Rumpelstiltskin: A Gotham Dreamscape


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Rumpelstiltskin was an impish being who had just been conned out of a death-wager he placed on a young girl for whom he was spinning straw into gold. He was irate and unhappy and decided to wander towards a metropolitan area to make trouble in an urban setting. Rumpelstiltskin (known simply as 'R') did not know too much about vigilantism, but he knew he had to use vigilantism to make a splash in an American city, since civics troubles in the city always make for great vigilantism controversy. No one likes cops, as they say, and R wanted to take advantage of this 'special inconvenience' lingering in the minds of urban-dwellers.

Ra's al Ghul was back from a European voyage during which he was collecting bio-chemical weapons for an eco-terrorist initiative in Gotham City, America. Ra's was a warlock-type individual whose daughter Talia had betrayed him recently and defected into the arms of his nemesis, the urban masked vigilante Batman. Batman and Talia were away for their wedding, and Ra's wanted to take advantage of the absence of Batman to create a new brand of eco-terrorism in Gotham City. Ra's (known simply as 'G') knew that the time was right to stamp his mark for his League of Assassins onto the criminal cauldron that was Gotham City, a city that was being temporarily secured by the incapable and aging Police Commissioner Jim Gordon. However, G was about to meet the eerie R, and his plans would have to be amended.

When R found his way to Gotham City, convinced it was the right urban setting to create all kinds of city chaos, he was dressed as a fiddling street-musician. R asked around about the civics atmosphere of Gotham City and discovered that its primary vigilante, Batman, was away on vacation. R also discovered that Batman's primary nemeses, Joker, Poison Ivy, and Scarecrow, were all currently incarcerated in the maximum-security wing of Arkham Asylum. R wondered how he would make trouble, but he knew the tide was high, since this auspicious 'Batman' was absent. One night, while playing his fiddle on the street, R ran into a member of G's League of Assassins, a knife-thrower named Stan.

G was in his chambers of his hidden fortress plotting to unleash his new scheme of eco-terrorism at the Gotham Zoo, when Stan walked in and asked for his permission to introduce him to a new peculiar individual he had just met --- Rumpelstiltskin ('R'). Ra's al Ghul ('G') granted permission and introduced himself to G as Gotham's most intelligent eco-terrorist. Stan told G that R could help the League of Assassins with the new Gotham Zoo eco-terrorist mission. R would play his fiddle and draw out the animals freed from their cages and lead them to a safe haven away from the zoo, while G and his men would plant explosives all around the abandoned area. R told G he was happy to help but reminded him that for this special service, he required exactly four gold crowns, no more, no less, and G agreed to the payment condition.

After G's League had carried out the Gotham Zoo plan to perfection with R's fiddling assistance, and the Gotham Zoo was strewn with deadly explosives, G took R on his private jet to the Amazon Rainforest to celebrate. They drank wine and sang of the old days, when vigilantes ruled the world. R was drunk and told G of the cunning girl who outwitted him, and G was just as drunk and brooded to R about his daughter Talia who betrayed him to marry his nemesis Batman. When R learned that G's daughter married Batman, he became oddly and suddenly enraged. R told G he wanted nothing to do with anyone who knew or loved someone who defected to a 'heroic' vigilante. R immediately demanded his salary for his work on the Gotham Zoo mission so he could depart from G. G got very angry and demanded to know that criterion of mistrust, and R explained that he detested heroes. When G refused to pay R his salary and concede to the departure, insisting that R join his League of Assassins, R pulled out his knife and slit G's throat, who bled to death.

When Talia and Batman returned to Gotham City from their honeymoon, they discovered that Ra's al Ghul ('G') was found dead in the Amazon Rainforest, having bled to death after a mysterious person slit his throat with a knife. Talia was both upset/sad and relieved. Batman grew suspicious and realized that whoever killed G would return to Gotham City to make trouble in his place and that Batman would have to deal with him. What Batman did not know was that this mysterious assassin was none other than the eerie Rumpelstiltskin who had now set his sights on Talia, determined to put her in a death wager and perhaps even make amends for his earlier failure with the girl who outwitted him while he was spinning straw into gold for her. Fortunately, Batman had a secret trump-card in his sleeve --- darts coated with a sleeping potion --- but would he be able to tranquilize the now bloodthirsty Rumpelstiltskin?

When R confronted Batman, he demanded to know where he was hiding Talia, and the Dark Knight responded by shooting his sleeping-darts at R, which caused the evil imp to fall asleep. When he awoke in Arkham Asylum, next to the cell of Poison Ivy, he heard the mischievous eco-terrorist ask him about the murder of Ra's al Ghul and how she wanted to now help him kill Batman. Rumpelstiltskin told her he was happy to join forces to destroy Batman but only if she helped him also kill Talia. Poison Ivy was at first unsure but then consented, realizing that her past loyalties to Talia were outweighed by her need to destroy the Dark Knight. R and Poison Ivy plotted to escape Arkham and kill Batman, but R now harboured a secret mistrust of his new eco-terrorist ally.

Only time would tell how powerful Rumpelstiltskin would become in a crime-infested Gotham City before another nemesis of Batman (e.g., Penguin, Scarecrow, etc.) began to feel threatened by his presence and power. Perhaps the Dark Knight would someday find a way to turn these conniving super-villains against each other and finally bring a lasting peace affording him the right to retire with his new wife. Could Batman become the true urban legend, bringing down a host of traitors such as the sour Rumpelstiltskin?


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