Why do liberals keep falling back on the edited summary videos?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Yes. The Center for Medical Progress did release heavily edited videos. Everyone knows this. They have not denied this in any way. That said, the summary versions are pretty obviously only provided for those who don't have the eight hours or so to watch all four of the full ones.They haven't denied you the full, unedited originals. You can find them on the official website and on the exact same YouTube channel as the edited versions. One would have to be going out of their way to watch them without becoming aware of the two hour a piece full versions. Yet the liberal mainstream from journalists to the president himself, most of whom seem proud not to have watched even the first five minutes of the first highlight version, has latched onto this idea that only the edited versions exist and that they were only edited to create a false narrative. That... to be totally honest just seems willfully ignorant at the most charitable. For those of you who haven't seen them yet, and are willing to watch them before writing them off as a hoax and fraud, here are the actual videos:

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:

Video 5:
The reason is the narrative is apparently false. There doesn't appear to be any credible allegation that PP is making a lot of money on this (or on providing access to abortions overall). Abortion is legal, and most Americans think it should be available up till week 20 or so. That gives a woman a pretty solid 4 weeks or so to determine if she's pregnant and if so decide what she wants to do. The woman is given the choice of donating the fetal tissue for medical research. If she chooses that, then the provider performs the abortion to effectuate her choice. It's legal, and beyond the ghoulish factor, I don't see how the procedure is more awful that it already is.

No one likes abortion, but most feel that in some instances it's the least bad option, and individual women should make up their own minds.

The narrative is not even about fetal tissue, really, since PP is not the only source for medical researchers. Rather, it's a patently obvious attempt to take a swipe at abortion in general.
The reason is the narrative is apparently false.
According to PP it is. That doesn't mean we should throw out evidence that it might be on the grounds that PP says it's a hoax.

There doesn't appear to be any credible allegation that PP is making a lot of money on this (or on providing access to abortions overall).
Aside from the five videos I just provided which do indicate that the public story and internal workings aren't entirely congruent.

Abortion is legal, and most Americans think it should be available up till week 20 or so. That gives a woman a pretty solid 4 weeks or so to determine if she's pregnant and if so decide what she wants to do. The woman is given the choice of donating the fetal tissue for medical research. If she chooses that, then the provider performs the abortion to effectuate her choice. It's legal, and beyond the ghoulish factor, I don't see how the procedure is more awful that it already is. No one likes abortion, but most feel that in some instances it's the least bad option, and individual women should make up their own minds.

The narrative is not even about fetal tissue, really, since PP is not the only source for medical researchers. Rather, it's a patently obvious attempt to take a swipe at abortion in general.
The split is about 50/50 according to every credible poll I've seen done on the issue. Regardless, this particular case isn't about making abortion illegal. It's about a series of interviews set up with high level Planned Parenthood executives by a team of sting operatives in which those high level employees make a number of compromising claims. That's literally what the videos above are about. You don't have to take my word for it. You can easily get comfortable for the next eight or nine hours and watch them yourself.
How many more times?

How many more times will the GOP attempt to de-fund PP?

Yes. The Center for Medical Progress did release heavily edited videos. Everyone knows this. They have not denied this in any way. That said, the summary versions are pretty obviously only provided for those who don't have the eight hours or so to watch all four of the full ones.They haven't denied you the full, unedited originals. You can find them on the official website and on the exact same YouTube channel as the edited versions. One would have to be going out of their way to watch them without becoming aware of the two hour a piece full versions. Yet the liberal mainstream from journalists to the president himself, most of whom seem proud not to have watched even the first five minutes of the first highlight version, has latched onto this idea that only the edited versions exist and that they were only edited to create a false narrative. That... to be totally honest just seems willfully ignorant at the most charitable. For those of you who haven't seen them yet, and are willing to watch them before writing them off as a hoax and fraud, here are the actual videos:

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:

Video 5:

Then prosecute the specific alleged lawbreakers.
why do they use it. because it's worked before. well the FIFTH video is OUT. only THREE more to go
video at the site

here you go ENJOY:

he Center for Medical Progress has released a fifth undercover video of Planned Parenthood today, despite a concerted effort by pro-abortion judges to prevent them from doing so. In this latest video, Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, takes things yet again one step further than in previous videos.

Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast is, according to the video, one of the largest and "wealthiest" of the organization's many locations. Farrell explains why:

Our organization has been doing the research for many many years. And we've had studies in which the company, or in the case of the investigator, has a specific need for certain portion of the products of conception, and we bake that into our contract and our protocol that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.

Telling you this so then we can get creative about where and when where, and under what conditions can we interject something that is specific to the tissue procurement needs.

Farrell repeatedly speaks of altering the process to accommodate specific "procurement" needs. When asked if Planned Parenthood could "adjust the procedure" if they knew in advance they needed a 'high volume" of a specific organ or brain pieces from a particular stage of development, Farrell responded "Yeah I think we can." She also further elaborated on altering the process:

So if we alter our process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. I mean, that's, it's all just a matter of line items.

And again, they are told by Planned Parenthood that they can change the procedure to meet the orders, this time explaining that one of the doctors was an active researcher so knows just what to do:

PP: One of them came from the Family Planning Fellowship at Columbia, an active researcher, and so she's very well-versed in what she needs to do.
Buyer: To just, change up a just a little bit?
PP: Oh yeah.

At another point, Farrell looks through her computer for examples from other companies making requests. This is an important point. She pulls up records of actual, operating procurement companies with actual orders in at the abortion clinic, not undercover actors with hypothetical needs. She found orders for as many as 120 "samples" from up to 22 weeks. That's five and a half months.

all of it here:
Fifth Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Diversification of the Revenue Stream Truth Revolt
Then prosecute the specific alleged lawbreakers.
Prosecution requires a case. A case requires evidence. It also requires a legal system willing and allowed to take on the case. A primary reason groups like this release their materials publicly rather than, say, taking them to a lawyer is that at least this way the public will hear about it. It won't just get buried or destroyed. It's very much analogous to traditional whistle blowing.
Yes. The Center for Medical Progress did release heavily edited videos. Everyone knows this. They have not denied this in any way. That said, the summary versions are pretty obviously only provided for those who don't have the eight hours or so to watch all four of the full ones.They haven't denied you the full, unedited originals. You can find them on the official website and on the exact same YouTube channel as the edited versions. One would have to be going out of their way to watch them without becoming aware of the two hour a piece full versions. Yet the liberal mainstream from journalists to the president himself, most of whom seem proud not to have watched even the first five minutes of the first highlight version, has latched onto this idea that only the edited versions exist and that they were only edited to create a false narrative. That... to be totally honest just seems willfully ignorant at the most charitable. For those of you who haven't seen them yet, and are willing to watch them before writing them off as a hoax and fraud, here are the actual videos:

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:

Video 5:

Then prosecute the specific alleged lawbreakers.

If you mean the feds, cows will fly, Fort Knox will give away free samples before the BO Justice Dept prosecutes PP.
The reason is the narrative is apparently false.
According to PP it is. That doesn't mean we should throw out evidence that it might be on the grounds that PP says it's a hoax.

There doesn't appear to be any credible allegation that PP is making a lot of money on this (or on providing access to abortions overall).
Aside from the five videos I just provided which do indicate that the public story and internal workings aren't entirely congruent.

Abortion is legal, and most Americans think it should be available up till week 20 or so. That gives a woman a pretty solid 4 weeks or so to determine if she's pregnant and if so decide what she wants to do. The woman is given the choice of donating the fetal tissue for medical research. If she chooses that, then the provider performs the abortion to effectuate her choice. It's legal, and beyond the ghoulish factor, I don't see how the procedure is more awful that it already is. No one likes abortion, but most feel that in some instances it's the least bad option, and individual women should make up their own minds.

The narrative is not even about fetal tissue, really, since PP is not the only source for medical researchers. Rather, it's a patently obvious attempt to take a swipe at abortion in general.
The split is about 50/50 according to every credible poll I've seen done on the issue. Regardless, this particular case isn't about making abortion illegal. It's about a series of interviews set up with high level Planned Parenthood executives by a team of sting operatives in which those high level employees make a number of compromising claims. That's literally what the videos above are about. You don't have to take my word for it. You can easily get comfortable for the next eight or nine hours and watch them yourself.
"interviews" do not occur during video "stings."

And nothing shows PP making a "big profit on this."

In short, the videos don't prove jack shite. It's a pro-life anti-abortion propaganda piece. Collecting fetal tissue is unpleasant, but legal and useful. And PP is not the only source for researchers.
"interviews" do not occur during video "stings."
They went undercover as potential buyers to record how PP officials conduct negotiations with potential buyers. They went on to interview various PP employees undercover. They would not have been allowed inside much less be given the information they were had they been open about their identity. That's how investigation works.

And nothing shows PP making a "big profit on this."[/QUOTE]The place to start would be asking you if you believe the interviews in the videos actually happened. Do you believe that to be the case, or do you believe them to have been fabricated?

In short, the videos don't prove jack shite. It's a pro-life anti-abortion propaganda piece. Collecting fetal tissue is unpleasant, but legal and useful. And PP is not the only source for researchers.
I invite you to watch them and see what they say.
How many more times?

How many more times will the GOP attempt to de-fund PP?

Would it be safe to take your response as an admission that you have not watched the videos and have no intention of doing so?

No it would not.

However if the sting had evidence of any criminal activity at PP they would have alerted the local authorities and charges would have been filed. Instead they took the O'Keefe path and hoped that the democrats would cave, again. But it seems the boy cried "Wolfe" one too many times.
The videos show PP charging shipping and handling -- that is, basically taking a loss -- for tissue donations.

Why anybody think that's a crime, they have yet to explain. They just keep screaming that there must be a crime, and that anyone who doesn't believe in the imaginary crime along with them must be deluded.
"interviews" do not occur during video "stings."
They went undercover as potential buyers to record how PP officials conduct negotiations with potential buyers. They went on to interview various PP employees undercover. They would not have been allowed inside much less be given the information they were had they been open about their identity. That's how investigation works.

And nothing shows PP making a "big profit on this."
The place to start would be asking you if you believe the interviews in the videos actually happened. Do you believe that to be the case, or do you believe them to have been fabricated?

In short, the videos don't prove jack shite. It's a pro-life anti-abortion propaganda piece. Collecting fetal tissue is unpleasant, but legal and useful. And PP is not the only source for researchers.
I invite you to watch them and see what they say.
Bullshit, and you're spinning. Look if there's some smoking gun in all that video of PP making a bunch of money, or anything illegal, or anything women don't consent to ... put it the fock up. Or shut up. I'm not interested in you're unsavory video about an unpleasant, but sometimes better than not, medical procedure.[/QUOTE]

No you say something's there. Put up or stfu.
No it would not.
Then you have watched them. Which ones? Summary or original?

However if the sting had evidence of any criminal activity at PP they would have alerted the local authorities and charges would have been filed. Instead they took the O'Keefe path and hoped that the democrats would cave, again. But it seems the boy cried "Wolfe" one too many times.
They would have done so if there were any real chance of it doing any good. Let's be honest. Someone shows up at the police station with a video of a PP executive talking about maneuvering around regulatory law. What are the cops really going to do? Honestly? The police most likely aren't even going to hear them out. It's not unthinkable the video would simply be destroyed before they were booted out. Even if it does go to the courts they would still lose. A small activist group has nothing on a massive, popular, government funded and supported organization like that. It would be like a few activists trying to sue Nike for using slave labor. They simply don't have the resources, support, or security (because you can bet your ass they would be harassed regularly) taking it to court would bring.

Rather than taking the way most doomed to failure, they could release it publicly. There would be no chance of the video being destroyed before release. It could be shared and mirrored to increase dissemination and prevent censorship after release. It would cause PP to go on the defensive and divert many of its resources to beefing up OPSEC and launching the best PR campaign money can buy. It might end up changing a few people's minds. At the very least it would be giving the public the ability to see what's going on behind closed doors. They were clearly smart enough to take this latter option.

Bullshit, and you're spinning. Look if there's some smoking gun in all that video of PP making a bunch of money, or anything illegal, or anything women don't consent to ... put it the fock up. Or shut up. I'm not interested in you're unsavory video about an unpleasant, but sometimes better than not, medical procedure.
Okay. So you haven't watched them and are not willing to do so. PP saying they're false is good enough for you to believe that they're false. You could simply say that without the spite and spin.

No you say something's there. Put up or stfu.
I provided you the links in chronological order. I can't watch them for you. You'd have to do that yourself. If you're not willing to do so then it's not on me.

Incidentally you''ve just proven to be the exact kind of person I was asking about in the thread title and OP. Your behavior just doesn't make much sense to me. What's the point of getting involved in the discussion if you can't even be assed to make sure your opinion is informed?
That... to be totally honest just seems willfully ignorant at the most charitable. For those of you who haven't seen them yet, and are willing to watch them before writing them off as a hoax and fraud, here are the actual videos:
Last edited:
The reason is the narrative is apparently false.
According to PP it is. That doesn't mean we should throw out evidence that it might be on the grounds that PP says it's a hoax.

There doesn't appear to be any credible allegation that PP is making a lot of money on this (or on providing access to abortions overall).
Aside from the five videos I just provided which do indicate that the public story and internal workings aren't entirely congruent.

Abortion is legal, and most Americans think it should be available up till week 20 or so. That gives a woman a pretty solid 4 weeks or so to determine if she's pregnant and if so decide what she wants to do. The woman is given the choice of donating the fetal tissue for medical research. If she chooses that, then the provider performs the abortion to effectuate her choice. It's legal, and beyond the ghoulish factor, I don't see how the procedure is more awful that it already is. No one likes abortion, but most feel that in some instances it's the least bad option, and individual women should make up their own minds.

The narrative is not even about fetal tissue, really, since PP is not the only source for medical researchers. Rather, it's a patently obvious attempt to take a swipe at abortion in general.
The split is about 50/50 according to every credible poll I've seen done on the issue. Regardless, this particular case isn't about making abortion illegal. It's about a series of interviews set up with high level Planned Parenthood executives by a team of sting operatives in which those high level employees make a number of compromising claims. That's literally what the videos above are about. You don't have to take my word for it. You can easily get comfortable for the next eight or nine hours and watch them yourself.
"interviews" do not occur during video "stings."

And nothing shows PP making a "big profit on this."

In short, the videos don't prove jack shite. It's a pro-life anti-abortion propaganda piece. Collecting fetal tissue is unpleasant, but legal and useful. And PP is not the only source for researchers.

It is legal because Obama made it legal with an executive order.

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