Ron DeSantis Smokes Them Out

You, republicans, DeSantis are disparaging and accusing teachers who you claim are all Democrats, of being pedophiles and teaching this stuff to 5 year olds, when it has never been taught or in the curriculum to be taught, to 5 year olds.....and you've done such for political posturing.
if they've never been taught that, then there is no issue with a law that says DON'T teach that.

again, if they never teach it, the law does nothing to them.

so again, you're looking for a reason to be mad and angry "at the other side" and simply fail to use any form of logic in your replies. just emotional WAH'ing around.
The left absolutely hates the fact that when the text of this law is read to people (with no indication that it’s this particular law) 65% of DEMS support it. There is no need to teach these things to children who can’t even print their names yet. Parents should decide when their child is ready for this type of discussion, not teachers.
if they are not being taught it, then what is the left so mad about?

anytime ibwas told to stop doing something I was never doing it never bugged me that much.

so if you are mad, it must alter what you do.

ergo, they were doing it.
Not being taught?

Sex is the last things of the mind at the age of kindergarten to third grade. He smoked himself for delivering such a law. Its just senseless.
Why does the Alphabet Pedophilia Agenda then feel the need to teach 5 year olds about homosexual sex acts then?
Desantis (like Trump) does not fear dragging Dems out into the sunlight in front of the American people and challenging their BS. Dem policies are only supported by a minority, when you EXPOSE them broadly the American people bitch slap the Dems for getting uppity.
We know how this story will end....Dennis Hastert-like.
Its no different to you godbotherers instructing innocent children there is a god etc. Scaring the shit out of them with threats of hell and sin. The difference being that poofters etc are real and they will encounter those scenarios probably during school.
But let's not teach them anything like the truth because your god doesn't like it although he said nothing about it.
Its you hypocrites who don't like it and use your filthy religion to justify it.
They are little kids, you really think it's a good idea to talk to them about sex?
Its no different to you godbotherers instructing innocent children there is a god etc. Scaring the shit out of them with threats of hell and sin. The difference being that poofters etc are real and they will encounter those scenarios probably during school.
But let's not teach them anything like the truth because your god doesn't like it although he said nothing about it.
Its you hypocrites who don't like it and use your filthy religion to justify it.
Show us in the bill where it cites God as justification for not letting teachers talk to little kids about sex.
So Governor Desantis signs the “Parental Rights in Education Bill“ aka HB1557 Into law in Florida, a 7 page bill which prohibits classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation for grades kindergarten through 3rd grade. That’s right folks, we need a LAW that prohibits PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS from instructing 5,6,7 and 8 YEAR OLDS on TRANS GENDERISM AND HOMOSEXUALITY, yes we’re still on planet EARTH in case you were wondering.
Horseshit. The law is part of the Right's attempt to substitute culture war issues for substantive policy that will make the US stronger. They are bereft of ideas on solving the myriad of problems we face. So in order to get votes they gin up the base with rhetoric designed to divide us as a nation in to factions of "us" and "them."
Horseshit. The law is part of the Right's attempt to substitute culture war issues for substantive policy that will make the US stronger. They are bereft of ideas on solving the myriad of problems we face. So in order to get votes they gin up the base with rhetoric designed to divide us as a nation in to factions of "us" and "them."

The right, the extreme left, and the independents in the middle are all going to gang up on the progtards this fall.

You watch. Even the Deep State is going to throw the lefties under the bus.
Teachers teach the curriculum they are given to teach.

They do not create the curriculum, the board of education creates it.

Can you show the curriculum that shows 5 year olds were ever being taught the stuff DeSantis just banned?

Seems like just another political stunt by him and Republicans....?

Want me to keep going? Because those links took all of 5 minutes to find because the evidence is allover the place.
It's biological not a mental illness, but in Hollywood some are trans because of the money.

There's no need for the law. What a sham law.
You theory that it can't be both is flawed. Even psychiatrists admit that gender dysmorphia is a mental illness.
So Governor Desantis signs the “Parental Rights in Education Bill“ aka HB1557 Into law in Florida, a 7 page bill which prohibits classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation for grades kindergarten through 3rd grade. That’s right folks, we need a LAW that prohibits PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS from instructing 5,6,7 and 8 YEAR OLDS on TRANS GENDERISM AND HOMOSEXUALITY, yes we’re still on planet EARTH in case you were wondering.

As a life long libertarian, I normally look with skepticism on such laws, in that I ask , “is someone just trying to create a controversy for political gain with this?”, usually my first instincts are correct. However in this case, I was wrong and I’ll tell you how I know that. The OUTRAGE of the LEFT WING DINGBATS over this law has been horrendous , namely falsely misnaming it the “don’t say gay” bill (the word ”gay“ doesn’t even appear in the bill), the “walkout” of Disney Employees (in California) over the failure of Disney Management to contest the law, the “outrage” of teachers, teachers unions and Hollywood Woketards all send a loud and clear message that this LAW WAS NECESSSARY BECAUSE WHAT IT PROHIBITS WAS ACTUALLY GOING ON IN CLASSROOMS.

I mean how fucking demented and perverted do you have to be to actually argue that It’s morally justified to teach this garbage to FIVE, SIX, SEVEN AND EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILDREN ?

Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature just smoked out a bunch of perverted pedophiles with a stroke of a pen…

Dear parents, pitch forks and torches are in order.

He will make a great president

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