Romney: No one's asked to see my birth certificate


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Romney: No one's asked to see birth certificate | US National Headlines | Comcast

Wading into a debunked conspiracy theory, Mitt Romney raised the issue of President Barack Obama's citizenship Friday by joking that "no one's ever asked to see my birth certificate."

At a rally in the suburbs of Detroit, Romney told a crowd of about 5,000 that he and his wife were happy to be back near their childhood home. "They know that this is the place that we were born and raised," the candidate said.

The remark was a clear reference to the discredited claims that Obama was not born in the United States and thus ineligible to be president. Hawaii officials have repeatedly verified Obama's citizenship, and courts have rebuffed lawsuits over the issue. The Obama campaign decried the remark, saying Romney was embracing "the most strident voices in his party instead of standing up to them."

Go get him Mitt...:clap2::clap2::clap2:
It was a joke taken with a degree of seriousness only capable of democrats who hang on Romney's every word waiting for him to gaffe like obama or biden. I understand Paul Ryan also joked about obama's inability to spell Ohio.
Perhaps not the best thing to say, you know it will only lead to the "But they have asked to see your taxes" response.

All in all, I think it was meant to be humorous...

At least I hope the candidate does not buy into the birth certificate crap...
It was a stupid mistake. Romney has bet Joe Biden ten thousand dollars he can make more gaffes before November than Biden can.

They are nearly neck and neck. It is going to be a close call.

It was not a mistake.

I believe he planned to say it for two reasons. First, it is a shout out to the fringe.......making sure his recent reversal on abortion doesn't lose him too many dummy votes. Second, it will grab the headlines for a day or so..........bridging the gap between now and the convention. The questions about what kind of rape is acceptable will not be the lead story as he takes the stage in Tampa.
We really need to see his birth certificate.

Based solely on the evidence to date, there is strong evidence that Mitt was born in the Cayman Islands or Switzerland.
We really need to see his birth certificate.

Based solely on the evidence to date, there is strong evidence that Mitt was born in the Cayman Islands or Switzerland.

Come to think of it, where is Romney's birth certificate? He needs to release it. With his Mexican roots I have my doubts.

why would liberals even care.....?
Because I'm pretty sure he wasn't born here. He's not really American, not one of us.

if liberals are OK with illegals voting, obtaining U.S. drivers licenses, U.S. jobs, welfare checks, medical services, education, social security, food stamps, etc, etc,....

....why aren't they OK with an illegal as president too......?

oh wait...

they long as he is a Democrat.....
Come to think of it, where is Romney's birth certificate? He needs to release it. With his Mexican roots I have my doubts.
He doesn't have one. He posted a forgery that does not even name the doctor or hospital and says VOID right on it and it completely satisfied the Teabaggers.


Interesting thing to tell a crowd of other white people.

5,000 and you've checked to make sure there were no minorities? You should follow more politics on twitter - lots of black conservatives tweeting for the Romster/Ryan ticket.

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