Sandra Fluke's Testimony - Here it is. Watch so you will not look like such a fool~

OK. Here's the link.

Sandra Fluke's Controversial Birth Control Testimony - YouTube

It is pretty clear to me that most who are discussing this have not heard her testimony.

First time viewing, so I'll weigh in on an initial impression:

Sandie makes some very good points, especially the point that no government or other agency should come between a woman and her physician when the woman's health care decisions are involved. Well, yes, Sandie, and that should be extrapolated to cover all peoples' decisions about their personal health care. Funny, you would stand for government mandating how other people and their physicians make decisions and carry out treatment programs, just not how women deal with contraception.

I do not agree that acquiring contraception is a great financial burden. If the gals don't want to pay out of pocket for the full monty, there are many privately and government funded programs that will provide contraceptives at low- or no cost to them. As far as going without contraception at all, I'll cry bullshit about that too. Hey, where are the guys in all this? In my day, guys always had a rubber stuffed in their wallet...just in case. Rubbers are contraceptives, too.

An additional point, if I am not mistaken, doesn't the catholic church also promote abstinence until after marriage? Even if you are not catholic, you have chosen (for your personal reasons) to attend an educational institution that supports catholic ideals. By choosing such an institution, you have entered into an implied contract to abide by their rules. Oh, universities are not democracies, so it is really not relevant what the majority of the students want.
OK. Here's the link.

Sandra Fluke's Controversial Birth Control Testimony - YouTube

It is pretty clear to me that most who are discussing this have not heard her testimony.

Right wingers don't care about the truth. They still insist women in Iraq are now free have happy. You can tell by the expression on their faces. See?


The veil of American Liberation descends upon Iraqi Women - University graduation ceremony

The issue at question here has nothing to do with women's health, reproductive rights or anything remotely connected to it.

The issue is whether or not the government is allowed under law to force a religion to do something that is in direct opposition to its beliefs and teachings.

Haven't you railed endlessly about the wisdom of the separation of Church and State?

Typical Liberal. No law can be equally applied to all.

And the libtards tell conservatives that we missed the point! LOL!
Stupid people rarely know they're stupid.

Her argument is stupid. You don't recognize that, so what does that make you???

In other words, after a well thought out statement, you aren't able to come up with anything better to rebuke her position. So, you'll just write it off, calling it "stupid," which gives you an excuse to ignore it outright an refuse to address it, while continuing to inspect your own prostate up close for its own cysts.

I rebuked her stupid argument on other threads.

I know what she's doing. And it isn't begging for someone to pay for her rubbers.

What she's trying to do is claim that all of these women's accusations are true when they cannot be proven. She's testifying in front of Congress with hearsay and speculation. It would be laughed out of court if she tried that hogwash. She claims some girl told her this and another told her that. She expects us to believe that BC cost her $3000. I hope she kept all of her receipts.

She also claims to be a student of the law. First year? Although, I admit having had to sit through an actual trial as a juror and the defendant's attorney was as vacuous and vapid as this gal.
sure...i was just pointing out mandates...shrug
Yup. And, her testimony had several believing that Georgetown students MUST purchase Georgetown HC insurance and, as such, they cannot have oral contraceptives covered.

Wow. Someone was less than thorough in their testimony to Congress?

And, folks actually bought it without investigation?

Wait, folks are intellectually lazy in the USA? No way!

well if the insurance you have doesn't meet with Gt's standards then yes you have to buy theirs.
And, their standards are $100K of coverage, that the coverage had to have already started, and that it continues through the academic year.

Those are super-tough requirements. :cuckoo:
The way Rush Limbaugh talked about this woman, and the way men on this forum - supposedly men who respect women - should give some idea what it is like for a woman to push the envelope and even go to law school. Let alone step out and use the knowledge for anything. Law school and medical school remain the two bastions of discrimination against women. I lived it every class I was in. I only had two female profs in law school, and the men in the classes simply hated having to take instruction from them. They got one of them fired. They couldn't get the other one fired but not for the lack of trying.

I am very disappointed in the men on here who, without even watching this testimony, have atributed words that were not spoken and a lifestyle which they have pulled out of the air, just because she is a woman who dared speak out. If this had been a male law student the ravings would have been nothing like this. Would rush have called him a 'manho' and then all the guys fall in behind him accusing him of promiscuity? I don't think so. Men don't even chastize their own for 'sewing their wild oats' with or without protection. It is women who are left with the responsibility and burden of this typical male behavior which generally only merits a wink. And there are some things birth control pills are used for which have zip to do with contraception - illnesses.

30 has nothing to do with anything. This is America. I could go enroll to get yet a 4th college degree tomorrow if I wanted to. You would laugh. Others did. They laughed but they didn't have the guts to do what I did, and neither would you. They stopped laughing a long time ago. And the stronger I get at fighting my battles, the more they wish they had gone to school as well.

It also troubles me that people on here cannot see that anyone who has the intestinal fortitude to do so can testify before our government and petition for action. I don't even want to hear about this being a private company she was discussing. None of you pay me any mind when I post about all the administrative regulations in this country we already have because you all think you are hot shot Constitutional scholars and constructors. You know nothing about the real life regs that dictate everything you do even down to where you dump your shit. The people do have all residual powers, and the people - even women - have the right to petition the government for change.

This woman was tastefully dressed in business attire. She was not over made up and she had a very conservative hair style. I thought she presented herself very well did an excellent job. And I am SO disappointed in all of you who claim you don't want women to be treated like muslim women are treated. It would seem to me that is exactly what you want because that would be about the only way she could have been more conservatively dressed.

Some of my friends have behaved very badly, I'm sad to say.

Obama is a black who cleans up nicely and wears a suit well. (Not my words, paraphrased from his VP.) That doesn't mean he's presidential material. Appearances can be deceiving.
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” ~Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader, (R-Ky.), October 2010

WAAAAAAAAAA. and we all know all the Democrats were on Bush's side to make him a TWO TERM President

you people crack me up and I hope to gawd Obama is a ONE TERM. with his nothing resume he shouldn't of EVER been elected in the first place. people gave him a shot, he failed, now it's time for him TO GO

Bush was a disaster. Please, tell us his successes. Forget Obama. Tell us why Bush was a good president. Don't chicken out.

Pull your bullet head out of your oversized fecal outlet...Bush is done, gone. Your deflection is the ultimate obama fail. Well, unless you consider the race card a bigger fail.
No, the issue is whether a school can mandate its students to purchase insurance that does not meet their medical needs. If they were not mandated to purchase this particular insurance coverage, then they could afford purchase one that does meet their needs.
But, at Georgetown, if a student shows the school that they already have insurance through another carrier, they are not mandated to purchase Georgetown's healthcare insurance.

"Dear Student:

You may waive the Premier Plan offered by the University during the Open Enrollment Period, if you have other adequate health insurance which meets the following criteria:

- Coverage of at least $100,000 per illness and $100,000 per injury;
- Plan in effect no later than the last day or your applicable Open Enrollment Period; and,
- Plan will remain in effect for the remainder of your academic year.


Georgetown University :: Office of Student Affairs :: Student Health Insurance

if you have other adequate health insurance which meets the following criteria

They still mandate you have something regardless of where it comes from.

So does your government-sanctioned obama wet-dream.
The liberal media withheld information that Ms. Fluke was a 30 year old "reproductive rights" activist. They let us believe that she was just an innocent co-ed. The "testimony" was before a democrat party rigged sub-committee and was full of non-specific anecdotal hearsay and left wing cliches. The liberal media also withheld information that Georgetown is a Catholic run university and a target of left wing activists. The truth is out there but you often have to wade through left wing spin and democrat party high jinks.
The way Rush Limbaugh talked about this woman, and the way men on this forum - supposedly men who respect women - should give some idea what it is like for a woman to push the envelope and even go to law school. Let alone step out and use the knowledge for anything. Law school and medical school remain the two bastions of discrimination against women. I lived it every class I was in. I only had two female profs in law school, and the men in the classes simply hated having to take instruction from them. They got one of them fired. They couldn't get the other one fired but not for the lack of trying.

I am very disappointed in the men on here who, without even watching this testimony, have atributed words that were not spoken and a lifestyle which they have pulled out of the air, just because she is a woman who dared speak out. If this had been a male law student the ravings would have been nothing like this. Would rush have called him a 'manho' and then all the guys fall in behind him accusing him of promiscuity? I don't think so. Men don't even chastize their own for 'sewing their wild oats' with or without protection. It is women who are left with the responsibility and burden of this typical male behavior which generally only merits a wink. And there are some things birth control pills are used for which have zip to do with contraception - illnesses.

30 has nothing to do with anything. This is America. I could go enroll to get yet a 4th college degree tomorrow if I wanted to. You would laugh. Others did. They laughed but they didn't have the guts to do what I did, and neither would you. They stopped laughing a long time ago. And the stronger I get at fighting my battles, the more they wish they had gone to school as well.

It also troubles me that people on here cannot see that anyone who has the intestinal fortitude to do so can testify before our government and petition for action. I don't even want to hear about this being a private company she was discussing. None of you pay me any mind when I post about all the administrative regulations in this country we already have because you all think you are hot shot Constitutional scholars and constructors. You know nothing about the real life regs that dictate everything you do even down to where you dump your shit. The people do have all residual powers, and the people - even women - have the right to petition the government for change.

This woman was tastefully dressed in business attire. She was not over made up and she had a very conservative hair style. I thought she presented herself very well did an excellent job. And I am SO disappointed in all of you who claim you don't want women to be treated like muslim women are treated. It would seem to me that is exactly what you want because that would be about the only way she could have been more conservatively dressed.

Some of my friends have behaved very badly, I'm sad to say.

Limbaugh has a long history of letting his mouth run without actively engaging his brain, which is why I stopped listening to him before he stopped the feminazi tirades.

That said, I strongly doubt law schools discriminate against women to the extent you are saying. I am not trying to discount your personal experience, but there are way to many women who are lawyers in this country for me to believe that, quite a few of them go into politics and end up in positions that have real power to control how schools act for them to be a bastion of discrimination.

My problem with Fluke is not that she is a woman, nor is that she wants to be a lawyer, it is that she is misrepresenting the difficulties involved in getting contraception in this country. There are 3 or 4 Planned Parenthood centers within 4 miles of Georgetown, the only reason anyone who wants contraception there doesn't have it is because they are lazy.

Contrary to popular belief, Planned Parenthood is not free. I tied up with them a few years back when one of my patients marched in there and told them that I said our clinic would pay for an abortion for her. I told them that I don't care one way or another if she has an abortion, but I did not tell her my employer would pay for it and I am telling you now that we will not.

Anyway one of her prime examples was a woman who needed the pill for medical reasons, and not contraception. Planned Parenthood is not a medical clinic. All BC pills are not the same, and used for a medical condition isn't just a matter of plopping something out on the table and saying, 'here go live in good health.'

Think I'm exaggerating about discrimination in law school? Well, ask all those lady lawyers you know. What? Don't know any? Hmmmm........ Wonder why that could be?

As to other posts indicating that this is a 'private' organization and should be free of government involvement, I have already mentioned the voluminous and overwhelming number of administrative regs we have in this country, which you all sumarily ignore. But when a business, any business, mandates a student, patient, or employee to do something, then the government has an interest in it. And by rights you should be glad of that. People pissed and moaned to no end about the OSHA regs, but they have kept many many people off the disability rolls, which is what they were instituted to do. There is student insurance available which likely does pay for birth control pills. The school where I taught had the packets but didn't even tell the students. You can't imagine how thrilled they were when I brought it to their attention that they could have an affordable major medical policy for themselves and their children. The general public doesn't know about it, and this school does not advise it is there. Moreover, the students at this woman's school are mandated to purchase insurance which does not meet their health care needs. There is no reason someone should have to buy two medical policies just to get their basic health care needs met. The problem here is in the fact that the school sets up that scenario by mandating students purchase a policy they can't use and in many cases this will put them out of being able to purchase a policy they can use.

The facts are always nice to know aren't they?

They might not be free, but they have no problem handing anyone who walks through the door a handful of condoms, even if they aren't eligible for other services they offer. If the issue is actually contraception, condoms should work fine. In fact, all things considered, I think condoms are better than the pill because they also help reduce the spread of VD.

Anyway, anecdotal evidence is irrelevant to the debate. For the record, I actually checked, and the only reason to use the pill if you have ovarian cysts is to regulate your period. It doesn't actually prevent the growth of the cysts in any way, so the sob story, while sad, is irrelevant to the debate.

Personally, I have met 6 lawyers, 2 of them were female. I don't know any of them sell enough to ask them questions like that, and even if I did, it wouldn't be enough of a sample to make survey.

For the record, pointing out the fact that regulations exist does not, in itself, justify the existence of regulations. If life actually worked that way we never would have ended slavery because it already existed before anyone decided it was wrong. I tend to ignore arguments that attempt to defend new laws that are based on the premise that old laws already exist because they aren't worth refuting, but I have no problem pointing out to people who have law degrees that they obviously did not pay attention in class if they think they can win an argument on that basis.

Insurance policies, by definition, are not meant to cover routine expenses because insurance is designed to share risk, not expense. sharing expense turns insurance companies into communes, which makes them mnore expensive, and actually drives up the cost of routine care to the point it is ridiculous. You can actually go out and get a CAT scan for less than it costs you to pay for the insurance to cover CAT scans, and I often get discounts if I call up a doctor and, after explaining I do not have insurance, offer to pay cash. I know people that have higher copays than what it costs me to get a routine checkup.

If the students don't like being forced to buy the insurance at Georgetown they are perfectly free to go to a college that does not require them to buy insurance. Or, as an alternative, they can actually go out, buy their own coverage, and not pay the into a program that they think is discriminatory. Since I think mandatory insurance is always wrong, I have no sympathy for anyone who gets themselves into a situation where they have to pay for insurance, even if they don't want it, or it doesn't cover what they mistakenly think insurance should cover.
I see you are rephrasing your argument. I guess that means you are admitting you were wrong the way you said it earlier.

I'm maintaining the exact same position I have since the very beginning, and you know that. Now stop trolling and go away.

You changed from the 1st Amendment only applies to activities that inherently religious to not making special exceptions from laws for religious institutions, and it hasn't changed at all? Tell me something, why haven't you addressed the fact that religious schools can fire teachers who miss less than 6 months on the job despite the fact that the ADA says all employers have to hold a job for 6 months minimum for a temporary disability? Is it because doing so would force you to further change the position you haven't changed?
OK. Here's the link.

Sandra Fluke's Controversial Birth Control Testimony - YouTube

It is pretty clear to me that most who are discussing this have not heard her testimony.

[ame=""] Trojan Safer Sex Products[/ame]

Less than $2 for a condom.

If you can't budget that in, you need to fuck less and save more.

You would want YOUR wife to tell you need to fuck less to save money? Yeah, right! :rolleyes: You clearly have not listened to the testimony.

Condoms are not the treatment for polycystic ovary disease.

Condoms are not that effective as birth control. When I was in HS there were no BC pills. Few of the girls were sexually active, but the one who were ususally came up pregnant because they thought the condoms would work. They didn't.

Besides, you have missed the point. I have stated it several times. Perhaps you should catch up.

Funny thing about condoms, they don't work if you don't use them.

Funny thing about the pill, it does not treat polycystic ovary disease, it treats a side effect of them.
OK. Here's the link.

Sandra Fluke's Controversial Birth Control Testimony - YouTube

It is pretty clear to me that most who are discussing this have not heard her testimony.

I have not been discussing but I will bit. First she is a long time feminist activist that just recently returned to college at the young age of 30. Second there is already free contraceptives available just not provided by insurance provided by the university. Last, the university is a Catholic university and should not be forced to support something they have religious beliefs against. Amazing how the left is always quick to defend religious beliefs as long as they are not Christian.
Right wingers don't care about the truth. They still insist women in Iraq are now free have happy. You can tell by the expression on their faces. See?


The veil of American Liberation descends upon Iraqi Women - University graduation ceremony

The issue at question here has nothing to do with women's health, reproductive rights or anything remotely connected to it.

The issue is whether or not the government is allowed under law to force a religion to do something that is in direct opposition to its beliefs and teachings.

Haven't you railed endlessly about the wisdom of the separation of Church and State?

Typical Liberal. No law can be equally applied to all.

Oh please. Spare me. From Catholic Charities they admit that nearly 70% of ALL their funding come from the government. 28 states already had the same exact law in place with 8 states requiring the church also cover contraception. Where did Obama get this "law"? From the fucking Republicans.

Remember when they screamed he should be involved in Libya. Then they screamed when he did.

Remember when they screamed he hadn't got Bin Laden, then the fuckers tried to take credit when he did.

Remember when Republicans screamed that Obama should close Gitmo and then screamed when he started the proceedings.

Remember when Republicans screamed that we should get out of Iraq and then screamed when Obama began drawing down.

They want the first black president to fail. If Obama said he was against eating babies, Republicans would insist they should be on the menu.

I don't remember any of that screaming.

Why are you changing the subject.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that intelligence falls on deaf ears around here.

Stupid people rarely know they're stupid.

Her argument is stupid. You don't recognize that, so what does that make you???

In other words, after a well thought out statement, you aren't able to come up with anything better to rebuke her position. So, you'll just write it off, calling it "stupid," which gives you an excuse to ignore it outright an refuse to address it, while continuing to inspect your own prostate up close for its own cysts.

Her statement did seem to be well thought out, but, seriously, she wants something that she wants. Does she also want a Mercedes Benz? If she can't afford one, am I also obliged to get one of those for her?

I have no problem at all with her exercising right to have whatever birth control she needs for whatever end she chooses.

I also have no problem with allowing her to exercise her responsibility to pay for the stuff.

Why in the world should she think that I need to pay for her birth control. What's in it for me?
I heard it. I thought she sounded like a 60's lesbian whiner.
OK. Here's the link.

Sandra Fluke's Controversial Birth Control Testimony - YouTube

It is pretty clear to me that most who are discussing this have not heard her testimony.

False testimony. She and every woman have plenty of free access to all the birth control paid for by tax payers, insurance companies and independent donations.

So you are A-OK with students being mandated to pay for a health insurance policy that pushes a religious agenda. Cool!

Here's a flash for you. That was a PRIVATE health care policy. Not one dime from taxpayers. BUT Every government employee in this country has health care that will pay for birth control!

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