Romney's VP Choice??

I'd like to see JC Watts re-emerge as a VP contender.
Wow! Would that enflame the Libturds.....

Watts bolted the party and voted for Obama. No slot for him. We also don't need another affirmative action candidate.
Christie is another northeastern liberal. That's no balance at all.

No, he will need someone from the Congressional wing because that's where he's weak. Someone who is a real conservative with experience and standing. I'd look to someone who decided not to run this time.
Pawlenty or Portman would be the safe choices. Martinez would actually be helpful in terms of both the women and hispanic vote. Those are the three that would either be a choice what would be safe or add to the ticket, IMHO. Everyone else comes with baggage that would hurt in the general.
I'd like to see JC Watts re-emerge as a VP contender.
Wow! Would that enflame the Libturds.....

Watts bolted the party and voted for Obama. No slot for him. We also don't need another affirmative action candidate.
Christie is another northeastern liberal. That's no balance at all.

No, he will need someone from the Congressional wing because that's where he's weak. Someone who is a real conservative with experience and standing. I'd look to someone who decided not to run this time.

He voted for Obama????????:evil:

I used to respect the man, if that's true, no longer.
Condi Rice.

Condoleeza Rica and Carly Fiorina seem to me to be the top two potential women candidates. But I'm not sure they would do a lot for Romney in some of the key states and they're not going to swing California to the Republicans.

Yes....Carly can do for America what she did for HP.
Send all the jobs overseas!

Not that she's any different than any other republican.
Find me one that says we should stop rewarding companies that ship jobs overseas.

I'll wait.
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Condi Rice.

Condoleeza Rica and Carly Fiorina seem to me to be the top two potential women candidates. But I'm not sure they would do a lot for Romney in some of the key states and they're not going to swing California to the Republicans.

Carly Fiorina has the sink of loser on her, and Rice would be a bad pick.

It's worse then HP she fired thousands of employees and bragged about it. That would be a terrible meme for Romney..who fired thousands of employees and bragged about it. the doctor, I have irony poisoning. :lol:

Touched a nerve, huh? Get with BBoobjob on this forum. It's my understanding she's back from the fat farm. Maybe you two can get together and swap ideas and spit.

Nah, I'm a happily married woman and I'm fairly certain Betty is heterosexual. Sorry to shoot down your rich and interesting fantasy life.
Whoever it is, democrats are going to go into full destruct mode. So it really doesn't matter what democrats say.
It isn't going to be the Governorsaurus...Christie's going on a crash diet until 2016. Maybe he can get Perez Hilton's workout from him.

I'm still hoping he picks the zombie eyed granny starver, Paul Ryan.

How does a persons BMI effect their governing?

It doesn't.

I never said it does, but if you don't think his weight would make a difference, then you haven't been paying attention to American politics in the last 20 or so years.

Watch Christie start to lose the weight in the next four years.
Condoleeza Rica and Carly Fiorina seem to me to be the top two potential women candidates. But I'm not sure they would do a lot for Romney in some of the key states and they're not going to swing California to the Republicans.

Carly Fiorina has the sink of loser on her, and Rice would be a bad pick.

It's worse then HP she fired thousands of employees and bragged about it. That would be a terrible meme for Romney..who fired thousands of employees and bragged about it.
Of course, a Democrat would champion inefficiency and waste.

Whoever it is, democrats are going to go into full destruct mode. So it really doesn't matter what democrats say.

They already have.

Obama is already back to the "blame Bush" meme.

Lets see how far that will get him.

Even the most niave followers of Obama are smarter than Obama thinks they are.

Actually...based on hoiw he spins everything.....he doesnt seew ANY of his followers as intelligent.

I wonder what it is like to support someone who sees you as an idiot.

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