Romney's Great Paying Jobs


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
The argument for the Romney Supporters is that it's perfectly okay that Romney destroyed thousands of good paying union jobs with benefits because, hey, Staples was one of his investments. And Staples employs 90,000 people today.



What does Staples Pay?

PayScale - Staples, Inc. Employer Wages, Hourly Wage Rate

Computer Repair Technician - $7.66-12.85

Retail Sales Associate - $7.39- $11.15

Copy Center Specialist - $7.50- $12.82

Sales Asscoiate - $7.37 - $9.89

Seriously? This is the argument he's going to make. It's okay I eliminated good paying jobs at GS Steel or AmPad because I created these wonderful oppurtunities at Staples with crappy wages and no benefits.


(I'm Sure California Ghoul will say I'm taking this photo "out of Context", too.)
Please point out where what I've said is inaccurate.

Thank you...

Your whole post is inaccurate. But you're too fucking moronic to know that.

Wow... so you really can't refute the point, can you?

You do understand that when you take away good paying jobs and replace them with crappy retail/service jobs, you don't have a middle class anymore, right?

I mean, this concept occurs to you.

Or are you spending nights fretting that Romney's fourth mansion isn't big enough when all his inbred relatives come to visit?
Please point out where what I've said is inaccurate.

Thank you...

Your whole post is inaccurate. But you're too fucking moronic to know that.

Wow... so you really can't refute the point, can you?

You do understand that when you take away good paying jobs and replace them with crappy retail/service jobs, you don't have a middle class anymore, right?

I mean, this concept occurs to you.

Or are you spending nights fretting that Romney's fourth mansion isn't big enough when all his inbred relatives come to visit?

I could... but you're not at an intellectual level to understand it. That's your problem, I won't make it mine.
^whatever the hell that translate still stuck on sliced sound bite for effective classwarfare crapola
Not to mention all the mom and pop stores he put out of business.

That is a good point.

My first job out of the Army was working for a company that distributed Pet supplies to the "Mom and Pop" pet stores that were still pretty common in the 1980's.

Well, along came the PetCo's and the PetSmarts, which could buy in bulk, and those places went out of business, and eventually we did. We were actually one of the last survivors amongst the distributors, six or seven smaller ones sank before we did.

The GOP often tauts itself as the friend to small business, but really, small business suffers as much as labor from their policies.
Your whole post is inaccurate. But you're too fucking moronic to know that.

Wow... so you really can't refute the point, can you?

You do understand that when you take away good paying jobs and replace them with crappy retail/service jobs, you don't have a middle class anymore, right?

I mean, this concept occurs to you.

Or are you spending nights fretting that Romney's fourth mansion isn't big enough when all his inbred relatives come to visit?

I could... but you're not at an intellectual level to understand it. That's your problem, I won't make it mine.

So you spent three posts and a neg rep (which I owe you for) complaining about a point that wasn't made? Really? That's impressive.

Methinks I hit it on the head, and you really don't have an answer.
Please point out where what I've said is inaccurate.

Thank you...

Your whole post is inaccurate. But you're too fucking moronic to know that.

Wow... so you really can't refute the point, can you?

You do understand that when you take away good paying jobs and replace them with crappy retail/service jobs, you don't have a middle class anymore, right?

I mean, this concept occurs to you.

Or are you spending nights fretting that Romney's fourth mansion isn't big enough when all his inbred relatives come to visit?

He took businesses that were going to fail and made some work. Others did not thought he majority of them did just fine. If you want to know why good paying manufacturing jobs went, that has nothing to do with Mitt. That has everything to do with the way we conduct trade in this country and treat business. Attempting to bastardize the required work that Mitt did to save a ton of businesses and make them more profitable (I know, profit is sooooo evil) how about you attribute the problem where it actually lies.
Can you explain to me what he did wrong in the first place anyway?

Is firing someone wrong? Is profit wrong? Is maximizing your profit as a businessman wrong?

Do you even understand how freedom and markets work?
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Your whole post is inaccurate. But you're too fucking moronic to know that.

Wow... so you really can't refute the point, can you?

You do understand that when you take away good paying jobs and replace them with crappy retail/service jobs, you don't have a middle class anymore, right?

I mean, this concept occurs to you.

Or are you spending nights fretting that Romney's fourth mansion isn't big enough when all his inbred relatives come to visit?

He took businesses that were going to fail and made some work. Others did not thought he majority of them did just fine. If you want to know why good paying manufacturing jobs went, that has nothing to do with Mitt. That has everything to do with the way we conduct trade in this country and treat business. Attempting to bastardize the required work that Mitt did to save a ton of businesses and make them more profitable (I know, profit is sooooo evil) how about you attribute the problem where it actually lies.
Can you explain to me what he did wron in the first place anyway?

Is firing someone wrong? Is profit wrong? Is maximizing your profit as a businessman wrong?

Do you even understand how freedom and markets work?

He does not know, nor does he care. Mitt wears 'magic underwear' so everything Mitt has done throughout his (very successful) career is therefore absolutely horrifyingly wrong.

JoeyBoy is irrational.
He took businesses that were going to fail and made some work. Others did not thought he majority of them did just fine. If you want to know why good paying manufacturing jobs went, that has nothing to do with Mitt. That has everything to do with the way we conduct trade in this country and treat business. Attempting to bastardize the required work that Mitt did to save a ton of businesses and make them more profitable (I know, profit is sooooo evil) how about you attribute the problem where it actually lies.
Can you explain to me what he did wron in the first place anyway?

Is firing someone wrong? Is profit wrong? Is maximizing your profit as a businessman wrong?

Do you even understand how freedom and markets work?

All those questions kind of depend on the context, don't they?

You know, I can go back to the movie "It's a Wonderful Life", where you can argue that both Old Man Potter and George Bailey were capitalists. But George considered the human cost of what his business did and used it to help build the community. Potter thought those people were just useless and wanted to exploit them. Somewhere, the GOP became the party that thought Potter was the good guy in the movie.


Mitt's Running-mate?
Grow a brain, idiotboy.

Nice retort, seriously:lame2: Are you crusaderfrank in drag?

I've been through this already with JoeyBoy. He is too dense to understand what a venture capital company does. I am not in the habit of dumbing down to his level.

Oh, I understand what it does perfectly well...


I just realize it's a bad thing for the country. I'm not sure why you think it's a good thing.
Nice retort, seriously:lame2: Are you crusaderfrank in drag?

I've been through this already with JoeyBoy. He is too dense to understand what a venture capital company does. I am not in the habit of dumbing down to his level.

Oh, I understand what it does perfectly well...


I just realize it's a bad thing for the country. I'm not sure why you think it's a good thing.

You do realize that thinking it's a 'bad thing for the country' is not a fact - it's an opinion. One that you are welcome to hold - no matter how detached it is from reality. Which is why I cannot engage with you... you are not rational.
I've been through this already with JoeyBoy. He is too dense to understand what a venture capital company does. I am not in the habit of dumbing down to his level.

Oh, I understand what it does perfectly well...


I just realize it's a bad thing for the country. I'm not sure why you think it's a good thing.

You do realize that thinking it's a 'bad thing for the country' is not a fact - it's an opinion. One that you are welcome to hold - no matter how detached it is from reality. Which is why I cannot engage with you... you are not rational.

Economist's View: James Galbraith: Taming Predatory Capitalism

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