Sean Hannity's "Freedom Concerts" are a Scam

Lets look at some of the other things Ms Schlussel has written...

Alhamdillullah: Obama, Biden, Hillary Ignite Violent Muslim Riots in Israel – “Third Intifada”

Is Simon Cowell Really Converting to Islam?

Big Brother v. St. Patrick’s Day; Luck O’the Muslims

Does Your Local Bank Have a Muslim, er . . . “Arab Affairs Manager”?

Fed to the Wolves: Our Soldiers in Afghanistan Don’t Have Bullets!

I Warned You About Glenn Beck (& Prince Al-Waleed & FOX News)

The lady clearly has a screw loose. I'd take any "reporting" she does with a case of Morton's Salt.

Also, it seems she has a hard-on against Fox News because of Prince Al-Waleed. I'm guessing her gunning for Hannity stems from this as well.

Don't know if the charity thing is true or not. I will say that I am 100% certain there are better charities to send your money to if you want to help the troops. BUT, if you like the kind of music the concerts promote, why wouldn't you go anyway? If a portion of the proceeds go to a charity, even a small portion, great. If you are going strictly for the concert experience, who cares?

Supporting FA is very close to supporting the idiotic policies that sent our troops to die for anything other than defending the US you dummfuk. I realize this requires a bit of thinking and your response will help prove your lack of comprehension, but the effort must be made nonetheless.

Hannity and company sells ideas to arrogant nationalists because they never have to provide any facts after the initial sale has closed, or even before. We saw this with WMD, 9E, Afghanistan, and bin laden, to name a few examples. They know their supporters are so insecure and arrogant they will not be condemned even when the facts show they are full of shit.

Going to a Charlie Daniels concert helps to kill the troops?

You are fucking dumb as a bag of dicks. Which is probably the same thing you eat for breakfast as well. Come back when you, ya know, actually make sense.

I never said going to a CD concert helps kill the troops you dummass ****. You bitches are such a fuxxing joke.
For those interested in the facts and seeking to draw their own conclusions, a link to the Freedom Alliance 2008 Form 990 filed with the IRS.


But of course, don't assume that the 990 tells the full story.

It doesn't. It's not designed to.

The full story would require obtaining additional information.

Drawing one's own conclusions (rationally) would depend on having access to the balance of the information.

That's Snitch Bitch style for saying: "We need to cherry pick the facts because hannity is awesome and we have to defend him at all costs!"

Their own website says they've given less than 4 million since they started. That is less than half of revenue from 2006 alone. Here's a link showing their numbers and since they had net assets of $20,000,000 in 2007 it's hard to understand how anyone could defend them as a charity.

No no, pussy boy. I am pretty indifferent to Hannity. What I am not indifferent to is the cheese dick methodology employed by lying fucks like you.

YOU are unable and unwilling to show how the Freedom alliance has done anything even remotely improper in light of the fact that they need to reserve a great deal of the money they have raised to pay for the college eduction of the children of wounded warriors at some points in the FUTURE.

And, contrary to your cheap evasive dissembling efforts, you lying pussy, you have STILL not demonstrated a single reason to assume that Hannity has made even one red cent off of these concerts -- which is the CLAIM you made and are unwilling and unable to support.

I will be more than pleased to continue to HIGHLIGHT what a dishonest pussy you are each time you respond by evasion, you lying pussy.
But of course, don't assume that the 990 tells the full story.

It doesn't. It's not designed to.

The full story would require obtaining additional information.

Drawing one's own conclusions (rationally) would depend on having access to the balance of the information.

That's Snitch Bitch style for saying: "We need to cherry pick the facts because hannity is awesome and we have to defend him at all costs!"

Their own website says they've given less than 4 million since they started. That is less than half of revenue from 2006 alone. Here's a link showing their numbers and since they had net assets of $20,000,000 in 2007 it's hard to understand how anyone could defend them as a charity.

No no, pussy boy. I am pretty indifferent to Hannity. What I am not indifferent to is the cheese dick methodology employed by lying fucks like you.

YOU are unable and unwilling to show how the Freedom alliance has done anything even remotely improper in light of the fact that they need to reserve a great deal of the money they have raised to pay for the college eduction of the children of wounded warriors at some points in the FUTURE.

And, contrary to your cheap evasive dissembling efforts, you lying pussy, you have STILL not demonstrated a single reason to assume that Hannity has made even one red cent off of these concerts -- which is the CLAIM you made and are unwilling and unable to support.

I will be more than pleased to continue to HIGHLIGHT what a dishonest pussy you are each time you respond by evasion, you lying pussy.

Holy fuck you are STOOPID. You can set up a scholarship for a kid at any age you dummfuk. You are regurgitating FA's bullshit to try and justify how little they have provided.

As for hannity making money off of this, I sincerely apologize. I should've known a Snitch Bitch like you would not understand. He is in the PR biz so he gets to promote himself all the time through FA without paying advertisers. You don't pay the owners of Google or Youtube to use their services yet those owners are how can that be when you don't pay them one red cent? Snitch Bitches like you are hilarious.
What part of "3.68% of revenue for 2006 went to charity" was confusing for you? Does FA even qualify under the IRS as a charity?

What part of live concerts are expensive to produce don't you understand?

Live Nation, which is a For Profit concert promoter lost money last year. The fact that FA generated enough profits after production expenses to donate to charity is great!

And here's a clue, bub - if you don't like it, don't buy a ticket.
I used to listen to Hannity on the radio until after the '08 election. It seemed to me as though he got a little vindictive and shrill after that, so I quit tuning in.
That's Snitch Bitch style for saying: "We need to cherry pick the facts because hannity is awesome and we have to defend him at all costs!"

Their own website says they've given less than 4 million since they started. That is less than half of revenue from 2006 alone. Here's a link showing their numbers and since they had net assets of $20,000,000 in 2007 it's hard to understand how anyone could defend them as a charity.

No no, pussy boy. I am pretty indifferent to Hannity. What I am not indifferent to is the cheese dick methodology employed by lying fucks like you.

YOU are unable and unwilling to show how the Freedom alliance has done anything even remotely improper in light of the fact that they need to reserve a great deal of the money they have raised to pay for the college eduction of the children of wounded warriors at some points in the FUTURE.

And, contrary to your cheap evasive dissembling efforts, you lying pussy, you have STILL not demonstrated a single reason to assume that Hannity has made even one red cent off of these concerts -- which is the CLAIM you made and are unwilling and unable to support.

I will be more than pleased to continue to HIGHLIGHT what a dishonest pussy you are each time you respond by evasion, you lying pussy.

Holy fuck you are STOOPID. You can set up a scholarship for a kid at any age you dummfuk. You are regurgitating FA's bullshit to try and justify how little they have provided.

As for hannity making money off of this, I sincerely apologize. I should've known a Snitch Bitch like you would not understand. He is in the PR biz so he gets to promote himself all the time through FA without paying advertisers. You don't pay the owners of Google or Youtube to use their services yet those owners are how can that be when you don't pay them one red cent? Snitch Bitches like you are hilarious.

Hey pussy liar: Of COURSE you can set up a scholarship for a kid at any age. Thanks for the TOTALLY irrelevant factoid (i.e., another in your long list of feeble efforts at deflection). But when you are (like FA is) setting them up for the children of wounded warriors, some of the kids HAPPEN to be very young NOW, you fucktarded unpersuasive lying douche. Thus, moron, you start collecting NOW but you don't SPEND now, you blithering asshole.

And your last paragraph should win an AWARD for dishonesty. You did not SAY that Hannity gets some positive PR out of it, you lying pussy scumbag evader. What you CLAIMED, pussy, was that he got MONEY out of it.

Naturally, as I CORRECTLY predicted, you would be (i.e., you ARE) totally unable to support the shit you spewed.

You are again a fully exposed liar, you scumbag lying pussy bitch.

It's funny how easy it is to get you to prove that you have no credibility, bent tight, because you are hostile to honesty. :lol:
March 18, 2010

Dear Friends of Freedom Alliance:

This week, false and malicious allegations about Freedom Alliance were posted on the Internet and we want to address them with you. We don’t know the motivation for these vicious smears, but we will not allow them to go unanswered.
First, we want to thank you for your support and assure you that Freedom Alliance’s record of financial stewardship and programmatic achievements not only meets, but exceeds standards of program efficiency set by most charity evaluators. We are extraordinarily proud of our work at Freedom Alliance and stand by our efforts 100 percent.
False Accusations

1. The blog posting accuses our friend Sean Hannity of personally benefiting from Freedom Alliance. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has never provided planes, hotels, cars, limos, or anything else to Sean. Sean gets nothing from Freedom Alliance except our gratitude for his personal generosity and for all he has done to help the troops and our organization. We have never had to ask Sean for anything, he always generously offers his help before we have a chance to ask him. But to be clear Sean pays for all his own transportation, hotels, and all related expenses for himself and his family and friends and staff, which over the years has added up to tens of thousands of dollars. He does not use any Freedom Alliance Funds or Concert funds in any way, period.
2. Sean Hannity has contributed $100,000 to the Wounded Warriors Foundation, over $200,000 to the Freedom Alliance, and over tens of thousands of dollars to other military charities and individuals. We only make this information public because of the outrageous slander against him. Sean has no management or operational involvement in, or control over, Freedom Alliance. He has been a selfless patriot in his efforts to raise funds for the education of children of armed services personnel.
3. The blog posting accuses Freedom Alliance of spending less than 20% of money raised on program activities. This is FALSE. Listed below are the amounts that Freedom Alliance spent for each of the past three years and the categories on which they were spent. The figures are taken from our Federal Form 990 which is filed with the Internal Revenue Service and posted on our web site and audited by an independent auditor using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. This financial record not only meets, but exceeds standards of program efficiency set by most charity evaluators.
4. In 2008, Freedom Alliance spent a total of $6,745,717. Of that:
• • •
79 percent ($5,317,970) was spent on Program Activities 14 percent ($945,950) was spent on Fundraising 7 percent ($481,797) was spent on ManagementIn 2007, Freedom Alliance spent a total of $7,461,350. Of that:
• 81.5 percent ($6,084,474) was spent on Program Activities • 13.5 percent ($1,011,501) was spent on Fundraising • 5 percent ($365,375) was spent on Management
In 2006, Freedom Alliance spent a total of $7,064,839. Of that:
• 77 percent ($5,434,538) was spent on Program Activities • 18.5 percent ($1,308,414) was spent on Fundraising • 4.5 percent ($321,887) was spent on Management
5. The blog posting accuses Freedom Alliance of spending money intended for student scholarships on other expenses. This is FALSE. Freedom Alliance has distributed $3.4 million in Scholarships and created a Scholarship Trust Fund with the additional money that we have raised for that program. That fund now contains $15 million, over $10 million of which has been raised by Hannity and the concerts. Our scholarship program is managed with the understanding that it will be needed for at least the next 20 years as there are children who will ultimately receive a scholarship who are now only a few years old. As indicated on our Federal Form 990, these funds are restricted and used only for future scholarships.
6. Our Scholarship Fund is one of four programs operated by Freedom Alliance. Supporters may donate to a specific program or for general operating purposes. In 2008, Freedom Alliance received $2.1 million in scholarship donations. The same year, we awarded $802,250 in scholarships and applied $1.3 million to our Scholarship Trust Fund. The funds donated by Sean Hannity directly -- or through the proceeds of the Freedom Concerts -- and the support of thousands of Americans are used for these purposes:
• Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund: Providing scholarships to those whose parents have been killed or severely injured in their service to our Country. There is now over $15 million in the scholarship fund for the students as they come of age.
• Support our Troops: Many events each year are planned and executed by our staff to show appreciate and provide special opportunities for those actively serving in the military.
• Leadership Academy: A program for high school students in which they are encouraged and trained to serve their country.
These programs would not be possible without the support of Mr. Hannity and many others.
We are proud of our work and numerous accomplishments. We are grateful to our supporters whose voluntary contributions make it possible and we thank you. While it is discouraging to have our record misrepresented in such a malicious way, our work is important and, with your support, it will continue.
Thomas P. Kilgannon Oliver L. North President Founder & Honorary Chairman
Freedom Alliancev22570 Markey Court, Suite 240vDulles, Virginia 20166v(703) 444-7940
No no, pussy boy. I am pretty indifferent to Hannity. What I am not indifferent to is the cheese dick methodology employed by lying fucks like you.

YOU are unable and unwilling to show how the Freedom alliance has done anything even remotely improper in light of the fact that they need to reserve a great deal of the money they have raised to pay for the college eduction of the children of wounded warriors at some points in the FUTURE.

And, contrary to your cheap evasive dissembling efforts, you lying pussy, you have STILL not demonstrated a single reason to assume that Hannity has made even one red cent off of these concerts -- which is the CLAIM you made and are unwilling and unable to support.

I will be more than pleased to continue to HIGHLIGHT what a dishonest pussy you are each time you respond by evasion, you lying pussy.

Holy fuck you are STOOPID. You can set up a scholarship for a kid at any age you dummfuk. You are regurgitating FA's bullshit to try and justify how little they have provided.

As for hannity making money off of this, I sincerely apologize. I should've known a Snitch Bitch like you would not understand. He is in the PR biz so he gets to promote himself all the time through FA without paying advertisers. You don't pay the owners of Google or Youtube to use their services yet those owners are how can that be when you don't pay them one red cent? Snitch Bitches like you are hilarious.

Hey pussy liar: Of COURSE you can set up a scholarship for a kid at any age. Thanks for the TOTALLY irrelevant factoid (i.e., another in your long list of feeble efforts at deflection). But when you are (like FA is) setting them up for the children of wounded warriors, some of the kids HAPPEN to be very young NOW, you fucktarded unpersuasive lying douche. Thus, moron, you start collecting NOW but you don't SPEND now, you blithering asshole.

And your last paragraph should win an AWARD for dishonesty. You did not SAY that Hannity gets some positive PR out of it, you lying pussy scumbag evader. What you CLAIMED, pussy, was that he got MONEY out of it.

Naturally, as I CORRECTLY predicted, you would be (i.e., you ARE) totally unable to support the shit you spewed.

You are again a fully exposed liar, you scumbag lying pussy bitch.

It's funny how easy it is to get you to prove that you have no credibility, bent tight, because you are hostile to honesty. :lol: keep regurgitating the bullshit from FA to try and justify how little they actually give because you are a stoopid Snitch Bitch.

You're so fuxxing stoopid you accuse me of being dishonest because you didn't understand what I said. Look back at my post you dummass.....I said he makes money off of FA.....I never said they pay him directly you stoopid Snitch Bitch.
this whole slander campaign is really pathetic. unless of course you think 4 year olds can attend college
* * * * keep regurgitating the bullshit from FA to try and justify how little they actually give because you are a stoopid Snitch Bitch.

You're so fuxxing stoopid you accuse me of being dishonest because you didn't understand what I said. Look back at my post you dummass.....I said he makes money off of FA.....I never said they pay him directly you stoopid Snitch Bitch.

No, no, you stupid lying pussy bitch. I haven't regurgitated anything.

I called you out. I sagaciously predicted that you would NOT because you could not support your dishonest claim.

I was right.

You did NOT claim he got publicity. We all know, he works for them and thus generates some publicity. Of course, they are actually the beneficiaries of the generated publicity, you retarded lying cowradly assbite.

What YOU said, you filthy lying scumbag pussy, was that he got MONEY out of it.

And, as I noted, you are unable to support your claim. That's because you make shit up -- being the scumbag filthy lying pussy that you are -- and you vainly hope nobody calls bullshit on you.

You made a false claim. You can't back it up. Indeed, truth be told (even if truth is like acid in your eyes), you are now back-peddling because you're too ball-less to admit that you have nothing to support your original lie. You are filth.
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* * * * keep regurgitating the bullshit from FA to try and justify how little they actually give because you are a stoopid Snitch Bitch.

You're so fuxxing stoopid you accuse me of being dishonest because you didn't understand what I said. Look back at my post you dummass.....I said he makes money off of FA.....I never said they pay him directly you stoopid Snitch Bitch.

No, no, you stupid lying pussy bitch. I haven't regurgitated anything.

I called you out. I sagaciously predicted that you would NOT because you could not support your dishonest claim.

I was right.

You did NOT claim he got publicity. We all know, he works for them and thus generates some publicity. Of course, they are actually the beneficiaries of the generated publicity, you retarded lying cowradly assbite.

What YOU said, you filthy lying scumbag pussy, was that he got MONEY out of it.

And, as I noted, you are unable to support your claim. That's because you make shit up -- being the scumbag filthy lying pussy that you are -- and you vainly hope nobody calls bullshit on you.

You made a false claim. You can't back it up. Indeed, truth be told (even if truth is like acid in your eyes), you are now back-peddling because you're too ball-less to admit that you have nothing to support your original lie. You are filth.

Aww....the Snitch Bitch is still whining......and you completely ignored that I explained how hannity makes money off of FA. No will always be a lying whiny Snitch Bitch.
Debbie is known to be a conspiracy nut. Once again, she got her propaganda wrong.

It's not a "conspiracy" when you ca see from their 2006 tax returns that less than 4 percent was given to charity. It's called fact.

can 4 year olds go to college?

Do you know how to read you stoopid bitch? Your question indicates you lack even basic equipment to discuss the issue so go suck some more donkey dicks. You also fail to acknowledge FA is supposed to help seriously wounded troops so all you fukwads ignore the bullshit money they give.
* * * * keep regurgitating the bullshit from FA to try and justify how little they actually give because you are a stoopid Snitch Bitch.

You're so fuxxing stoopid you accuse me of being dishonest because you didn't understand what I said. Look back at my post you dummass.....I said he makes money off of FA.....I never said they pay him directly you stoopid Snitch Bitch.

No, no, you stupid lying pussy bitch. I haven't regurgitated anything.

I called you out. I sagaciously predicted that you would NOT because you could not support your dishonest claim.

I was right.

You did NOT claim he got publicity. We all know, he works for them and thus generates some publicity. Of course, they are actually the beneficiaries of the generated publicity, you retarded lying cowradly assbite.

What YOU said, you filthy lying scumbag pussy, was that he got MONEY out of it.

And, as I noted, you are unable to support your claim. That's because you make shit up -- being the scumbag filthy lying pussy that you are -- and you vainly hope nobody calls bullshit on you.

You made a false claim. You can't back it up. Indeed, truth be told (even if truth is like acid in your eyes), you are now back-peddling because you're too ball-less to admit that you have nothing to support your original lie. You are filth.

Aww....the Snitch Bitch is still whining......and you completely ignored that I explained how hannity makes money off of FA. No will always be a lying whiny Snitch Bitch.

You did not provide ANY indication that Hannity makes ANY money. You engaged in your usual rank speculation, you lying pussy, and then you compounded it with more dishonesty -- the transparently fraudulent pretense that you "meant" that he derived PR value. :eusa_liar:


Beyond that, I accept your surrender.

It is abundantly clear to all that you are too fucking gutless, spineless and ball-less to actually admit that you simply made shit up. But you did. And your inability and unwillingness to show your "proof" again highlights the fact that you are nothing but a cowardly pussy lying shit.

Thanks for playing.

It's been fun to expose you -- yet again -- for the lowlife worthless piece of crap you have always been, you dishonest pussy.

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