Scott Walker hires criminal attorneys


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
MADISON -- Gov. Scott Walker said Friday evening that he will be "voluntarily meeting" with the prosecutor leading the secret John Doe investigation that already has brought charges against some of his top aides.

He did not say when the meeting with Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm would take place.
In a statement issued through his campaign, Walker also announced that he had hired two high-powered criminal defense attorneys, Mike Steinle and John Gallo, but said he would use no public money to cover the costs.
"I have already said that I would be happy to sit down with the people looking into these issues and answer any additional questions they may have," Walker said. "To make that point clear, last year, my representatives voluntarily contacted Mr. Chisholm's office to arrange a time to discuss any outstanding issues. I will be voluntarily meeting with Mr. Chisholm."
Walker said his attorneys were hired to assemble additional background information and ensure he's "in the best position possible to continue aiding" the investigation.
Steinle is a Milwaukee-based criminal defense attorney with the firm Terschan, Steinle & Ness. He has taken on recent high-profile cases, including one involving a Fox Point teen who killed his grandfather with an ax.

Gov. Scott Walker to meet with DA about John Doe investigation | Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune |
In Walker's statement, he said his campaign has been cooperating with Chisholm over the past 20 months.
"While all of us need to let this matter run its course, I will continue to cooperate and provide any appropriate information that is requested," Walker said.
The investigation has led to criminal charges against six people, including Walker's former Milwaukee County aides Tim Russell, Kelly Rindfleisch and Darlene Wink.
Russell, who had served as Walker's former campaign aide, deputy chief of staff and county housing director, is accused of embezzling more than $20,000 in money meant for veterans and using it for personal expenses.
More charges filed last week allege a pattern of illegal fundraising and what appears to be a systemic avoidance of campaign laws by Walker's inner circle.
Chisholm charged Rindfleisch, 43, with four felony counts of misconduct in public office and Wink, 61, with two misdemeanor counts of political solicitation by a public employee. Both worked for Walker during his time as Milwaukee County executive, and both are accused of fundraising activities while at their taxpayer-funded jobs.

Gov. Scott Walker to meet with DA about John Doe investigation | Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune |
In Walker's statement, he said his campaign has been cooperating with Chisholm over the past 20 months.
"While all of us need to let this matter run its course, I will continue to cooperate and provide any appropriate information that is requested," Walker said.
The investigation has led to criminal charges against six people, including Walker's former Milwaukee County aides Tim Russell, Kelly Rindfleisch and Darlene Wink.
Russell, who had served as Walker's former campaign aide, deputy chief of staff and county housing director, is accused of embezzling more than $20,000 in money meant for veterans and using it for personal expenses.
More charges filed last week allege a pattern of illegal fundraising and what appears to be a systemic avoidance of campaign laws by Walker's inner circle.
Chisholm charged Rindfleisch, 43, with four felony counts of misconduct in public office and Wink, 61, with two misdemeanor counts of political solicitation by a public employee. Both worked for Walker during his time as Milwaukee County executive, and both are accused of fundraising activities while at their taxpayer-funded jobs.

Gov. Scott Walker to meet with DA about John Doe investigation | Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune |

It took him 20 months to hire an attorney? You have zero.This is a political attempt at lynching. I'll bet money the prosecutor is a democrat.
One of Walkers aides has just agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.

The squirming has begun on the Republican side.

Walker is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
Over the past several days, Governor Scott Walker said repeatedly there are rules about what he can and cannot say about the John Doe investigation into his former Milwaukee County administration.

But Monday he said those rules are his own and he's not under the court's gag order in the case.

Governor Scott Walker was speaking out Monday over the latest developments in the secret investigation involving his former administration when he was Milwaukee County Executive.

That investigation has led to criminal charges against five people.

The governor spoke to our ABC sister station in Milwaukee, WISN, late Monday afternoon.

He admits a voluntary meeting has been set up with the Milwaukee County District Attorney to discuss the investigation, but the governor won't say when it will take place or where.

At an event in Waukesha focusing on new jobs, Governor Walker took a number of questions about a John Doe investigation and his hiring of two criminal defense attorneys to represent him as the case moves forward.

"There are literally thousands of emails that our campaign has handed over. We asked for counsel to look through that. I'm not going to use public funds for that, nor do I think the public wants me to take days away from my time to be prepared to be able to cooperate with that, so it's as simple as that."

When asked about specifics of the investigation, the governor said there are rules about what he can and can't say, but when pressed on it he said the judge in the case hasn't issued a gag order.

"This is voluntary, so we're not under the same legal restrictions, but because we've been complying voluntarily to this point, that's something we've been able to work with through cooperation with our campaign. This is something where we're really following their direction. It's not a legal requirement. It's more or less something we're trying to do in working with cooperation with that office."

The governor wouldn't say what he expects to discuss with the D.A. other than to say there are no set parameters to the interview.

Former Walker aide Darlene Wink is due in court Tuesday. She's expected to plead guilty to charges of organizing campaign fundraisers at her county desk.

Governor Walker Opens Up about Secret John Doe Investigation - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News

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