What is capitalism?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Someone on FB started a conversation I wanted to share some of the replies I enjoyed and agree with

Capitalism is bosses owning the equipment and people selling their lives and time to make money to live on, while the capitalist sits by and reaps the reward for doing nothing apart from making the starting investment. Maybe he/she will do a little paperwork but normally they make enough money off the workers labour they can pay someone to do that for them. Then the capitalist takes their profit and normally invests it in other money making schemes reaping more reward for simply exchanging money for more money. Normally capitalists are people who have been handed down money and have been taught how to invest their money because they have got parents that did the same going all the way back to the times when people took land by force and made money off it. Some people get to become a capitalist from having little but there are fewer than you would think.

The Story of Your Enslavement - YouTube
Capitalism is essentially a renaissance development whereby, in the new money-based economy, liquidity became more transferable and investment became easier. It led to a great number of good things. Later, abuses gave it a bad name.
Capitalism is bosses owning the equipment and people selling their lives and time to make money to live on, while the capitalist sits by and reaps the reward for doing nothing apart from making the starting investment.
It's silly delusions like this, harbored by people who have never tried to run a business, that the keep the Democrat party alive today.

Capitalism is simply people doing business, making deals with each other, doing what they need to to attract customers and makes sales, without government intruding or inhibiting them.

In a word, capitalism is economic freedom.

The only role government plays in capitalism, is in enforcing contracts, prosecuting and punishing fraud and coercion, and arbitrating disputes.
Someone on FB started a conversation I wanted to share some of the replies I enjoyed and agree with

Capitalism is bosses owning the equipment and people selling their lives and time to make money to live on, while the capitalist sits by and reaps the reward for doing nothing apart from making the starting investment. Maybe he/she will do a little paperwork but normally they make enough money off the workers labour they can pay someone to do that for them. Then the capitalist takes their profit and normally invests it in other money making schemes reaping more reward for simply exchanging money for more money. Normally capitalists are people who have been handed down money and have been taught how to invest their money because they have got parents that did the same going all the way back to the times when people took land by force and made money off it. Some people get to become a capitalist from having little but there are fewer than you would think.

The Story of Your Enslavement - YouTube

Capitalism is essentially a renaissance development whereby, in the new money-based economy, liquidity became more transferable and investment became easier. It led to a great number of good things. Later, abuses gave it a bad name.
The bad name came when government failed to do its job and prosecute the abusers.

some people aren't honest. And they think they can get ahead by kneecapping, reneging on promises, bait-and-switch schemes, and other such fraud. Government's job is to crack down on them and punish them, to keep them from doing it whether they like it or not. When govt doesn't do its job, the fraudsters and kneecappers can destroy capitalism.

And that's not capitalism's fault. It's government's fault.
Capitalism is indeed a terrible economic system. It is inherently dishonest and cut-throat. It is also hard to manage and impossible to control.

It is also the best economic system ever devised.

Nothing else even gets close.

All these juvenile fucksticks that decry it and whine about it -- Show me another system that even gets close.

Don't waste your time. No other system does. None of them Not a one.

And spare us all the ignoramus Scandi bullshit.
Take that business owner away who you think is stealing from the workers and you end up with nothing from anyone.
That rant was one of the most idiotic ones I have heard in a long time. You apparently think that all those rich people do nothing and simply become rich. Why don’t you do nothing then and become one of them? Then you can redistribute all that wealth you make to those poor workers…
Capitalism is indeed a terrible economic system. It is inherently dishonest and cut-throat.
No, some people are inherently dishonest and cut-throat. No matter what economic system they're in. That doesn't reflect on the economic system. It just reflects on the dishonest cutthroats.

A good economic system is one that does well at cracking down on, and arresting, the dishonest cutthroats, while giving the relatively honest and hardworking ones free rein. If government stays away from trying to control everybody, and concentrates on controlling only the dishonest cutthroats, then you wind up with a system that is as good as the people that comprise the system. And that's pretty good, as the last 200 years of American history show, though of course it is not perfect. It will never be perfect until you have perfect people. I'm not holding my breath waiting for that.

It is also hard to manage and impossible to control.
The good news is, it doesn't have to be "managed and controlled". As I pointed out earlier, the only ones needing controlling, are the dishonest criminals, who need to be caught, prosecuted, and punished. The rest need no "controlling" whatsoever, unless and until they do dishonest or coercive things.

It is also the best economic system ever devised.
For the reasons I just stated above.

Government needs only to enforce people's promises, and prosecute criminals, kneecappers, and big-govt liberals. Everyone else can be left free to do what they want, as long as they keep their promises and respect others' rights.
Capitalism is bosses owning the equipment and people selling their lives and time to make money to live on, while the capitalist sits by and reaps the reward for doing nothing apart from making the starting investment.
It's silly delusions like this, harbored by people who have never tried to run a business and nave no clue what CEOs do, that the keep the Democrat party alive today.

Capitalism is simply people doing business, making deals with each other, doing what they need to to attract customers and makes sales, without government intruding or inhibiting them.

In a word, capitalism is economic freedom.

The only role government plays in capitalism, is in enforcing contracts, prosecuting and punishing fraud and coercion, and arbitrating disputes.
If you gotta ask what capitalism is about you are 15 years old or are posting from a safe house in a socialist country or you are a freaking hypocrite who enjoys the benefits of capitalism but has been conditioned by the hypocrite ignorant quasi pop culture media to hate it. If you want to engage in an equal pay experiment try Hollywood and let us know how you make out. Pay the actors at the same rate as the electricians and the carpenters and cancel next year's Academy Awards extravaganza.
The early Christian church used a system that worked very well. As long as the participants act in good will, any system can function. The measure is humanity and life. Any system comes from human invention and is relative to human values.
Capitalism was not invented; it was an organic development over time. It brought a greater measure of liberty and expansion to European life, where exploitation of others was already a thriving practice (as in all other parts of the world, more or less).
Concentration of wealth is also not a result only of capitalism, but it is not regulated by it very well, either. When detrimental levels of wealth become immobile, locked in the possession of a very few and inaccessible to the general economy, pressures build. Piketty has done good work discussing this.
Some people hold capitalism dear in the way others do religion or 'patrie'. It isn't that kind of thing, a movement like socialism, Calvinism, republicanism, etc.The only thing it shares with these is'-ism', and that confuses folks.
If you gotta ask what capitalism is about you are 15 years old or are posting from a safe house in a socialist country or you are a freaking hypocrite who enjoys the benefits of capitalism but has been conditioned by the hypocrite ignorant quasi pop culture media to hate it. If you want to engage in an equal pay experiment try Hollywood and let us know how you make out. Pay the actors at the same rate as the electricians and the carpenters and cancel next year's Academy Awards extravaganza.

Here's your explanation

Hanlon s razor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Capitalism is bosses owning the equipment and people selling their lives and time to make money to live on, while the capitalist sits by and reaps the reward for doing nothing apart from making the starting investment.
It's silly delusions like this, harbored by people who have never tried to run a business and have no clue what CEOs do, that the keep the Democrat party alive today.

Capitalism is simply people doing business, making deals with each other, doing what they need to to attract customers and makes sales, without government intruding or inhibiting them.

In a word, capitalism is economic freedom.

The only role government plays in capitalism, is in enforcing contracts, prosecuting and punishing fraud and coercion, and arbitrating disputes.
Someone on FB started a conversation I wanted to share some of the replies I enjoyed and agree with

Capitalism is bosses owning the equipment and people selling their lives and time to make money to live on, while the capitalist sits by and reaps the reward for doing nothing apart from making the starting investment. Maybe he/she will do a little paperwork but normally they make enough money off the workers labour they can pay someone to do that for them. Then the capitalist takes their profit and normally invests it in other money making schemes reaping more reward for simply exchanging money for more money. Normally capitalists are people who have been handed down money and have been taught how to invest their money because they have got parents that did the same going all the way back to the times when people took land by force and made money off it. Some people get to become a capitalist from having little but there are fewer than you would think.

The Story of Your Enslavement - YouTube
Capitalism is a system where economical and as a result social gap between different groups of people is ever growing.
It is a system where a tiny minority usurps and employs a huge majority becoming richer and more powerful.
It is a system where huge monopolistic corporations are flourishing and middle class is disappearing.
Just Sayin...


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