Ron Paul is a grumpy old man with very thin skin. Throws tantrum during CNN interview

I heard a report on the ABC radio today that he is now asking for the interviewers questions in advance now. AND his staffers are trying to prohibit reporters from filming his public speeches.

Special Report with Bret Bair is also reporting this story.

Doesn't sound like a man with nothing to hide to me.
Paul is a goner. He should quit the race now. He wasn't going to win the general election anyway.

Wow, what a way to be behind in the times. I mean a month ago that would have been admissible, but now it just makes you look silly.
Really?...How so. For a moment, place your personal bias aside....Ask yourself if you believe Paul is the candidate that A) could win the GOP nomination and B) could receive more electoral votes than Obama.
The one factor in the Ron Paul debate is the Paul supporters undying and unconditional rabid defense of the guy whenever he is criticized.
Paul is a goner. He should quit the race now. He wasn't going to win the general election anyway.

Wow, what a way to be behind in the times. I mean a month ago that would have been admissible, but now it just makes you look silly.
Really?...How so. For a moment, place your personal bias aside....Ask yourself if you believe Paul is the candidate that A) could win the GOP nomination and B) could receive more electoral votes than Obama.
The one factor in the Ron Paul debate is the Paul supporters undying and unconditional rabid defense of the guy whenever he is criticized.

I think the issue is when people attack Paul it's not on something real...

As I said before, the attacks are like:

Ron paul wants Iran to get a nuke!
Ron Paul is a Racist! See Gramps thread, ops we're in it!
Ron Paul thinks America deserved 9/11!!!
Ron Paul is crazy!
Ron Paul, ummm... is OLD!!!
Ron Paul, ron... paul... iiiissss... ummm, a liberal! (Hey, it has been said on these very boards)

It's not things like Newt supporting Obamcare/cap and trade/Libya war, then switches his position just before he runs for President. Or like Mitt passing a huge liberal program for HC that can only exist because of the massive federal dollars allocated to it so it does not run a deficit, and other major flip flop positions. Or not having an answer to 3/4th the questions asked to him like Cain...

No... It's "Ron Paul's eyebrows are falling off!!!!!!!!!!!" See Gramps about that one.

In the end Paul's support is growing and if Paul does not win the nomination I fully support the breakdown and collapse of the fake conservitive party again this election.
Obama's smart, honest, and not whacked. Oh Gramps, there's also the ignorant misled and the straight racists and haters LOL.

Obama is a divider... Obama can't get anything done because he is to busy trying to make people hate Republicans only to vote for almost every big policy he said he would either end or let sunset.
Obama's smart, honest, and not whacked. Oh Gramps, there's also the ignorant misled and the straight racists and haters LOL.

Obama is a divider... Obama can't get anything done because he is to busy trying to make people hate Republicans only to vote for almost every big policy he said he would either end or let sunset.

And I'm the new racist on the board!

Who knew.

Reading his posts is like looking at a Where's Waldo cartoon.
Tell you what, let's just scuttle the chances of the one guy who might actually be able to swerve this country off the road to fiscal destruction because of some newsletters that came out fifteen years ago.

You're absolutely right. I can't vote for him anymore. I'm switching to Rick Perry, because, even though he doesn't represent my views at all, he doesn't have some newsletters to answer for.

Thanks for helping me see the light!

paulites are so pathetic. :rofl:
Wow, what a way to be behind in the times. I mean a month ago that would have been admissible, but now it just makes you look silly.
Really?...How so. For a moment, place your personal bias aside....Ask yourself if you believe Paul is the candidate that A) could win the GOP nomination and B) could receive more electoral votes than Obama.
The one factor in the Ron Paul debate is the Paul supporters undying and unconditional rabid defense of the guy whenever he is criticized.

I think the issue is when people attack Paul it's not on something real...

As I said before, the attacks are like:

Ron paul wants Iran to get a nuke!
Ron Paul is a Racist! See Gramps thread, ops we're in it!
Ron Paul thinks America deserved 9/11!!!
Ron Paul is crazy!
Ron Paul, ummm... is OLD!!!
Ron Paul, ron... paul... iiiissss... ummm, a liberal! (Hey, it has been said on these very boards)

It's not things like Newt supporting Obamcare/cap and trade/Libya war, then switches his position just before he runs for President. Or like Mitt passing a huge liberal program for HC that can only exist because of the massive federal dollars allocated to it so it does not run a deficit, and other major flip flop positions. Or not having an answer to 3/4th the questions asked to him like Cain...

No... It's "Ron Paul's eyebrows are falling off!!!!!!!!!!!" See Gramps about that one.

In the end Paul's support is growing and if Paul does not win the nomination I fully support the breakdown and collapse of the fake conservitive party again this election.

But, his eyebrows did fall off. We can't have a president facing our enemies down with half his face missing! Lol
Two sane GOP candidates. One has done well in a public position, now regrets his best accomplishments. The other is straight up honest about his opinions, and cites sources for them. He has also exemplary credentials, and not a snowballs chance, given the present active base within the GOP. And both Romney and Huntmen are LDS. Which means the evengelical base will sit out the election if one were nominated. Sad commentary on the present GOP.
Obama's smart, honest, and not whacked. Oh Gramps, there's also the ignorant misled and the straight racists and haters LOL.

Obama is a divider... Obama can't get anything done because he is to busy trying to make people hate Republicans only to vote for almost every big policy he said he would either end or let sunset.

And I'm the new racist on the board!

Who knew.

Reading his posts is like looking at a Where's Waldo cartoon.
It's the literary equivalent of tripping on acid.
Will the media run any of his countless statements during interviews or debates, such as the PBS African American debate from 2007, that should easily suggest that he's anything but racist, to be fair and balanced?


This will be an obstacle, because the media isn't going to let it go. They won't let him stay on point and talk about the $1 trillion cut he wants to make. It will be "what about the newsletters?"
Tell you what, let's just scuttle the chances of the one guy who might actually be able to swerve this country off the road to fiscal destruction because of some newsletters that came out fifteen years ago.

You're absolutely right. I can't vote for him anymore. I'm switching to Rick Perry, because, even though he doesn't represent my views at all, he doesn't have some newsletters to answer for.

Thanks for helping me see the light!

paulites are so pathetic. :rofl:
Sorry, who the fuck are you that I should care what you think?
Tell you what, let's just scuttle the chances of the one guy who might actually be able to swerve this country off the road to fiscal destruction because of some newsletters that came out fifteen years ago.

You're absolutely right. I can't vote for him anymore. I'm switching to Rick Perry, because, even though he doesn't represent my views at all, he doesn't have some newsletters to answer for.

Thanks for helping me see the light!

paulites are so pathetic. :rofl:
Sorry, who the fuck are you that I should care what you think?

you seem to think that anything you *think* (and in your case, i lose the term loosely) matters.

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Ask Herman Cain how giving really non-answers to a controversal topic worked for him? Yes you don't want to answer it and yes it diverts the conversation away from the important topics and issues. Nevertheless the liberal defamatory media is going to press on and keep it live. They will continue to run, rerun and rerun the same story over and over again. Wait until MSLSD gets a hold of it, they will twist everything, never give RP a reasonable chance to answer and make baseless assertion.

This assault by Borger is just the beginning!

Ron Paul walks out during CNN interview - YouTube

And here is a 2008 video from Chris Mathews regarding Ron Paul's newsletter.

Ron Paul Bigoted Newsletters Fallout - Hardball with Chris Mathews MSNBC - Video

Ron Paul has put out campaign ads on Newt Gingrich's business association with Freddie Mac--and it appears that Ron Paul has some associations that he would like to forget also--that is not going to go away.

All I can say to Ron Paul is--welcome to Newt Gingrich's world--:badgrin:
Ask Herman Cain how giving really non-answers to a controversal topic worked for him? Yes you don't want to answer it and yes it diverts the conversation away from the important topics and issues. Nevertheless the liberal defamatory media is going to press on and keep it live. They will continue to run, rerun and rerun the same story over and over again. Wait until MSLSD gets a hold of it, they will twist everything, never give RP a reasonable chance to answer and make baseless assertion.

This assault by Borger is just the beginning!

Ron Paul walks out during CNN interview - YouTube

And here is a 2008 video from Chris Mathews regarding Ron Paul's newsletter.

Ron Paul Bigoted Newsletters Fallout - Hardball with Chris Mathews MSNBC - Video

Ron Paul has put out campaign ads on Newt Gingrich's business association with Freddie Mac--and it appears that Ron Paul has some associations that he would like to forget also--that is not going to go away.

All I can say to Ron Paul is--welcome to Newt Gingrich's world--:badgrin:

The difference is Paul is clearly not a racist, Newt is a flip flopper and liar and that can be proven by the mountains of videos Newt was happy to make while the best the entire media has on Paul is a half hand full of quotes that are 22 years old.

But the Paul haters love this, this somehow puts Paul lower than Newt… somehow…
Correct answer:

"No, I wasn't paying much attention to the crap that went out in those newsletters and it was a mistake, a mistake I deeply regret and a mistake I learned from. The newsletters were published at a time when I wasn't actively pursuing a political career and didn't have the time to oversee them adequately - though obviously I should have. I've read them since then and find much of the content appalling. It didn't accurately represent my views then, or now."

It's sort of amazing how bad some of these politicians can be at simple accountability.
Sure. It's not the vicious lying Pub talking heads...LOL

Given the fact you are cretin...well, you still look pretty stupid....even for a cretin.

The pills are not working.....I worry you are using them as supositories.

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