Sad news: Dick Cheney is still alive : (

So how the fuck can you say you voted the same as I did in 2000?
Because I wanted the scum cheney a bush hung from a tall tree and you felt bad for them ?

Where the fuck did I say I felt bad for them. I said I have never wished anyone a horrible death. Learn to read and comprehend what you read. I said you were asshole for wishing people a horrible death. I said you are intolerant.
And you you fn ah say these 2 pos don't deserve a horrible death after being the reason THOUSANDS ARE DEAD and injured? I can only tell you if it were one of mine dead because of them I'd be dead or in jail

I said, no one should suffer a horrible death, not even Clinton, who raped women, not even Hitler who was despicable, deserves a horrible death. Not even YOU deserve such a death.
Not even hitler???? You are fn mad If anyone in the past 100 years needed a horrible death it was Adolph

I believe in the death penalty, not a horrible death.
Lemme guess
You're an independent
Like Bernie sanders
Senior I'm as far from indy as we are from the moon I hate repubs, the same scum that supported our 2 murdering swine bush and cheney Do you support those 2 pos???

There is the intolerant, bigoted, asshole liberal, hating others.
yes I do hate and do love,,,,, I'm just more careful in my choices than ah's like you are

Lol! You are a spineless idiot who lumps people in categories, you are a lazy ass. You pretend that everyone who doesn't agree with your opinions is scum. You know nothing. You are a bigot.
And you're a republican so we're even

Not a republican, bigot!
This graph clearly tell why more deaths occurred over time. Bush & Co. ignored Afghanistan until the end of 2008! More troops fighting on a broader front equates to more deaths, plain and bloody simple!

ok, so did more die during obama or not.
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?

There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!
I wonder how all of those "friends" that you can only visit at the wall would think about you either using their deaths as a political tool to discredit Bush, or your ignoring them to save obama.
You are the ignorant piece of shit that for some reason puts more weight on the death of an American if its under the leadership of a republican.
people like you disgrace the wall, if you have even ever been to it, and that I doubt.
Your straw man deflection is duly noted you piece of shit! I separated my disparagement of you purposefully with intent, because it was, indeed, all about you and nothing to do with anyone else asswipe! At least you had the sense to refrain from stealing the valor of your betters, you fucking low life scum!
ok, so did more die during obama or not.
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?

There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!
I wonder how all of those "friends" that you can only visit at the wall would think about you either using their deaths as a political tool to discredit Bush, or your ignoring them to save obama.
You are the ignorant piece of shit that for some reason puts more weight on the death of an American if its under the leadership of a republican.
people like you disgrace the wall, if you have even ever been to it, and that I doubt.

Whenever you see some hero weeping for his dead komrades in public, you know he's trying to sell something.

Whenever you see anyone using terms like "pinko" and "komrades" you know you are dealing with a cretin....
Yes and did I point to the obvious reasons that more died over that period? Piss poor planning and execution at the outset and further on. There were only 10,400 troops in Afghanistan in in FY 2003 but 67,700 in Iraq over that same period.

That's 651% more troops in Iraq in FY 2003 it's first 6 months that in Afghanistan after 2 years of that campaign, and the troop strength in Afghanistan did get up to that level until 2009 and Bush & Co. had gotten out of Dodge!
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?

There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!
I wonder how all of those "friends" that you can only visit at the wall would think about you either using their deaths as a political tool to discredit Bush, or your ignoring them to save obama.
You are the ignorant piece of shit that for some reason puts more weight on the death of an American if its under the leadership of a republican.
people like you disgrace the wall, if you have even ever been to it, and that I doubt.

Whenever you see some hero weeping for his dead komrades in public, you know he's trying to sell something.

Whenever you see anyone using terms like "pinko" and "komrades" you know you are dealing with a cretin....

Precisely the opposite is the case. People who use those terms understand exactly the character of the people they are dealing with. Those who don't are stupidly cowed by leftwing political correctness, the sole purpose of which is to prevent people from learning the truth about leftwingers.
spin how you want, the dems and your king president raisinette ended up responsible for more deaths. But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
None of them are acceptable to me, as a matter of fact, the Bush wars is one of the reasons I left the republican party. the only way I could make any kind of a statement. what, other than pointing to Bush have you done to stop the dark man from sending white kids to die?

There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
But for some reason those deaths are acceptable to you .
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!
I wonder how all of those "friends" that you can only visit at the wall would think about you either using their deaths as a political tool to discredit Bush, or your ignoring them to save obama.
You are the ignorant piece of shit that for some reason puts more weight on the death of an American if its under the leadership of a republican.
people like you disgrace the wall, if you have even ever been to it, and that I doubt.

Whenever you see some hero weeping for his dead komrades in public, you know he's trying to sell something.

Whenever you see anyone using terms like "pinko" and "komrades" you know you are dealing with a cretin....

Precisely the opposite is the case. People who use those terms understand exactly the character of the people they are dealing with. Those who don't are stupidly cowed by leftwing political correctness, the sole purpose of which is to prevent people from learning the truth about leftwingers.


There is something vaguely tautological about

"It is so because I say it is so."

I would add that, as demonstrated by your oeuvre, what you understand covers a spectrum from A to a.......
There was no spin but your own! You claim to have left the republican ranks just as I did 42 years ago; a smart move. But you have also displayed some racism hanging from under your skirt! Further, President Obama did not start that war in Afghanistan, he inherited it from a totally incompetent Administration which had desires to start another war, which was sidelined for a bit.

Now for this since it was NOT a question but a declaration;
You miserable piece of shit! I have friends that I can only visit when I'm in DC at the Wall. I deployed twice, did my duty and returned to fucking find fucking ignorant asshole like you a dime a fucking dozen. Now crawl back in your hole you miserable piece of shit, keep your mouth shut about things you are totally fucking ignorant of and just be glad that you don't have to bear any of that burden or your family shit for brains! And if you fucking claim to be former military, I know that would be a Goddamn outright lie after making that kind of idiotic stupid fucking remark you asswipe!
I wonder how all of those "friends" that you can only visit at the wall would think about you either using their deaths as a political tool to discredit Bush, or your ignoring them to save obama.
You are the ignorant piece of shit that for some reason puts more weight on the death of an American if its under the leadership of a republican.
people like you disgrace the wall, if you have even ever been to it, and that I doubt.

Whenever you see some hero weeping for his dead komrades in public, you know he's trying to sell something.

Whenever you see anyone using terms like "pinko" and "komrades" you know you are dealing with a cretin....

Precisely the opposite is the case. People who use those terms understand exactly the character of the people they are dealing with. Those who don't are stupidly cowed by leftwing political correctness, the sole purpose of which is to prevent people from learning the truth about leftwingers.


There is something vaguely tautological about

"It is so because I say it is so."

I would add that, as demonstrated by your oeuvre, what you understand covers a spectrum from A to a.......

I won't even bother dissecting your criticisms of my post because anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the idiocy for themselves.
I wonder how all of those "friends" that you can only visit at the wall would think about you either using their deaths as a political tool to discredit Bush, or your ignoring them to save obama.
You are the ignorant piece of shit that for some reason puts more weight on the death of an American if its under the leadership of a republican.
people like you disgrace the wall, if you have even ever been to it, and that I doubt.

Whenever you see some hero weeping for his dead komrades in public, you know he's trying to sell something.

Whenever you see anyone using terms like "pinko" and "komrades" you know you are dealing with a cretin....

Precisely the opposite is the case. People who use those terms understand exactly the character of the people they are dealing with. Those who don't are stupidly cowed by leftwing political correctness, the sole purpose of which is to prevent people from learning the truth about leftwingers.


There is something vaguely tautological about

"It is so because I say it is so."

I would add that, as demonstrated by your oeuvre, what you understand covers a spectrum from A to a.......

I won't even bother dissecting your criticisms of my post because anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the idiocy for themselves.


Don't stop is the path to Enlightenment.....
Whenever you see some hero weeping for his dead komrades in public, you know he's trying to sell something.

Whenever you see anyone using terms like "pinko" and "komrades" you know you are dealing with a cretin....

Precisely the opposite is the case. People who use those terms understand exactly the character of the people they are dealing with. Those who don't are stupidly cowed by leftwing political correctness, the sole purpose of which is to prevent people from learning the truth about leftwingers.


There is something vaguely tautological about

"It is so because I say it is so."

I would add that, as demonstrated by your oeuvre, what you understand covers a spectrum from A to a.......

I won't even bother dissecting your criticisms of my post because anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the idiocy for themselves.


Don't stop is the path to Enlightenment.....

When do you introspect? You're a blowhard douche bag. You haven't made a point since you started posting in this forum.
You're a blowhard douche bag. You haven't made a point since you started posting in this forum.

You funny bri. 57000+ posts, 6200 thanks.
Iceberg 2200 posts, 6000 thanks.

Who is the blowhard bri?
Iceberg is the blowhard. The term isn't measured by the quantity of your posts but by their quality. His consist entirely of nitpicking at unimportant details.
Donald said he was going to end all the crony contractor sweetheart deals & isnt that what Dick was all about??? (that was a rhetorica question)

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Donald said he was going to end all the crony contractor sweetheart deals & isnt that what Dick was all about??? (that was a rhetorica question)

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

You, talking about all the No bid contracts Hailburton has been given during the Obama administration?
good attempt at deflection you two. Repubs have turned wars into business ventures w/ no downsides except for the us casualties

BTW- either of you two serve?
good attempt at deflection you two. Repubs have turned wars into business ventures w/ no downsides except for the us casualties

BTW- either of you two serve?

Again, why is it okay for Clinton and Obama to have no bid contracts with Haliburton and not okay for Bush.
Iceberg is the blowhard. The term isn't measured by the quantity of your posts but by their quality. His consist entirely of nitpicking at unimportant details.

Funny shit bri.

With you it's quantity. Who cares if anyone agrees with you. Right? You got shit to say.

With ice it's quality. More people agree with him than number of posts he has made. By far.

That makes you the blow hard. No matter how you want to measure.

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