Romney Scumbag Attack on Dem Candidate's Wives

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Romney Scumbag Attack on Dem Candidate's Wives

Why am I not surprised Romney could get away with such a scumbag move on the FOX News? Anywhere else, the propriety of a comment from a candidate for US President, that brings another man's wife into an argument, would be challenged and cause shock. Not on FOX News.:mad:

In an interview on Fox News Channel Monday morning, Romney -- under pressure from not only the Obama campaign but also some in his own party to release additional tax returns -- suggested he is the victim of a double standard.

“John Kerry ran for president; you know, his wife, who has hundreds of millions of dollars -- she never released her tax returns,” Romney said. “Somehow this wasn’t an issue.”

Oh yeah, I forgot...Romney has Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie and others on his side and on his team. The GOP went after Kerry's wife in 2004. Romney is no better than the usual suspects, he just has the Mormon squeaky clean persona as a cover.

In fact, Heinz Kerry’s reluctance to release tax returns, which she files separately from her husband, was a major story line during the 2004 presidential race. She eventually made public the first two pages of her 2003 return,
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I didn't even know Kerry's wife was running for president!

Poor mittens - running scared and easily confused.
You KNOW there is "something" in Romney's returns which could sink his campaign completely, otherwise he would not continue to let this issue direct his defensive posturing. I can't wait to see what he's hiding.

What a piece of shit Willard is, though he is a republican so that's not to anyone's surprise,...
Is this anythng like the vicious attacks on Ann Romney which included mocking her having MS?
You KNOW there is "something" in Romney's returns which could sink his campaign completely, otherwise he would not continue to let this issue direct his defensive posturing. I can't wait to see what he's hiding.


Is that what Obama is hiding from ?


Third thread on this and the left still cant figure out that no attack exists. Pointing out whether she released or didnt release tax returns doesn't constitute an attack.

Calling her a whore or implying some impropriety would, but stating a fact that is neither negative nor positive is not an attack.
I didn't even know Kerry's wife was running for president!

Poor mittens - running scared and easily confused.

Nope... Romney is just pointing out the left's blatant hypocrisy.

Let's not ask questions of where Dems get their money, or hide their yachts from taxes.

When will we see Ann Romney's returns? Poor Mitt. Poor little rich boy being made to follow the same rules as the peasants.
I didn't even know Kerry's wife was running for president!

Poor mittens - running scared and easily confused.

Shame on Romney. He is using the same old tactics the Bush/Cheney scumbags used. When will the President face a swiftboat liars attack? Oh yeah, campaign surrogate Sununu, on behalf of Romney, already said Obama doesn't know how to be an American.

Third thread on this and the left still cant figure out that no attack exists. Pointing out whether she released or didnt release tax returns doesn't constitute an attack.

Calling her a whore or implying some impropriety would, but stating a fact that is neither negative nor positive is not an attack.

And this is the third thread you've run into saying the same thing without telling everyone why you think or Romney thinks Romney and Kerrys wife is an apt comparison.
I didn't even know Kerry's wife was running for president!

Poor mittens - running scared and easily confused.

Shame on Romney. He is using the same old tactics the Bush/Cheney scumbags used. When will the President face a swiftboat liars attack? Oh yeah, campaign surrogate Sununu, on behalf of Romney, already said Obama doesn't know how to be an American.


When he starts acting like one let me know.

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