

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Raised 3.2 million unsolicited campain funds yesterday. People don't like this law and they sure as hell like it even less now that it's a gargantuan tax hike.
The American people know that, in spite of he nutter noise machine lying all the time, the tax burden is now lower than it has been in a generation. They also know that this is only a tax for people who are able to.....but unwilling their own health insurance from PRIVATE insurance companies.

You think that running around yelling " TAX INCREASE" will get you some independent votes? Good luck.
I'd donate to Romney too....if i had any money.
I really wish i could keep what i make, but our dear leader needs it more!
The American people know that, in spite of he nutter noise machine lying all the time, the tax burden is now lower than it has been in a generation. They also know that this is only a tax for people who are able to.....but unwilling their own health insurance from PRIVATE insurance companies.

You think that running around yelling " TAX INCREASE" will get you some independent votes? Good luck.

how many whores and pimps you know gonna run out and buy em some insurance? and who's gonna pay for them. you know damn well the taxpayer is now on the hook for about 30 million new people on this law. so stfu.
how many crack moms and drug dealer you know gonna run out and buy em some insurance.
I'd donate to Romney too....if i had any money.
I really wish i could keep what i make, but our dear leader needs it more!

Please, without those food stamps, you wouldn't be eating those Nachos.

And, you don't want healthcare? Finally, you get health care and you don't want it? Hilarious.






Oh! I never thought of it that way, Willow. It sounds like you are advocating that we legalize and tax the commerce of pimps and whores as well as the drug sales and use of dealers and crack moms.

You ugly progressive, you!
i hope president romney receives over 25 million in July while O'Castro is still begging for $3.00 donations and asking prostitutues to donate 50% of thier profits to his campaign.

He very well could receive 25 million. From just a single billionaire who wants to dump nuclear waste in Texas.

The revelation that Willowtree is an old bag on Medicare and Social Security has made her posts even more comical.

That right there is a full blown stupid post... It's not like you "go on" SS and Medicare, you pay for it over a lifetime. Understanding that these programs are not constitutional nor can we afford them in the long run is intelligent.

What do you say when people show you we can't afford all these programs, you say "cut military spending!!!" Well that still won't cover the bill, not close... and Obama/Dems ran up military spending and you still plan to vote for them.
The American people know that, in spite of he nutter noise machine lying all the time, the tax burden is now lower than it has been in a generation. They also know that this is only a tax for people who are able to.....but unwilling their own health insurance from PRIVATE insurance companies.

You think that running around yelling " TAX INCREASE" will get you some independent votes? Good luck.

lol, You are Blind. The American people don't Feel like Taxes are Low, and by a Huge Majority they do not like Obamacare.

Pointing out the Obama Care is a Tax Increase will Indeed help Romney.

But keep praying It wont as I am sure you are.
The American people know that, in spite of he nutter noise machine lying all the time, the tax burden is now lower than it has been in a generation. They also know that this is only a tax for people who are able to.....but unwilling their own health insurance from PRIVATE insurance companies.

You think that running around yelling " TAX INCREASE" will get you some independent votes? Good luck.

Many cannot afford private insurance, we will have to see how the state "exchanges" work out.
The American people know that, in spite of he nutter noise machine lying all the time, the tax burden is now lower than it has been in a generation. They also know that this is only a tax for people who are able to.....but unwilling their own health insurance from PRIVATE insurance companies.

You think that running around yelling " TAX INCREASE" will get you some independent votes? Good luck.

There's no need to yell it. Its hanging around his neck like a swag of garlic.
The American people know that, in spite of he nutter noise machine lying all the time, the tax burden is now lower than it has been in a generation. They also know that this is only a tax for people who are able to.....but unwilling their own health insurance from PRIVATE insurance companies.

You think that running around yelling " TAX INCREASE" will get you some independent votes? Good luck.

A tax by any other name is a tax, and independents know that even if you don't.

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