Sea level rise varies by location


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
In a recent thread discussion of sea level rise, a poster assumed that sea level rise would be the same everywhere. This is not the case as is discussed in this abstract to a study of a sea level rise "hotspot" on the US Atlantic coast north of Cape Hatteras.


Climate warming does not force sea-level rise (SLR) at the same rate everywhere. Rather, there are spatial variations of SLR superimposed on a global average rise. These variations are forced by dynamic processes1,2,3,4, arising from circulation and variations in temperature and/or salinity, and by static equilibrium processes5, arising from mass redistributions changing gravity and the Earth’s rotation and shape. These sea-level variations form unique spatial patterns, yet there are very few observations verifying predicted patterns or fingerprints6. Here, we present evidence of recently accelerated SLR in a unique 1,000-km-long hotspot on the highly populated North American Atlantic coast north of Cape Hatteras and show that it is consistent with a modelled fingerprint of dynamic SLR. Between 1950–1979 and 1980–2009, SLR rate increases in this northeast hotspot were ∼ 3–4 times higher than the global average. Modelled dynamic plus steric SLR by 2100 at New York City ranges with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scenario from 36 to 51 cm (ref. 3); lower emission scenarios project 24–36 cm (ref. 7). Extrapolations from data herein range from 20 to 29 cm. SLR superimposed on storm surge, wave run-up and set-up will increase the vulnerability of coastal cities to flooding, and beaches and wetlands to deterioration.

  1. Levermann, A., Griesel, A., Hofmann, M., Montoya, M. & Rahmstorf, S. Dynamic sea level changes following changes in the thermohaline circulation. Clim. Dynam. 24, 347–354 (2005).
  2. Landerer, F. W., Jungclaus, J. & Marotzke, J. Regional dynamic and steric sea level change in response to the IPCC-A1B scenario. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 37, 296–312 (2007).
  3. Yin, J., Schlesinger, M. E. & Stouffer, R. J. Model projections of rapid sea-level rise on the northeast coast of the United States. Nature Geosci. 2, 262–266 (2009).
  4. Hu, A., Meehl, G., Han, W. & Yin, J. Effect of the potential melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet on the meridional overturning circulation and global climate in the future. Deep-Sea Res. II 58, 1914–1926 (2011).
He will drown who ever doesn't get out in time.

History gives no indication that your god picks and chooses who suffers in a natural disaster.
Yes it varies..where there are tide gages, sea level doesn't seem to be increasing any more than it has in the past 150 years...where there are no gages, and climate science is free to make it up, there is sea level rise of epic must be suggesting that the ocean is smart enough to only be rising in areas where there are no tide gages to detect it...
The point of this thread was to correct the relatively common misconception that the sea level changes by the the same amount in all locations.

As usual, skookerasbil, your mantra that no one cares is wrong. Sea level rise (SLR) is probably the AGW affect worrying the most people and a majority of all people are already worried about AGW.
Once you adjust the data, the oceans are warmer, acidic and rising and it's all due to a few extra atmospheric CO2 molecules.

The point of this thread was to correct the relatively common misconception that the sea level changes by the the same amount in all locations.

As usual, skookerasbil, your mantra that no one cares is wrong. Sea level rise (SLR) is probably the AGW affect worrying the most people and a majority of all people are already worried about AGW.
no one ever made that statement. You interpreted that instead of actually reading and comprehending what was actually stated. Let me know when you want the actual statement that was made.
The point of this thread was to correct the relatively common misconception that the sea level changes by the the same amount in all locations.

As usual, skookerasbil, your mantra that no one cares is wrong. Sea level rise (SLR) is probably the AGW affect worrying the most people and a majority of all people are already worried about AGW.

That's you to back it up. Where is the evidence that folks are worried about sea level? There is none......

you may think one or two people out of 100 people = "most people"....but that would be absurd.

People might be worried....but they aren't that worried. If "most" people were worried, we'd see climate change action. We are seeing NONE! Which means....nobody is caring.

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...Sea level rise (SLR) is probably the AGW affect worrying the most people and a majority of all people are already worried about AGW....
--and this tells us more about people's need to worry than it does about rising temps and sea levels.

The only way we can say temps are rising is by measuring temperatures. We can only say the earth's surface temp is rising like 1.5C per century or 0.02C every year if we have temperature readings at the beginning and ending periods and we compare. We know the average temp of the suns surface is 5,778K --and it's a hundred million miles away. There's no funding for those who say what's the average earth's surface temp.

We can't say that today's world sea level now up 3 mm above sea level. We can maybe report that average world tide gauge readings are 3 mm more this year, but that doesn't tell us if the seas came up or the gauges went down. If we measure relative to mountain tops then sea levels are falling:

The fastest growing mountain on Earth is Nanga Parbat in the western Himalayas. Its height is increasing at a rate of 7 mm/yr. Current height is 8125 msl. Mount Everest grows at a rate of 4 mm/yr.
Again.....let's remember....most people dont get hysterical when they learn the sea has risen 4mm in a year. Some people....those whose bar is set low for getting hysterical get well.....hysterical. But the #s of these types are small.
The point of this thread was to correct the relatively common misconception that the sea level changes by the the same amount in all locations.

As usual, skookerasbil, your mantra that no one cares is wrong. Sea level rise (SLR) is probably the AGW affect worrying the most people and a majority of all people are already worried about AGW.
Since I know you won't answer my other post in here, I will now ask you to state what is causing the sea level rise you're so concerned with? please, please say arctic melt. please?
Sea level rise is caused by steric expansion from ocean warming and meltwater from Antarctica, Greenland, glaciers and snow pack worldwide.
When Greenland melts, it loses mass, so it loses gravity. That gravity formerly pulled ocean water towards Greenland. Areas near Greenland, like Scotland and Norway, experience declining sea levels as Greenland melts. That water has to go somewhere, so areas far from Greenland see more rise.

The American east coast is a different thing. It's more like since the Gulf Stream slows crossing the Atlantic, the water backs up near the east coast. That's not the full story, as the Gulf Stream is just one element of thermohaline circulation, but you get the idea.
When Greenland melts, it loses mass, so it loses gravity. That gravity formerly pulled ocean water towards Greenland. Areas near Greenland, like Scotland and Norway, experience declining sea levels as Greenland melts. That water has to go somewhere, so areas far from Greenland see more rise.

The American east coast is a different thing. It's more like since the Gulf Stream slows crossing the Atlantic, the water backs up near the east coast. That's not the full story, as the Gulf Stream is just one element of thermohaline circulation, but you get the idea.
doesn't or hasn't greenland calved every year?

What do you supposed the overall add is from the calving? are there any statistics on that? I haven't looked that one up.
So the seas are rising, turning to gastric juice and boiling -- all due to a few extra atmospheric CO2 molecules?

Frank, even for you, that's retarded. Why do believe such a stupid thing?

Your cult doesn't even say things that stupid. You seem to be branching out into entirely new fields of stupid.

Yeah, if I was never able to answer any scientific question on how atmospheric CO2 heats the land and radically modifies the ocean pH while heating the ocean 700m deep, I'd resort to sounding as fucking stupid as you, Catlady
Sea level rise is caused by steric expansion from ocean warming and meltwater from Antarctica, Greenland, glaciers and snow pack worldwide.
where are the links?

Is sea level rising?

Causes of Sea Level Rise: What the Science Tells Us (2013)

Sea Level Rise Causes

Get the Facts: Why Are Sea-Levels Rising?

What makes sea-level rise?

Overview | Understanding Sea Level – NASA Sea Level Change Portal

Causes | Surging Seas: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

Okay, JC, where are the links supporting YOUR contentions?

If you don't have any, I'd have to say you are once again acting like a TROLL. And you don't want to do that JC. They kick trolls off the board.

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