Romney the Liar

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
How convenient to have them at our fingertips as I'm sure they'll continue to grow.

Prolific, isn't he.

Romney the Liar

Here is Romney lying about his own first name: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about defense spending and falsely claiming Obama has made "huge" cuts in the defense budget: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's staff gloating about his TV ad lying about Obama and the economy: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's outrageous lie that Obama has increased the national debt more than all other presidents combined: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's lie about his plans to give huge tax cuts to people like himself:
Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's infuriating lie about President Obama's so-called "Apology Tour": Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's lie about his father and Martin Luther King: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's astonishing, brazen lie that President Obama is responsible for ALL the job losses in the recession: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney caught lying by Rachel Maddow about his "Obama made the recession worse" remarks: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about the activities of his SuperPac in Iowa: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's shockingly brazen lie that President Obama's objective is "equal outcomes" for all people: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney in full, lying sociopath mode after his win in New Hampshire:
Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about his record on gay rights: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about the President's healthcare law: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's lie about the President's so-called policy of "appeasement": Romney the Liar...

Here is how Romney's lies fit into a general pattern of sociopathy: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying right to David Corn's face about something Romney said that Corn heard PERSONALLY: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about President Obama's trade policies: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about the "savings" that would come from repealing the healthcare law: Romney the Liar...

Here is a CONSERVATIVE commentator talking about the tissue of pathetic lies that is Mitt Romney's stump speech: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney AGAIN lying about Obama's defense policy: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about his "regular guy" status, including his AMAZING lie that he has feared getting a "pink slip" notice himself: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney claiming that anyone who questions his business tactics is "attacking the free enterprise system": Romney the Liar...

Here is Jon Stewart nailing Romney's lies and deceptions about the tax code: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's lie about President Obama having "raised" the corporate tax rate:Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney claiming he pays a 50%(!!) tax rate: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's lie about President Obama and rocket attacks against Israel: Romney the Liar...

Here are Romney's lies about his "job creator" record: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's BLATANT lie that Gingrich "outspent him" in South Carolina: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's lie about President Obama's record on regulations, a lie of ASTONISHING magnitude: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about social programs that aid the poor: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about his "blind trust": Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney attempting to take credit for an auto bailout he OPPOSED: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about his intentions for Social Security and Medicare: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney lying about the birth control ruling: Romney the Liar...

Here's an item about the vicious, lying, right-wing hitman that Romney has hired to spread lies about Willard's opponents: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney CONTINUING to tell the lie that "Obama made the recession worse": Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney calling himself "moderate" and "progressive" in 2002:
Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney lying about his position on climate change: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney lying about his "Mexican" background and his jobs record: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney lying about Medicare: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney trying to rewrite the history of the auto bailout AGAIN: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney lying about defense policy in general and the Navy in particular:
Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's lying claim that he has never changed his position on immigration:Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's incredibly vicious lie that President Obama has "fought against religion": Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney lying about sanctions on Iran: Romney the Liar...

Here is Romney's fictional account of his time as governor of Massachusetts: Romney the Liar...

Here are Romney's INCREDIBLE lies about his record on abortion rights: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney lying about his own "memories": Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney caught lying, on videotape: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney's lie about President Obama being a "crony capitalist": Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney lying about Obama and Iran--AGAIN: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney's utterly dishonest taxation and budgetary proposals: Romney the Liar...

Here's Romney lying about Obama and Medicare AGAIN: Romney the Liar...
Just a tad obsessed, huh?





List of Obama's Lies | Barack Obama Lies
Considering he's actually only served 4 years in office it's astounding.

I'm obsessed with the idea that he'll likely be the nominee. Seeing as how he was my Governor I can honestly say I didn't see this coming, ever.
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...
Here's me, not giving a shit...

and one more time...

Here's me, not giving a shit...
Considering he's actually only served 4 years in office it's astounding.

I'm obsessed with the idea that he'll likely be the nominee. Seeing as how he was my Governor I can honestly say I didn't see this coming, ever.

Y'all elected Obama with less.... I'm thinking people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Sad bastards whine about one person's lies and defend their guy's lies. Either lying is bad or it is acceptable... it cannot be both. Fucking hypocrites.
Considering he's actually only served 4 years in office it's astounding.

I'm obsessed with the idea that he'll likely be the nominee. Seeing as how he was my Governor I can honestly say I didn't see this coming, ever.

And the amount of excess baggage our current president had in NO years in an office of governing was astounding...and the amount of lies he has been caught in in only 3 years in office is even more astounding.

The funny thing is...

I am stuck with that is why I talk about him.

No one is stuck with Romney, yet those that would never vote for ANY GOP candidate are more wrapped up in him than they are wrapped up in the man they plan to vote for.
Typical rw responses. Thing is, they're not kidding when they say they don't care who the president of the country is. If its a Dem, they lie about how bad he is. If he's a pub, they lie about how good he is.

And, about President Obama, all they can come up with is a cartoon.

About Mittens, they just stick their heads deeper in the sand or just plug their ears and loudly sing in unison - LA LA LA la LA, WE CAN'T HEAR YOU, LA LA LA-A-A-A.
Considering he's actually only served 4 years in office it's astounding.

I'm obsessed with the idea that he'll likely be the nominee. Seeing as how he was my Governor I can honestly say I didn't see this coming, ever.

Y'all elected Obama with less.... I'm thinking people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Sad bastards whine about one person's lies and defend their guy's lies. Either lying is bad or it is acceptable... it cannot be both. Fucking hypocrites.


I didn't vote for Obama. There are Liberals who, like some Conservatives, are beyond relying on their party to take care of them. I've never voted Democrat in a presidential election.

Too bad so many here come equipped with the knee-jerks.

Here I am yesterday on "The Obama's SCotUS comment: Liberals give The Obama another pass" thread...agreeing with the op.

Sorry to disappoint you.
Cali girl,dont want to tinfoil hat,but,i repeat,this was planned. Those behind it knew he wasnt even qualified,much less eligible. If my theory isnt true,then why were mccains campaign advisors repeatedly told dont bring up or question obamas background?
Cali girl,dont want to tinfoil hat,but,i repeat,this was planned. Those behind it knew he wasnt even qualified,much less eligible. If my theory isnt true,then why were mccains campaign advisors repeatedly told dont bring up or question obamas background?

McCain didn't bring it up because he knew that any question at all would be racist. As it was, the very mild criticism that obama got was racist. The entire campaign was vote obama or you are proved a racist. I'm surprised that McCain did as well as he did.
Cali girl,dont want to tinfoil hat,but,i repeat,this was planned. Those behind it knew he wasnt even qualified,much less eligible. If my theory isnt true,then why were mccains campaign advisors repeatedly told dont bring up or question obamas background?

McCain didn't bring it up because he knew that any question at all would be racist. As it was, the very mild criticism that obama got was racist. The entire campaign was vote obama or you are proved a racist. I'm surprised that McCain did as well as he did.

this is exactly true....

If you recall, during the primaries vs. Hillary, Bill Clinton was painted to be a racist.

McCain was told to "back off" for fear of the entire campaign being about race.
Very telling is that not one of you can or will contradict the FACTS I posted.

Very telling that none of you will even try.

Very telling that you try so desperately to get the attention off your "candidate".

You guys are SO transparent.
Very telling is that not one of you can or will contradict the FACTS I posted.

Very telling that none of you will even try.

Very telling that you try so desperately to get the attention off your "candidate".

You guys are SO transparent.

Spoken by a guy that has yet to see a single fault in Obama.

Pot kettle.

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