Obama is defying gravity


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

Usually, an incumbent President doesn't inherit an economy that's losing 750,000 jobs a month and experiencing - 5% GDP growth a quarter.

The economy is now gaining jobs every month and GDP is growing every quarter.
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

Usually, an incumbent President didn't inherit an economy that's losing 750,000 jobs a month and experiencing - 5% GDP growth a quarter.

The economy is now gaining jobs every month and GDP is growing every quarter.

Still invoking "Blame Bush" I see.....................................
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

Usually, an incumbent President didn't inherit an economy that's losing 750,000 jobs a month and experiencing - 5% GDP growth a quarter.

The economy is now gaining jobs every month and GDP is growing every quarter.

Still invoking "Blame Bush" I see.....................................

If the shoe fits....
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

you actually have to have a better candidate against him. so far no one's seen that.

and most people are smart enough to know he didn't create this nightmare and has a congress they dislike more... who they DO blame for obstructing the ability to fix things.

just saying.
Right Wing Nuts: We want to paint unemployment numbers as bad for Obama but you're not allowed to remind everyone that the greatest economic disaster in 80 years happened a couple of months before Obama got elected.
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

Usually, an incumbent President doesn't inherit an economy that's losing 750,000 jobs a month and experiencing - 5% GDP growth a quarter.

The economy is now gaining jobs every month and GDP is growing every quarter.

mornin'... beat me to it. :D
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

Usually, an incumbent President doesn't inherit an economy that's losing 750,000 jobs a month and experiencing - 5% GDP growth a quarter.

The economy is now gaining jobs every month and GDP is growing every quarter.

Obama asked for this economy...he knew what it was when he was running in 2008. He "promised" so many things to make it better. Is it better for you? Not for me! The only people it's been good for are the moochers and the people Obama has paid off with OUR TAX DOLLARS (Can you say "stimulus"?).

Obama OWNS this economy now, there's no logical way anyone should be blaming Bush for anything anymore! I get so sick of the word "inherited"....it's a cop-out!
Right Wing Nuts: We want to paint unemployment numbers as bad for Obama but you're not allowed to remind everyone that the greatest economic disaster in 80 years happened a couple of months before Obama got elected.

No, the greatest economic disaster happened after he was sworn in.
The recession was going to be a short sharp event that would lead to robust recovery. Instead Obama and the Dums didnt let a crisis go to waste and rammed through a bunch of crappy programs that have retarded the economy for 3 years. Three years of unemployment higher than the day the man took office. Three years of shrinking household net worth. Three years of stagnating growth, where there is growth at all. Three years of increasing gov't dependence and ballooning deficits.
You want to say that isn't the fault of Obama? What did he do to stop it? Nothing. He was instrumental in getting it done.
Obama is the worst president since Robert Mugabe.
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

If about 3.5% of the voters had swung McCain's way during Obama's 'landslide' victory, we would have a different POTUS right now.

A lot more than 3.5% of the voters have changed their mind about Obama and his ability to stop the sea levels from rising and to heal the earth.
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

Something that can't go on forever usually doesn't. -Herb Stein.

I thiink the polling is skewed because a lot of people wont admit they wont vote for Obama. With the economy deteriorating and Obama looking weaker and weaker I dont think it will even be close.
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

Usually, an incumbent President doesn't inherit an economy that's losing 750,000 jobs a month and experiencing - 5% GDP growth a quarter.

The economy is now gaining jobs every month and GDP is growing every quarter.

mornin'... beat me to it. :D

Sup, Jill.

I'm getting a real kick out of the nutters' frustration that more people aren't buying their BS narrative.
Usually - an incumbant president with 8% unemployment ( more like 15%) - would be down double-digets.

When will the American people wise-up?

Usually, an incumbent President doesn't inherit an economy that's losing 750,000 jobs a month and experiencing - 5% GDP growth a quarter.

The economy is now gaining jobs every month and GDP is growing every quarter.

If he wasn't up to the job he shouldn't have taken it. He's a damn conscious incompetent.
Incumbent presidents are beaten by charismatic, inspirational challengers who run great campaigns. They don't lose to bad campaigners running bad campaigns,

like Dukakis, or Dole, or Kerry,

or Romney.
That's all you ever get out of a fucking democrat, excuses and more taxes.
The recession was going to be a short sharp event that would lead to robust recovery.

Oh looky some fuking right wing hack "seeing" into the future. Sure it was bub sure it was.
Hey let me know the winning lottery number if you would.
Right Wing Nuts: We want to paint unemployment numbers as bad for Obama but you're not allowed to remind everyone that the greatest economic disaster in 80 years happened a couple of months before Obama got elected.

No, the greatest economic disaster happened after he was sworn in.
The recession was going to be a short sharp event that would lead to robust recovery. Instead Obama and the Dums didnt let a crisis go to waste and rammed through a bunch of crappy programs that have retarded the economy for 3 years. Three years of unemployment higher than the day the man took office. Three years of shrinking household net worth. Three years of stagnating growth, where there is growth at all. Three years of increasing gov't dependence and ballooning deficits.
You want to say that isn't the fault of Obama? What did he do to stop it? Nothing. He was instrumental in getting it done.
Obama is the worst president since Robert Mugabe.


Let's see, the massive housing bubble popped and prices have corrected themselves back to a reasonable level.

Unemployment, a classic lagging indicator finished running it's course and has since been shrinking from it's peak with the help of the stimulus.

And the stock market has nearly doubled.

But you keep on fuckin' that chicken, Phony Rabbi.

Poor wingnuts.

They tried so hard to blame BOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH's failed economy on the incoming black guy and have come up short.
That's all you ever get out of a fucking democrat, excuses and more taxes.

Why don't you list all the Ferderal tax increase brought to you by Obama. Hell don't list them all, just the biggest one.

In terms of excuses. The truth of the matter hurts, doesn't it. Bush fuked us and the economy. That is the truth. You don't like it, can't help it.

btw, if Romney wins, you rethugs will trot out the "it's all Obamas fault" that mittens REALLY bankrupted us. You know you will and I know you will (cause Rethugs never stand up and admit their own mistakes) and I fully expect to listen to a wide range of excuses IF Mittens were elected.

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