Romney's Medicare Fraud...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
When Bain Capital ran Damon Medical Testing, Damon was defrauding the taxpayers and paid a 109 million dollar fine.

[ame=]Winning Our Future | Blood Money [FULL] - YouTube[/ame]
You must be young...the GOP=white-collar crime and the dems=blue-collar criminals. Always been like that.

Actually, I'm pretty old.

Old enough to know that sucks.

Imagine a world where the white collar crooks are sent to the same prisons as the blue collar crooks.

Banksters getting sodomized for a pack of smokes. That would be hilarious.
You must be young...the GOP=white-collar crime and the dems=blue-collar criminals. Always been like that.

Actually, I'm pretty old. Old enough to know that sucks. Imagine a world where the white collar crooks are sent to the same prisons as the blue collar crooks.

Banksters getting sodomized for a pack of smokes. That would be hilarious.

Read thru this list of Federal pols bending over for soap...its so big its amazing...
List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You can thank both Citizens United (Robert$ Court) &, for the most part, sub-par line-up of candidates for Romney's win in Fla :up:
When Bain Capital ran Damon Medical Testing, Damon was defrauding the taxpayers and paid a 109 million dollar fine.

Kinda like raping the social security trust to "balance the budget" and further increase debt?

[ame=]Best-Ron Paul & Mitt Romney both slam Newt Gingrinch on Silly Moon Colony & Balanced Budget! - YouTube[/ame]
Bain borrowed money to buy Dade, then had Dade borrow money to pay Bain a $240 million dollar bonus....which bankrupted the company.

Is this a great country or what?

There was massive Medicare billing fraud going on while Romney was a member of the board of the Damon Corp., which pleaded guilty in 1996, after Romney had left. The company paid a then-record $119 million fine for billing the federal health insurance program for unnecessary blood tests, according to a 2002 Boston Globe report. Romney personally collected $473,000 when Bain Capital, which Romney once headed, sold the Damon Corp., to Corning Inc. in 1993. According to prosecutors, the fraud was uncovered only after Corning bought the company.

But here's the problem. Why didn't Bain know about the fraud, which apparently was pretty widespread? And if Romney can't manage a few companies without fraud going on pretty much under his nose, then there's a little problem with how is he going to manage a federal bureaucracy that spends 3 trillion a year?

There's no excuse for Romney on Damon. Either he knew it was corrupt, or he was too incompetent to do something about it. The fact they were so quick to get rid of this before the feds closed in tells me it was probably the former.
Oh, you mean like governor Rick Scott? Apparently FL GOP voters don't care much about Medicare fraud...
Seawytch,then THEY and EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD.........and the appropriate punishment be inflicted,maybe a good whipping would suffice,maybe.steven:cool:
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