Russian billionaire wants to talk to an alien, gives SETI $100M


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
It s not all about aliens listening project may unveil other secrets of the universe

"The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project got a $100 million boost this week from Russian billionaire Yuri Milner. While this may seem like a lot of money to spend on a nearly impossible task, many astronomers welcome the investment. The cash will go some way to help save some observatories from closure and allow astronomers to continue to use the facilities for astrophysics research alongside SETI.

The "Breakthrough Listen" initiative, announced on July 20 at the Royal Society in London, will pay for giant radio telescopes at Green Bank in West Virginia, USA and the Parkes Observatory in Australia to scan the skies for signs of alien communications. The Lick Observatory's optical telescope in San Jose, California will also join the search with the goal of scanning one million stars in our Milky Way galaxy along with a hundred other nearby galaxies. In the UK, the giant Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank is also involved in SETI programmes.

The funding, to be allocated over a decade, will pay for thousands of hours per year on these facilities compared to the tens of hours usually available to SETI scientists competing with other astronomical programmes. Frank Drake, one of the pioneers of modern SETI and a member of the Breakthrough Listen team, has described previous support for SETI research as patchy. The total worldwide support in recent years has been only about $500,000 from private gifts."
SETI is a big waste of money, but I have no problem if some billionaire wants to throw cash at the project.

Anyway, I hope they never find anything. Any alien race that observed our history would destroy us for their own protection.
That's if an alien even wants to talk back.

If there is intelligent life out there, it is sure to stay away from our war-torn rust bucket, probably because we are as significant to them as an ant hill.
Wow, first off the cons must be lifting their dragging knuckles to scratch their empty heads; a socialist that is a billionaire in a socialist country?

Second, most cons are too busy searching for bigfoot to worry about aliens. Not all, some of them are parked in their trailers near area 51 'ta git tha proof'.
Wow, first off the cons must be lifting their dragging knuckles to scratch their empty heads; a socialist that is a billionaire in a socialist country?

Second, most cons are too busy searching for bigfoot to worry about aliens. Not all, some of them are parked in their trailers near area 51 'ta git tha proof'.
why do you even post pot head?

You are so ignorant about the world it is God damn pathetic, he became a billionre because the Soviet union broke up and went capitalist do you comprehend it moron?
Wow, first off the cons must be lifting their dragging knuckles to scratch their empty heads; a socialist that is a billionaire in a socialist country?

Second, most cons are too busy searching for bigfoot to worry about aliens. Not all, some of them are parked in their trailers near area 51 'ta git tha proof'.
why do you even post pot head?

You are so ignorant about the world it is God damn pathetic, he became a billionre because the Soviet union broke up and went capitalist do you comprehend it moron?

You find bigfoot yet? He's a socialist like Reagan. Now git out there and find him. Time's a wastin' Newman.
Wow, first off the cons must be lifting their dragging knuckles to scratch their empty heads; a socialist that is a billionaire in a socialist country?

Second, most cons are too busy searching for bigfoot to worry about aliens. Not all, some of them are parked in their trailers near area 51 'ta git tha proof'.
why do you even post pot head?

You are so ignorant about the world it is God damn pathetic, he became a billionre because the Soviet union broke up and went capitalist do you comprehend it moron?

You find bigfoot yet? He's a socialist like Reagan. Now git out there and find him. Time's a wastin' Newman.
quit bogarting it bitch, pass the joint along

Then we Will go to white castle :)

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