Romney trying to return campaign focus to economy


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Romney refocuses his campaign on the economy and energy....

Republican Mitt Romney, seeking to refocus his presidential campaign on the economy after days of distraction, is promoting energy proposals aimed at creating more than 3 million new jobs and opening up more areas for drilling off the coast of two politically critical states, Virginia and North Carolina.

Romney’s pivot to energy, a key component of his jobs agenda, comes as the national debate has turned away from the GOP candidate’s jobs message and toward issues like rape, abortion, welfare and Medicare 2½ months before Election Day.


Campaigning Wednesday in Iowa and Arkansas, Romney never mentioned Medicare, welfare or Akin’s comments.

He did preview his energy speech, promising donors at a fundraiser in Arkansas that ‘‘North America will be energy-independent by the last year of my second term.’’

Romney will travel from Arkansas to New Mexico on Thursday to discuss what aides cast as a comprehensive energy plan that would result in more than $1 trillion in revenue for federal, state and local governments, plus millions of jobs.

The most significant aspects of Romney’s plans hinge on opening up more areas for offshore oil drilling, including in the mid-Atlantic, where it is currently banned. Romney also wants to give states the power to establish all forms of energy production on federal lands, a significant shift in current policy that could face strong opposition in Congress.

Romney trying to return campaign focus to economy - News -
That SHOULD be what this entire election is about.

Democrats will still try to distract, desperately foaming at the mouth for next "Trayvon".
this is about full blown distract deflect, and distance, whatever the republicans bring up bring up something in their past, whatever direction the right goes, veer it and pummel til the people puke.
That SHOULD be what this entire election is about.

Democrats will still try to distract, desperately foaming at the mouth for next "Trayvon".

They call the right racists but who always tries to use the race card for their benefit?

Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, J.Jackson Jr. Rev. Wright..


Oh..and Obama who loves class warfare!
here's a guy that has a plan for MILLIONS OF JOBS but all we hear from the left is stupid garble....
here's a guy that has a plan for MILLIONS OF JOBS but all we hear from the left is stupid garble....

what else do they have, they cant run on the O's record, he himself said he shouldnt be re elected and Romney should be beating him over the head with everything s tarting with the tiral of the seals and reminding everyone the incompetance of the Gulf as the left did with katrina.
That SHOULD be what this entire election is about.

Democrats will still try to distract, desperately foaming at the mouth for next "Trayvon".

They call the right racists but who always tries to use the race card for their benefit?

Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, J.Jackson Jr. Rev. Wright..


Oh..and Obama who loves class warfare!

It's division. Divide and conquer. Pit one group against another.

They pretty much over played the Race Card four years ago. They realize it's old and tired now. So they move on to another divisive social issue.

It was the gays and chik fil a. That back fired. Now, all the focus is on some pretend war on women.

Democrats are the most divisive group of people to walk the earth.

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