Rudy: not only would I testify, I would love to try the case as well

So testify then Rudy. Under oath.
Nah. You'd feel much safer interrogating him Michael Flynn style, or maybe an illegal search and seizure like Mueller did to Cohen and Stone.

Oh? What was illegal about it? Michael Flynn lied. Not a good idea.

You seem to feel sorry for some pretty sleazy people.
Mitch can be impartial even if talking with the White House council.

Oh please Ray.
Mitch has said the following:

My job is to make Obama a one-term President
I will obstruct any Legislation from Democrats and NEVER give Obama a win.
My mind is made up, and I'll work with the WH in the Senate Trial.

Nope, Moscow Mitch is NEVER impartial.

So explain how that's not impartial. If Mitch decides just to take a vote, or throw it out with no witnesses at all, then his mind is already made up from the Schiff show. Everybody knows what a farce that was, and that this is the weakest case for impeachment in history; an impeachment with no crimes committed. The same exact thing that will happen to the next commie President with a Republican majority in the House.
Moscow Mitch takes an OATH under God and signs it, that he will be IMPARTIAL, not have his mind made up, BEFORE hearing all the evidence in the trial, before casting his vote.

Mitchy baby, needs to recuse himself, so does Lindsey Graham, who takes the same oath under God... to be impartial, see and hear all the evidence in the trial, before making their DECISION...

Moscow Mitchy said to everyone viewing FOX, that he would NOT be impartial, is working hand in hand with the defendant's (Trump's) lawyers and would deliver an acquittal FOR Trump.... that ain't impartial.... that is a Mafioso,

THE FIX IS IN, SHAM TRIAL! And this foolish man touting this, leads the whole trial.... sheesh.

Shame on all of you that accept that, and poor Trump... he'll forever be known as the President who was acquitted in a SHAM, FIX IS IN, trial. instead of really being acquitted by a fair trial in the Senate, as Clinton was... is that what you really want?

Wait a minute: what new evidence are you speaking of? We heard all the evidence during the Schiff Show. Mitch is not required to have any more evidence presented. That's his call. If your mind is already made up watching that farce, then it's made up. It's stupid to say that a person should be impartial when his mind is already made up.

It's like saying you could be impartial in the OJ trial, or impartial with the Smollett scam. Mitch is a human being, not a robot. You can't twist your thoughts in an entirely different direction.

Everything that needed to be said was already said. Mitch meeting with White House lawyers is not going to change his mind unless he was on the fence to begin with.
no ya didn't hear all the evidence, Trump illegally prevented it... and YES, as an example: a whole bunch more evidence has been revealed since the indictment... emails that the Trump admin illegally refused congress, got released on a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by a non profit group came after he was impeached....
That would be the worst thing that could happen for Trump. He might be the one man in the country with less control over his mouth than Trump.
I presume you don’t watch when Rudy is on CNN or MSLSD; Rudy slaps the commies down in under 3 seconds.
I’m waiting for your Smiley click.

Rudy claims to have uncovered a lot of hidden treasures in Ukraine. Will this scare Nancy pants into holding the articles longer than she wanted to? What if Rudy is not bluffing?
Hey Ray. You see the new medical treatment for people with severe TDS Butt Hurt
Mitch can be impartial even if talking with the White House council.

Oh please Ray.
Mitch has said the following:

My job is to make Obama a one-term President
I will obstruct any Legislation from Democrats and NEVER give Obama a win.
My mind is made up, and I'll work with the WH in the Senate Trial.

Nope, Moscow Mitch is NEVER impartial.

So explain how that's not impartial. If Mitch decides just to take a vote, or throw it out with no witnesses at all, then his mind is already made up from the Schiff show. Everybody knows what a farce that was, and that this is the weakest case for impeachment in history; an impeachment with no crimes committed. The same exact thing that will happen to the next commie President with a Republican majority in the House.
Moscow Mitch takes an OATH under God and signs it, that he will be IMPARTIAL, not have his mind made up, BEFORE hearing all the evidence in the trial, before casting his vote.

Mitchy baby, needs to recuse himself, so does Lindsey Graham, who takes the same oath under God... to be impartial, see and hear all the evidence in the trial, before making their DECISION...

Moscow Mitchy said to everyone viewing FOX, that he would NOT be impartial, is working hand in hand with the defendant's (Trump's) lawyers and would deliver an acquittal FOR Trump.... that ain't impartial.... that is a Mafioso,

THE FIX IS IN, SHAM TRIAL! And this foolish man touting this, leads the whole trial.... sheesh.

Shame on all of you that accept that, and poor Trump... he'll forever be known as the President who was acquitted in a SHAM, FIX IS IN, trial. instead of really being acquitted by a fair trial in the Senate, as Clinton was... is that what you really want?

Wait a minute: what new evidence are you speaking of? We heard all the evidence during the Schiff Show. Mitch is not required to have any more evidence presented. That's his call. If your mind is already made up watching that farce, then it's made up. It's stupid to say that a person should be impartial when his mind is already made up.

It's like saying you could be impartial in the OJ trial, or impartial with the Smollett scam. Mitch is a human being, not a robot. You can't twist your thoughts in an entirely different direction.

Everything that needed to be said was already said. Mitch meeting with White House lawyers is not going to change his mind unless he was on the fence to begin with.
no ya didn't hear all the evidence, Trump illegally prevented it... and YES, as an example: a whole bunch more evidence has been revealed since the indictment... emails that the Trump admin illegally refused congress, got released on a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by a non profit group came after he was impeached....

And do you think the Republican Senate will give a damn? Trump did nothing illegal. If the commies think he did, let them file a case with the courts. When DumBama refused documents using executive privilege in Fast and Furious, that's what Republicans did. They didn't impeach him.

Therefore all the evidence is heard. Mitch can make the determination to simply throw it out of the Senate, because nobody should give credibility to witch hunts. The impeachment wars are started thanks to the commies. No foreign leader will discuss anything over the phone any longer thanks to the commies. And for what? Because they disagreed with the American people and how we voted.
Trump should crush democrats knees and make Rudy a special prosecutor, talk about being able to indite a ham sandwich he would put that tranny mike Obama on the chain gain lol DO IT TRUMP! Make Rudy a special prosecutor!
If trump makes Rudy a special prosecutor democrats are going to crawl back in their troll cave lol
Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, said he would be willing to testify in a Senate impeachment trial if asked and would "love to try the case" if given the opportunity.

"I would testify. I would do demonstrations. I'd give lectures. I'd give summations," Giuliani said Tuesday night when asked about the possibility during a New Year's Eve celebration at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

"Or, I'd do what I do best: I'd try the case. I'd love to try the case," he said. "I don't know if anybody would have the courage to give me the case, but if you give me the case, I will prosecute it as a racketeering case, which I kind of invented anyway."

The former prosecutor said it had been 30 years since he tried such a case, "but let's see if I can still do it."

Trump impeachment: Rudy Giuliani willing to testify in Senate trial

Sounds like a pretty confident guy. Is he bluffing? Is he calling ass on Piglosi to go ahead and send the articles to the Senate and see what happens?

Without a doubt, nobody would let Rudy try the case, but his statement suggests he would be working very closely with Trump's defense. In light of Hunter's problems involving the paternity suit, criminal investigations of money laundering that include Burisma, and his tax lien,it certainly is looking like team Trump may have something on the Biden's.

So testify then Rudy. Under oath.
That's right, you don't have to remember or recall anything.
Plus, you can always play dumb
Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, said he would be willing to testify in a Senate impeachment trial if asked and would "love to try the case" if given the opportunity.

"I would testify. I would do demonstrations. I'd give lectures. I'd give summations," Giuliani said Tuesday night when asked about the possibility during a New Year's Eve celebration at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

"Or, I'd do what I do best: I'd try the case. I'd love to try the case," he said. "I don't know if anybody would have the courage to give me the case, but if you give me the case, I will prosecute it as a racketeering case, which I kind of invented anyway."

The former prosecutor said it had been 30 years since he tried such a case, "but let's see if I can still do it."

Trump impeachment: Rudy Giuliani willing to testify in Senate trial

Sounds like a pretty confident guy. Is he bluffing? Is he calling ass on Piglosi to go ahead and send the articles to the Senate and see what happens?

Without a doubt, nobody would let Rudy try the case, but his statement suggests he would be working very closely with Trump's defense. In light of Hunter's problems involving the paternity suit, criminal investigations of money laundering that include Burisma, and his tax lien,it certainly is looking like team Trump may have something on the Biden's.

The Republicans are avoiding Giuliani like the plague. All he has is testimony from a bunch of crooked Ukrainians with ties to Russia. That is the last thing Republicans want. Hunter Biden's private affairs are not a part of this and will not be a part of trial.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for Trump. He might be the one man in the country with less control over his mouth than Trump.
I presume you don’t watch when Rudy is on CNN or MSLSD; Rudy slaps the commies down in under 3 seconds.
I’m waiting for your Smiley click.

Rudy claims to have uncovered a lot of hidden treasures in Ukraine. Will this scare Nancy pants into holding the articles longer than she wanted to? What if Rudy is not bluffing?

Know any other good jokes?
Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, said he would be willing to testify in a Senate impeachment trial if asked and would "love to try the case" if given the opportunity.
He is, of course, lying his ass off, as, well, that is what Rudy does.

Maybe.....maybe not! Will the Democrats call his bluff if he is?

The Republicans want no part of this.
and sit on the articles indefinitely.

That is exactly what she should do.
The Senate trial will be a sham, an already determined acquittal,
so WHY give trump the pleasure of saying he was 'acquitted'.

Good move Nancy.

That's true. After all, when did the Democrats ever give a damn about the Constitution anyhow?

When do Trump and the Republicans care about the Constitution? Especially Congress' power of the purse.
and sit on the articles indefinitely.

That is exactly what she should do.
The Senate trial will be a sham, an already determined acquittal,
so WHY give trump the pleasure of saying he was 'acquitted'.

Good move Nancy.

That's true. After all, when did the Democrats ever give a damn about the Constitution anyhow?

Failure to make your point Ray.
Trump is ignoring the Constitution, but you don't care about that.

What part about the Constitution is Trump ignoring? We know if Piglosi doesn't hand over the articles to the Senate, she is indeed violating the Constitution.

The Congress' power of the purse. Congress' oversight powers. Congress has to pass the laws.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for Trump. He might be the one man in the country with less control over his mouth than Trump.
I presume you don’t watch when Rudy is on CNN or MSLSD; Rudy slaps the commies down in under 3 seconds.
I’m waiting for your Smiley click.

Yeah. Like the time Rudy admitted that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels on CNN. Or Rudy letting it slip that His Ukrainian buddies helped him get Ambassador Yovanovitch fired because she’d mess up the Biden investigations.

Yeah Rudy is such a good attorney these days that he routinely violates both the law and attorney/client privilege. He’s taken over Michael Cohen’s role as the sleazy fixer with no moral compass.

If Rudy is so anxious to act as a defense attorney, he can defend himself when the SDNY filed charges against him.

Where have you been Rudy? You could have testified months ago?
Looks like an empty promise to me

Why would he testify to a committee totally biased; a committee that stopped others from talking? I say let him testify to a more fair panel like the Senate.

He was a former prosecutor
In what world does the accused get to pick who can ask him questions.

Either way...I say Rudy is too smart to testify under oath

Not if he doesn't have anything to hide. It's really not up to him anyway. It's up to the Trump team on what takes place next, if it takes place at all. Nancy might be afraid of what might come next, and sit on the articles indefinitely.
To suggest that anyone close to Trump will testify is laughable

We will see ten years of tax returns first

Yes you will, like we seen the testimony from the whistleblower.

The whistleblower's testimony is not needed. Given that Trump has threatened him, he clearly is in danger. He apparently is receiving protection against threats against him.
He was a former prosecutor
In what world does the accused get to pick who can ask him questions.

Either way...I say Rudy is too smart to testify under oath

Not if he doesn't have anything to hide. It's really not up to him anyway. It's up to the Trump team on what takes place next, if it takes place at all. Nancy might be afraid of what might come next, and sit on the articles indefinitely.
To suggest that anyone close to Trump will testify is laughable

We will see ten years of tax returns first

Yes you will, like we seen the testimony from the whistleblower.

What is the whistleblower going to tell you that is not in his written complaint that has been independently investigated?

Demanding the whistleblower be exposed is just harassment

Not at all. I would like the non-whistleblower to disclose who gave him the information and for what reason? Why didn't the informer approach Schiff himself? Who wrote the complaint? Because anybody that read it clearly stated it was written by a lawyer, and not him or her. Who did he first approach with this information? Did he ever have conversations or meetings with Schiff Face, who claimed not to know who the WB was yet alone conspire with him.

And I'm sure there are other things I didn't think of that should be known.
Someday, he'll probably write a book. There is nothing he can tell the Senate that will weigh on Trumps innocence or guilt as people who sat in on the call could not tell better, but that ain't happening.
Like the Senate trial is not a sham already

First Mitch admits he is not going to be impartial and will coordinate the trial details with the White House

Now, Rudy says he wants to be the prosecutor

Oh please with that nonsense. The Senate minority leader met with Clinton's people as well. Mitch can be impartial even if talking with the White House council. It's a made-up lie by the Democrats who are trying to get as many people out of their way as possible.

Remember you people said nothing when Clinton jumped on Lynch's airplane, told everybody to scram, and the media to wait outside while he discussed his wife's matter with her.
Not quite the same

Mitch claims he will coordinate everything with the White House
Hardly an impartial trial

Now you want Trumps personal lawyer to lead the impeachment of his client

When did I say that? I just posted what Rudy said. Look at the OP. I stated I seriously doubt anybody would allow him to run the show.
Your OP

I did not see any comment from you saying how outlandish it would be

No, I never made the claim I said it either. What I am saying is in the OP, I stated that Rudy conducting the defense would likely never happen. He might be a witness, might work with the defense, but they are not going to allow him to conduct the entire thing, or participate in that way.

The Republicans do not want him even testifying. They would prefer having Count Dracula as a witness.
Oh please Ray.
Mitch has said the following:

My job is to make Obama a one-term President
I will obstruct any Legislation from Democrats and NEVER give Obama a win.
My mind is made up, and I'll work with the WH in the Senate Trial.

Nope, Moscow Mitch is NEVER impartial.

So explain how that's not impartial. If Mitch decides just to take a vote, or throw it out with no witnesses at all, then his mind is already made up from the Schiff show. Everybody knows what a farce that was, and that this is the weakest case for impeachment in history; an impeachment with no crimes committed. The same exact thing that will happen to the next commie President with a Republican majority in the House.
Moscow Mitch takes an OATH under God and signs it, that he will be IMPARTIAL, not have his mind made up, BEFORE hearing all the evidence in the trial, before casting his vote.

Mitchy baby, needs to recuse himself, so does Lindsey Graham, who takes the same oath under God... to be impartial, see and hear all the evidence in the trial, before making their DECISION...

Moscow Mitchy said to everyone viewing FOX, that he would NOT be impartial, is working hand in hand with the defendant's (Trump's) lawyers and would deliver an acquittal FOR Trump.... that ain't impartial.... that is a Mafioso,

THE FIX IS IN, SHAM TRIAL! And this foolish man touting this, leads the whole trial.... sheesh.

Shame on all of you that accept that, and poor Trump... he'll forever be known as the President who was acquitted in a SHAM, FIX IS IN, trial. instead of really being acquitted by a fair trial in the Senate, as Clinton was... is that what you really want?

Wait a minute: what new evidence are you speaking of? We heard all the evidence during the Schiff Show. Mitch is not required to have any more evidence presented. That's his call. If your mind is already made up watching that farce, then it's made up. It's stupid to say that a person should be impartial when his mind is already made up.

It's like saying you could be impartial in the OJ trial, or impartial with the Smollett scam. Mitch is a human being, not a robot. You can't twist your thoughts in an entirely different direction.

Everything that needed to be said was already said. Mitch meeting with White House lawyers is not going to change his mind unless he was on the fence to begin with.
no ya didn't hear all the evidence, Trump illegally prevented it... and YES, as an example: a whole bunch more evidence has been revealed since the indictment... emails that the Trump admin illegally refused congress, got released on a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by a non profit group came after he was impeached....

And do you think the Republican Senate will give a damn? Trump did nothing illegal. If the commies think he did, let them file a case with the courts. When DumBama refused documents using executive privilege in Fast and Furious, that's what Republicans did. They didn't impeach him.

Therefore all the evidence is heard. Mitch can make the determination to simply throw it out of the Senate, because nobody should give credibility to witch hunts. The impeachment wars are started thanks to the commies. No foreign leader will discuss anything over the phone any longer thanks to the commies. And for what? Because they disagreed with the American people and how we voted.
But the ONLY WAY to address a President's criminal wrong doings or constitutional and/or presidential abuses,

IS through IMPEACHMENT and removal, Ray...

THEN, the justice system can indict him/or her for any of their crimes, and he/she gets their day in court, due process.

Do you think President Trump committed high crimes and misdemeanors, and do not want a full trial because you think 66 Senators would vote to remove him if all the evidence was allowed and witnesses heard, by all the Senators??

WHY are you fighting so hard to shut this down, with some kind of phony process that spells in CAPS,


Do you think the executive branch should have more power than Congress or something and be able to roughshod them? Instead of them being equal, as our constitution dictates? Congress is the ONLY branch of our govt, that represents us.... represents 'we the people', why would you so willingly, give up your only power in our gvt? THAT is what you would be doing.... by allowing all of his obstruction.
That would be the worst thing that could happen for Trump. He might be the one man in the country with less control over his mouth than Trump.
I presume you don’t watch when Rudy is on CNN or MSLSD; Rudy slaps the commies down in under 3 seconds.
I’m waiting for your Smiley click.

Yeah. Like the time Rudy admitted that Trump paid off Stormy Daniels on CNN. Or Rudy letting it slip that His Ukrainian buddies helped him get Ambassador Yovanovitch fired because she’d mess up the Biden investigations.

Yeah Rudy is such a good attorney these days that he routinely violates both the law and attorney/client privilege. He’s taken over Michael Cohen’s role as the sleazy fixer with no moral compass.

If Rudy is so anxious to act as a defense attorney, he can defend himself when the SDNY filed charges against him.
I’m referring to when Rudy states the law vs Liberal “feelings”.

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