans starving, swift and effective action was taken and the problem was resolved. Permanently. Appalachian communities receive USDA food shipments as well as Indian reservations. I know. I make those deliveries.

So where are these starving children? If they're so numerous (1 out of 5!) then I should be tripping over them.

Is this not yet another Leftist myth?
OK. Fair enough. So, please tell me what the real number is. What data and stats do you have that disputes the published numbers? Would you mind telling us what the real number is according to your research? I'd be very interested in see what other numbers are out there that would shed new light on this subject. Thanks.
I just posted your answer. It's right at the very end.
Where? I don't see your answer. Would you mind reposting it for me , please? Thanks.
I thought Americans had a weight problem but now we are underfed? I'm so f'n confused.

One out of five live beneath the poverty line is what is the fact.

Hungry children? Go to Rivercrest in Angelina County or Ragtown in Shelby County, both in Texas, for starters, muffinhead.
You're being an asshole is what you are. Try visiting OR CONTRIBUTING to a food bank.
I have. I have fed the homeless and watched them dropping off their booze at the bushes in the front then leave angry because we dint serve them food they liked.

There is not a food problem in this nation - we are gluttonous not starving. That is why they have to change terms from hungry to 'food insecure' because the entire concept is so asinine that it is laughable.

What we DO have is a sloth problem in this nation. Rather than cook your child a real meal you stop at McDonalds and get them a sad meal. Or buy little pre-packaged microwavable servings of mac and cheese. You don't fix lazy with a free breakfast at school either - that essentially does nothing.

Only in America will the government demand that there is a hunger problem while telling you that the obesity epidemic is one of the greatest dangers we face. It is asinine.
The thing that pisses me off about this agenda is it's a hideous slander on the country I love. America doesn't let 20% of its children go hungry, or any of them. Private and government organizations work together to bring food and necessary items to those who need it in abundance. That's the American way. The Left yet again displays their hatred of America with this lie.
They're baby killing monsters. They want people to believe that we abuse our children...while at the same time they facilitate the abuse of children.
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!

It appears that the one lying here is - you.

You are lying by saying that Feeding America is saying that children are starving- but of course they don't.

U.S. Hunger Relief Charity Feeding America

1 in 6 people struggle to get enough to eat. Learn about our neighbors in need and how they get by.

What I wonder- is why you are so outraged that an organization tries to get food to America's poor?
Why did you just prove I was right and still call me a liar? That's quite a feat!
Syriously thinks he's starving if he can't get Papa Murphy's and 4 litres of root beer every single night.
You see the signs everywhere, promoted by lying organizations like (taxpayer funded). Apparently 1 in 5 children in this country are starving. Millions of them!


Now I'm looking everywhere for the emaciated skeletons like I grew up watching on TV shows on Ethiopian famines, but I keep seeing all these well fed youngsters inhaling Doritos and Coke while outdoing their last high score on Xbox.

I'm perplexed because if 20% of kids are suffering the cruel pangs of starvation, should they be this hard to find?
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
I'm not talking about poor people, I'm talking about starving children. The OP is rhetorical of course. The claim isn't based on any complex studies, but rather that 50 million Americans are on food stamps so 20% of children MUST be starving. It only underscores the fact that 50 million Americans are on food stamps. They aren't starving.

And speaking of rhetoric, you got quite a bit going yourself. Though the 1980's Appalachian crisis was the last time we had a genuine case of Americans starving, swift and effective action was taken and the problem was resolved. Permanently. Appalachian communities receive USDA food shipments as well as Indian reservations. I know. I make those deliveries.

So where are these starving children? If they're so numerous (1 out of 5!) then I should be tripping over them.

Is this not yet another Leftist myth?
OK. Fair enough. So, please tell me what the real number is. What data and stats do you have that disputes the published numbers? Would you mind telling us what the real number is according to your research? I'd be very interested in see what other numbers are out there that would shed new light on this subject. Thanks.
I just posted your answer. It's right at the very end.
Where? I don't see your answer. Would you mind reposting it for me , please? Thanks.
I just told you exactly where it is. Are you dense?
I thought Americans had a weight problem but now we are underfed? I'm so f'n confused.
You're being an asshole is what you are. Try visiting OR CONTRIBUTING to a food bank.
I have. I have fed the homeless and watched them dropping off their booze at the bushes in the front then leave angry because we dint serve them food they liked.

There is not a food problem in this nation - we are gluttonous not starving. That is why they have to change terms from hungry to 'food insecure' because the entire concept is so asinine that it is laughable.

What we DO have is a sloth problem in this nation. Rather than cook your child a real meal you stop at McDonalds and get them a sad meal. Or buy little pre-packaged microwavable servings of mac and cheese. You don't fix lazy with a free breakfast at school either - that essentially does nothing.

Only in America will the government demand that there is a hunger problem while telling you that the obesity epidemic is one of the greatest dangers we face. It is asinine.
The thing that pisses me off about this agenda is it's a hideous slander on the country I love. America doesn't let 20% of its children go hungry, or any of them. Private and government organizations work together to bring food and necessary items to those who need it in abundance. That's the American way. The Left yet again displays their hatred of America with this lie.

So.....because you are pissed off- you lie in the OP- and then you attack one of the very organizations that is 'working together' to bring food to those who need it.

How very 'Conservative' of you.
I support my local food bank.

Do you?

Yeah, I bet you do.
They are not hard to find. Many areas of the country have poor neighborhoods, unemployed parents, disabled parents, and very little to eat. Have you ever heard of the people that live in the Appalachian Mountains? A little research will reveal poor and depressed areas all across this nation. You may not see them with your own eyes, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Also, entire families are homeless, living in tent cities, and some even eating out of trash cans. It wasn't that long ago that many food pantries had empty shelves. Have you even seen the crowds that gather when churches hand out donated food? Have you even seen little kids panhandling outside grocery stores? Have you ever heard of community food drives that gather can goods for needy families? Have you ever heard of kids getting their only meals during the day while at school?

Believe me, the poor do exist, and their numbers are growing as we speak. A little research may open your eyes to the poverty in this country.
I'm not talking about poor people, I'm talking about starving children. The OP is rhetorical of course. The claim isn't based on any complex studies, but rather that 50 million Americans are on food stamps so 20% of children MUST be starving. It only underscores the fact that 50 million Americans are on food stamps. They aren't starving.

And speaking of rhetoric, you got quite a bit going yourself. Though the 1980's Appalachian crisis was the last time we had a genuine case of Americans starving, swift and effective action was taken and the problem was resolved. Permanently. Appalachian communities receive USDA food shipments as well as Indian reservations. I know. I make those deliveries.

So where are these starving children? If they're so numerous (1 out of 5!) then I should be tripping over them.

Is this not yet another Leftist myth?
OK. Fair enough. So, please tell me what the real number is. What data and stats do you have that disputes the published numbers? Would you mind telling us what the real number is according to your research? I'd be very interested in see what other numbers are out there that would shed new light on this subject. Thanks.
I just posted your answer. It's right at the very end.
Where? I don't see your answer. Would you mind reposting it for me , please? Thanks.
I just told you exactly where it is. Are you dense?
I still don't see the data and stats. Can you repost it for me, please. I looked and didn't see data, stats, links, numbers, nor any other information that would dispute published numbers. Please, if you don't mind, repost them for me. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Starvation is not a problem in this country, but malnutrition is. Public schools should (and many do) provide free breakfast and lunch to neglected children. I don't like welfare dependency but, in the absence of forced sterilization, what are we going to do about their shitty parents?
Are their parents "shitty" because they are poor? Is poverty a character flaw?
I thought Americans had a weight problem but now we are underfed? I'm so f'n confused.
You're being an asshole is what you are. Try visiting OR CONTRIBUTING to a food bank.
I have. I have fed the homeless and watched them dropping off their booze at the bushes in the front then leave angry because we dint serve them food they liked.

There is not a food problem in this nation - we are gluttonous not starving. That is why they have to change terms from hungry to 'food insecure' because the entire concept is so asinine that it is laughable.

What we DO have is a sloth problem in this nation. Rather than cook your child a real meal you stop at McDonalds and get them a sad meal. Or buy little pre-packaged microwavable servings of mac and cheese. You don't fix lazy with a free breakfast at school either - that essentially does nothing.

Only in America will the government demand that there is a hunger problem while telling you that the obesity epidemic is one of the greatest dangers we face. It is asinine.
The thing that pisses me off about this agenda is it's a hideous slander on the country I love. America doesn't let 20% of its children go hungry, or any of them. Private and government organizations work together to bring food and necessary items to those who need it in abundance. That's the American way. The Left yet again displays their hatred of America with this lie.

So.....because you are pissed off- you lie in the OP- and then you attack one of the very organizations that is 'working together' to bring food to those who need it.

How very 'Conservative' of you.
I support my local food bank.

Do you?

a) Yes- and I work there several times a month and
So.....because you are pissed off- you lie in the OP- and then you attack one of the very organizations that is 'working together' to bring food to those who need it.

How very 'Conservative' of you.
One out of five live beneath the poverty line is what is the fact.

Hungry children? Go to Rivercrest in Angelina County or Ragtown in Shelby County, both in Texas, for starters, muffinhead.

So the Great Society programs have obviously been a failure. Probably time we stop wasting our money on them.
I thought Americans had a weight problem but now we are underfed? I'm so f'n confused.

One out of five live beneath the poverty line is what is the fact.

Hungry children? Go to Rivercrest in Angelina County or Ragtown in Shelby County, both in Texas, for starters, muffinhead.
You're being an asshole is what you are. Try visiting OR CONTRIBUTING to a food bank.
I have. I have fed the homeless and watched them dropping off their booze at the bushes in the front then leave angry because we dint serve them food they liked.

There is not a food problem in this nation - we are gluttonous not starving. That is why they have to change terms from hungry to 'food insecure' because the entire concept is so asinine that it is laughable.

What we DO have is a sloth problem in this nation. Rather than cook your child a real meal you stop at McDonalds and get them a sad meal. Or buy little pre-packaged microwavable servings of mac and cheese. You don't fix lazy with a free breakfast at school either - that essentially does nothing.

Only in America will the government demand that there is a hunger problem while telling you that the obesity epidemic is one of the greatest dangers we face. It is asinine.
There are far too may poor people living in Food Deserts. Neighborhoods without supermarkets offering fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh dairy and fresh meats. Far too many people have access only to conveinence stores or neighborhood bodegas. Where the food options are slight and poor.

Far too many people must endure long trips just to get to a grocer, and then a long trip home schlepping their groceries.

Too many Conservatives dismiss poverty as a chapter flaw claiming the poor are lazy and shiftless without fully understanding their problems. Why? Because it's the easy way out of actually finding solutions. Acting on anecdote rather than fact, greed rather than compassion.

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