Ron DeSantis Smokes Them Out

Puberty is the stage of life in which hormone changes produce physiological changes in the body—such as sex organs developing and growth spurts. Girls start puberty sooner than boys, but usually by the mid-teenage years, everyone is experiencing the physical transition to adulthood.

Extremely early adult development is still somewhat unusual. “Puberty that begins before age 8 in girls is considered abnormal, or ‘precocious’ puberty,” said Hector O. Chapa, MD, FACOG, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Texas A&M College of Medicine. However, race can play a role in just how rare it is. “Racial influences may affect us, as African-American girls may show early benign breast development as early as age 7,” he added.

it more important for females to have sex ed at the age of 9.

Puberty bring on more than just physiological changes, it also brings on psychological changes as well.

if they are not being taught it, then what is the left so mad about?

anytime ibwas told to stop doing something I was never doing it never bugged me that much.

so if you are mad, it must alter what you do.

You, republicans, DeSantis are disparaging and accusing teachers who you claim are all Democrats, of being pedophiles and teaching this stuff to 5 year olds, when it has never been taught or in the curriculum to be taught, to 5 year olds.....and you've done such for political posturing.
Its no different to you godbotherers instructing innocent children there is a god etc. Scaring the shit out of them with threats of hell and sin. The difference being that poofters etc are real and they will encounter those scenarios probably during school.
But let's not teach them anything like the truth because your god doesn't like it although he said nothing about it.
Its you hypocrites who don't like it and use your filthy religion to justify it.
So, by your logic then we should be showing these children the aborted fetus too, right?
You, republicans, DeSantis are disparaging and accusing teachers who you claim are all Democrats, of being pedophiles and teaching this stuff to 5 year olds, when it has never been taught or in the curriculum to be taught, to 5 year olds.....and you've done such for political posturing.
If it’s never been taught as you say, then the bill shouldn’t bother you.
I think there should be sex ed at age 9 or at least 10.

Emotional/Social Changes​

Children in this age group might:

  • Start to form stronger, more complex friendships and peer relationships. It becomes more emotionally important to have friends, especially of the same sex.
  • Experience more peer pressure.
  • Become more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches. Body image and eating problems sometimes start around this age.
I guess teachers technically should be using gender non-specific pronouns moving forward.
Stop hetero grooming little girls so that 1 in 4 are sexually abused before 18...many by hetero male family members and friends.
Hetero grooming?

Do you mean, nature? Stop the following nature? How long have you been anti-science?

Abuse is wrong, we state it is wrong, we do something about it when it is discovered.

Very much like teaching gender nonsense at inappropriately aged children in an official, state-sanctioned setting.

Maybe we should start teaching kindergarten, first, second, and third graders religion, for 5 or 6 hours a day.
So Governor Desantis signs the “Parental Rights in Education Bill“ aka HB1557 Into law in Florida, a 7 page bill which prohibits classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation for grades kindergarten through 3rd grade. That’s right folks, we need a LAW that prohibits PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS from instructing 5,6,7 and 8 YEAR OLDS on TRANS GENDERISM AND HOMOSEXUALITY, yes we’re still on planet EARTH in case you were wondering.

As a life long libertarian, I normally look with skepticism on such laws, in that I ask , “is someone just trying to create a controversy for political gain with this?”, usually my first instincts are correct. However in this case, I was wrong and I’ll tell you how I know that. The OUTRAGE of the LEFT WING DINGBATS over this law has been horrendous , namely falsely misnaming it the “don’t say gay” bill (the word ”gay“ doesn’t even appear in the bill), the “walkout” of Disney Employees (in California) over the failure of Disney Management to contest the law, the “outrage” of teachers, teachers unions and Hollywood Woketards all send a loud and clear message that this LAW WAS NECESSSARY BECAUSE WHAT IT PROHIBITS WAS ACTUALLY GOING ON IN CLASSROOMS.

I mean how fucking demented and perverted do you have to be to actually argue that It’s morally justified to teach this garbage to FIVE, SIX, SEVEN AND EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILDREN ?

Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature just smoked out a bunch of perverted pedophiles with a stroke of a pen…

Dear parents, pitch forks and torches are in order.

I'm fine with the State prohibiting any class discussion of sex education, or sexuality or parents' orientation for kids in the 3rd grade or lower. But allowing parents to individually sue schools and teachers is simply pandering to homophobes and encouraging judicial activism and misuse of courts. The State has a dept of education just for the purpose of making school districts comply with state laws and regulations.
Stop hetero grooming little girls so that 1 in 4 are sexually abused before 18...many by hetero male family members and friends.
I don't think the parental rights law affects a teacher reporting suspected abuse. And as far as I know all states require teachers to report suspected abuse to their dept of human services or child welfare

edit but authorizing individuals to sue teachers for doing some act in their employment is very dangerous, and just pandering by DeSantis.

I'm fine with the State prohibiting any class discussion of sex education, or sexuality or parents' orientation for kids in the 3rd grade or lower. But allowing parents to individually sue schools and teachers is simply pandering to homophobes and encouraging judicial activism and misuse of courts. The State has a dept of education just for the purpose of making school districts comply with state laws and regulations.
I would propose and administrative remedy compromise.
I don't think the parental rights law affects a teacher reporting suspected abuse. And as far as I know all states require teachers to report suspected abuse to their dept of human services or child welfare

edit but authorizing individuals to sue teachers for doing some act in their employment is very dangerous, and just pandering by DeSantis.
In Texas, it's mandatory for teachers to report suspected abuse.
I guess teachers technically should be using gender non-specific pronouns moving forward.
since boys and girls has been around from the dawn of time, you have plenty of opportunity to show how damaging calling children that is.

go ahead. speak up to the damages.

i'll wait.
edit but authorizing individuals to sue teachers for doing some act in their employment is very dangerous, and just pandering by DeSantis.
Why are teachers exempt?

Doctors can be sued, lawyers can be sued, accountants, engineers....

Why should teachers be exempt?
Why are teachers exempt?

Doctors can be sued, lawyers can be sued, accountants, engineers....

Why should teachers be exempt?
You can only sue a doc or lawyer if you can prove you actually lost money or had some physical injury. the law singles out educators so they can be sued just for something they "may" have said
since boys and girls has been around from the dawn of time, you have plenty of opportunity to show how damaging calling children that is.

go ahead. speak up to the damages.

i'll wait.
Oh, no. I don't think teachers should get involved in gender politics. They/them, keep it simple.

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