Sean Hannity's best joke of the week.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Sean Hannity says “there are way too many moderates” in the Republican Party

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): What I most fear about this current Republican conference is there are way too many moderates that are part of the conference.

For example, Speaker Johnson tries to get a deal done -- and Kevin McCarthy, I think in his own way, tried to get a similar deal done -- as it relates to cutting spending and securing our borders. And you have moderate Republicans in these districts that Joe Biden won, so they're going to have a very hard time of reelection, but they're thinking about their reelection, and I think you should never make that a priority as a congressman or woman. However, it is making it nearly impossible for Republicans to unite behind what I think should be fundamental Republican principles about spending, about energy, about border security, et cetera. Am I right in my analysis? How -- are there too many moderate RINO Republicans in the conference?


Aside from the overt humor inherent in the question, he asked one of the leading proponents of the Crazy. For whom no amount of Crazy is Crazy enough.

What I want to know is.........was she clapping like a seal and balancing a beachball on her nose when she answered.
What's crazy is going from a $4T Budget in 2021 to $7T in 2022 and 2023.

No amount of distraction will cure that budget deficit.

Republicans will cut spending in January, and the democrats will have to choose between a government shutdown or massive budget cuts......

No amount of distraction will smoke TDS...not even the wars...
MTG is RIGHT!!! :salute:

Listen here Republicans.

If WEF shillbots and NPCs aren't coming to sites like this to make threads like this about you, you're not trying hard enough.

MTG is an American hero.

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