Science 101


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
What are you supposed to do when the data does not validate your hypothesis:

a. Get a new hypothesis

b. adjust the data to match you hypothesis?
What are you supposed to do when the data does not validate your hypothesis:

a. Get a new hypothesis

b. adjust the data to match you hypothesis?

Sometime you just seem really really dumb. Ignorance may explain away most of your posts, but this one wins the prize.

I suggest you review this link on validity and reliabilty:

Reliability and Validity: What's the Difference?

The hypothesis may prove correct, the method my be faulty.
If sceintists dont agree with your politics you just say they are on the take.

Yet you swallow whole whatever the corporations tell you as if they dont have a dime at stake.
frank...what the hell are you going on about?

you repeat the experiment...with the same variables....and see if the results are the is not based on one try

You forgot the little sarcasm dealy-bopper.. like :tongue: I hope....


Yet you swallow whole whatever the corporations tell you as if they dont have a dime at stake.
You been mugged by Kellogs or something? Did Mattel beat you as child? Maybe Fed Ex is blocking your road to life? What's the deal with this fixation?
frank...what the hell are you going on about?

you repeat the experiment...with the same variables....and see if the results are the is not based on one try

You forgot the little sarcasm dealy-bopper.. like :tongue: I hope....


Yet you swallow whole whatever the corporations tell you as if they dont have a dime at stake.
You been mugged by Kellogs or something? Did Mattel beat you as child? Maybe Fed Ex is blocking your road to life? What's the deal with this fixation?

What are you supposed to do when the data does not validate your hypothesis:

a. Get a new hypothesis

b. adjust the data to match you hypothesis?

You mean like the creationists and AGW deniers do?

Yeah, we hide the decline.
What are you supposed to do when the data does not validate your hypothesis:

a. Get a new hypothesis

b. adjust the data to match you hypothesis?

You mean like the creationists and AGW deniers do?
AGW skeptics don't have any hypothesis...They just question those of the cultist scaremongers.

Such a shame that the "question authority" crowd of the '60s and beyond has become the appeal to authority gang of today.
What are you supposed to do when the data does not validate your hypothesis:

a. Get a new hypothesis

b. adjust the data to match you hypothesis?

You mean like the creationists and AGW deniers do?
AGW skeptics don't have any hypothesis...They just question those of the cultist scaremongers.

Such a shame that the "question authority" crowd of the '60s and beyond has become the appeal to authority gang of today.

Since we're being told that the majority now believes AGW is overblown, doesn't that make YOU and the other skeptics the "authority"? Can't we question the skeptic/denier "faith" that we can't possibly be doing anything to the climate of something as large as Earth? How is THAT not cultish?!?!
What are you supposed to do when the data does not validate your hypothesis:

a. Get a new hypothesis

b. adjust the data to match you hypothesis?

We are talking about the economy?
Tax cuts creating jobs?
Proof of god?
When it comes to depending on scientific findings and using the data to justify establishing guilt on an "enemy" in order to attack them and justify wars, and occupation, and a change in foreign policy involving HUGE expenditures, to the extent that even the use of torture is justifiable with the help of the "scientific" findings, you simply choose B, and make the data fit the hypothesis that all of this depends on.
When an alternative and more plausible hypothesis with evidence that backs it up is introduced, you simply dismiss it without further comment, and or pretend such evidence doesn't exist.
It's rather simple to do and has worked for 10 years now with a little help using ridicule, insults and threats to job security, and national security etc.
Money and power is the ultimate control in any controlled study.
Can I gets a $1,000,000 gubmint grant to have a crack team of college professor navel gazers flesh out the implications of both them possibilities?

If you know the right person or people you surely can.

Here's just a tiny sampling of the ways government spends our money:

Without authorization, for instance, the feds spent $19.6 million annually on the International Fund for Ireland. Sounds like a noble cause, but the money went for projects like pony-trekking centers and golf videos.

Congressional budget-cutters spared the $440,000 spent annually to have attendants push buttons on the fully automated Capitol Hill elevators used by Representatives and Senators.

Last year, the National Endowment for the Humanities spent $4.2 million to conduct a nebulous “National Conversation on Pluralism and Identity.” Obviously, talk radio wasn’t considered good enough.

The Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency channeled some $11 million to psychics who might provide special insights about various foreign threats. This was the disappointing “Stargate” program.

The Department of Education spent $34 million supposedly helping Americans become better shoppers and homemakers. Wasn’t it about time?

The federal government proposed spending $14 million for a new Army Museum, although there already were 47 Army Museums around the country. We helped stop that idea.

Dubious government spending schemes abound since bureaucrats play with other people’s money. For example, the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) spent $70,029 to see if the degu, a diurnal South American rodent, can help us better understand jet lag . . . they spent $77,826 to study “Coping with Change in Czechoslovakia” . . . $100,271 to see if volunteering is good for older people . . . $124,910 to reduce “School Phobia” in children . . . $161,913 to study “Israeli reactions to SCUD Attacks during the Gulf War” . . . and $187,042 to study the quality of life in Hawaii.

Over the years, political wrangling twists the most noble-sounding government programs beyond recognition. For example, the Social Security Administration’s $25 billion a year Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. Almost 250,000 children qualify for SSI checks because they can’t participate in “age appropriate activities.” Worse, thousands of prisoners get SSI checks relating to their alleged disabilities—costing taxpayers about $20 million a year.

That’s not all. In Denver, the government reportedly sent $160,000 to recipients at their “official address”—a tavern. A San Francisco addict used his SSI check to buy drugs, which he subsequently sold on the street for a profit. A Van Nuys, California, alcoholic received a $26,000 SSI check, then spent the money on a van and two cars which he subsequently wrecked while driving drunk. Los Angeles SSI recipients reportedly faked mental illness and had a doctor concoct false medical records, so they could pocket $45,000 worth of checks. An estimated 79,000 alcoholics and drug addicts are believed to spend SSI checks—some $360 million annually—on their habits.

Again and again, programs aimed at the poor are captured by well-heeled interest groups. For example, the Commerce Department’s U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration (USTTA) gave away $440,000 in so-called “disaster relief” to Western ski resort operators when there wasn’t much snow.
Most Outrageous Government Waste | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty

So the AGW proponents who receive those cushy grants know how to word the data to keep the myth going and keep all that lovely grant money flowing to them.

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