Romney winner Polls were biased!!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many times have I and others here pointed out how the various polls have had sampling errors, i.e. MORE democrats then GOP in the polls?

Well tonite watching CNN Anderson Cooper JUST couldn't believe that Romney kicked Obama's butt so bad he asked.. "well is there a breakdown as to how many GOP/Democrats made up the poll.. and the response was there were 6 more GOP then democrats!

WELL James Carville went beserk, Gloria Borger sputtered and Finally David Gergen had to say yea ok so there were a few more but 65% favoring Romney was not achieved with 6 more GOP!!!

WELL folks ironies of ironies... THESE SAME MSM biased network and all the other BIASE MSM polling have BEEN doing this all along i.e. MORE Democrats then GOP in the polling!
And many of us have said the polls favoring Obama by 10% etc.... WrONG because more Dems then GOP!
For once with MORE GOP these biased MSM people complain yea well the samples are skewed!!!!


For example here is a CBS/USATODAY poll that has (and I usually go to their sampling methodology) can NOT be biased when this occurs:
CBS News State of the Union Poll - CBS News

The above CBS poll of 659 people.

44% or 290 were Democrats almost 43% more Democrats were asked then GOP!
31% or 204 were Independent
25% or 165 were GOP

Now of the 204 Independents how many leaned more Democrat the GOP???

Almost two-thirds of those who call themselves independent lean to either the Democratic or Republican Party.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN
Who gives a flying fuck about a CNN quick poll right after the debate. Everyone can see that Romney won this one. He did what he needed to do. It's still early, still 2 more so a lot can happen.
Sixty-seven percent of registered voters who watched the debate said GOP nominee Mitt Romney won the debate, while 25% said President Barack Obama came out as the winner, according to a CNN/ORC International Poll released late Wednesday night.

For the survey, 430 adult Americans were interviewed by telephone after the end of the debate. The poll does not and cannot reflect the views of all Americans. It only represents the views of people who watched the event.

CNN Poll: Romney wins debate by big margin – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Who gives a flying fuck about a CNN quick poll right after the debate. Everyone can see that Romney won this one. He did what he needed to do. It's still early, still 2 more so a lot can happen.

I give a flying..f...k because MOST of the prior Obama leading Romney polls are SKEWED you dumb f...k!!
SKEWED results means less money raised by Romney more by Obama!
Do you understand??? these biased POLLS had convinced EVERYONE Obama was wanted,desired. would win in a landslide cause the POLLS SHOWED OBAMA!!
Polling Center: CNN Poll: Who won the debate? - Elections & Politics from
The below actual quote is from the CNN POLL done after the debate!!!

The sample of debate-watchers in this poll were 37% Democratic and 33% Republican.
That indicates that the sample of debate watchers is about five points more Democratic and about eight points more Republican
than an average CNN poll of all Americans, for a small advantage for the Republicans in the sample of debate-watchers.
The poll was conducted after the October 3rd presidential debate.

AND these biased CNN quote professional journalists are saying yea well see there were MORE GOP then Dems so naturally Romney wins!!!! That more GOP for the first time is what's happened in the past with Obama having MORE DEMS in the samples and therefore higher Obama ratings!

BIASED SAMPLE data finally catching UP with the MSM!!!
Who gives a flying fuck about a CNN quick poll right after the debate. Everyone can see that Romney won this one. He did what he needed to do. It's still early, still 2 more so a lot can happen.

I give a flying..f...k because MOST of the prior Obama leading Romney polls are SKEWED you dumb f...k!!
SKEWED results means less money raised by Romney more by Obama!
Do you understand??? these biased POLLS had convinced EVERYONE Obama was wanted,desired. would win in a landslide cause the POLLS SHOWED OBAMA!!

Everyone? Did you miss the myriad of threads on this board from conservatives touting why you can't believe these polls?
Who gives a flying fuck about a CNN quick poll right after the debate. Everyone can see that Romney won this one. He did what he needed to do. It's still early, still 2 more so a lot can happen.

I give a flying..f...k because MOST of the prior Obama leading Romney polls are SKEWED you dumb f...k!!
SKEWED results means less money raised by Romney more by Obama!
Do you understand??? these biased POLLS had convinced EVERYONE Obama was wanted,desired. would win in a landslide cause the POLLS SHOWED OBAMA!!

Everyone? Did you miss the myriad of threads on this board from conservatives touting why you can't believe these polls?

Did my topic "SARCASM" GO WAY OVER your head? Dummy???

MY point is these so-called journalists from CNN just couldn't believe 67% of the people who watched favored Romney so... first thing they said well there had to be more GOP in the sample then DEMs! DUH!!! This has been the complaint of many conservatives but idiots evidently like you and these biased CNN are NOW just catching ON! The polls showing Obama leading 10 , 15% over Romney????
PHONY skewed biased samples!
Do you understand?? These idiot journalists ARE Proving our POINT!
NOW they are coming to understand what the Majority of Americans want and Blitzer showed a poll question of these people:
53% thought Romney had views regarding limited government versus 41% that favored Obama's view!
What I like is listening to democrats say Romney flip flopped on what they said his economic plan was.
I give a flying..f...k because MOST of the prior Obama leading Romney polls are SKEWED you dumb f...k!!
SKEWED results means less money raised by Romney more by Obama!
Do you understand??? these biased POLLS had convinced EVERYONE Obama was wanted,desired. would win in a landslide cause the POLLS SHOWED OBAMA!!

Everyone? Did you miss the myriad of threads on this board from conservatives touting why you can't believe these polls?

Did my topic "SARCASM" GO WAY OVER your head? Dummy???

MY point is these so-called journalists from CNN just couldn't believe 67% of the people who watched favored Romney so... first thing they said well there had to be more GOP in the sample then DEMs! DUH!!! This has been the complaint of many conservatives but idiots evidently like you and these biased CNN are NOW just catching ON! The polls showing Obama leading 10 , 15% over Romney????
PHONY skewed biased samples!
Do you understand?? These idiot journalists ARE Proving our POINT!
NOW they are coming to understand what the Majority of Americans want and Blitzer showed a poll question of these people:
53% thought Romney had views regarding limited government versus 41% that favored Obama's view!

Yea, i get it. Still don't care. I know i can't trust a lot of the polls, don't really care what they say personally. The actual election is all that matters. Whatever the talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News say after the debate... it's just entertainment to me.
Romney KICKED OBAMA so bad in these categories:
The economy dominated the first debate and according to the poll,

Handling economy-- Romney!
and by a 55%-43% margin, debate watchers said that Romney rather than Obama would better handle the economy.

On the issue of taxes, which kicked off the debate, Romney had a 53%-44% edge over Obama.

HealthCare -- Romney!
And by a 52%-47% margin, debate watchers said Romney would better handle health care, and

The deficit -- Romney!!
had the edge on the budget deficit by a 57%-41% margin.

CNN Poll: Most watchers say Romney debate winner – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Who gives a flying fuck about a CNN quick poll right after the debate. Everyone can see that Romney won this one. He did what he needed to do. It's still early, still 2 more so a lot can happen.

yup romney won but the election isn't for 5 weeks. I'm sure he'll at least tie obama in polls that come out over the weekend
Everyone? Did you miss the myriad of threads on this board from conservatives touting why you can't believe these polls?

Did my topic "SARCASM" GO WAY OVER your head? Dummy???

MY point is these so-called journalists from CNN just couldn't believe 67% of the people who watched favored Romney so... first thing they said well there had to be more GOP in the sample then DEMs! DUH!!! This has been the complaint of many conservatives but idiots evidently like you and these biased CNN are NOW just catching ON! The polls showing Obama leading 10 , 15% over Romney????
PHONY skewed biased samples!
Do you understand?? These idiot journalists ARE Proving our POINT!
NOW they are coming to understand what the Majority of Americans want and Blitzer showed a poll question of these people:
53% thought Romney had views regarding limited government versus 41% that favored Obama's view!

Yea, i get it. Still don't care. I know i can't trust a lot of the polls, don't really care what they say personally. The actual election is all that matters. Whatever the talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News say after the debate... it's just entertainment to me.

YOU dumb f...k you should CARE!!!
POLLS are what drives contributions! Obama having 4 years in office EVERYDAY pictures in MSM TV Oprah,View...etc.. millions coming in from this exposure!
MIllions going out in TV ADS trying to convince real people to vote for Obama!
YOU will be stuck with Obama for another 4 years if these donors have their confidence they are putting money to a winner and the biased polls HAD up to this point WHEN Romney had equal time blew Obama away!
WATCH HOW Much money comes into Romney after tonite and how much shrivels for Obama! Then watch how much more Obama tries to get into the news!
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.
Have I told you lately that you are an idiot?

What kind of dumb a... comment is that? That statement comes from this source:

Almost two-thirds of those who call themselves independent lean to either the Democratic or Republican Party.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

So where in the f...king A do you get off calling me an IDIOT???
YOU dumb f...k you should CARE!!!
POLLS are what drives contributions! Obama having 4 years in office EVERYDAY pictures in MSM TV Oprah,View...etc.. millions coming in from this exposure!
MIllions going out in TV ADS trying to convince real people to vote for Obama!
YOU will be stuck with Obama for another 4 years if these donors have their confidence they are putting money to a winner and the biased polls HAD up to this point WHEN Romney had equal time blew Obama away!
WATCH HOW Much money comes into Romney after tonite and how much shrivels for Obama! Then watch how much more Obama tries to get into the news!

Damn. You should get out, maybe have a drink, see if you can't get laid.
Who gives a flying fuck about a CNN quick poll right after the debate. Everyone can see that Romney won this one. He did what he needed to do. It's still early, still 2 more so a lot can happen.
You are cognizant of the fact that the media uses polls for the purpose of influencing public opinion, right?
Who gives a flying fuck about a CNN quick poll right after the debate. Everyone can see that Romney won this one. He did what he needed to do. It's still early, still 2 more so a lot can happen.
You are cognizant of the fact that the media uses polls for the purpose of influencing public opinion, right?

Yea. I'm also cognizant of how i can't really do much to control what other people think, definitely not by posting a bunch of shit on a message board occupied by crazy wingers who are way too emotional about this shit. If someone is stupid enough to eat up everything they're told by MSNBC or Fox News then that's their own problem... i've got my own shit to tend to.
Who gives a flying fuck about a CNN quick poll right after the debate. Everyone can see that Romney won this one. He did what he needed to do. It's still early, still 2 more so a lot can happen.
You are cognizant of the fact that the media uses polls for the purpose of influencing public opinion, right?

Yea. I'm also cognizant of how i can't really do much to control what other people think, definitely not by posting a bunch of shit on a message board occupied by crazy wingers who are way too emotional about this shit. If someone is stupid enough to eat up everything they're told by MSNBC or Fox News then that's their own problem... i've got my own shit to tend to.
Then move along and tend to it. No one has you chained to this forum.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.
Have I told you lately that you are an idiot?

What kind of dumb a... comment is that? That statement comes from this source:

Almost two-thirds of those who call themselves independent lean to either the Democratic or Republican Party.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

So where in the f...king A do you get off calling me an IDIOT???
Feel free to think I'm an idiot for thinking you're an idiot. *shrugs*

Frankly I don't think I would be able to explain it to you, even if I thought it was worth the time to do.
How many times have I and others here pointed out how the various polls have had sampling errors, i.e. MORE democrats then GOP in the polls?

Well tonite watching CNN Anderson Cooper JUST couldn't believe that Romney kicked Obama's butt so bad he asked.. "well is there a breakdown as to how many GOP/Democrats made up the poll.. and the response was there were 6 more GOP then democrats!

WELL James Carville went beserk, Gloria Borger sputtered and Finally David Gergen had to say yea ok so there were a few more but 65% favoring Romney was not achieved with 6 more GOP!!!

WELL folks ironies of ironies... THESE SAME MSM biased network and all the other BIASE MSM polling have BEEN doing this all along i.e. MORE Democrats then GOP in the polling!
And many of us have said the polls favoring Obama by 10% etc.... WrONG because more Dems then GOP!
For once with MORE GOP these biased MSM people complain yea well the samples are skewed!!!!


For example here is a CBS/USATODAY poll that has (and I usually go to their sampling methodology) can NOT be biased when this occurs:
CBS News State of the Union Poll - CBS News

The above CBS poll of 659 people.

44% or 290 were Democrats almost 43% more Democrats were asked then GOP!
31% or 204 were Independent
25% or 165 were GOP

Now of the 204 Independents how many leaned more Democrat the GOP???

Almost two-thirds of those who call themselves independent lean to either the Democratic or Republican Party.
This leaves no more than one in five American voters completely unattached to a party.

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

I suggest a therapist to help you get over your unhealthy obsession.

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