Ron Paul Dollars Skyrocket


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
'Cause its makers got busted.

Raid on Ron Paul Dollar Maker

By Simon Constable Staff Reporter
11/16/2007 2:49 PM EST
Secret Service and FBI agents raided the makers of Ron Paul silver dollars, Liberty Dollar of Evansville, Ind., early Thursday in a move likely aimed at stamping out an illegal currency.

The company started selling precious-metal coins stamped with an image of Paul earlier this year, with the first one made of silver available in July. Part of the marketing for the coins involved a promise that part of the sale price would be donated to the Paul campaign.

But if the raid results in the conviction of anyone involved, it is possible that the Paul campaign may have to return a cash donation made by Liberty Dollar.

The silver coins, which weigh one troy ounce, were sold for $25 each, with $5 being promised to help fund Paul's presidential bid. The gimmick fit in well with Paul's campaign promise to bring back the gold standard of monetary policy in which precious metals would back paper dollars.

Quick! Hide Your Ron Paul Dollars

So far, Liberty Dollar has donated $2,300 to the Paul campaign, a fact confirmed by both Paul's office and Bernard von NotHaus, who runs Liberty Dollar.

As a result of the raid, prices for the silver coins have skyrocketed, with Ron Paul silver dollars, which were available from Liberty Dollar at $25 on Wednesday, selling for $220 on eBay recently.

And apparently, they were as high as $500 today.
Why NOW, though?

Why has this currency been in existence for this long, and NOW it's being labelled illegal? I believe at one point, the S.S. actually APPROVED the legality...

I know I'm a RP supporter, and I look for things to make me feel like his chances are getting better and better, but I see this as a move against his current success and popularity gains, which means the establishment is afraid of a possible shift in status-quo due to so much awakening and awareness amongst so many people.

I'm seeing a collective awakening happening amongst the masses.

Forget about my rant though, what's your take on this Toro?
I have no opinion other than some guy tried to pass coins off as legal tender, which is illegal. I don't think Ron Paul has anything to do with this, other than accept donations.
Why NOW, though?

Why has this currency been in existence for this long, and NOW it's being labelled illegal? I believe at one point, the S.S. actually APPROVED the legality...

I know I'm a RP supporter, and I look for things to make me feel like his chances are getting better and better, but I see this as a move against his current success and popularity gains, which means the establishment is afraid of a possible shift in status-quo due to so much awakening and awareness amongst so many people.

I'm seeing a collective awakening happening amongst the masses.

Forget about my rant though, what's your take on this Toro?
You will be shocked and amazed. I wondered the same thing, when I read the story days ago. Something about the timing hits me wrong and in all honesty, from my POV, naturally, it takes away from more serious connections.
I have no opinion other than some guy tried to pass coins off as legal tender, which is illegal. I don't think Ron Paul has anything to do with this, other than accept donations.

Umm I don't know where you read that, but they never tried to pass off their coins as legal tender. They've been selling silver coins for a while now, and up to now, had a stamp of approval from someone at the Treasury dept.
Umm I don't know where you read that, but they never tried to pass off their coins as legal tender. They've been selling silver coins for a while now, and up to now, had a stamp of approval from someone at the Treasury dept.

Maybe you're right, but I inferred it from here.

According to von NotHaus, the government move follows his efforts to sue the U.S. Mint, which in September had published warnings that von NotHaus's products were "not legal tender." Von NotHaus says he sued the U.S. Mint for slander after that proclamation.
The Liberty Dollar was never intended to be passed off as "legal tender for all debts, public and private". (I'm only quoting the Federal Reserve Note there, btw. no one else in particular)

There are a handful of businesses around the country who decided to take part in this, and accept the Liberty Dollars for the sale of their goods, ALONG WITH the US dollar.

Some people just liked the idea that there could be a trade of goods that involved hard backed currency. The only ones obviously who wold benefit from that specific trade would be the ones who involved themselves in it. It never at any time threatened the market, or unfairly adjusted competition to certain people or businesses.

It's no different than trading goods for anything else. Obviously, you would have been a complete moron if you weren't a parrticipator in the Liberty Dollar program with your business, and somehow unknowingly accepted a Liberty Dollar for the sale of your goods. They look nothing like the Federal Reserve Note. The only ones that could be criminally accountable for that, are any individuals trying to PASS IT OFF AS legal tender.

If anything, the people who WERE participating are now making nice profits off of the spontaneous scarcity of the L.D. due to this raid, which I STILL don't see the justification for.

Claudia Dickens, spokeswoman for the U.S. Treasury Department Bureau of Engraving & Printing, stated that according to the Treasury, The Liberty Dollar is legitimate.

"There's nothing illegal about this," Dickens said after the Treasury Department's legal team reviewed the currency. "As long as it doesn't say legal tender, there's nothing wrong with it." which it never did.
I am following this story closely. We need to end the government sanctioned monopoly on money. It has been brushed under the rug, for most Americans do not have a clue what is going on.
unelectable as declard by the msm ... What do you think?

Well the MSM knows all, right?

I mean, they say he's unelectable because he doesn't show high in polls that are conducted by land-line phone polling the whopping 6% of Republicans who bothered to show up and vote in the 2004 primaries, where Bush ran UNOPPOSED ANYWAY.

Ron's base consists of SO MANY PEOPLE who don't fill that demographic. The people who never voted before, the Republicans who didn't participate in 2004 primaries (94% of them), the people too young to vote in 04 anyway, all the people who are switching their party affiliation to Republican this year so they can vote for Ron. The people who don't even USE land-line phones to conduct their communicative lives, which is so many of RP's supporters...especially all the college students.

THAT, and the fact that he raises more money than the rest, and has more new donors than the rest, and that he gets more donations from military members than the rest...and you got yourself an electable candidate.

The fact is, there really is NO WAY of knowing how electable he really is, and how much support he really has, until the real vote happens. Only THEN, will we finally see.
Just for you, pauly, Ron Paul appeals to small government, non interventionist, national isolationist and corporate propaganda inclined folks.

Other than that, he's just a silly old codger with no agenda whatsoever for improving the lives of Americans much less the improvement of the international relations that we must nurture, encourage and maintain.
Just for you, pauly, Ron Paul appeals to small government, non interventionist, national isolationist and corporate propaganda inclined folks.

Other than that, he's just a silly old codger with no agenda whatsoever for improving the lives of Americans much less the improvement of the international relations that we must nurture, encourage and maintain.

he is not a isolationist and is a true statesmen that would that would nurture,encourage and maintain international relations, just not by invading and plotting to invade sovereign nations on manufactured inteligence...and the corporate propaganda inclined ? do you mean as opposed to being owned by lobbyist ?
He is an isolationist, eots, and he yells it to the top of his lungs each time he speaks!!!!!!!!!!

he is not a isolationist and is a true statesmen that would that would nurture,encourage and maintain international relations, just not by invading and plotting to invade sovereign nations on manufactured inteligence...and the corporate propaganda inclined ? do you mean as opposed to being owned by lobbyist ?

But, to his credit, he is against American intervention whichever direction it chooses to make.
Just for you, pauly, Ron Paul appeals to small government, non interventionist, national isolationist and corporate propaganda inclined folks.

Other than that, he's just a silly old codger with no agenda whatsoever for improving the lives of Americans much less the improvement of the international relations that we must nurture, encourage and maintain.

Psychoblues said:
Ron Paul, God bless his soul, is not attractive to most Republicans. He is, however, truly a Saint!!!!!!!!!!

Make up your friggin mind dude, jesus christ! Do you like the guy or not??
I have no opinion other than some guy tried to pass coins off as legal tender, which is illegal. I don't think Ron Paul has anything to do with this, other than accept donations.

I never heard that. So far as I knew, these coins were intended as collectors items. I suppose that the US Army, and US Marines in particular had best hide all those challenge coins they carry.

Just for you, pauly, Ron Paul appeals to small government, non interventionist, national isolationist and corporate propaganda inclined folks.

Other than that, he's just a silly old codger with no agenda whatsoever for improving the lives of Americans much less the improvement of the international relations that we must nurture, encourage and maintain.

Dude, take a pill, you are having a weak spell.

he is not a isolationist and is a true statesmen that would that would nurture,encourage and maintain international relations, just not by invading and plotting to invade sovereign nations on manufactured inteligence...and the corporate propaganda inclined ? do you mean as opposed to being owned by lobbyist ?

Eots, paul is an isolationist. He is a constitutionalist far more so than a republican. These are good things in the classroom. But, they don't work in reality. We strayed so far from the path that we cannot get back there from here.

BTW, I would love to be proven wrong on that last para.....
I never heard that. So far as I knew, these coins were intended as collectors items. I suppose that the US Army, and US Marines in particular had best hide all those challenge coins they carry.

Dude, take a pill, you are having a weak spell.

Eots, paul is an isolationist. He is a constitutionalist far more so than a republican. These are good things in the classroom. But, they don't work in reality. We strayed so far from the path that we cannot get back there from here.

BTW, I would love to be proven wrong on that last para.....

I would just love for someone to actually make a good case for why non-interventionism should be synonymous with isolationism. They are 2 completely different ideologies. Look them up, and compare their definitions.

Being a constitutionalist doesn't disqualify you from being a republican, that's ridiculous in itself. EVERYONE is supposed to be a constitutionalist that represents America in government. They take an OATH to be. Never forget that.

And you say we strayed too far from the path to go back, so does that mean you just accept the status-quo as it is? You forfeit your right as an American to question and challenge what is wrong with your country? Why do you still live here then? Would you be happy if we finally just lost our constitution and what it grants us as Americans?
I would just love for someone to actually make a good case for why non-interventionism should be synonymous with isolationism. They are 2 completely different ideologies. Look them up, and compare their definitions. I am not worried about the dictionary. The reality is that he doesn't want to get into foreign entanglements. I think that is a great idea. But, in todays world, it simply isn't feasible.

Being a constitutionalist doesn't disqualify you from being a republican, that's ridiculous in itself. EVERYONE is supposed to be a constitutionalist that represents America in government. They take an OATH to be. Never forget that. Did I say that it disqualified anyone? Dude, believe it or not, I really wish RP had a shot. I would love to get back to individual liberties, small .gov, etc. Oath? That is a joke considering the damage done to our nation by various Presidents of any party.

And you say we strayed too far from the path to go back, so does that mean you just accept the status-quo as it is? No, it means that I look at reality and make it work for me.

You forfeit your right as an American to question and challenge what is wrong with your country? Why do you still live here then? Would you be happy if we finally just lost our constitution and what it grants us as Americans? Dude, that is funny. I would suggest you read the things I have written here, at the other board, and on my blog (see the sig) about politics. Here is a deal; I don't make assumptions about you, and you return the favor OK?

In order for RP to be elected and be effective he would need a congress devoted equally to the Constitution. That is not going to happen. If he were to get elected it would be four years of gridlock.

But one can hope.
In order for RP to be elected and be effective he would need a congress devoted equally to the Constitution. That is not going to happen. If he were to get elected it would be four years of gridlock.

But one can hope.

Well, I gotta tell you, as far as the responses you gave in blue, I've never seen ANYONE who supports RP's positions speak so negatively about him. ANYONE. I mean, you either have a guy that you like, that you give you vote to, or you don't vote. I don't understand this whole "I don't think he'll get elected in this day and age, so I'm not going to vote for him" crap. The reason we keep getting shitty ass presidents is because we pick what the establishment WANTS us to pick, instead of picking who WE want. Empower yourself dude.

And as far as the congress thing, I agree with you to a certain extent. I would imagine that the first 2 years wouldn't be very productive as far as his domestic agenda in certain areas. But I would look forward to that next congressional election cycle, when there's been a major awakening amongst Amercans to go and vote for people who would SUPPORT these new ideas...I mean, there's guys like him that run for office all over this country during elections, but they get beat out because of the establishment's grip on public awareness. I see a RP presidency as a way to knock some sense into people, and start voting based on PRINCIPLE, rather than "electability".

ANYONE can be electable, if their message resonates, and they get fair, equal exposure. He's got the message part down pretty good, as his support grows exponentially each day, it's that little issue of fair, equal exposure where he's lacking. Case in point: Continually being excluded, or an attempt made to, at various venues regardless of his popularity or accomplishments.

You're not afraid to vote your heart, are you?
Well, I gotta tell you, as far as the responses you gave in blue, I've never seen ANYONE who supports RP's positions speak so negatively about him. Reality is what it is. I support his positions but do not believe that he can "git er dun" in this day and age. Also, just to be accurate, please quote anything I have said in a negative way about him personally. If you can I will revise and extend those remarks because I meant nothing against him personally.

ANYONE. I mean, you either have a guy that you like, that you give you vote to, or you don't vote. I don't understand this whole "I don't think he'll get elected in this day and age, so I'm not going to vote for him" crap. You are making unsupported assumptions again. I never said I would not vote for him. Again, please quote me. If he gets the nomination I will certainly vote for him. If he is still on the ballot in March when the primary gets here, if they let independents vote on the GOP ticket, I will very likely vote for him.

The reason we keep getting shitty ass presidents is because we pick what the establishment WANTS us to pick, instead of picking who WE want. Empower yourself dude. LOL. I am likely more empowered than you. I can pick out the candidates that I like/don't like and I am not afraid to compare thier ideal to reality. My personal windmill to tilt at is the FairTax. In that regard I have knowingly taken on a battle that objective reality says we cannot win.

And as far as the congress thing, I agree with you to a certain extent. I would imagine that the first 2 years wouldn't be very productive as far as his domestic agenda in certain areas. Which would mean that fifty percent of his time in office is wasted. With that in mind would you care to figure the odds of his re-election. Count the number of Senators up for re-election in Nov 08. Those guys can literally wait him out.

But I would look forward to that next congressional election cycle, when there's been a major awakening amongst Amercans to go and vote for people who would SUPPORT these new ideas... You are counting on the electorate to actually educate themselves..... Possible but unlikely. Let's face another reality. The dumbest poster on this board at least cares enough to discuss things. Most Americans don't.

I mean, there's guys like him that run for office all over this country during elections, but they get beat out because of the establishment's grip on public awareness. I see a RP presidency as a way to knock some sense into people, and start voting based on PRINCIPLE, rather than "electability". I honestly hope that you are right

ANYONE can be electable, if their message resonates, and they get fair, equal exposure. He's got the message part down pretty good, as his support grows exponentially each day, it's that little issue of fair, equal exposure where he's lacking. Case in point: Continually being excluded, or an attempt made to, at various venues regardless of his popularity or accomplishments. I agree. That is simply one more reality bite vice a sound or video bite. He is being marginalized by folks who play to the public's lack of education on things constitutional. Here's a good what if..... What if the people suddenly realized just how many personal liberties have been taken away by the .gov since 1789? It is not in the best interests of any political establishment to advocate a constitutional solution. Because rather than realizing lost liberties, the masses will only notice lost bread and circuses. Thus, the constitutional will be voted out.
You're not afraid to vote your heart, are you? I am likely the only guy who will admit to voting for Ross Perot LOL

Looking reality in the eye is the first step to adjusting it. The bigger the reality, the more people it will take. I don't think there are enough people to roll back the political abuses of the Constitution from the fed to the local level. The best reality we can hope for is to hold the line where it is.

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