Scottsdale principal required middle school teachers to attend grooming training

Nope Moron. Remember how the ex-governor of Virginia INSISTED that "parents have NO SAY in what the public schools do"?? Remember what happened to him???

PARENTS ARE EXCLUDED from exempting their kids in this grooming indoctrination shit. There IS NO CHOICE !!!!!

The left has this misguided notion children belong to society.

They're finding out that's bullshit
Yes, it's all about the identity of the individual.

What "sexual identity" does a 7 yr old have? What rational choices do they VOLUNTARILY make when the biggest "authority figure" in their lives INSISTS that girls can boys and boys can be girls or instead of pretending -- they can get the surgeon fairy to replace the genitals and hormones they were born with?
What "sexual identity" does a 7 yr old have? What rational choices do they VOLUNTARILY make when the biggest "authority figure" in their lives INSISTS that girls can boys and boys can be girls or instead of pretending -- they can get the surgeon fairy to replace the genitals and hormones they were born with?
Apparently straight until proven otherwise for your kind.
Matt Walsh made a very revealing statement about Why the left MUST get to these children at these very EARLY ages,

These children are at that time of their little lives that they cannot distinguish the absurdity of what they are being taught and clearly if they can be caught at these early ages the insanity is already established in these kids when they hit the preteen and teen years.
You have avis with made-up names, well, I for one only want your real names and not something you made up that I must use to get your attention. So, from now on I demand you use your real names.
You see?

Gays get special rights.

You demand, and I laugh at you and ignore you.

But an LGB kid demands, and the teacher gets held hostage, and gets fired if they don't comply.
commie nations want to raise the kids. Historically we have seen this. There was a time in this country when students knew the downside of russian and chinese society regarding education systems.
Several Societies for thousands of years before colonialization.

What stupid commercial did you pull that of? And what's wrong with little REAL children (not commercial puppets) FOCUS on other "learning" until their old enough to ACTUALLY be able to process the 47 genders that even highly functional ADULTS have issues with?

He/she is obviously a groomer
What stupid commercial did you pull that of? And what's wrong with little REAL children (not commercial puppets) FOCUS on other "learning" until their old enough to ACTUALLY be able to process the 47 genders that even highly functional ADULTS have issues with?
Opp, didn't take long for someone to comment on Hier Nen Euro. Also, grown adults that aren't focused on hatred have no problem recognizing other genders, kids don't either. Maybe it's just a you problem?
Who taught our kids to idolize and romanticize mass murderers like Guevera and a young castro. even a turdeau.

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