School Choice Reimbursement Is An Illegitimate Precept Of Direct Taxation


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" School Choice Reimbursement Is An Illegitimate Precept Of Direct Taxation "

* Precepts Of Direct Versus Indirect Taxation *

A direct tax is sometimes referred to as a per capitation tax , or a head tax , which is a tax on private property holdings , and consequently the direct tax is to be applied as near as possible for the direct benefit of the individual being taxed , though not for the direct benefit of any individual in particular .

An indirect tax is acquired indirectly as a commerce tax , such as income tax , and consequently an indirect tax can be applied indirectly for the benefit of the individuals being taxed .

A traditional debate in existence since public education began , is whether a direct tax could be applied towards public education , and that contention is further exacerbated by disingenuous zealots ignoring , a " near as possible for the direct benefit of the individual being taxed , though not for the direct benefit of any individual in particular a collective benefit " , while also seeking to allocate direct taxes in violation of us first amendment establishment clause .

* Opening Post Contentions Including Bias *

Consider a direct tax state which implements a reimbursement to house holds for up to $10,000 in tuition , to " authorized institutions of learning " , which are supposedly subject to oversight and audit , where a $10,000 reimbursement value is a rough estimate by texas legislature for the education of one child per year .

Consider a direct tax of approximately $10,000 annual on the property of a homeowner which is without children and also consider the fractional portion of an annual $10,000 property tax which is allocated for education , for which the homeowner receives considerably limited if any direct benefit .

Under a direct tax system , the only semi-legitimate entitlement of reimbursement to a house hold is the fractional portion of taxes collected from property that are distributed for education .

The supposed government minimalists of direct tax states are seeking to implement public policy methods of for tuition reimbursement for allowing school choice , however such methods violate the precepts of direct taxation .

* Coerced Sectarian Budgets *

It is my fervent opinion that because " religious institutions " are exempt from taxation , that religious institutions also do not receive public funding of any kind , even under a presumption of their being designated at 501c3 institutions .

No house hold would be required to front moneys for tuition so long as supposed education institutions are capable of delaying payments of debt until reimbursement from county coffers is provided .

The catholic and lutheran institutions are being paid vast sums of moneys to inundate the us with illegal migrants , which in and of itself should be a violation of us first amendment establishment clause .

Those same zealots are now seeking to gain more constrictive holds over public narratives , by institutionalizing sectarian psychopathy , which also violates direct tax precepts .

Got madrassa ?

* Self Determination Versus Self Ownership Of Individualism *

Irrespective of whether positive wrights , as laws prescribing authoritarian actions of a state , are legitimate aggression , or illegitimate aggression ( violence ) , a direct tax is extracted from an entitlement to private property through the self ownership element of individualism .

Many are educated in catholic schools , however the tuition was paid by private individuals and not garnered from public coffers .

Is someone want to fund private education , they should pay for it themselves .

The federal government provided an indirect tax of $3000 per child , that was collected through indirect taxation .
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Many charter schools are not religiously affiliated. In fact, they are alternative public schools. Very few are private schools. Your argument is weak. Bottom line most charter schools are funded less than pure public schools and are delivering a better educational experience. Money is not the driving force behind charters, it's parental involvement and a more classical education model.
Get the Feds out & make it a state to state issue for publicly funded education.
Get rid of the tax that supported the Fed system & the Dept. of Education.
It never should've gotten out of state control to begin with.
Let localities & parents make the decisions.

An then follow the same plan with the next Fed agency
" School Choice Reimbursement Is An Illegitimate Precept Of Direct Taxation "

* Precepts Of Direct Versus Indirect Taxation *

A direct tax is sometimes referred to as a per capitation tax , or a head tax , which is a tax on private property holdings , and consequently the direct tax is to be applied as near as possible for the direct benefit of the individual being taxed , though not for the direct benefit of any individual in particular .

An indirect tax is acquired indirectly as a commerce tax , such as income tax , and consequently an indirect tax can be applied indirectly for the benefit of the individuals being taxed .

A traditional debate in existence since public education began , is whether a direct tax could be applied towards public education , and that contention is further exacerbated by disingenuous zealots ignoring , a " near as possible for the direct benefit of the individual being taxed , though not for the direct benefit of any individual in particular a collective benefit " , while also seeking to allocate direct taxes in violation of us first amendment establishment clause .

* Opening Post Contentions Including Bias *

Consider a direct tax state which implements a reimbursement to house holds for up to $10,000 in tuition , to " authorized institutions of learning " , which are supposedly subject to oversight and audit , where a $10,000 reimbursement value is a rough estimate by texas legislature for the education of one child per year .

Consider a direct tax of approximately $10,000 annual on the property of a homeowner which is without children and also consider the fractional portion of an annual $10,000 property tax which is allocated for education , for which the homeowner receives considerably limited if any direct benefit .

Under a direct tax system , the only semi-legitimate entitlement of reimbursement to a house hold is the fractional portion of taxes collected from property that are distributed for education .

The supposed government minimalists of direct tax states are seeking to implement public policy methods of for tuition reimbursement for allowing school choice , however such methods violate the precepts of direct taxation .

* Coerced Sectarian Budgets *

It is my fervent opinion that because " religious institutions " are exempt from taxation , that religious institutions also do not receive public funding of any kind , even under a presumption of their being designated at 501c3 institutions .

No house hold would be required to front moneys for tuition so long as supposed education institutions are capable of delaying payments of debt until reimbursement from county coffers is provided .

The catholic and lutheran institutions are being paid vast sums of moneys to inundate the us with illegal migrants , which in and of itself should be a violation of us first amendment establishment clause .

Those same zealots are now seeking to gain more constrictive holds over public narratives , by institutionalizing sectarian psychopathy , which also violates direct tax precepts .

Got madrassa ?

* Self Determination Versus Self Ownership Of Individualism *

Irrespective of whether positive wrights , as laws prescribing authoritarian actions of a state , are legitimate aggression , or illegitimate aggression ( violence ) , a direct tax is extracted from an entitlement to private property through the self ownership element of individualism .

Many are educated in catholic schools , however the tuition was paid by private individuals and not garnered from public coffers .

Is someone want to fund private education , they should pay for it themselves .

The federal government provided an indirect tax of $3000 per child , that was collected through indirect taxation .
First of all, the income tax IS a direct tax....That's why the 16th Amendment was required.

Secondly, you breed 'em, you educate 'em.

I went to public school way back in the 1950s and 60s In Ohio.

I don’t remember any of my classmates failing. I don’t even remember any girls dropping out of school because they were pregnant. I am sure there must have been a few but not a significant number.

To be fair, I grew up in a rural area where all the big factories for the neighboring city were located. Our school district was tax rich so we did have excellent teachers and new well maintained facilities.

We had two black students in my high school. One was the quarterback of the football team and his sister was a cheerleader. Both were popular. Both were good students. I don’t remember an Hispanics or Orientals.

I remember students who had problems with mathematics. Fractions confused a lot of people but they still passed the course. Algebra was more difficult and some did fail that class. I enjoyed plane geometry as it was logical. I wasn’t as enthusiastic about solid geometry. For some reason no calculus class was offered.

We also learned Ohio state history, American history and world history. I don’t think any of my classmates would have any problem naming who we fought in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War as some high school graduates do today. We also had a Civics class which to me was the most boring class I had in high school. It still was valuable as I learned basically how our government works.

Few students had problems reading. The teachers would pick a random student and have him read from a text book. It must have been embarrassing if you stumbled. I don’t remember any students that had a major problem reading except for one of my close friends who was extremely intelligent but suffered with stuttering. Listening to him read embarrassed me. I can’t imagine how he felt.

My classes had good discipline. When the teacher was in the room we were quiet and paid attention. When the teacher left we were rowdy. The teacher of course would say we lacked maturity when she returned. I remember that same phenomenon occurring when I was in Air Force classes. In one Air Force class I took there were a couple of pilots. foreign students from Japan, several people who manned missile control launch centers along with a number of enlisted airmen. I thought it was hilarious that when the instructor left for a couple of minutes we were as rowdy if not more rowdy as students in high school. The teacher returned and gave us the same lecture that our high school teachers did.

Now I am not saying that we were perfect students in high school. I was a rebellious student and an often a pain the the ass. We did stuff like the “chicken f**k contest in which the winner was the student who could say f**k the loudest without the teacher noticing. I would often communicate with a friend and we did a lot of swearing, So much swearing that one girl complained to the teacher that we were speaking a foreign language she didn’t understand. I would wander by a typing class and if the door was open and everybody was busy typing yell, “Stop,” and disappear into a bathroom. Or perhaps I would open a power panel and flip a couple of switches causing the lights to go off in a classroom. The staff started locking the power panels after a while.

Still, I hear the discipline in our public school system is a lot worse today.

We did have fights in school back then. Girls rarely fought but the guys would occasionally fight. I remember one time the school jocks started to figure they were tougher than the bad boys who smoked. That ended when one of the bad guys took a jock by the collar and slammed him into a locker. The jocks could jog further without running out of breath but were not fighters.

I wars no jock but just a short little guy who was easy to pick on. One of the bad guys enjoyed picking on me until I finally decided I had enough. He loved to slap people so i provoked a slap and hit him in the nose with two left hooks. I believe I broke his nose. Neither of us had any discipline administered after the fight.

My question is what went wrong and led to the fact that students today in many big school systems are not capable of reading or doing math at grade leveL?
" Commerce Includes Goods And Services "

* Fundamental Disagreement About The Meaning Of Trade *

First of all, the income tax IS a direct tax....That's why the 16th Amendment was required.
Secondly, you breed 'em, you educate 'em.
View attachment 769328
So is it your assertion that commerce only includes the transfer of goods and does not include compensation for services rendered ?

That seems very difficult to rationalize .

* Means Versus Extremes *

The terms libertarian and authoritarian are political science antonyms .

The principles of libertarianism promote only negative wrights , which are proscriptions against authoritative actions by government , from which individuals acquire negative liberties through non actions , or no actions , or negative actions , of government .

That is , the principles of libertarianism do not promote positive wrights , which are prescriptions for authoritative actions by government .

Consequently , the principles of libertarianism do not presume a government role to provide equal protection of negative liberties between individuals , and expects private prosecution ; and , the principles of libertarianism do not presume a government role to provide endowments of positive liberties to individuals .
" Us Kleptocracy Of Bureaucracy And Privateer Collusion "

* Egalitarianism Pitted Against Selective Endowment *

Yep. Abolish any agency that assists business too. We're all for it.

* Banksters Leveraging Commercial Deposits Violate Insolvent FDIC Underwriting "
" Commerce Includes Goods And Services "

* Fundamental Disagreement About The Meaning Of Trade *

So is it your assertion that commerce only includes the transfer of goods and does not include compensation for services rendered ?

That seems very difficult to rationalize .

* Means Versus Extremes *

The terms libertarian and authoritarian are political science antonyms .

The principles of libertarianism promote only negative wrights , which are proscriptions against authoritative actions by government , from which individuals acquire negative liberties through non actions , or no actions , or negative actions , of government .

That is , the principles of libertarianism do not promote positive wrights , which are prescriptions for authoritative actions by government .

Consequently , the principles of libertarianism do not presume a government role to provide equal protection of negative liberties between individuals , and expects private prosecution ; and , the principles of libertarianism do not presume a government role to provide endowments of positive liberties to individuals .
A lot of words that say exactly nothing.

The income tax is a direct tax....Period, full stop.
" Commerce Includes Transfer Of Goods And Services "

* Missing An Obvious Concept Of Commerce *

A lot of words that say exactly nothing.
The income tax is a direct tax....Period, full stop.
Income tax is an indirect tax on commerce , whereby an individual receives compensation for services rendered .... Period , full stop .

A direct tax would be a tax on personal holdings such as a bank account balance .
" Commerce Includes Transfer Of Goods And Services "

* Missing An Obvious Concept Of Commerce *

Income tax is an indirect tax on commerce , whereby an individual receives compensation for services rendered .... Period , full stop .

A direct tax would be a tax on personal holdings such as a bank account balance .

Look up the types of indirect taxes yourself. They are sales tax, excise tax, customs tax and gas tax.

Direct taxes are listed
  1. Income tax.
  2. Transfer tax (tax on asset transfer like stamp duty and registration charges).
  3. Entitlement tax (tax on social security or medical care).
  4. Property tax.
  5. Capital gains tax.
The OP NEEDS his definition to work or the entire agrument fails. Which it did.
" Commerce Includes Transfer Of Goods And Services "

* Missing An Obvious Concept Of Commerce *

Income tax is an indirect tax on commerce , whereby an individual receives compensation for services rendered .... Period , full stop .

A direct tax would be a tax on personal holdings such as a bank account balance .
Bullshit....The 16th Amendment was passed to authorize a direct unapportioned federal tax.
Bullshit....The 16th Amendment was passed to authorize a direct unapportioned federal tax.
Monk Eye fails on so many levels. First, in my state at least, property taxes are used to support the buildings and maintenance of schools. We have little say in what that is used for. Even older people pay it although they have no children in the schools. None of it ends up in charter schools.

Second, the state allots funds for pupils, not the federal government. He seems fixated on the federal level.

Finally, he acts like religious schools are somehow using public funds. A false claim like the rest of his argument.
Monk Eye fails on so many levels. First, in my state at least, property taxes are used to support the buildings and maintenance of schools. We have little say in what that is used for. Even older people pay it although they have no children in the schools. None of it ends up in charter schools.

Second, the state allots funds for pupils, not the federal government. He seems fixated on the federal level.

Finally, he acts like religious schools are somehow using public funds. A false claim like the rest of his argument.
The current funding mechanism for gubmint schools is most unfair to single people and couples who don't want, or can't have, children.

It is truly welfare for the middle class.
The current funding mechanism for gubmint schools is most unfair to single people and couples who don't want, or can't have, children.

It is truly welfare for the middle class.
Also serves as a trap for low income kids to fail and become government dependents.
" Pretending It Does Not Exist "

* Dribble Glass *

The OP NEEDS his definition to work or the entire agrument fails. Which it did.

* Tainted Convention *
Look up the types of indirect taxes yourself. They are sales tax, excise tax, customs tax and gas tax.

Direct taxes are listed
  1. Income tax.
  2. Transfer tax (tax on asset transfer like stamp duty and registration charges).
  3. Entitlement tax (tax on social security or medical care).
  4. Property tax.
  5. Capital gains tax.
My disagreeing with convention for pure reason may be a disability .

A direct tax is an excise from private property holdings , it is not imbued with any other meaning .

An indirect tax is an excise from commerce , it is not imbued with any other meaning .

Though perhaps lacking a title as a corporation , an individual is providing commercial services as would a corporation , and corporations are referred to as individuals .

Relating a convention for a definition of taxes is not germane to a pure reason distinction between a direct and an indirect tax .
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My disagreeing with convention for pure reason may be a disability .

A direct tax is an excise from private property holdings , it is not imbued with any other meaning .

An indirect tax is an excise from commerce , it is not imbued with any other meaning .

Relating a convention for the defined of taxes is not germane to a pure reason distinction between a direct and an indirect tax .

Though perhaps lacking a title as a corporation , an individual is providing commercial services as would a corporation , and corporations are referred to as individuals .

You are completely wrong. Any public definition shows your ignorance.
" Nowhere Near Federal Or State Funding Through Indirect Taxation "

* Back To The Thread Premise *

Monk Eye fails on so many levels. First, in my state at least, property taxes are used to support the buildings and maintenance of schools. We have little say in what that is used for. Even older people pay it although they have no children in the schools. None of it ends up in charter schools.
Second, the state allots funds for pupils, not the federal government. He seems fixated on the federal level.
Finally, he acts like religious schools are somehow using public funds. A false claim like the rest of his argument.
Perhaps contrasting a difference between how school funding is implemented in florida versus texas may better relate the thread premise .

By theory , indirect taxes may be allocated indirectly for the benefit of the individual taxed .

The allocation of school funding in florida occurs largely from indirect taxes .

That allocation of school funding in texas occurs largely through direct taxes .

As related , as to whether public schooling should be funded through direct tax has long been debated .

* Texas School Funding Largely Through Direct Tax *
Texas uses local, state and federal funds to support educational operations and facility construction in public school districts throughout the state. Most of this revenue is state and local; the federal government provides a relatively small amount of funding to school districts for administration of the child nutrition program,


Local funding for Texas public schools is generated primarily by an M&O property tax levied on local taxable values. Each school district adopts a certain M&O tax rate per $100 of taxable property valuation.


Most state funding for public education comes from the state’s General Revenue-Related (GRR) funds, including the General Revenue Fund, Available School Fund, State Technology and Instructional Materials Fund and the Foundation School General Revenue Dedicated Account.43
More recently, however, the state share has begun to decline again as property values and property tax revenue both rise and expenditures for health and human services take an increasing share of the state budget.

* Florida School Funding Largely Through Indirect Taxes *

The Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) is the primary mechanism for funding the operating costs of Florida school districts; this includes both charter schools and traditional public schools.

State Support. Legislative appropriations provide the primary state funding support to school districts.
Although the General Revenue Fund includes taxes from a number of sources, the predominant tax source is the 6% sales tax on goods and services. The Educational Enhancement Trust Fund includes the net proceeds of the Florida Lottery and the tax proceeds on slot machines in Broward and Miami-Dade counties.
Local Support. Local revenue for school support is derived almost entirely from property taxes levied by Florida's 67 counties, each of which constitutes a school district. Each school board must levy the millage set for its required local effort from property taxes.

Federal Support. The Florida State Board of Education may approve plans for cooperating with the federal government in carrying out any phase of the education program and must provide for the proper administration of funds apportioned to the state from federal appropriations.
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" Towers Of Babel On "

* Nuance Differences Of Category Qualifiers *

Bullshit....The 16th Amendment was passed to authorize a direct unapportioned federal tax.
One would be pressed hard for an explanation as to how most earnings could be extricated from commerce and indirect versus direct taxation , as conjectured in contemporary definition , are semantic absurdities .

Taxes can be either direct or indirect. A direct tax is one that the taxpayer pays directly to the government. These taxes cannot be shifted to any other person or group. An indirect tax is one that can be passed on-or shifted-to another person or group by the person or business that owes it.

* Wages Are Income And Indirect Tax *

In Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., the U.S. Supreme Court declared certain taxes on incomes, such as those on property under the 1894 Act, to be unconstitutionally unapportioned direct taxes. The Court reasoned that a tax on income from property should be treated as a tax on "property by reason of its ownership" and so should be required to be apportioned. The reasoning was that taxes on the rents from land, the dividends from stocks, and so forth, burdened the property generating the income in the same way that a tax on "property by reason of its ownership" burdened that property.

After Pollock, while income taxes on wages (as indirect taxes) were still not required to be apportioned by population, taxes on interest, dividends, and rental income were required to be apportioned by population.
The Pollock ruling made the source of the income (e.g., property versus labor, etc.) relevant in determining whether the tax imposed on that income was deemed to be "direct" (and thus required to be apportioned among the states according to population) or, alternatively, "indirect" (and thus required only to be imposed with geographical uniformity).[17]

* Too Few Care Any Way Sew What Due Hue Have Two Loose *

The following are presented as reasons as to why an inheritance tax is a direct tax , unless there is a way to rationalize the transaction as commerce , which might be difficult .

The principles of individualism include the elements of self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents by contract , made valid through informed consent ) .

The metaphors of an after life , of a chance for eternal life , of the life to come , of reincarnation , of the transmutation of soles , of etc . , have a literal meaning of passing on ones genetic identity , one haploid at a time , so that another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , through a sophisticated physical state , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience sapience and introspection that is afforded as life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement or eternal damnation .

Consequently , an inheritance tax on the transition of private property holdings to a legitimate lineal descendant is a direct tax upon the self ownership and self determination of an individual that is a direct tax .

A tax levied on the appreciation in value of real property that has not been sold does not qualify as commerce and is a direct tax .

* A Little Bit Of Sixteen Colors *

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