Seafront property for everyone!


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
West Coast sea levels: New report estimates greater rise by 2100
The estimates from the National Research Council, taking advantage of more recent research, range from 19 to 55 inches. The study is expected to become a common frame of reference that coastal communities can use in planning.

If greenhouse-gas emissions continue unabated, the expected additional warming could raise sea levels by up to four or five feet all along the US West Coast by 2100, according to an analysis released Friday by the National Research Council (NRC).

Beyond any real estate permanently inundated, such an increase would bring some $100 billion worth of facilities that currently are high and dry into a new 100-year flood plain, according to previous studies that assumed a comparable increase in sea levels. Those facilities include power plants, airports and seaports, and other big-ticket pieces of infrastructure.

The council, the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, produced the report at the request of the state of California...

And with the added fizz from all that CO2 It'll be like a huge champagne reservoir to toast our dominance over nature!
Evidence that the world is emerging from a mini-ice age used to be good news but everything is political to the left. They managed to turn nice weather into an extortion scheme in a decade just when the world was dealing with an economic crisis. Coincidence? We didn't do it lefties. The big nuclear reactor in the sky is the culprit and you can factor in tons and tons of noxious stuff in the air courtesy of seismic activity.. Go whine to China and North Korea for retribution and gives a freaking break for a couple of years.
Now Whitey, we had some real 'nice' weather in 2010 and 2011. Record years for extreme weather disasters. And major effects on agriculture. And this is just the start.

That big reactor in the sky has been a bit down on output for the last decade, just recently coming back up to near norm, in case you haven't noticed.

Seismic activity putting tons of noxious stuff in the air? You smoking a noxious weed?
And I was supposed to be driving a flying car and vacationing on the moon by now, according to Mr. Guild my middle school science teacher.

And I was supposed to be driving a flying car and vacationing on the moon by now, according to Mr. Guild my middle school science teacher.


If there hadn't been a constant sabotaging of the public education system and basic science and engineering research by a regressive third column of politicians and corporate greedaholics trying to overturn every thing that made America great over the last fifty years, your middle school science teacher's prognostications may have proven more accurate.
Warmers keep getting caught with their finger on the scale, adjusting the data to fit their conclusions
Warmers keep getting caught with their finger on the scale, adjusting the data to fit their conclusions

ROFLOL - typical conservidiot ironies

Two issues:

1) whoever's picture appears as your avatar, they appear to need drug testing.

2) In accounting/economic terminology a "debit" is an entry which results in either an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities on a company's balance sheet/accounts record.

Someone explain why California slipping into the Pacific ocean is a bad thing.

Since California makes up about 1/6 of the US GDP at ~2T$ per year, sends more than 300Billion dollars in federal income taxes to DC every year (almost 100B$/year more than the next highest state - NY), and possesses around 1/8th (40M) of the US's population, I'll leave it for you to figure out whether or not chopping off your dominant arm is an asset or a liability.
Someone explain why California slipping into the Pacific ocean is a bad thing.

Since California makes up about 1/6 of the US GDP at ~2T$ per year, sends more than 300Billion dollars in federal income taxes to DC every year (almost 100B$/year more than the next highest state - NY), and possesses around 1/8th (40M) of the US's population, I'll leave it for you to figure out whether or not chopping off your dominant arm is an asset or a liability.

You have got to be kidding. Per capita GDP would go up if California slipped into the Pacific ocean. They consume more than they produce. Like Greece or Zimbabwe.
Someone explain why California slipping into the Pacific ocean is a bad thing.

Since California makes up about 1/6 of the US GDP at ~2T$ per year, sends more than 300Billion dollars in federal income taxes to DC every year (almost 100B$/year more than the next highest state - NY), and possesses around 1/8th (40M) of the US's population, I'll leave it for you to figure out whether or not chopping off your dominant arm is an asset or a liability.

You have got to be kidding. Per capita GDP would go up if California slipped into the Pacific ocean. They consume more than they produce. Like Greece or Zimbabwe.

That is simply ideological delusion being substituted for fact.

Most welfare recipients and debtors are conservatives, it is only their viewing of the world through the lens their own incompetencies and greed that lead them to believe government cannot be effective or fair.


Looks like the fly-over Red states are red for a reason and much more into the federal teat than the coastal states that actually earn most of the nation's income.
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West Coast sea levels: New report estimates greater rise by 2100
The estimates from the National Research Council, taking advantage of more recent research, range from 19 to 55 inches. The study is expected to become a common frame of reference that coastal communities can use in planning.

If greenhouse-gas emissions continue unabated, the expected additional warming could raise sea levels by up to four or five feet all along the US West Coast by 2100, according to an analysis released Friday by the National Research Council (NRC).

Beyond any real estate permanently inundated, such an increase would bring some $100 billion worth of facilities that currently are high and dry into a new 100-year flood plain, according to previous studies that assumed a comparable increase in sea levels. Those facilities include power plants, airports and seaports, and other big-ticket pieces of infrastructure.

The council, the research arm of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, produced the report at the request of the state of California...

And with the added fizz from all that CO2 It'll be like a huge champagne reservoir to toast our dominance over nature!

What's the big deal? If all the land runs out we'll just buy more.
Warmers keep getting caught with their finger on the scale, adjusting the data to fit their conclusions

ROFLOL - typical conservidiot ironies

Two issues:

1) whoever's picture appears as your avatar, they appear to need drug testing.

2) In accounting/economic terminology a "debit" is an entry which results in either an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities on a company's balance sheet/accounts record.

One issue, you piece of shit fucking troll:
The picture in Frank's avatar is US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry that was killed with Fast and Furious guns
Evidence that the world is emerging from a mini-ice age used to be good news but everything is political to the left. They managed to turn nice weather into an extortion scheme in a decade just when the world was dealing with an economic crisis. Coincidence? We didn't do it lefties. The big nuclear reactor in the sky is the culprit and you can factor in tons and tons of noxious stuff in the air courtesy of seismic activity.. Go whine to China and North Korea for retribution and gives a freaking break for a couple of years.

I like how "nice weather" means coastal flooding.

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